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Flamers, Trolls, Dramaqueens and Spectators

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Ima Rang wrote:

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Wow your honest, i think that the top of any forum are the flamers, and your right they would be boring with out it.

Yes, I am honest
, and my honest opinion is often regarded as a flame or an intentional troll. 
I pride myself on being honest in an environment that does not promote honesty or personal integrity.



I laughed.

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DaiUretic wrote

Which one am I? I am one of the elite, look you. In fact, I am the only remaining member of the forum elite. I used to be here a lot, but that was in the days when there were posters worth jousting with here, when mods occasionally made jokes and told people off for taking things too seriously. Plus ca change, eh?

Now, the forums are barely concealed ineffective commercial propaganda vehicles, frequented by those who don't value their reputation as highly as even their time, it appears. There are more fakes posting here than there are ex-LL staff working for Facebook. It's not worth posting anything of consequence here, not even a good trolling OP, since some pansy liberal will AR it and it will be disappeared by a bilingually semiliterate mod who won't bother to read it, or if it criticises LL a Linden will use its Godmode to eliminate the evidence without leaving a trace.

This forum used to be a place where people came to discuss what they did in SL. Now it's a place for those who can't work out what they want to do inworld, if they can be bothered to go there at all, and the ambulance chasers use it for free promotional purposes. They must be desperate. All that happens is that anyone trying to sell their stuff in GD gets their names put on The Black List. Yes, it exists. Watch your sales plummet once you have demonstrated your lack of care for your customers here.

The feeds are now the place to be for flaming, trolling, drama queens and poseurs. I don't know if there are many spectators there. I would like the spammers, oops, commercial forumites, to turn up there in force, which would compel LL to do something about their ill-designed and partially functioning software, and perhaps convert the Trending tab away from something that a man and his alt could game on a 24x7 basis.

I'm off to the pub now. I have to see a man about a sheepdog.


you are too generous with your praise

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Porky Gorky wrote:

That statement might have made a bit more impact if it hadn't come from an account that was made today. As it stands it just sounds like you are talking bollocks. :matte-motes-agape:

Ever heard of the concept of burn phones?

If the cap fits wear it, sunshine. Your reaction tells your potential clients everything they would want to know.


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DaiUretic wrote:

I'm off to the pub now. I have to see a man about a sheepdog.



what kind? collie or huntaway?

probly best get a huntaway. can send them up a mountain and yell at them and they bark at the sheep to get them moving down to the valley. huntaways can go all day that way. collies work best on the flat where they use eye contact and body movement


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16 wrote:

DaiUretic wrote:

I'm off to the pub now. I have to see a man about a sheepdog.



what kind? collie or huntaway?

probly best get a huntaway. can send them up a mountain and yell at them and they bark at the sheep to get them moving down to the valley. huntaways can go all day that way. collies work best on the flat where they use eye contact and body movement


You've got the wrong end of the stick. I am investigating a cross between a dog and a sheep, so that I have someone faithful I can count on in bed.


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BabyDeeQ wrote:

Ima Rang wrote:

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Wow your honest, i think that the top of any forum are the flamers, and your right they would be boring with out it.

Yes, I am honest
, and my honest opinion is often regarded as a flame or an intentional troll. 
I pride myself on being honest in an environment that does not promote honesty or personal integrity.



I laughed.

Oh...and here comes the always windy and stormy poster....Welcome back. 

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DaiUretic wrote:

Ever heard of the concept of burn phones?

If the cap fits wear it, sunshine. Your reaction tells your potential clients everything they would want to know.


Luckily for me I'm not desperate enough to have to rely on a  forum with a small userbase to generate sales. So I feel no need to hide in order to avoid alienating potential customers.

Infact I would have said exactly the same thing to you in world if you were a customer. If you contacted me inworld with the intention of buying a product and then laid the whole "I am elite" speech on me with a brand new account, i would have happily told you that you are talking bollocks and sent you on your merry way.

So why are you hiding Dai? Are you just here with your alt to flame? Or are you planning on doing something that would besmirch your good business name?

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Ima Rang wrote:

BabyDeeQ wrote:

Ima Rang wrote:

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Wow your honest, i think that the top of any forum are the flamers, and your right they would be boring with out it.

Yes, I am honest
, and my honest opinion is often regarded as a flame or an intentional troll. 
I pride myself on being honest in an environment that does not promote honesty or personal integrity.


I laughed.

Oh...and here comes the always windy and stormy poster....
Welcome back


Case in point!  Doesn't sound so honest to me!  Laughs again, harder. 

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What one are you?

I am everyone, and I am No One !

1. I am nice, but you piss me off I can rage.

2. You want to play a game, Two can play that game aka (Trolling/Griefing).

3. I prefer peace, and friends, but some want war, again two can play, and that is not only in SL, I am everywhere and I am nowhere.

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Um dunno? There are griefers/trolls everywhere its the internets, and the Internet is made of cats.

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

Not really but yup there are a lot of things that take place in SL, for example SOPA,PIPA, & ACATA can effect SL, but you know what I think. They should open a Off Topic forum section, possibly a Religion/Politics section and just ask people keep it respectful.

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

General Discussion about Second Life, I try to keep it mostly this and events that occur in Second Life, although I really do not think they care as long as it is civil, usually a moderator would contact you if it wasn't.

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

I get laughs at this, Who cares when they can make 9000 + accounts from all different IP addresses and access the forums without even logging into SL with no security. They didn't leave.

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

They actually do all the time, I have been griefed by One person in Bloodlines who supported TOS violations, One person from GOR who again Griefed many people caused harm to so many developers by standing by watching doing nothing, and one person from another RP simulator who didn't like me so they took revenge getting me banned from 13 sims without reason. It is only Ignorant people who give into such griefers/Drama Queen/Trolls, why does drama happen because two parties can't agree, and often people make the wrong decisions and choices instead of willing to work a common solution/problem out, this doesn't include on purpose trolling/griefing.

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

Lindens have been quite helpful, but given the fact SL has very poor security, and its forums, I doubt they can do such besides ban griefers repediately, and keep in mind they have to help all the new people to Second Life, and things such as land issues, running servers, etc. There simply isn't enough Lindens to deal with it all 24/7 there are more of us than there are lindens.

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

LOL you honestly don't even want to know what I think about some helpers. I remember when the Mentor system was still around, some of its members were trolls/griefers themselves even making threats because of their Linden Friends, while some were actually good helpers. Yes some people might be here to promote themselves on the forums.

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You rang?


Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

What one are you? Spectator, mostly. You forgot helpful people. Some people do like to hang out and try to  help.

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum? Every group has its villain, but more than one and things usually go downhill fast. If a group does not have a villain, it will usually turn on, and marginalize, one of its own (see: high school.)

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl? And some other things of general interest, in the general forum; long as it doesn't devolve into hissy fits and flaming.

What do you think the lindens want from this forum? Lunch?

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?  I have no idea since I am not familiar with that. Is it a right/wrong thing in the empirical sense? Seems contextual to me.

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want? Objection! Leading question.

How much do you think the lindens value those that help? I have no idea.

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?  I don't buy into the "there is no such thing as altruism" spiel. I have met too many selfless people, here and in real life as well. 

Edited because the quote thing made it all italic even though it wasn't that way during typing.

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Porky Gorky wrote:


Luckily for me I'm not desperate enough to have to rely on a  forum with a small userbase to generate sales. So I feel no need to hide in order to avoid alienating potential customers.

Infact I would have said exactly the same thing to you in world if you were a customer. If you contacted me inworld with the intention of buying a product and then laid the whole "I am elite" speech on me with a brand new account, i would have happily told you that you are talking bollocks and sent you on your merry way.

So why are you hiding Dai? Are you just here with your alt to troll? Or are you planning on doing something that would besmirch your good business name?

Yes.... it's real tiny!

You can see how many have viewed (not necessarily read) your post.....its a tiny amount.!  Throughout SL's Forum history....it's always been a tiny amount relative to Second Life Population. That's why i'm not bothered if some of my views are regarded as controversial. Only on the odd occasion a fellow merchant, a tenant or a SL friend will tap me on the shoulder and tell me that they've read my comments on the SL blogs or forums. (and normally in agreement with my point of view!)

It really isn't going to increase or decrease my SL business in the grand scheme of things!

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As you know Rene,...."Back in the day" when this forum was at it's most active, it was a total bitchfest. We had resmods who constantly failed to maintain order and you could essentially say whatever you wanted as long is it wasn't too extreme, i.e. no racism or overly explicit language. I used to get quite involved. I like debating and arguing with people, especially the LL cheerleaders, it's entertainment to some extent and a good way to pass the time on slow work days. I'm tactless and blunt so generally there was no shortage of people to debate with, they were normally queuing up to pull my posts apart and to offer their opinions.

I would be active for a few months on the forum, then would be inactive for a few months as my workload increased. I saw no difference at all to my profit levels or my bottom line in SL. There is no notable correlation between my forum activities and my sales of digital content. When debating with someone, quite often they assume that I am hurting my business through the comments I make and they are smug in the assurance that they are not hurting their own business as they are hiding behind an alt. This is just nonsense.

And in the event that my contribution to the forums does have minimal impact on my sales then it all balances out anyway. Some people may choose to not buy my products based on comments I have made. On the other hand, some people who have never heard of me before will check out my profile or MP listings and become customers. It's all exposure after all and generally there are some people that agree with what I say and some people that don't. 

As I said before though, it's all negligible at the end of the day. The active userbase here is really small and always has been when compared to the inworld population. If people are so desperate for business that they let it dictate how they present themselves on the forums and it forces them to put on an act and not to be their usual selves, then they need to take good look at their marketing strategy and find more effective ways of reaching out to new and potential customers. I have lots of effective marketing tools at my disposal. This forum isn't one of them.

Compared to in the past,  my posts nowadays are tame and rarely confrontational because you can't get away with it any more. We have real moderators now who actually know how to do their jobs. I take my hat off too them, they have certainly cleaned up the streets as it were.  Unfortunately the forums are allot less interesting as a result but that is the price we have to pay for helping protect the teens and helping LL protect their reputation on a publicly accessible forum.


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Porky Gorky wrote:

As you know Rene,...."Back in the day" when this forum was at it's most active, it was a total bitchfest. We had resmods who constantly failed to maintain order and you could essentially say whatever you wanted as long is it wasn't too extreme, i.e. no racism or overly explicit language. I used to get quite involved.
I like debating and arguing with people, especially the LL cheerleaders, it's entertainment to some extent and a good way to pass the time on slow work days
. I'm tactless and blunt so generally there was no shortage of people to debate with, they were normally queuing up to pull my posts apart and to offer their opinions.

lol...me too! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:


Porky Gorky wrote:


I would be active for a few months on the forum, then would be inactive for a few months as my workload increased. I saw no difference at all to my profit levels or my bottom line in SL. There is no notable correlation between my forum activities and my sales of digital content.

When debating with someone, quite often they assume that I am hurting my business through the comments I make and they are smug in the assurance that they are not hurting their own business as they are hiding behind an alt. This is just nonsense.

Snap!   No difference at all!

That particularly occured on Merchant related forums, where others would warn me, that my views would hurt my business. Well, I'm still here and still standing.....and have not downsized at all. My next move will most likely be expansion! So their smugness is what it is......poppycock!


Porky Gorky wrote:


As I said before though, it's all negligible at the end of the day. The active userbase here is really small and always has been when compared to the inworld population. If people are so desperate for business that they let it dictate how they present themselves on the forums,
then they need to take good look at their marketing strategy and find more effective ways of reaching out to new and potential customers. I have lots of effective marketing tools at my disposal. This forum isn't one of them.


100% correct imo! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:


Porky Gorky wrote:


Compared to in the past,  
my posts nowadays are tame and rarely confrontational
because you can't get away with it any more. We have real moderators now who actually know how to do their jobs. I take my hat off too them, they have certainly cleaned up the streets as it were.  Unfortunately the forums are allot less interesting as a result but that is the price we have to pay for helping protect the teens and helping LL protect their reputation on a publicly accessible forum.


Me too...then again the likes of Suspira have disappeared from here, so life on these Forums have become more peaceful! :matte-motes-wink:





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Porky Gorky wrote:


Compared to in the past,  my posts nowadays are tame and rarely confrontational because you can't get away with it any more. We have real moderators now who actually know how to do their jobs. I take my hat off too them, they have certainly cleaned up the streets as it were.  Unfortunately the forums are allot less interesting as a result but that is the price we have to pay for helping protect the teens and helping LL protect their reputation on a publicly accessible forum.


So you condone censorship.

Censoring this forum does nothing to "protect the teens." Teens lie about their age & access A rated regions in SL with impunity. Few teens are even going to read the forum and I sure don't see how the censorious stifling of free debate is going to "protect" the few who may. "Protect" them from what? From seeing ideas & opinions being freely expressed?

Censoring this forum does nothing to protect LL's reputation either. What reputation? Their reputation for having a game catering to gamblers & perverts? Yeah, the gambling is gone, for the most part, but most people don't know that. So now its all about slex, to the minds of the public who're even vaguely familiar with SL. Those of us who actually play SL & like it hold LL in low regard - except for the few weasels suffering from Stockholm Syndrome who cohere unto their own oppressor. So LL has no reputation to protect. And even if it did, once again, I fail to see how censoring discussion in this forum would serve to protect it.


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I couldn't care less about censorship in regards to this forum. This forum is run by a private company . They make the rules. I have a choice of either following their rules or not participate at all. It's as simple as that. If you care about your comments being censored then you should stop posting here.

With regards to censoring the forum from the teens. I never said the current level of moderation has succeeded in protecting the teens. Of course it hasn't, and that's because of the reasons you outlined. I was simply saying that one of the reasons we have increased moderation now is because LL is trying to protect the teens. Whether or not they succeed is irrelevant to the point I was making. I am saying LL's attempt to protect the teens is a factor in the current level of moderation.

With regards to protecting LL's reputation, you have taken a much wider view than I have. I don't for one second think that the moderation we are currently seeing will undo years of bad publicity. I was thinking on a much smaller scale. Despite the years of bad press we still have lots of new people signing up every day and some of them will eventually make it to the forum. Obviously LL would not want these new customers faced with a barrage of anti-LL threads when they arrive. It's not good for business or customer retention. So this is what they are trying to protect I believe. They are trying to protect their current standing as a service provider to new and potential customers. I want SL to succeed and grow again so this makes good business sense to me.


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Me too...then again the likes of Suspira have disappeared from here, so life on these Forums have become more peaceful! **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/html/assets/emoticons/mattemotes/wink.png" border="0" alt=":matte-motes-wink:" title="" />


Hey, I liked Suspiria.........she didn't like me though.  :)

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Pretty fast and loose with the word "censorship". 


"So you condone censorship.

Censoring this forum does nothing to "protect the teens." Teens lie about their age & access A rated regions in SL with impunity. Few teens are even going to read the forum and I sure don't see how the censorious stifling of free debate is going to "protect" the few who may. "Protect" them from what? From seeing ideas & opinions being freely expressed?

Censoring this forum does nothing to protect LL's reputation either. What reputation? Their reputation for having a game catering to gamblers & perverts? Yeah, the gambling is gone, for the most part, but most people don't know that. So now its all about slex, to the minds of the public who're even vaguely familiar with SL. Those of us who actually play SL & like it hold LL in low regard - except for the few weasels suffering from Stockholm Syndrome who cohere unto their own oppressor. So LL has no reputation to protect. And even if it did, once again, I fail to see how censoring discussion in this forum would serve to protect it." 


You know, of course, that censorship in itself is perfectly okay in the United States as far as private companies and individuals are concerned.  You can't use violence to censor anyone but you certainly can censor someone on your property......this forum is Linden Lab's property, by the way.  LL's policy (what you call censorship) is control.......they have every right and every obligation to control what goes on in their forums.  If they don't want flame wars or vulgar words posted in their forum then they can stop it any way they choose to stop it short of violence.  You come on my property and use a word I don't like I can censor you by ejecting you from my property.......you have no right to your "free speech" on my property.  That's not censoring.........it's controlling what goes on in my world and you have no rights at all (except I can't smack you in the head with a pipe).

How does controlling what happens in the forums "protect" teens?  That's simple.  Linden Lab has chosen not to be party to exposing teens to what is universally considered in appropriate content (words and discriptions of violence or sexual are considered inappropriate for persons under the age of 18 in the United States.....that is a law that until changes must be observed by Linden Lab).  So they do "protect" the teens to the extent that they are able.  And the "reputation" they are protecting is closely related to what I just said. 

That's not censorship,  It's controlling their property and observing the US laws that they must observe.  Obviously you don't understand that part and showing your ignorance with posts like I quoted. 

I've yet to see LL "censor" anyone who remains inside the posted guidelines.  I have seen posts and threads disappear that serve no purpose other than to bash LL and SL......Linden Lab is under no obligation to  sit still while some jerk without a clue voices venom because they are unhappy about something.  The threads that remain calm and productive are not deleted.......even when the topic is not particularly flattering to SL or LL.  LL will delete vulgar or offensive posts as they should.  What you call censoring is not censoring at all.....no more than my example of someone coming on my property in my house and saying anything I don't like.  I can get rid of them and they have nothing to say about. 

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a neighborhood that has its amount of crime may make news, with gangs, rapists, kidnappers, mobsters, it may keep action going in that neighborhood, but with time, it drives away the decent residents and good people that live there, new visitors will be driven away by the criminals, at the end, the place stays as a home for the criminals.

what im saying is that negativity may be attractive for the people that like those things, and they may feel the place more "alive" the more negative events happen, but it drives away people who dont want to fight, that want to have a nice calm conversation with another resident from there.

i agree that the place needs moderation so that the good people have a chance to come here and stay as regulars if they want, feeling themselves protected from the people that want to bully them.

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Well stated.  :)

But, I got to be honest.........I like a good fight once in a while.  I do, however, know the limits and try hard not to cross them.  I've mis-stepped a few times in my forum life here..........got scolded and took the slap on the wrist knowing that I deserved it.  There's a difference in a brawl and a good old fashioned fight..........I don't like the brawls (they get bloody and I hate the sight of blood).  :)

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