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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. You try to sell something with maturity rating "General" but the system insists that it's "Adult". You don't see any adult words in your listing. You spend countless hours in vain trying to find out what causes it to be rated as "Adult". Linden Lab will not help you because their "Adult" word list is super secret, you're on your own. :smileysad:
  2. Just adding a bit more info on this matter... :matte-motes-big-grin: There are different methods to create 3D image pair, such as: • Parallel cameras: the camera axis are parallel • Toed-in cameras: the camera axis will intersect at certain distance • Off-axis cameras: the camera aperture is off-axis (not centered on the lens axis) All the above have the lenses separated by the same distance as human eyes are. In parallel cameras and off-axis cameras the image pair will have their scene planes aligned so there is no distortion in the 3D image. In toed-in cameras the image pairs will not have their scene planes aligned with each other nor with the display screen, this results in keystone distortion, and also "depth plane curvature" - flat planes can appear bowed in the centre toward the camera. The easiest, most hassle free, method is to use parallel cameras. Just snap the photo, no post processing is needed to correct distortions as there are none. It is possible to make parallel camera 3D image pair with the single SL camera. Take a snapshot, then move the camera 6 centimeters to the side (along Y-axis) and take another snapshot. Put those two images side by side and there you have your 3D image pair. You can view the 3D result by the "crossed eye method". Help: How to Free-View the Stereo Pairs Here's a sample image pair what I made. When you look at the resulting 3D image it's pretty convincing 3D effect. PS. Even if the image pair is made with parallel camera, you will actually look at it just like real a life scene, you're not looking at it with you eyes parallel. Here is what happens: Let's suppose that there is an object in the center of the scene. We place our camera so that the left lens is pointing directly on it (i.e. perpendicular). We snap our photo. In the left image the object will in the center of the image, on the right image the object is a bit to left from the center. When you look the resulting 3D image and you stare at the object your left eye will look straight ahead perpendicular to the image plane. However, when your right eye will look at the object the line of sight is not perpendicular to the scene plane because the object in the right eye image is towards to the left, not directly in front of your eye. So you're looking the virtual 3D object just like you will look an object in the real world.
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: To see SL in 3D, the viewer must create the data for 2 different images (2 different camera positions, one sent to each eye. That's exactly what the viewer does; it creates two unique images - with 2 different camera positions - one for each eye. The "parallel images" in Oculus Rift means that there are two unique images displayed on the Oculus Rift screen, side by side: • On the left side of the screen there is an an image for the left eye • On the right side of the screen there is an image for the right eye The lenses in the Oculus Rift will show: • Only the left side of the screen for the left eye • Only the right side of the screen for the right eye So both eyes will see only its unique image, the brain will interprete this as an 3D view, just like looking at real world. (PS. Perhaps you are confusing this "parallel images" with each eye's line of sight when the eyes are focused looking at some object on the scene? Naturally the lines of sight are not parallel when the eyes are focused on an object.)
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: (1) Is LL's occulus rift friendly viewer an actual 3D implementation, with two slightly different views?, or is it merely feeding the same view to each eye, and turning the head with the occulus rift just operates which way the user is looking? If it's the latter, then it isn't 3D, of course. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Using-the-Oculus-Rift-with-Second-Life/ba-p/2728824 "You can use the Oculus Rift for an immersive 3D experience anywhere and everywhere in Second Life." https://www.oculus.com/rift/ "The Oculus Rift creates a stereoscopic 3D view with excellent depth, scale, and parallax. Unlike 3D on a television or in a movie, this is achieved by presenting unique and parallel images for each eye. This is the same way your eyes perceive images in the real world, creating a much more natural and comfortable experience."
  5. namssab1nad Piers wrote: if any of you had taken a minute to do the math.... 86400 seconds comes out to 24 hours.... someone yanking her chain You think we didn't? :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  6. Ren Toxx wrote: arabellajones wrote: I have been told that I am only allowed to connect to SL for 86400 seconds per day! Is this true? Yes. I totally agree, it is the truth and nothing but the truth. :matte-motes-nerdy: There is nothing we can do about it. We just have to live with this weird limitation. :smileytongue:
  7. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Coby Foden wrote: I noticed that Autodesk just released free software which can make a 3D model from a bunch of photos. They didn't just release it, they're working on it for many years. First release was in 2009. Anyway, as I said earlier and as someone replied and as you stated, it will certainly NOT produce SL ready models. On top of that you'll need a good amount of good photographs from all angles, so besides a lot of "post-123D Catch" work, it will take a good amount of "pre-123D Catch" efford too, not to mention you will have to have access to a physical model. Yes, you're right, not released recently. I got an email from Autodesk for another free product (Sculpt+). As I was checking the Sculpt+ in their site I then noticed also the free 123D Catch program - in error I said it was "just released". :matte-motes-bashful: I guess it will very time consuming to make 3D model from the photos. Autodesk states that one needs from 50 to 70 photos taken from various angles from the physical object. Only then the program has enough info of the object to be able to make decent job in creating the 3D model. Not a fast and easy way to make 3D model. Again, better to learn proper 3D modeller and work with it from start to end. 123D Catch might be handy if there is a need to make accurate 3D model from very complicated physical object and if one cannot afford a very expensive physical scanner.
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: For example (and I do not know much about Advanced Settings) in Singularity under rendering I have checked: Automatic Alpha Masks (non deferred) Automatic Alpha Masks (deferred) Firestorm (4.6.9) has those settings too, in menu: • Develop, Rendering, Automatic Alpha Masks (non deferred) • Develop, Rendering, Automatic Alpha Masks (deferred) It appears that they are both on by default. (To turn on "Develop" menu: Ctrl-Alt-Q) PS. In Firestorm those settings are also available in: Preferences, Graphics, Rendering Alpha Mask Rendering: • Render alpha masks when "Advanced Lighting Model" is not enabled • Render alpha masks when "Advanced Lighting Model" is enabled What these settings do is: "When ticked this makes the alpha masks (see-thru bits) render correctly when ALM is not enabled." and "When ticked this makes the alpha masks (see-thru bits) render correctly when ALM is enabled."
  9. Elinah Iredell wrote: I also wanted to ask about this cool looking software developed a couple of years ago at a University in Israel. It apparently can effortlessly change a 2d image in any photo into a 3d model. I noticed that Autodesk just released free software which can make a 3D model from a bunch of photos. Here's the link: Autodesk 123D Catch It's available for: Android, iPhone & iPad and PC. It appears from the videos available that the models are very dense (i.e. have lots of vertices), so those models must be cleaned and simplified (again, in Blender or some other software :matte-motes-big-grin:) before they are good for importing to SL.
  10. One advice, for starters please do change your display name ℜοץαլլз Gℓєиdзνοn to something nice and readable. (Do not use those "fancy" letters in your name; they are silly, they are hard to read, lots of people hate to see those and will just ignore such display name.)
  11. A collection of Lindens (6) and Linden Lab hired Moles (3) with some ordinary residents. :matte-motes-big-grin: (14 November 2014)
  12. Qie Niangao wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I have five lights projecting. The three closest lights I enclosed in hollow spheres. The spheres are textured blank on the outside, transparent on the inside. There are two more lights (not shown in the photo) ten meters to the right. I put up two flattened cubes, blank and white. One between me and the lights. The other behind me. Nothing hidden for me. Just tested again and you're right: I'm not replicating that effect now, either. I don't know if something has changed, or if what I saw before was subtly dependent on something I'm not doing now. What I noticed in projected lights is that: • If there are one or two projected lights shining on a prim then their light will not go through a prim. • If there are more that two projected lights shining on a prim then then some of the projected lights will go through a prim. Note: The light ambiance must be zero, else the light will go through a prim.
  13. Kelli May wrote: You can use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) in Marketplace search to improve your chances of getting the matches you want. They have to be typed in uppercase for the search to parse them as operators and not part of the string to be searched. eg. "heels AND black" or "jacket NOT demo" jacket NOT demo returns 8412 items. jacket NOT shoe returns 8357 items. The latter search even returned items where there was no "jacket" word anywhere in the product. What I noticed is that the search looks also in the product page's related items description for the word "jacket". Ufff.... shopping is a real pain in the Marketplace due to the poor search, poor categorization - and keyword spam which has gone rampant. :smileysad: Any Linden who is allowed to touch the Marketplace, should have a compulsory one month shopping spree period when they must search extensively in the Marketplace and buy various kinds of items from there every single day. Every day they would be handed a list of things what they should find and buy. Naturally the wording would not be an exact product description. Just something like "black mens' mesh shoes", "mesh bikinis", "flowing gown", "mesh body", "small cottage", etc. That would teach them something useful. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  14. Lahnius Zaks wrote: All those cute options that are available in the other viewers isnt really anything we need ... does anyone really need those options? IMHO ... um no ... js IMHO yes. I constantly use many of those 'cute' options what some TPVs have. Anyway, I always keep the very latest Linden Lab viewer installed too besides my favourite TPV one. If there is some problem then I can quickly check is the issue present only in one viewer or both. It's a time saver when trying solve what is causing the issue. It's also beneficial to have the latest Linden Lab viewer installed because all new updates in the viewer code will be in that one first. But still, most of time I use a TPV viewer, because of the extra very useful (for me) features.
  15. Now this thread has become a traveller. :smileysurprised: First appearing here, then going there, and then coming back here after all. I wonder where it will go next? :smileyvery-happy:
  16. /me thinks they should have named this forum area as "Viewers" instead of "Second Life Viewer". :smileyindifferent: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  17. Freya Mokusei wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Thus it appears to me that also the agent "Key" is a UUID. Thanks - a small element of the UUID definition had escaped me:- "In this context the word unique should be taken to mean "practically unique" rather than "guaranteed unique". Since the identifiers have a finite size, it is possible for two differing items to share the same identifier." I see this discussion talking at cross-purposes. There is a difference between "identifying information" and "unique identifier" that SL confuses in the same way. It's still my understanding that the 'UUID' granted to the avatar is not suitable for unique identification from a data integrity point of view. That UUID definition continues like this: "The identifier size and generation process need to be selected so as to make this sufficiently improbable in practice. Anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with reasonable confidence that the same identifier will never be unintentionally created by anyone to identify something else. Information labeled with UUIDs can therefore be later combined into a single database without needing to resolve identifier (ID) conflicts." Anyway, I have no idea whether or not Linden Lab use, inside Second Life, a method to "resolve identifier (ID) conflicts". I would consider it strange if they didn't. Why to have a UUID which would not be unique inside Second Life? I tend to think that all avatar UUIDs are unique, the same way as the usernames are.
  18. Freya Mokusei wrote: Jean Horten wrote: Ever heard of uuids? Think you mean key. Agents (not users) have keys, assets have UUIDs (which are also of type key). Agent key is not a UUID as it doesn't fit definition - though some resources may cloud this distinction, it becomes important when detecting dependancy. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Key "A key is a universal unique identifier in Second Life for anything mostly, be it a prim, avatar, texture, etc. You may see key referred to as UUID, UID, "Asset UUID", or "asset-ID". The key itself is formed of hexadecimal characters [0-9a-f] and each section of the key is broken up by dashes (for a total amount of 36 characters)." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestAgentData "Function: key llRequestAgentData( key id, integer data ); Requests data about agent id. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised Returns the handle (a key) for the dataserver event when it is raised. • key id – avatar UUID" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier "In its canonical form, a UUID is represented by 32 lowercase hexadecimal digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 alphanumeric characters and four hyphens)." Thus it appears to me that also the agent "Key" is a UUID.
  19. What I would kindly like to recommend is that you edit the keywords in your products. Every single product in your Marketplace store has lots of keyword spam (i.e. words that have nothing to do with the product itself). One example: Your "Kanji Headband" Keywords: cyberpunk clockers red bandana head sci fi kanji japanese elastic summer beach fashion design style unisex hair catch ribbon clothes clothing sf stickers asian fabric bracelet scarf unisex forehead :smileysurprised: What have these to do with the headband? cyberpunk clockers head sci fi elastic summer beach fashion design style hair catch ribbon sf stickers bracelet scarf forehead The idea of keywords is to make searching easier for the customer, not more tiresome with tons of irrelevant search results. One more thing: Give details of each of your products in the product's "Details" field. That's what it is meant for; product details. Stating in the details field something like (as you have done): "Clockers Items. Visit our shop for more cyberpunk mesh stuff. Check us out on social networks, our web site and others for more detailed info." does not give any details of the product. Each product needs its own individual details, that makes shopping easier and nicer experience for the customer.
  20. :matte-motes-big-grin: :cathappy: :smileyhappy:
  21. You managed to disarm me totally now. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: :heart: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  22. I'm keeping a close watch what's going on here. :matte-motes-evil-invert: :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyvery-happy:
  23. OoXCookieChanXoO wrote: Basically I have Hughes Net/ aka dishnetwork Internet. It is a Satellite type so it is prone to get really crappy with Second Life. https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US The above link states: Internet Connection*: • Minimum requirement: Cable or DSL • Recommended: Cable or DSL * Second Life is not compatible with dial-up internet, satellite internet, and some wireless internet services. Thus, with very high propability, it is your internet connection causing your problems.
  24. Syo Emerald wrote: Well, a cute little christmas tree doesn't sound like a lot of suffering! :catvery-happy: Unless Phil's got a cat. Then even a small tree can make him sweat profusely. :smileyvery-happy: But there's a solution for cat owners... :matte-motes-big-grin:
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