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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Wandering Soulstar wrote: ... if I create a new image that is 1536x512 and ... Your texture size (1536 x 512) is not the size what SL supports. When you upload that one it will get sized to the nearest supported size. Therefore the image quality degrades. Always when uploading textures be sure that the texture is sized properly. All the supported sized are listed here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_sizes PS. When uploading a texture use either TGA or PNG file. Never use JPG file, it will cause some quality loss, and there is absolutely no advantage in using it.
  2. https://twitter.com/LindenLab "It's true: ProjectSansar is the codename/project name of our new virtual experience platform. Final name to be revealed in the future."
  3. The last photo has been Photoshopped. So, to look young do that. :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  4. kayla Mekanic wrote: Thats why I said "SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS" Not just about SL2, but features that could make our current SL better if it were ever possible. Current SL? Ok, I want mirrors. Possible? Yes, of course it would be possible. Besides, anybody wearing those silly head mounted displays would love mirrors. I assume that they'll be using first person view with those, most of the time anyway. So they cannot see their avatar without mirrors. How are you supposed to get dressed up properly with that contraption on your head without a mirror? Yes, mirrors please. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileytongue:
  5. JeffreyByJeffrey wrote: Could you please link me to the right place to post because I never meant to cause any issues. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Parcels-for-Sale-Mainland/bd-p/ParcelsforSaleMainland The description says: "For promoting full transfer sale of your Mainland parcel."
  6. In Firestorm viewer there is. You can turn the sound off. You can also change the sound. "Preferences, Sound & Media, UI Sounds 3 --> Region restart"
  7. Vulpinus wrote: Real men wear what they want, beach or not.
  8. ZoeTick wrote: And open-toed sandals? Ewww, no real man would wear them except on a beach. :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  9. Ebbe has said that in the Next Generation Platform the avatars will be 'radically improved'. :matte-motes-big-grin: Pretty cool, huh? :smileysurprised: :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  10. Madelaine McMasters wrote: KarenMichelle Lane wrote: illuminator77 wrote: . ! ?
  11. Alpha version: "A very early version of a software product that may not contain [and most likely will not contain] all of the features that are planned for the final version." Alpha version is like a raw unbaked cake. You cannot judge the final product by it. Comparing the very early version of Hi-Fi to Second Life has no meaning at all. We just don't know yet how the final version will look.
  12. debbyom wrote: I need to write about SL2, hence am trying to find information about it. And thank you for correcting me. Here's information about SL2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SL2 :matte-motes-asleep:
  13. TomH78 wrote: Same issue, not overly keen on using untested drivers, especially not with that reply. Is this an issue with the driver or the game? Any proper solution to it? It is AMD graphics card driver problem. It's not SL issue. There is no 'proper' solution. The only solution what is available is to try different AMD drivers. Some work, some don't. Sometimes the problem gets corrected in some driver, then the problem appears again in some newer driver. AMD drivers are a bit like this: Fixed, Broken, Fixed, Broken, etc. PS. The BETA drivers will not damage your computer in any way. If they don't work well, you can always install other drivers.
  14. Suki Hirano wrote: There is something weird with the way rigged objects detect clicks. There indeed is something weird how rigged objects detect clicks. Sometimes - on the very same worn rigged mesh - the click works, the object gets selected, then sometimes it mysteriously does not work.
  15. Google knows everything. :matte-motes-big-grin: http://publicholidays.com.au/anzac-day/
  16. Bree Giffen wrote: Nice find! I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions though. It could be an internal name or some other project not related to the new SL. In the "Goods and Sevices" section of http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=86593259&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch we can read; For: "Computer services, namely, hosting an on-line 3D virtual environment featuring a wide variety of user-defined subject matter and hosting an on-line 3D virtual environment featuring a wide variety of user-defined subject matter that may be accessed by means of communications networks; design and development of multimedia and three dimensional virtual environment software."
  17. It will not be called SL2. At the moment Linden Lab refers to it as: Next Generation Platform. Other recent threads here relating to this subject are: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/So-any-idea-whats-happening-with-the-new-world-Second-Life-2/td-p/2926515 and https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Possible-name-for-SL2/td-p/2926665
  18. Vypre wrote: An image of my current state: http://i.imgur.com/sPCO9jL.jpg That state shown in your image is the punishment for your current laziness. :matte-motes-evil-invert: :matte-motes-big-grin: Vypre wrote: Sorry if this gets asked a lot, I am very new and cannot be bothered to search the forums . . . :smileytongue:
  19. LlewLlwyd wrote: Reputedly the Black Dragon Viewer allows you to use more graphics memory than any other. I like the DOF (Depth of field) in Black Dragon viewer. It's easy to adjust, and it works great. In some viewers setting the DOF is a PITA. However the UI in Black Dragon viewer is rather strange.
  20. What works best for you is the best viewer for you. You only find out what is the best for is by trying out. You can start finding out with Firestorm viewer for example. It has lots of extra nice features what Second Life viewer lacks. Some people find the extra features very useful (I do), some don't. Here a list of third party viewers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  21. Ichi Rexen wrote: Just wondering if anyone has any updates. We had the announcment and i was present at the later firestorm meeting with the lindens but since then i have heard nothing. Mostly whispers and un confirmed rumours. Would be nice if they kept us updated to some extent as some of us (ME...) are excited for this new world! Maybe the original plan is still in effect? Alpha and beta phases in 2015, and then the release of the 'final' version somewhere in 2016. If so then there are nothing more to tell at this stage. Or should Linden Lab announce every month: Month 1: Yes, we're still on schedule. We implemented this and that. Month 2: Yes, we're still on schedule. Adding new features going on. Month 3: Yes, we're still on schedule. More new features were added. Month 4: Yes, we're still on schedule. Again more features were added. ... ... and so on until it's finally released? If something goes terribly wrong and they decide to abandon the Next Generation Platform project they surely will make an announcement about it. Patience, patience... it's still being worked on. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  22. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Coby Foden wrote: People are imagining things. A 512 x 512 holds just as much information as that size can hold. If it was bigger earlier like 2048 x 2048, and then it was downsized to 512 x 512, the downsized texture naturally cannot hold the clarity/quality/information what it had in that bigger size. You 'can' get a clearer texture inworld uploading a high resolution and letting it get downscaled --- IF --- your own graphics progrem is set to poorer quality compression on image saving than Linden Lab's compression formulas. If for example you have been uploading jpg images, and using a compression setting when saving that 2048 down to 1024 or 512 in photoshop... But if that is happening, you should just alter the settings on your graphics program... Yes, if a person does not how to use their graphics program properly and are foolishly uploading their textures as JPG files, then what you say can happen. But naturally they would get better results in doing the downsizing in their graphics program - with proper settings - and then uploading the texture either as TGA file or PNG file.
  23. Bitcoin is extremely volatile. The rapid price changes look more like a hospital patient's heartbeat than an example of a stable alternative currency. :smileytongue: The Bitcoin 'heartbeat' from April 22, 2014 to April 22, 2015 looks like this: :matte-motes-agape:
  24. Sassy Romano wrote: Do I trust the management of my business to beta software? :matte-motes-wink-tongue: Yes, yes. Nothing can go wrong! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  25. Lori Paramour wrote: Personally, I'm sick and tired of hearing about the much ballyhooed new and improved SL2. LL can't manage the current platform efficiently, what makes anyone believe that they will do a better job with the new platform, beyond wishful thinking. This is very strange: 1. If some other company was making a new virtual world platform then nobody would complain about it. 2. When Linden Lab is making a new virtual world platform lots of people are complaining. I wonder why is this? New virtual world platform is a new platform whoever makes it. So why all the complains when Linden Lab makes one? Weird.
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