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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. There was a survey "Do you use Advanced Lighting?" in the forum. 50 persons replied: 60 % said yes, 40 % said no. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Do-you-use-Advanced-Lighting/td-p/2912687
  2. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: on a side note.. can LL fix the damn Forums? I got shunted to the blog section when i hit reply, like 5 times... The BUG has been reported on April 4, 2015. Status is still: "Awaiting Review". Maybe they have more important things at hand instead of fixing the forums? Grrr... :smileymad: :smileysad: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8953
  3. [Rant on] :smileymad: Uh, oh, Linden Lab! Why cannot we discuss here with proper body part names instead of you throwing those **bleeps** at our faces? That's ridiculous 'moderation'. What's so horrible in any body parts, eh? [Rant off] :smileytongue:
  4. Pretty amazing - to see avatar shaped exactly like a real person is. :smileyhappy:
  5. sevenhand wrote: Not sure how firestorm does it, but in the sl viewer you can configure ambient occlusion independantly of other quality settings by opting to display advanced settings on the graphics settings page. Is there anything similar in firestorm? In Second Life viewer there is tick box for Ambient Occlusion. In Firestorm viewer there is tick box for Ambient Occlusion. No difference between the two viewers in this matter.
  6. Urzul wrote: it not a game ...so what it is ? Place to have virtual experiences - perhaps? :matte-motes-big-grin:
  7. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Lord Derryth wrote: I see what you mean. Basically, the SL V2 is coming out but it's not backwards compatible. We don't know that for certain yet, neither does LL. By the by.. I was the first person on this forum to call it SLv2™. So I want my 5L for each use. That's in my ToS. Pay up people. Drake, you chose to call it with a misleading name. I will continue calling it "Next Generation Platform", just like Linden Lab does; so long until the final name for the platform is made public. (PS, If I ever, by mistake, happen to call it as SLv2™ I will pay you the 5 L$). :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink: :matte-motes-asleep:
  8. Lord Derryth wrote: I'm actually a bit lost here. I've combed the forums and not found anything about SL V2. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-is-building-a-NEW-virtual-world/td-p/2753476 (PS. It will not be SL2.)
  9. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. :matte-motes-asleep:
  10. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Coby Foden wrote On the other hand I don't like the excessively muscular body. Muscularity for male bodies seems to be the dominant "thing" in SL. I wonder why. For the same reason so many woman use huge breast and butt attachments and even mesh avatars. :smileywink: Right. I wonder why. Maybe they wear those just for fun? Or they might actually like the looks? :smileysurprised: Personally I don't like the huge breasts and butts on female avatars either. It gives the same exact visual shock as overly muscular male avatar. :smileywink:
  11. I created a BUG report: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8953
  12. I created a BUG report: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8953
  13. Dora Gustafson wrote: Resently the forum service has changed in a rather annoying way You can not stay logged in as long as we used to When logging back in you are not on the site you were but are forced to look at BLOGS I am repeatedly logged out while editing, and before I have a chance to save what I wrote In this case it is super annoying not to stay where you were logged out Does anyone have a good explanation for this change in behavior? :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: It happens to me too, I ranted about it in this post: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums-Feedback/quot-Community-Forums-quot-Sign-in-rant-D/m-p/2920409#M4787 It happened even now as I was replying to your post. Clearly something is broken. :smileyfrustrated:
  14. My first reaction would be similar to: Of course I would feel :smileysad:. What steps would I take? I would simply find something else to do. :matte-motes-smile:
  15. lawrencesnape wrote: I want to buy a great male avatar. But I don't know what is good or not. I tried some demos and I like this one. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EG-Hugo-Skin-Peach-Tone/6312970 But the only review on the demo says it's not worth it. Is that true? How can I know a really good looking avatar? I can spend until L$2500 Just my personal opinion: The face of the avatar looks really nice. On the other hand I don't like the excessively muscular body. Muscularity for male bodies seems to be the dominant "thing" in SL. I wonder why. But anyway, you are the one to decide what you like. You're the one wearing the body. Try lots of demos and you'll find one what pleases you. :matte-motes-smile:
  16. I'm using the latest Firefox. During the last few weeks I've notice this: I'm signed in in "My dashboard", there I right click at "Community, Forums" and select "Open in new tab", I often get the following error page: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/errors/FilterErrorHandlerPage :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: Ok, then I click "Sign In" in that error page. I get signed in but it puts me to the "Blogs" tab not to the "Forums" tab where I wanted to go. Another thing what I have noticed when I read forum posts in different areas I get silently signed out. However, I stay signed in at the "My dashboard" page. Earlier everything worked ok, but now it looks like something is broken in "Community" sign in system. This is a PITA as it happens rather often. :matte-motes-frown:
  17. Just to be clear, what I did observe: The setting environmentPersistAcrossLogin was in Second Life 3.7.26 (299610) viewer, but it is not any more in the Second Life 3.7.26 (299635) viewer, which is the latest official one. Anyway, the settings I showed in my earlier post do work with Second Life 3.7.26 (299635) viewer.
  18. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: You expect to pay taxes on game tokens? Prizes are L$ so it wouldn't be income until cashed out. Sassy, the IRS expects people to report prizes (even if it's not "money"), bartering, and other material "gains". I have always thought that when the money (L$), earned in way Second Life, stays inside Second Life it is not taxable anywhere. Only when the money is cashed out then it becomes real world income and thus will be taxable. Just like Sassy says.
  19. In Second Life 3.7.26 (299635) viewer I tested the following settings: Environment settings: • Customize my environment • Fixed sky (Midday) Debug setting: • UseEnvironmentFromRegion = FALSE It will stay in these settings between logins. The region setting will not override it.
  20. Yes. Lighting is not always perfect in SL for avatar looks. There are hundreds of different lightings in SL. We never know what somebody else is using and how they see us. It's just like in real life, the lighting is not static studio light, there are lots of variations. I actually do like the lighting variations. If the lighting was always the same static never changing one it would be very boring experience.
  21. ChinRey wrote: Pamela Galli wrote Yes, the advantage in any life is always to those who make the effort to keep themselves well informed. But the "they" I intended was LL. Aha. Take a look at this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-27576 It's been given "Major" priority by LL and is celebrating its fifth birthday later this month. They might be afraid that if fixed "it could break existing content". The very tall grasshopper leg, pin head, too short arms, etc. avatars will finally see that there is something seriously wrong with their shape. Existing content broken! Aarrghh... Thus they don't fix it. :smileysad: :smileywink:
  22. Eleanor Ocheis wrote: Linden Labs is proud to announce... Linden Lab will change the name of the company to Linden Labs. (Unfortunately after the name change, the majority of people will start calling it Linden Lab.) :smileywink: :smileytongue:
  23. Now I understand why they didn't give any answer for a question, made in a forum post, March 11, 2015: What are 'internal improvements for premium users'? They wanted to save the answer to the 'great tempting' Blog Post. :smileysurprised: :smileytongue:
  24. Nova Convair wrote: However. Avatars will always look like the people want them to look. That means you will never get a population of avatars like in RL. Not even close! With more freedom to create it will surely become even more ... ummm . different? ridiculous? exaggerated? Somehow I would prefer if human avatars were more like real people, in sizes and in proportions. Exaggerated size variation and random proportions we see in SL looks rather strange - even ridiculous. :smileywink:
  25. It will not be called "SL2". At the moment Linden Lab is referring to it as "Next Generation Platform". It will not an upgrade to the present SL. It is a separate different world. Of course things will be more advanced there, else there would be no point to build a new platform at all. It is true that the new platform will open to public in 2016; then we will see how it looks.
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