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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. To add to what has been previously said, scripting in general but particularly around object movement and physics. 3D Transformations and particularly quaternions are a good primer for 3D stuff in the future.
  2. Yes, I prefer to shop. I am quite happy to search on MP but if a place has an inworld shop then I will visit there preferentially but I am not adverse to buying from marketplace for certain types of things either. I like inworld better.
  3. Yes, that is the title that the owner or anyone with land permissions to that land can change to say anything they want. It sounds as though you bought the land and never changed it, unaware of this. However Nautilus is a continent whose land has double-prim allocation and so another parcel some-place else with a similar name could be misleading to unaware buyers that think they are buying land in that continent. So it is best to remove these words from your advert as they are user added and not the actual location.
  4. Agreed, but the strangest thing is that something in my psyche wanted me to exclaim, "I am not a gesturbator!" or words to that effect.
  5. @Cinos Field Not all of us who have human avatars use gestures. I personally find them quite annoying. The best Vampire teeth are generally not sold modifiable. I am sure there may be exceptions but I haven't encountered any good ones.
  6. Often respond to: I read your profile and see you are into <topic> and <expresses some insightful thought about the topic> Don't respond to: single word greetings without any follow up, "Where are you from?" or variations on "You are beautiful, do you wanna <XXX>?"
  7. Not sure where the Nauitilus part of your advert comes from but as far as I can see it only exists in the name you gave your land. If it was intending to spell Nautilus then it isn't part of Nautilus or anywhere near and is therefore not double-prim land. The parcel is just a regular partial water parcel in the Marachia region. I would suggest you amend your advert unless you were aiming to mislead someone.
  8. IMO If there truly was a good reason currently then it would be an ideal area for LL to fix because it would be broken by design.
  9. And yet you don't provide the evidence to go with your claim. That speaks volumes.
  10. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” - Carl Sagan
  11. How can this still be a topic in 2019? Sometimes it feels that the more we move through time, the more we really just circle around again. 😒
  12. Fair enough and I wasn't aware that LL has rejected that already. Still, I cannot get behind the idea of pay per script though and compared to other L$ sinks it is very high. In my experience, the people who want to abuse stuff usually have plenty of money to do so and are quite happy if it gives them an advantage. Perhaps it should be a perk that everyone gets for free but LL has to enable it for your account, if you get caught abusing it then that can be switched off.
  13. I like the idea of more script memory, it is about time. I don't like the idea of paying per script for it and I am not sure LL would really make enough money from it to be another viable source of income. I am OK with the idea of it being part of a Premium perk but I am sure that will not be popular with non-Premium members, though perhaps anyone could buy the perk for an extra couple of USD without Premium too? I like better the idea that once you have the perk that you can use more memory in your scripts automatically without having to make special scripts. The key part is that they have to be created by someone who has the perk at the time of creation to can access the additional memory. If they are transferred and then edited by the new owner (if modify) who doesn't have the perk at the time of saving changes, the the script loses access to additional memory.
  14. It's amazing how many different ways people use the viewer. I am naturally more of a right-clicker myself, double-clicking for some reason seems more difficult for me. I right-click and "Add" or right-click and "Detach" and must admit that "Attach" seems a more consistent name for "Add" considering the "Detach", or perhaps "Remove" instead of "Detach" is better. Anyway I must admit, I like consistency in my UI.
  15. Since to introduction of "Add" I cannot say I have needed to use "Wear" at all. In fact its placement on the menu in Firestorm is quite a nuisance as sometimes I accidentally select it instead of "Add" and then have to figure out what just got replaced. I wouldn't be too upset to lose the "Wear" completely.
  16. @XSigmaX1 You need to create a support ticket asap and they will do their best to restore your inventory. If you can get on the phone or live chat, even better. Don't delay, time is of the essence.
  17. Second Life Service Issues Subscribe Investigating - Some Second Life services are currently experiencing an outage. During this time, some Second Life services may be unavailable including, but not limited to: logging in, building, chatting, web services and object rezzing. Please refrain from rezzing in-world, in addition to transacting in-world, on the Marketplace, or on the Lindex during this time.
  18. The question has to be asked, "Why haven't they been told this about General Discussion"? It seems some clarification is in order from LL.
  19. Yeah I know but I doubt it would be any better if there was another sub-forum though. I hear what you are saying and have been surprised at some of the closures myself.
  20. My bad, it seemed that you were agreeing with Billijo's idea but the idea was slightly different. General Discussion is supposed to be the place for topics that aren't necessarily SL related though. From the Community Participation Guidelines (emphasis mine): Off Topic Content: Please keep your commentary relevant to the discussion and within the format that the forum, board or question and answer area require. (For example, in the Answers section, please follow the Q&A format of the discussion.) Content that is blatantly off topic is not permitted. You may also not post regarding subjects that do not relate to Second Life except in the General forum discussion board.
  21. @Selene Gregoire"Anything but SL" is not the same as "Anything including SL" though.
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