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Direct Delivery Launching March 21, 2012


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Maybe I am missing something here...does anyone have these folders that Direct Delivery requires in their Inventory? And are there any instructions on MP on how this all works and what merchants are supposed to do? I am totally lost. Where are the step by step instructions for Merchants? And if you are using FS does FS have to be updated to handle these things or is this a server side issue? 

Too much in the air, way too little documentation to comment on good or bad. Anyone have any specific links to step by step instructions and a how to? Or is this just another LL announcement without any backup?

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Random? In their infinite wisdom, they have chosen to withold the documentation, instructions, step-by-steps and anything else necessary to read before using Direct Delivery ... until the day they release it. So don't fret, we're all in the dark. Just pray the docs are 100% correct when Direct Delivery rolls out, or we're all up the same tree too.

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Let me point out, again, that they were already 100% correct, and that we've all been using DD without any problems since September.

If you're unclear as to the absolute metaphysical certitude of this fact, just check your own posts and those of your various co-apologists from August. 

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I am going to cry... yes cry... I still have not recovered from the last marketplace migration...  all my listings were totally messed up...  after suffering ptsd I slowy got my listings in order or at least 2/3rds of them ... and now your going to do it all over again...   The last migration was a disaster...   most of my listings, descriptions, permissions, etc were completely messed up.  Please keep the old magic box in tandem...    perhaps we can just dump our magic box inventory into your new DD system as is and let our current listings accept that...  if I have to re-do all my listings again... I'm out.

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Co-apologists? Josh, you're starting to lose it son. I've been up LL's nose about DD for a long time. Yes, they've been putting bits and pieces of the eventual DD code into play for a long time, no argument there. But the full cutover hasn't happened yet.

And since when did I become your enemy? Dude, I've been on your side and trying to understand the issues you've been having with your Magic Boxes and listings since you first started posting. But if you're gonna start shooting at me now too, you're starting to alienate even those that would listen and try to help ... and that's not a good thing. Not a good thing at all.

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P.S.  I hope hope hope that this migration to DD the marketplace listings will not be needing to be re-done.  This includes the "associate Items" , the permissions,  the pictures, etc.  With the last migration wamo...  nearly all my listings had no pictures or permission.   Please Please Please include the "associated items" in the migration...  I've just spent months and months and  hours and hours almost getting those updated...  Honestly since the last migration I've completly stopped socializing in SL and have devoted all of my available time to fixing the problems and issues caused by the last migration.  I was finally starting to think I could start "playing" in SL again... but now I'm afraid that it could be months or even years away again.    

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BellaDonna - Don't start the tears just yet. Let's wait and see what happens on the 21st. From what I can deduce, the changes we'll need to make won't have anything near the impact as the Marketplace migration, not even close. We may not be able to sell or deliver anything, but we won't have to spend hours redoing every detail of every listing like we did for the migration.

After the 21st, if it all blows up, then you won't be the only one crying .. trust me. (Although I promise my first reaction will be a sort of insane "Silence of the Lambs" type cackling)

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Then again, seeing you get called an apologist made my day. Come to think of it, you may be that Malefactor Linden ;)

Glad they're listening and opted for a minimal approach though. Can only imagine the time/energy/money that would have been saved if they stuck to that from the beginning of concept up through beta, public beta, etc. Thinking simple, transparent iterations in public is probably the way to go.

Some central source for changelog style information besides docs. A locked thread here wouldn't hurt for that.

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Darrius, please accept my apology.

It seemed to me that you were starting to go soft on the issue by suggesting we might just quietly wait and trust LL not to again prove that fish in a barrel can indeed shoot themselves, despite our best efforts to talk them out of it. 

I recognize that a lot of people - even real LL apologists -  are disappointed with the DD process going only about as well as I told them to expect, but - seriously - where is the outrage?

DD was initially cited as an imminent solution to things that were happeing as early as August. But users have found ways to solve most of those problems without DD and without much help from LL... just in time for DD to solve these already-solved problems by producing a bunch of new problems; problems we're already seeing every single time new piece of code is dumped on us which is supposed to have something to do with DD. 

OTOH, I do appreciate that LL has now dropped all pretense of any kind of advanced notice about their pointless system tamperings. THAT is an improvement, and maybe, in light of that, I should be showing more patience with people who LL may have gradually worn down with prolonged golden periods of better-than-nothing service, such as I must admit we have mostly had this year, so far.

So, yeah. I'm sorry.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

I recognize that a lot of people - even real LL apologists -  are disappointed with the DD process going only about as well as I told them to expect, but - seriously -
where is the outrage?

Josh, I, for one, am all outraged out.  My blood pressure exploded during the Valentine's Day Massacre and other crazy events and what did it all get me?  Nothin.  Nothin except a day of high blood pressure. 

I've been dreading this day ever since the Commerce Team announced that we'd be moving to Direct Delivery.  I saw major problems with it (and still do, since their first attempt broke the #RLV folder system) but, I just am to the point that; "They're gonna do whatever they want, when they want, and how they want and nothing any of us can say will change their minds. 

Having worked in Retail for a million years, I've always been ready for change.  Working in a retail store you have to be.  Display stands don't stay in one place or hold the same items forever.  It's constantly changing. 

So, I guess we merchants who use Linden Lab's systems have to be ready to change with the technology.

Yes, once the system goes live, I will move all my items out of my magic boxes and then go to my MP store and then to each listing and change the delivery method to Direct Delivery.  I just can't do the outraged thing with Linden Lab anymore.  At this point, nothing they do and nothing that happens will surprise me. 

So...here we go...!!!!!!!!!

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Then again, seeing you get called an apologist made my day. Come to think of it, you may be that Malefactor Linden

ROFL!! I knew as soon as I saw that you'd be around. *GRIN* I gotta admit, I had a momentary panic that maybe I'd gone to sleep as Darrius and woke up as Dartagan (of old). I dang near went and checked the mirror to see which handsome dude was smiling back at me today. (Don't worry, you're safe. I still got no horns. *chuckle*)

Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Glad they're listening and opted for a minimal approach though. Can only imagine the time/energy/money that would have been saved if they stuck to that from the beginning of concept up through beta, public beta, etc. Thinking simple, transparent iterations in public is probably the way to go.

Some central source for changelog style information besides docs. A locked thread here wouldn't hurt for that.

Me too. It was sorta like watching a kid try and stuff the last giant piece of cake in his mouth lest someone come along and steal part of it before he could gobble it down. I am all for them eventually either expanding Received Items to include inventory offers made while the recipient is offline, or better yet create a new folder just for that purpose. But trying to expand the RI folder now, when they're in the throes of releasing DD .. just seemed like the wrong time and place.

I like the idea of a Locked Thread too. As each week comes around, or when significant changes are made, they can add another "post" that details what has happened/changed and what we can count on coming at us. It would then be easy for someone (or several someones) to start parallel threads to discuss and feedback on the most recent addition. Good thinking Dart.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

Darrius, please accept my apology.

Apology accepted. And besides, you gave Dartagan probably the best laugh he's had in the last month. (In fact, even though I live many states away, I could SWEAR I heard him laughing from here. LOL)

As to the apparent absence of outrage, I must admit the general demeanor here on the forums has been rather tame. However over in the JIRA world, and out in the Blogosphere, things are definitely more "active" and blunt.

DD does make a lot of sense actually. Considering that LL took just a few weeks to connect the in-world account balance to the XStreet balance, the fact that a DD-type feature has taken this long (and a whole new web site to boot) is rather disappointing.

Like you, I'm expecting some rather interesting "unintended features" to pop up on the 21st. That's compounded by the fact that we won't have any real docs on what to expect until release. Lots of people just start clicking and don't bother to read anyway, but making those of us that prefer to read wait until there's new shinies to click on .. that's just asking for trouble IMO.

When will the outrage really surface? On the 21st, I predict we'll see some real priceless flame-gems come across these pages. All in all it should be some excellent practice for my maniacal cackle too.

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Bella - I know that pain all too well it has taken more than 18 months to get my listing sorted after that nasty migration and then their ludicrous maturity demands. This time round I'm praying that it won't be such a malevolent process. As far as I'm aware we do not need to rush into the DD thing. We can keep our magic boxes for a period of time  not yet disclosed. I certainly don't intend to be giving up my boxes any time soon and my finger nails will be embedded in them right to the last. I don't trust LL devs to make this new system run smoothly as they tend to do things that suit themselves and not their customers. However I hope I'm proved wrong this time around.



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I still cannot believe there is no step-by-step instructions on what to do, how it will be implemented, and where those special folders are and how they will appear. A post telling us something is going live in a week, and not one doc on how to implement it in real time. In my book, sad to say, LL has done it again, even if this thing works smoothly. With over 4K of items in the MP, I have a feeling this is going to be a nightmare of major proportions. I am just getting hives at the amount of time I will have to waste switching over to a new system and then dealing with the bugs in the new one. The last disaster was incredible and took months to fix the bugs in it. Sorry, my faith that LL will roll out something half-decent  first, second or third time around has long been shattered. DD may be a good idea, but from idea to implementation - is a very long, and I have a feeling very twisted path. Call me an optimist :)

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Lasher Oh wrote:

Bella - I know that pain all too well it has taken more than 18 months to get my listing sorted after that nasty migration and then their ludicrous maturity demands. This time round I'm praying that it won't be such a malevolent process. As far as I'm aware we do not need to rush into the DD thing. We can keep our magic boxes for a period of time  not yet disclosed. I certainly don't intend to be giving up my boxes any time soon and my finger nails will be embedded in them right to the last. I don't trust LL devs to make this new system run smoothly as they tend to do things that suit themselves and not their customers. However I hope I'm proved wrong this time around.



I am totally onboard with your strategy on LL's DD deployment plans.  I will be the last one to move my magicbox delivery to DD and I will turn out the lights on magicbox.


But Lasher, what scares me is that (as LL has proven time and time again - look at their partial almost full deployment of Received Items this past weekend) LL could risk impacting the operations / sales / delivery of even those of us that try to avoid being the first DD delivery users.  The changes they need to deploy has to - at least in some part - impact the current magicbox delivery system as MP code in general will have to be changed.

So... even for us that will be last to run to DD - hold on to your shorts!

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I too will wait at least until this DD system has been active for months before I think of switching over to it. Magic Box has been super-reliable, so until it is unavailable (or force throttled/screwed up to make it become unreliable) I will probably continue using it.

Why fix what isn't broken? :catsurprised:

I value my own time & my customer's time & don't want to frustrate them by recklessly experimenting with an essentially untested alpha-grade implementation that will surely have all kinds of problems for months, because Lindens always "test" stuff this way....   by running it live in our economy before it is truly ready for prime time.

Thanks Lindens for your hard work, but as a delivery system is the backbone of my business, sorry I'll be sitting this one out for as long as possible.

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I'm pretty sure this is the prevailing sentiment, even if very few of us are articulating it.

I was really a lot more eager to try DD before I found (over a period of months waiting for DD) so many of my own solutions to problems LL either denied, misdiagnosed, or said just couldn't be solved in the ways that I finally solved them...

... and before LL showed us, so many times, that even a smaller piece of the total DD code package was enough to unmistakably throw fertilizer on the ventilator. 

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JackRipper666 wrote:

So does this mean if I store my magic box items all in direct delivery folder I no longer need magic box? The items are stored online to send directly to customer? Sorry I'm new to this selling and it's confusing to me lol.

Yes, Jack, that's correct.  Supposedly.  The Direct Delivery system makes the Magic Boxes unnecessary.  Whether the system works as it's intended to is a whole other question.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

It means you don't need the box until LL suddenly decides that, yes, maybe you really do need it after all.

By which time it will most likely have completely ceased to exist. 

LOL thanks for the Friday giggle - you know the ways of the Lab all too well. I bet we'll be back to square one in 2 years from now and calling it a 'drop box' when the magic has worn off!


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For those who would like to review some of the documentation we will be releasing on March 21, we have had Beta versions of these documents up since we launched the Direct Delivery Beta. Here are a couple of links to those documents:

If you would like to try Direct Delivery out and get some of your questions answered that way, please try it out on the Beta Grid.

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