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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. No, I did not ignore your points. I thought your points were well made and let your opinion stand, that is all. My goal is not to dominate the opinions here. I don't have all the answers, nobody does. Though I might theorise a vendor might possibly prefer to go with an LL system by preference to ensure it will be around for the duration of SL, or they may not. I have already stated standardisation as a possible reason. LL might take a cut, it certainly would need to be paid for to be developed, or they could spread the cost across the user base, who knows? It isn't about not supporting existing merchants, a counter view is, why should LL not be able to develop this for their own platform? Besides this strays from my point, which was redelivery and I stated my reasons for bringing it up in my OP.
  2. Now we are just getting in to Super Silly Projections about it all ?
  3. I would like to state for the record that I do not resemble this remark ? (:p)
  4. There were definitely other systems and major vendors who used them. There sure was quite an upheaval when one closed up shop not that long ago too. Many then switched to Caspervend and obviously there are now fewer choices for off-the-shelf systems. Even now, I know that there are at least a few other systems being used, possibly home-grown ones. You probably move in much different circles. Besides, I wasn't even the one to bring up that system and my OP didn't mention any specific systems (deliberately so), so no, it is ridiculous to even think that I have anything against them or any other vendor systems just because of this topic.
  5. I think it is really great that you do provide this service. I have personally witnessed many requests for redelivery in the clothing, hair, mesh body parts and other store groups. Many of the requests are in the form of "Where can I find the redelivery terminal?". It is asked multiple times a day by multiple people. Perhaps it's just that you don't encounter it a lot? One of the problems it can fix is that delivery didn't work properly in the first place, during sales events on a crowded store things start to go awry. Sometimes the item is in redelivery and the customer can simply redeliver themselves once they know where the terminal is. Sometimes it was delivered and it isn't in the redelivery, people come to the groups asking if that can be fixed so they can redeliver if they need to. Maybe some of that is that people feel better knowing that they can always get another copy if necessary. I know I do.
  6. Who said it was? Nevertheless, in many areas of SL business today, those blameless vendors are providing this service to their customers, either automatically or manually. They must have good reasons to do this.
  7. In the same way that the vendor is using the third-party today, the vendor be would using the LL service. The vendor would still be providing the service to their customers but through LL functionality instead. It would become part of the platform. There are many examples where LL provide a service that a vendor takes advantage of but, apart from everyone who pays for the platform contributing, LL gets nothing directly from the sale. The "Buy", "Pay" feature and the ability to send an object from a vendor system to a customer are critical examples of these. However, in this idea though, a more direct payment to LL from each vendor could probably be achieved if that was the way to make it feasible. Maybe it wouldn't be necessary. Only LL would be able to say. There has been a lot of talk recently about finding alternative forms of revenue to help LL become less dependent on land sales and tier. It was stated that part of that solution is inworld commerce. This idea, in my opinion, could be just one of many things that could help achieve that.
  8. Thanks for the info @Jules Catlyn. However it doesn't really change what I was trying to say. Money has or will have exchanged hands for Caspervend use in all cases whether user is freemium or premium. There is no reason why LL also couldn't provide a service on an equivalent basis also even if it is thought to be unlikely. @Ethan Paslong The reasons I see for this are state in my OP. Redelivery is a real need, you should frequent the ladies fashion groups and see how many people accidentally delete things, get them eaten by the system somehow or just lose all their inventory. Requests for redelivery are numerous. If there were no real need, I doubt so many vendors would provide the service.
  9. LL also didn't have their own currency exchange or off-world marketplace at one stage. These were provided by third-parties too. Caspervend also charges people to use it and so no difference there either. And Yes, I actually would favour a vendor system created by LL if it came with universal redelivery.
  10. Well if it isn't obvious then I am not going to attempt to explain it. Nobody said it affected them in BIG ways and certainly I don't see anyone "getting heated" except perhaps you. It is just opinions. You don't need to celebrate something to understand what it is about either. That is an ignorant point of view. Should we not learn about different holidays from other cultures because we cannot possibly understand? Really?
  11. "Yes" in a word. People would be perfectly entitled to opinions on those, especially if they are being affected by them. You could change the topic from "holidays" to anything else people might care about with that attitude and then there would be no opinions allowed on anything. You are expressing an opinion right now, as am I. Good gracious, everything is a sacred cow these days.
  12. I agree but the Premium part was aimed at the vendors, not the customer. So it wouldn't necessarily create a new two tier entitlement split.
  13. With the spate of "Is it time for LL to...?" topics, I thought I would throw another into the mix. ? This could be done to guarantee that purchased products get to the customer as intended and provide backup for those inventory hiccups that still occur for some. Even today, there are many stores that either do not use a redelivery system, change systems and lose older purchases, or plain just don't seem to be able to add new purchases reliably and automatically without manual intervention. I think a standardised service would help a lot here, especially if it was easy-peasy to get setup with. I know I would feel much better knowing my purchase data and redelivery was being handled by LL instead of a third-party. It could even be a Premium Perk you get for free with a possible Content Creator-level Premium subscription. This would then help to pay for the service, though that wouldn't really help much to making sure it is used everywhere. Perhaps a reasonable charge to use without Premium subscription also would help there. Obviously, I realise this wouldn't be popular with existing redelivery service providers and there are definitely those who will say how the whole thing cannot be feasibly technically done. However, I pretty much believe this attitude precedes everything LL does end up providing anyway, so ?‍♀️ (:shrug:) Over to you for your thoughts...
  14. It is so tedious when people take this tack with everything. "Don't like x, don't <verb> x then!". Obviously if they didn't like "x" then they wouldn't "<verb> x", it goes without saying, however that has nothing to do with expressing sentiments about them. It is just a way of shutting down an opinion. Someone could also say to you, "If you don't like her opinion about x, don't read it then!"
  15. Amen to this. In southern hemisphere right now our days are long and nights are short. We generally have still adopted all the U.S. customs around Halloween. It has never really felt right to me. I refuse to call lollies, candy though.
  16. I don't disagree with any of that but if you replace "Premium" with "Payment Info on File/Used" then it all remains the same and true. I think that was the point, it really doesn't have to be Premium though obviously it could be seen that Experiences are a Premium Perk but that would have nothing to do with accountability. Disclosure: I am a long time Premium member who loves the benefits we get.
  17. So, it's "Second Sailing Parcels" then?
  18. This is the first time that someone has mentioned that you can still move the camera (and presumably exit mouselook as well?) whilst subject to an Experience. Thank you for explaining that. I still have a problem with the presumption that I want my camera controlled in the first place though, Experience or not.
  19. I haven't but I don't have any complaints with the way it works without Experiences. To be honest I didn't know there was an avsitter Experience. I thought Experiences had to be enabled on the land to work? or can they be created for a set of scripts or objects and activated anywhere it is rezzed?
  20. "You will have my help and like it, whether you want it or not!" So what if you miss something the first time? You ride again. Or maybe you chose to look away from something deliberately? I already understood the principle and point of why ride makers may want to do this, I simply do not agree that it is necessary.
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