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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. Well, I'm at a loss to explain what you are experiencing but I have nothing like that. I wouldn't be using it if I did. I guess it's just another area where SL is very variable.
  2. I can honestly say that I've never experienced this delay. Not even from the point of view of an alt. If there is one, it's imperceptible to me.
  3. @Sukitsu It's also worth checking out the Animation Override (AO) which is built-in to the Firestorm viewer (this is one of, if not the most popular viewer to use with SL). It doesn't need scripts and the UI is much friendlier than a HUD. Here is some information about it: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/animation_overrider
  4. Perhaps what is needed is a progressive ALM system that takes into account whether the details can be seen for the objects further away from you and degrades to the point where is not applied.
  5. Generally you are right of course. Some dance sets though are designed to flow from one dance to the next so some kind of AO with the ability to change the play interval is necessary if you want to preserve that effect.
  6. Well, my view is that topics are for discussion primarily as long as they are on topic. This part of the discussion is very on topic in my opinion. Let's just hope it doesn't turn into a "Make us Laugh at other people" kind of thread though.
  7. Text along with the picture identifying the location and potentially the activities. Again, you are focusing on the taking of the picture, it isn't about that. It is the publishing. There was no attack at all. I wasn't referring to any behaviour of yours but the act of publishing pictures and details of people. You already stated you wouldn't do this anyway.
  8. Even mod wouldn't really fix this for most people. Perhaps creators should consider including both shadow baked and no shadow baked versions of their creations in the box. I seem to remember coming across at least one example of someone doing this in the past. I know I get tired of seeing shadows baked into everything.
  9. You seem to be equating snapping a picture with publishing it with potentially extra details. The two are different. Nobody is questioning anyone's right to snap a picture in SL. On the publishing front, even in RL someone could hurt/upset by widely publishing pictures of others with details of where they are, etc. it certainly wouldn't be appreciated by those who don't like those kinds of surprises. This isn't about rules, nobody is saying there are rules against it but there is good social behaviour and bad social behaviour. What I advised is what, in my opinion, a reasonable person would do if they wanted to act responsibly and not seek to offend/embarrass someone. Of course there is nothing stopping anyone disregarding my advice and acting anti-socially. You may disagree all you wish but it doesn't change anything.
  10. There are privacy implications though. As examples, a person may not want to be posted on the forum and be identified as being at particular location or engaging in a particular activity for whatever reason. Obviously this topic isn't in the adult section so I am not referring to adult oriented places or activities but there is still the potential to embarrass people either deliberately or inadvertently. I think it would be good manners to check with the person before posting them here personally.
  11. In my opinion all talk of new engines is premature until we see evidence of a virtual world at a similar scale working with mostly resident-made dynamic content in a similar fashion to SL using some other engine for their viewer.
  12. LL really needs to absorb this concept into the viewer. Body vendor provides a template asset defining alpha "cuts" LL opens UI dialog a bit like the shape editor and allows the user to select a template asset to use. The rotatable image of the body with the "cuts" from the template is shown and the user selects which "cuts" they want. User presses whatever button finishes the process. LL creates an alpha mask asset for those "cuts", sends it to the user's inventory and makes the avatar automatically wear it.
  13. I've tried this system or something like it a while back and while it is clever it is pretty limited still. 1. The alphas aren't compatible with the cuts you get with your existing body, regardless of the body you use and this means that some clothing that is designed to match the cut areas will likely not work. Admittedly less of a problem on new bodies though. 2. It isn't possible to wear all combinations that are possible using cuts as you can only wear 60-ish layers and you'll need some for other things. 3. Requires RLV - another deal breaker for me and obviously will not work for people who aren't on an RLV-capable viewer such as the official LL one. All in all it isn't bad and pretty clever but systems like this can never be a complete replacement for bodies with existing alpha cuts unfortunately.
  14. Ubuntu flavours for RPi4's have been 64-bit for a very long time now.
  15. This really depends on the hardware and the internet connection you have. I have a human avi and I never experience any lag even at major events with many avatars. So being a human isn't terrible for everyone.
  16. Maybe he'll update once the new LL starter mesh avatars are ready. I may be hallucinating from extreme wishful thinking but I'm sure I saw an LL video on youtube once where he did have a mesh avatar.
  17. I put all my dances into the Firestorm built-in AO which doesn't use scripts or need them to be enabled to work, you could give that a try or did you mean their policy is that you cannot use your own dances?
  18. I suppose there is another option. They used a viewer using the old login APIs that aren't MFA aware. I don't if that is even possible once you have enabled MFA but it might be, I certainly wouldn't expect this to be possible. MFA challenges for the viewer are once every 30 days. There is always the possibility that someone who can access your computer, locally or remotely (if your machine is compromised), could have logged in that way and was not challenged. This doesn't seem likely without you noticing though. It isn't possible to setup a new MFA aware viewer with an MFA enabled account on another computer without going through the MFA challenge once though.
  19. I know, I was just being conversational and to give context for those people reading who may not know about us over here
  20. When done right the only ways you can lose your account when you have MFA activated are: 1) Your MFA secret was accessible somehow to someone who also had your username/password enabling then to generate tokens for the challenge. 2) The service provider gave access to your account away after being manipulated through some kind of social engineering trick. If MFA is done badly there can also be a third option: 3) The MFA challenge was not presented to protect your account properly and allowed someone to change the password/email settings, etc. Nobody here can really tell you which option was the problem unfortunately. Fairly recently I contacted support via a ticket and I was asked to provide a few pieces of security information before they would help. It was something minor and I was not to trying to recover a lost account or do anything transactional or anything. At no point during that security check was I asked to provide a MFA token or enter one as part of submitting a ticket which surprised me as the actual security check was for never changing static information that has far more potential to have been stolen and used than an MFA token. If they had made me enter an MFA token before I was allowed to submit a new ticket or access an existing one then none of the other security information would have been necessary to proceed and the process would have been far more secure. I was quite disappointed to be honest. Now, I'm not saying that this is the way your account was compromised or that it would have been possible to do this way but it does serve to show that at least one part of the above implementation could be better in my opinion.
  21. That's where it all stops making sense for us in the southern hemisphere as it is spring here now. It's worse for Christmas, we get displays, cards, biscuit tins, chocolate boxes,, etc. with lovely snow landscapes depicting carol singers all wrapped up against the cold under amber lights and yet we spending our days on the beach trying to keep cool under sun shades in high temps. It's not that we are all grumps over here, it's just all messed up for us really.
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