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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. An alternative and free way (although a little overkill) is to create an alt for more groups, obviously you don't get the chatter unless both avatars are logging in but if you have notices sent to email enabled then you will get group notices even when logged off.
  2. This is close: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/N-core-NIKA-Fatpack-for-High-Feet/9095912
  3. This happens to lot of people and can indicate that you need to take a break away from SL.
  4. If anything SL is the opposite of stagnant, it is constantly changing in almost every aspect. Also, be the change you want to see in the world ?
  5. I am getting tired of people complaining there is nothing to do in Second Life. I am getting tired of people complaining there is nothing to do. I am getting tired of people complaining. I am getting tired.
  6. Actually, that is a good point. I expect Caspervend ? is probably in one of the best positions to be able to give the best possible estimate of inworld sales I would imagine. Do you know if they publish this aggregated data?
  7. lol nope, now we have several pieces of anecdotal data. Not sure if anyone could accurately measure the in-world sales anyway. Only LL could really come close to knowing and even if LL logged the amount in each "Buy" and "Pay" operation, they would not be able to tell that all of those were sales from stores.
  8. Sure, I just wouldn't want the OP to avoid inworld shopping thinking that nobody does it anymore is all. I don't know many Male clothing shops though: Dead Wool, Gabriel, A&D clothing, LaPointe Bastchild, Giz Seorn, ZED, ADN, GAS, FN Dress, Adriatic line. I am sure there are many more.
  9. Well I think that is the point, no can really know unless there is something concrete to go on. Most of the people I know for example shop in-world except for pre-owned gacha items from MP. It is the inworld shopping experience that they enjoy.
  10. It is very unlikey that if a person has that many alts for griefing that they registered them with correct RL information.
  11. I was recently asked about this and re-read the most recent TOS and the Community Standards to quote, however I could no longer find this.
  12. Is this really true or just anecdotal? Were the revenue figures for inworld and MP expenditure published or was there Linden statement to this effect? I would love to know the source. If it is true, it would be good to know by what ratio they differ.
  13. Sorry, I should have been more accuracte in my description of "stuck". What I mean is that the avatars are animating just fine but they are walking on the spot, getting nowhere. I am pretty sure they are trying to walk around because periodically they will stop walking, start their stand animation, change direction (as if that will somehow help) and try to start walking again. Sometimes they manage to move forward a bit but not much. Question for those that know. My graphics card has 11Gb video ram (Nvidia GTX 1080 TI), I use FS and the most I can set it to is 2Gb. Why can it not be set higher?
  14. I find that even when an event is full (usually about 44 people - most seem to limit to 40 and then you get the premium only slots), I am usually still able to move around much better than most of those around me. I see them stuck in their walking anims and not getting anywhere whilst I am able to move around freely. Don't get me wrong, walking is a little slower and I do still get the odd rubber-banding but overall it doesn't stop me walking around the event as I choose.
  15. To be fair, I don't have much lag even at most events either these days but then I was fortunate enough to be able to afford a high end PC and that makes more difference than I ever would have realised.
  16. So the choice is break everything at once with no quick fix or don't break everything but wean people off bad LOD meshes with offers of better content, also known as no quick fix? Hard to see the advantage of break everything at once really.
  17. Today's solutions do work really well and I, as well as many others, do appreciate that they are even available when things go awry. I still think that it would be wonderful if redelivery were available for all future purchases from all stores. When I started this topic, I guess I had in mind that there would be a service where vendors could register the purchase with LL for the purposes of the customer being able to get a redelivery (subjects to perms of course) and certainly not a whole vendor system. Something like an a new variant of the llPay() script method that would take the amount, the asset UUID and perhaps an item description and register the asset as purchased by that account. The customer would be able to pull up their past purchases via a web page (just like today) or maybe in-viewer option and get the items back. Something both easy to script and easy for the customer. It wouldn't even stop a store owner using a third-party for redundancy, just that there would be a catch all. I get that this isn't a very popular idea with some. Some think that it isn't LL's business and that they would rather them work other things or they just aren't capable (but somehow are capable of operating an entire virtual world) or that financially and/or technically it isn't feasible. Well I mentioned most of this in my OP so I knew what I was getting into. Nevertheless, I do value all the opinions even if I disagree with some of them. Thanks all!
  18. Yes, I could definitely get behind this idea but it would take a long time for any performance gains to be realised wholesale across the grid and for that reason I doubt it would be popular with people who want the bug fixed and performance to be improve in a shorter timeframe. Sure I can - I just doubt it will have any impact. As a customer, I would hope that user contributions (ideas, code, assets) are thoroughly assessed and checked for their impact and quality before being put into production. I would also hope that they don't treat user contributions as an excuse not to hire qualified staff. As a realist, I have my doubts.
  19. I have just finished reading this thread with the description of the LOD bug and the complex issues around it. Here is my opinion from a non-mesh creator point of view: I don't mind buying some new stuff and goodness knows I have spent and continue to spend more than I really should on my avatar, replacing older, crapper items, over and over again. It has largely been incremental and mostly at my choice. However, if, over night my entire wardrobe along with all my mesh body parts become completely useless due to a fix for this bug, then I will definitely be one of those that will stop all buying, including for my premium subscription and the tier I pay for my land. It is not that I disagree that the bug is a performance killer, nor do I think that it shouldn't be fixed. I just don't think it is reasonable to break almost all mesh wearables in one fell swoop. I have also said this about BOM and the potential for breaking the many appliers for the mesh body parts those of us currently use. Breakage here and there whilst annoying is acceptable, the wholesale breakage of much or most of the content is not. It just comes down to not being an idiot over and over again. Recently it has been raised with BOM and now this bug as well. It would be naive and stupid to think that this would be a one time wholesale breakage and would never happen again. Especially as a lot of content creators salivate over the prospect of people replacing the same kinds of items over and over again. I am just one person and obviously I know, that by itself would not cause a huge impact and I certainly would be quite fascinated to watch this play out from a point of view of writing-off my SL presence. Maybe the user base at large would accept it and things would go on, maybe they won't and SL can get replacement users because of the better performance, etc. or perhaps SL will decline at a rate never seen before - who knows? I do know one thing though, whatever happens, I would no longer be ploughing more money into soon-to-be-again useless items. As of now, I am curtailing all buying until at least after BOM and the fix for this bug arrives. Do I have a solution? No but then I am not in SL to solve it's problems either. I am here for my entertainment, it is for others find solutions.
  20. To reiterate what has been said before, nobody is advocating for removing anything from SL. To bring things back to the OP for a bit, even though I would like to be able to choose how I visit a place that once was Experience-free and is now not, I certainly would not want to deny the Experience to those who would choose it. The sentiments I mostly read here seem to echo that.
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