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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. It is hard to describe how much I would not want to be forced to look at something, no matter how good it looks. In any real world ride I have ever been on, I have always had the ability to turn my head in any way I choose.
  2. The ones I have seem to just attach one thing at a time, ie. a fork to eat cake from a plate, a cup, glass or a laptop etc. I expect they were designed this way to minimize to requests.
  3. Well, I wouldn't want you to either and anyway your description sounds more like other people also assuming it will be annoying to others. Maybe I am missing something but with the furniture I have used, you get one request each time you change anims when the anims are paired with attachments. Nothing more. How can this be characterised as "endless requests"? Again I am missing something here. Can you elaborate why one request per attachment change makes you lose patience? This is exactly the behaviour I would expect and desire from something wanting to attach itself to my avatar.
  4. Really? can you point me to some evidence of this? because to me this sounds more like an anecdotal justification to do it via Experience.
  5. I agree it does look like that at first reading. Perhaps what I should have wrote to be clearer was: "On a side note, there is at least one furniture vendor I buy from that does have furniture which temporarily attaches cups, books, laptops as part of their furniture but this does not require an Experience to work either, just the permission you are presented with when sitting."
  6. The only thing you can do is to initiate the reading of the notecard from your state_entry() or attach() and then call a method, e.g. DataserverCompleted(), when the dataserver has finished dealing with the contents. Just put everything else you wanted to do in your state_entry() or attach() into DataserverCompleted().
  7. If the ride is just one part of the whole attraction? Should I be forced to take each ride also? Or would I be allowed to wander around the confines of the park and just admire the build? If the latter, then I would hope I would not have to accept an Experience to do that. This is the type of scenario I describe in my OP.
  8. Yes, of course they ask for permission, I didn't say that they didn't, just that it is possible to attach objects once sat without an Experience.
  9. Really the main concern for me isn't the potential for griefing, I have experienced griefing, is it tediously banal and does not concern me at all. For me it really is the principle of being asked to give to up control of my avatar to another person(s). I also don't have a problem with being teleported if I have taken the conscious action to step through a portal nor that I will be animated if I choose to sit. The difference is that you choose to do these things each time and are not forced to sit nor have your camera view changed without interaction with an object and if you don't like what it does, you just stand up and move on without have to abort the entire visit. Here is a thought though, it would have been good if LL had provided a way to have proper teleport portals outside of Experiences, with automatic appropriate clues from the viewer that a portal will teleport, such as a mouse pointer change for example. This would seem to cater for a lot of the stated reasons for needing them and I know there were many calls for just that. On a side note, there is at least one furniture vendor I buy from that does have furniture which temporarily attaches cups, books, laptops as part of their furniture but this does not require an Experience to work either, just the permission you grant when sitting.
  10. I'd also like to add to this the absurd assertion that people are able to detect hysteria and paranoia in posts here as well. These also do nothing to advance the discussion and instead seem aimed at stifling it.
  11. I agree about the fascinating posts and it has, so far, definitely turned out better than where I thought it was heading at the beginning.
  12. Absolutely you have the right to do this and I am OK with not visiting your place. It is probable that I never visited anyway. My OP was about places I used to already visit that changed to Experiences. I expressed that it was a shame and with the inference that I hope that this doesn't become a trend at all places I have enjoyed before they changed. I very much hope not but if it does then, hey that is life sometimes. It isn't a big deal, just a shame they don't want even more visitors. Over the years, I have seen this advice given out many times about creators and many times I have done exactly in many cases, requesting just trivial accomodations. In the overwhelming majority of cases it has been pointless and the most common response, if you get one, was to be extremely offended that someone may dare to even ask. I have come to believe that this advice is given out to make creators seem more reasonable than the majority of them really are. Though I am sure there we will be some counter-testimonies along adroitly to show how wrong I am. Nevertheless, this is my "Experience". It comes down to this. The sim owners right stops at controlling my avatar. That is for me to do or decide on a per situation basis. Sure, it is their place and sure, they can say where I may or may not go (even if I may visit at all) but in the areas I am permitted to go, I am the one who gets to say if I sit, dance or stick my head in a bucket of goo. Just like in the real world. If a creator wants to control my avatar "Experience" to the degree expressed in parts of this topic, from my point of view, they might as well just close their sim to the public, take their own video of the "tour" and post it to youtube, etc. I might even watch it on those terms.
  13. It isn't possible to display this information in the Experience permission request popup but there definitely isn't any reason why a place couldn't detect your avatar at the land point and give you a notecard or display this on a big sign.
  14. Even worse...petitions LL to add force payment to Experience and then just starts playing them too ?
  15. Yes, I covered this in the OP. Well I would rather the discussion be about the subject at hand, rather than about me and my choices if possible.
  16. I did visit these places before they changed to use Experiences. I discovered this change on my last visit to these places. If there was an alternative teleport from the landing point to the build I never found it. This was covered in the first part of the OP.
  17. @Richardus Raymaker I am not afraid of Experiences and I am definitely aware of how Experiences work. I never said they were a bad thing either. However you do have to give up control of certain aspects of your avatar whilst you are at the Experience or you cannot visit the build. Some may not wish to give up that control and think it is a shame if all wonderful builds end up going this way without an opt out. Especially as at one time we didn't even have to make that choice. As I have said before, LL gives us the ability to choose so clearly they don't think that avatars should be subject to the control of others unless they consent either. Regardless of how easy it is to regain control. Richardus, if you were talking to the general case and not specifically to me, then please consider what I have posted not aimed at you specifically either. It is obvious though that some of the posters feel that this topic is a painting a bigger deal about the subject than I feel about it. It is a simple as this...I have noticed this happening and thought I would raise it as a topic, hoping for an interesting discussion about it. Nothing more. I hope people stop projecting more than is really here into it.
  18. I have noticed recently that quite a few of my favourite haunts have turned into Experiences where in order to visit you have to accept the Experience. This mostly means that you now arrive at a landing place far away from the real location and the Experience will teleport you to the real location once you accept it. There is no alternative way offered to teleport to the real location. I generally don't, with very few exceptions, accept experiences because I do not want to grant control over my avatar in the way that experiences grant. Clearly LL expected this and that is why permission has to be sought and not automatically granted. I also know that it isn't likely that anyone will do anything malicious but mostly I want to wander around, appreciate the build and possibly chat to a few denizens. I do not really need or want an "experience". Sadly there is generally no option offered by these places to visit in this way any more and so I do not visit. Now I understand it is their place and their choice. I have no right to expect to be catered for, etc. I understand that. Though I have noticed that these places often have shopping area at the land point which do not require you to accept the Experience. Hmm how astonishing. ? I just think it is a shame that things seem to be heading this way without making it optional, especially as they were quite happy without the Experience not so long ago.
  19. Yes absolutely, it is the only inworld building system we currently have.
  20. I think the core of it is still there without the extension but the extension makes switching and creating containers a breeze.
  21. Aotearoa (Land of the Long White Cloud) aka New Zealand. [Thread derail] Though recently I have returned from a vacation visiting far flung relatives in a strange place called Yorkshire... ? [Thread derail]
  22. If you use one of the later firefox versions, you can also use multi-account containers to have different accounts in each tab. Read more here: How to use the Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension
  23. Most people have at least story or two to tell that makes them interesting. I would expect that the day-to-day routine of most people is not interesting that much. To find out if a person is interesting you have to find out who they are. It isn't always about what they appear to be doing.
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