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Flamers, Trolls, Dramaqueens and Spectators

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What one are you?

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

What one are you?

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

The forum isn't vibrant, it's moribund.

There are a handful of SL retailers who dominate the forum, who tend to dogpile on anyone who posts opinions they think conflict with their interests. This drives people away from the forum and renders it irrelevant.

On top of this user-imposed censorship LL contributes to the stifling of debate by banning anyone interesting or the least bit controversial. In my less than six months in this forum I've seen several of the most knowledgable, interesting & funny posters disappear. LL doesn't value helpers one bit. If they did they would pay them or at least seek to not alienate them or ban them.

Sure, some helpers are here primarily to promote the stuff they sell but others are simply here to help. Some of the most selfless helpers have been driven away while some of the most blatant self-promoters remain. LL is apparently ok with this since they tend to end up with the $$ in the end, whenever anyone buys stuff. One has to conclude that this forum is about advertising rather than helping.

A certain amount of drama is healthy. Without any drama at all the forum is boring. Too much drama, on the other hand, can detract from the interest of the forum. Personally, I think that the forum could use a bit more drama. It's far too dry & unfriendly as it currently is.


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

What one are you?

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

Flamers, trolls and drama queens are in the eye of the beholder... making most of your questions here unanswerable.


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Yes I am, 2 years ago I came here, was the first time in my life I had been on a forum, I could see the opportunities, so I wanted to know how it all worked so choose to oppose views strongly held here, it created a huge response, 1000's of views and comments, I went over the top a bit and started to twist the words to activate certain groups, my words were to strong but it did bring a lot of people in that don't normally view this forum, but the elite bloggers here who you have pointed out grouped together and ask for me to be banned, for 3 days it went on, I ended up getting death treats and the lindens banned me from this forum for 2 years, now I realize that I must be more careful, if I am a flamer, troll or dramaqueen then all that shows I have a lot more to learn, but this is all about getting exposure of my products and the issues in sl relating to my products, as for myself I don't matter, I am not as my av appears, in fact I have lots and really role play with them all, this char is lucinda bulloch CEO of MSDCS and has never fought or been to a role play sim as a player.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

What one are you?

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

The forum isn't vibrant, it's moribund.

There are a handful of SL retailers who dominate the forum, who tend to dogpile on anyone who posts opinions they think conflict with their interests. This drives people away from the forum and renders it irrelevant.

On top of this user-imposed censorship LL contributes to the stifling of debate by banning anyone interesting or the least bit controversial. In my less than six months in this forum I've seen several of the most knowledgable, interesting & funny posters disappear. LL doesn't value helpers one bit. If they did they would pay them or at least seek to not alienate them or ban them.

Sure, some helpers are here primarily to promote the stuff they sell but others are simply here to help. Some of the most selfless helpers have been driven away while some of the most blatant self-promoters remain. LL is apparently ok with this since they tend to end up with the $$ in the end, whenever anyone buys stuff. One has to conclude that this forum is about advertising rather than helping.

A certain amount of drama is healthy. Without any drama at all the forum is boring. Too much drama, on the other hand, can detract from the interest of the forum. Personally, I think that the forum could use a bit more drama. It's far too dry & unfriendly as it currently is.


I agree with most of what you've said here... which is why a barely participate in this forum any more.


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BabyDeeQ wrote:

...  I like to use my alts to sockpuppet.  Doesn't everyone?

No. I use my alt if I want to see how I look from someone else's perspective, like from a different viewer for instance.

I use my alt to dance with when I don't want to be hit on or pestered with IMs.

I used to use my alt to see who was inworld if I was avoiding someone, but have now learned to use the dashboard for this.

I've never used my alt to post in this forum.


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In this thread that you started yesterday about drama in SL, you said

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

.......to be honest it was a mistake posting this question, what it has taught me is to stay away from this forum, way to many disturbed people here.

Yet here you are again, moaning on about the same issues as yesterday in a new thread. So what happened? Did you forget the lesson you claimed to have learned yesterday?

Why are you again seeking the opinions of the same people that you insulted yesterday. Do you think they will be less disturbed today?

Or are you just a hypocrite with a flair for the dramatic?

Enquiring  minds would like to know?

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What one are you?

Not sure.  Maybe all four.  Maybe someone (smething?) else.

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Percentages of what?  Percentages of the four you listed?  What about the "someone (something?)?  Are we to leave those out?

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

Well that's what Linden Lab wants.  So it really doesn't matter what I want (nor what you want either).

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

See above.

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

Did they?  Some interesting folks left but were they really the top flamers?  I've been accused of being a flamer and I haven't left.  Maybe that's because Linden Lab didn't accuse me.....others did though.  :)

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

Linden Lab should not bend to what anyone wants.  They own the joint so they get their way every time.

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

I think Linden Lab does value those who help.  I mean those who really help (not the self discribed "helpers").

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

Of course there are helpers here to promote themselves.  But if they are really helping then that's a good thing.  The self discribed "helpers" are just chaff........but they can be fun.  :)


I probably didn't answer the way you wanted but, then, I don't fit any of the choices you gave.  I feel like an outcast.  :smileyvery-happy:

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

What one are you?

I am often thought of as a flamer, troll and more recently, I am just a mere spectator.

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

100 % interesting.

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

That is what it is by design, so yes.

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

A place to chat or discuss issues related to sl.

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

I must have missed the Top Flamer awards.  I don't know if we have the same taste in flamers so who is to say who is right and who is wrong?

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?


How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

I don't think about it.

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

I don't think about it.


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Wow your honest, i think that the top of any forum are the flamers, and your right they would be boring with out it.

Yes, I am honest, and my honest opinion is often regarded as a flame or an intentional troll.  I pride myself on being honest in an environment that does not promote honesty or personal integrity.  It is a kind of reward I pay to myself for participating in what is generally, as an afterthought, an amazing time suck. 

I am generally entertained by those who feel that the company, any company really, should follow the rules that they sef forth for the users of their service.  The protests are amusing.  It rather brings to mind a comical scenario of the neighbors holding protest in my front yard because I allowed my dog to **bleep** there and denied their dogs that same right to my yard.  Though we all as a neighborhood may collectively agree that the **bleep** is good in that it promotes the healthy and abundant growth of fescue...it's still my damn yard and I say nay!  

Cold medicine makes me chatty.  Sorry for the derail. 



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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

What one are you?

What are the percentages needed to make a vibrant forum?

Do you think this forum should just be a place to chat or discuss issues related to sl?

What do you think the lindens want from this forum?

The forums top flamer left because the lindens accused them of flaming, do you think that right?

Should the lindens bend to what ever flamers, trolls or dramaqueens want?

How much do you think the lindens value those that help?

Or do you think that some helpers are here to promote themselves?

Which one am I? I am one of the elite, look you. In fact, I am the only remaining member of the forum elite. I used to be here a lot, but that was in the days when there were posters worth jousting with here, when mods occasionally made jokes and told people off for taking things too seriously. Plus ca change, eh?

Now, the forums are barely concealed ineffective commercial propaganda vehicles, frequented by those who don't value their reputation as highly as even their time, it appears. There are more fakes posting here than there are ex-LL staff working for Facebook. It's not worth posting anything of consequence here, not even a good trolling OP, since some pansy liberal will AR it and it will be disappeared by a bilingually semiliterate mod who won't bother to read it, or if it criticises LL a Linden will use its Godmode to eliminate the evidence without leaving a trace.

This forum used to be a place where people came to discuss what they did in SL. Now it's a place for those who can't work out what they want to do inworld, if they can be bothered to go there at all, and the ambulance chasers use it for free promotional purposes. They must be desperate. All that happens is that anyone trying to sell their stuff in GD gets their names put on The Black List. Yes, it exists. Watch your sales plummet once you have demonstrated your lack of care for your customers here.

The feeds are now the place to be for flaming, trolling, drama queens and poseurs. I don't know if there are many spectators there. I would like the spammers, oops, commercial forumites, to turn up there in force, which would compel LL to do something about their ill-designed and partially functioning software, and perhaps convert the Trending tab away from something that a man and his alt could game on a 24x7 basis.

I'm off to the pub now. I have to see a man about a sheepdog.


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DaiUretic wrote:

Which one am I? I am one of the elite, look you. In fact, I am the only remaining member of the forum elite. I used to be here a lot, but that was in the days when there were posters worth jousting with here, when mods occasionally made jokes and told people off for taking things too seriously. Plus ca change, eh?

Now, the forums are barely concealed ineffective commercial propaganda vehicles, frequented by those who don't value their reputation as highly as even their time, it appears. There are more fakes posting here than there are ex-LL staff working for Facebook. It's not worth posting anything of consequence here, not even a good trolling OP, since some pansy liberal will AR it and it will be disappeared by a bilingually semiliterate mod who won't bother to read it, or if it criticises LL a Linden will use its Godmode to eliminate the evidence without leaving a trace.

This forum used to be a place where people came to discuss what they did in SL. Now it's a place for those who can't work out what they want to do inworld, if they can be bothered to go there at all, and the ambulance chasers use it for free promotional purposes. They must be desperate. All that happens is that anyone trying to sell their stuff in GD gets their names put on The Black List. Yes, it exists. Watch your sales plummet once you have demonstrated your lack of care for your customers here.

The feeds are now the place to be for flaming, trolling, drama queens and poseurs. I don't know if there are many spectators there. I would like the spammers, oops, commercial forumites, to turn up there in force, which would compel LL to do something about their ill-designed and partially functioning software, and perhaps convert the Trending tab away from something that a man and his alt could game on a 24x7 basis.

I'm off to the pub now. I have to see a man about a sheepdog.


What do you really think, tho, Dai...?? :matte-motes-tongue:


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DaiUretic wrote:

Which one am I? I am one of the elite, look you. In fact, I am the only remaining member of the forum elite. I used to be here a lot, but that was in the days when there were posters worth jousting with here, when mods occasionally made jokes and told people off for taking things too seriously. Plus ca change, eh?

Now, the forums are barely concealed ineffective commercial propaganda vehicles, frequented by those who don't value their reputation as highly as even their time, it appears. There are more fakes posting here than there are ex-LL staff working for Facebook. It's not worth posting anything of consequence here, not even a good trolling OP, since some pansy liberal will AR it and it will be disappeared by a bilingually semiliterate mod who won't bother to read it, or if it criticises LL a Linden will use its Godmode to eliminate the evidence without leaving a trace.

This forum used to be a place where people came to discuss what they did in SL. Now it's a place for those who can't work out what they want to do inworld, if they can be bothered to go there at all, and the ambulance chasers use it for free promotional purposes. They must be desperate. All that happens is that anyone trying to sell their stuff in GD gets their names put on The Black List. Yes, it exists. Watch your sales plummet once you have demonstrated your lack of care for your customers here.

The feeds are now the place to be for flaming, trolling, drama queens and poseurs. I don't know if there are many spectators there. I would like the spammers, oops, commercial forumites, to turn up there in force, which would compel LL to do something about their ill-designed and partially functioning software, and perhaps convert the Trending tab away from something that a man and his alt could game on a 24x7 basis.

I'm off to the pub now. I have to see a man about a sheepdog.


That statement might have made a bit more impact if it hadn't come from an account that was made today. As it stands it just sounds like you are talking bollocks. :matte-motes-agape:

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