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  2. That's very true, rl kids don't join second life and have a kid avatar. The create an adult avatar. The new rules will keep adults pretending to be kids out of A rated sims, but won't keep real life kids out of A rated sims. LOL way to go LL
  3. Yes, but you surely wouldn't come to the forums and announce that you had a brothel on your moderate land. By definition, a brothel does promote sexual conduct and that is not allowed on Moderate.
  4. They did say they will be addressing RL age verification at some point... These efforts include strengthening some of our community and employee policies as well as evaluating improvements to our age verification process.
  5. I didn't join until 2010 😁 As i said, any new rules, while not affecting me, might be the start of a trend that will squeeze all the life out of Second Life. Ahh, but don't worry, be happy
  6. This is about child avatars - not RL kids. If a kid likes to sneak into a sexual orientated adult region? That kid surly will act as an adult character with a fake adult profile. Who will approve this? It is the internet. This TOS change does not address kids. This address adult RP.
  7. You apparently missed the 2007 scandal and it´s fallout. Even that did not turn SL into some puritan wasteland. Also, the new regulations, targeting a very small but very active and phoney minority exclusively, are completely insignificant to anyone not participating in the child play circuit as player or benefitting by it as creator, except the vast majority of adult rated sim owners. And these sigh in relief because they finally do not have to do the work of keeping their sims out of child trouble anymore and/or finally got official clarification.
  8. Still wouldn't be a problem, IMO. As long as I don't advertise, a few forum members and I could rent a moderate parcel, toss up a 4 bedroom skybox, restrict access and visibility and bring home paying customers.
  9. So, if you wear an approved skin with an approved avatar you're wearing two sets of underwear that may or may not line up? Theresa Tennyson checks her laundry detergent supply.
  10. We'll all end up on the streets hookin for dimes just tah git some shews!! \o/
  11. Your friend's sad story puzzles me. Are you under the impression that she can no longer engage in family roleplay in SL? If so, that is false. Unless her family roleplay involves se*ual activity as a child, she will be able to do it. If your friend's therapy does involve painful re-enactments, then her presumably accredited therapist (immersive re-enactment is a risky therapeutic mode that should not be attempted lightly) can try contacting Linden Lab and petition them for permission to conduct these sessions privately, on her own region (which the therapist would presumably pay for). In fact, this could be attempted without even consulting LL - since the therapy sessions, with their rule infractions, would not be visible to anyone who is not part of the therapy, there would be little risk that LL would ever know about it. But really, this is something that is better suited to an Open Sim environment, where the therapist could completely control the sessions. As for the legal counsel you've provided, I can only say that anyone who follows legal advice from a person who cannot spell "plaintiff" should proceed with much caution.
  12. Ya, the big thing last time was mostly with land owners and a bunch of fear mongering.. If anything, those that usually would panic ended up with more protection from their fear this time around.. So ya, I agree.
  13. You know, considering I never see a kid, and never interact with kids none of these new rules will have any impact on my Second Life. My only concern is that with more and more rules regarding what is not acceptable, Second Life will eventually end up as a place no one wants to be.
  14. Have you thought about the fact that LL can see what you are wearing? So someone reports you, falsely or not, then that starts a review. IF LL finds you wearing items/outfits that do not have bodies/skins that meet the new requirements that you can still be banned; and with everything being said here, anyone could report you. I'm not saying this is going to happen, but it could and the results would be the same, you would lose your account. Let the meeting on May 20th happen and see what rolls out with body/skin updates before your put your little child avatar foot down and PUBLICLY state that you will not comply to the TOS, which you have already done several times! I'm not saying this to pick on you, I don't want anyone to lose their accounts over something that could be avoided.
  15. A couple things that don't seem to have been touched on and I don't see if you know that the 5.3 update is just that, an update. Just go to the Maitreya main store and do a redelivery. You'll get 5.3, LaraX and the petite version if you already have the petite mod. (Petite is no longer an add-on mod, but a complete body now and is a seperate purchase if you don't already have it.) It also comes with Velour body skins. Velour is a very popular body skin, as there are many, many 'head skin' stores that match the velour base. Going the EvoX route will give you the most bang for the buck, as it were. lots and lots of choices. I have YS&YS evoX skins among others. My current favorite is Guapa and Pity Party along with Heaux, Nuve and Mudskin. All of these 'favorites' are velour based. There are a ton of choices and when you add the sheer amount of makeup made for EvoX it grows larger. There are some great tester and dollarbie makeup on MP for EvoX.
  16. Yes i know that an i sadly i cant visit those friends home anymore unless i log on my adult avi. You can't have time with them anywhere else? If they will only socialize with you at their adult location, they may not be the friends you think they are.
  17. There is no panic going on. A very, very few try to simulate a tsunami which appears to be a lame duck.
  18. It is what it is, kids have to suck it up and follow the rule, or risk getting ARed and banned
  19. Quoted just cuz. Nobody is depriving anyone of anything, especially income. I mean, surely you are not suggesting that the child avatar made income doing adult things. LL simply says that child avatars cannot go to Adult land. They cannot run around nude - they will have to have a modesty layer (and that has not been fully defined). Those are the only new things really. They've never been allowed around adult / sex content. If your friend is in distress over this, then your friend might actually need more time outside of SL to work on their issues.
  20. If a store is on G land, i just won't go, G has far too many restrictions for my tastes.
  21. Not a matter of looking good or bad. Matter of the ToS. Residents presenting as Child Avatars shall be prohibited from the following: Entering any Region rated Adult. Residents must change to a non-child or non-childlike avatar to visit Adult rated regions.
  22. Might be due to SL21B preparation, as that's only a few weeks away now.
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