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SL TOS Translated!


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

hamiltonRP wrote:

This is bull **bleep** becuase I have now spent about 3 hours in the help island public alot of people who are spanish etc I asked them if they understand the TOS ( I translalted the question) and they said no.. and this person who can nearly speak english said that she cannot be bothered to go though the hassle with the translators.. So this is just **bleep**ed up.. Linden Lab need the TOS translted.. they get enough money they can afford it! I might post a letter to the CEO of Linden Labs soon.

( My prior quest is no more.. my new one is to get the TOS translted end of story.. not on about underaged or griefers anymore, thanks)


What makes you think that most of the English speakers understand the TOS either, much less even bother to read it?

We're supposed to read it?

ToS for most of us means "Tick-Ok-Submit" and lemme haz my toyz!  I'd be confident to wager that 99% of SL users have never read the ToS and if LL put it up in Swahili or Mongolian as default then 99% of people would still sign it without reading.

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Sy Beck wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

hamiltonRP wrote:

This is bull **bleep** becuase I have now spent about 3 hours in the help island public alot of people who are spanish etc I asked them if they understand the TOS ( I translalted the question) and they said no.. and this person who can nearly speak english said that she cannot be bothered to go though the hassle with the translators.. So this is just **bleep**ed up.. Linden Lab need the TOS translted.. they get enough money they can afford it! I might post a letter to the CEO of Linden Labs soon.

( My prior quest is no more.. my new one is to get the TOS translted end of story.. not on about underaged or griefers anymore, thanks)


What makes you think that most of the English speakers understand the TOS either, much less even bother to read it?

We're supposed to read it?

ToS for most of us means "Tick-Ok-Submit" and lemme haz my toyz!  I'd be confident to wager that 99% of SL users have never read the ToS and if LL put it up in Swahili or Mongolian as default then 99% of people would still sign it without reading.

Maybe they should make us write an essay to see if we comprehend it :P

Oh, does that make us part of the 99% now?

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Sy Beck wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

hamiltonRP wrote:

This is bull **bleep** becuase I have now spent about 3 hours in the help island public alot of people who are spanish etc I asked them if they understand the TOS ( I translalted the question) and they said no.. and this person who can nearly speak english said that she cannot be bothered to go though the hassle with the translators.. So this is just **bleep**ed up.. Linden Lab need the TOS translted.. they get enough money they can afford it! I might post a letter to the CEO of Linden Labs soon.

( My prior quest is no more.. my new one is to get the TOS translted end of story.. not on about underaged or griefers anymore, thanks)


What makes you think that most of the English speakers understand the TOS either, much less even bother to read it?

We're supposed to read it?

ToS for most of us means "Tick-Ok-Submit" and lemme haz my toyz!  I'd be confident to wager that 99% of SL users have never read the ToS and if LL put it up in Swahili or Mongolian as default then 99% of people would still sign it without reading.

Maybe they should make us write an essay to see if we comprehend it

Oh, does that make us part of the 99% now?

After many years on the internet I have concluded that all Terms of Services can be boiled down to three points:

1.  أي شيء آخر هنا تنتمي إلينا.

2.   يمكننا أن نفعل به ما نريد

3.  يمكننا إلغاء حسابك لأي سبب من الأسباب نريد وليس هناك شيء يمكنك القيام به حيال ذلك.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Sy Beck wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

hamiltonRP wrote:

This is bull **bleep** becuase I have now spent about 3 hours in the help island public alot of people who are spanish etc I asked them if they understand the TOS ( I translalted the question) and they said no.. and this person who can nearly speak english said that she cannot be bothered to go though the hassle with the translators.. So this is just **bleep**ed up.. Linden Lab need the TOS translted.. they get enough money they can afford it! I might post a letter to the CEO of Linden Labs soon.

( My prior quest is no more.. my new one is to get the TOS translted end of story.. not on about underaged or griefers anymore, thanks)


What makes you think that most of the English speakers understand the TOS either, much less even bother to read it?

We're supposed to read it?

ToS for most of us means "Tick-Ok-Submit" and lemme haz my toyz!  I'd be confident to wager that 99% of SL users have never read the ToS and if LL put it up in Swahili or Mongolian as default then 99% of people would still sign it without reading.

Maybe they should make us write an essay to see if we comprehend it

Oh, does that make us part of the 99% now?

After many years on the internet I have concluded that all Terms of Services can be boiled down to three points:

أي شيء

يمكننا أن نفعل
به ما

إلغاء حسابك
لأي سبب من الأسباب
نريد و
ليس هناك شيء
يمكنك القيام به
حيال ذلك.


Where do I press one for English?

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steampunk.gears ------“LL does loose over seas revenue because over seas customers get into difficulties due to not knowing the rules and just joining in as if it's a twitter free for all, so in the long run it costs more in lost income than it would to translate it.If I received an invite by email or clicked on an advert to join an overseas game / service I'd expect them to accommodate my language if they want my money. LL takes payments from around the world? LL is an open service from any over seas IP? then LL is released as a product globally? so then LL is neglecting their customers in favor of just sitting on their hands and loosing customers due to the hassle of doing anything none English.But expects countries who are English speakers to be always able to have spare income to waste in this game / service? China is going to over take the USA and other places they're growing markets and China did have it's own SL clone I know because I tried it in beta, but you can't expect to be globally recognized and survive long term while not support your new and old customers languages.Do you realize we're in a decline? not translating it means they're less competitive with other countries services that will emerge. Because you don't retain people who don't understand and get banned.”

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hamiltonRP wrote:

 Because you don't retain people who don't understand and get banned.”

The Terms of Service and Community Standards reflect many things that you might call common courtesies and standards for behavior or decency that are pretty universal every where.  Things like not stealing (copy botting).  Or griefing.  Or one of your favorites, sexual age play. 

So not "understanding" the Terms of Service or Community Standards is not what gets them banned.  What gets them banned is being thieves or turds to begin with.  These people would read the TOS and either decide to not join SL or would join any way and ignore the rules.  Either way, their absence would be no loss to Second Life.

A turd is a turd is a turd is a turd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

By my and other people who agree with me YES! if you look up on secondlife.com youll see a translator and that will translte all the logos and **bleep**, but the TOS will stay the same.. If Linden Labs dont fix this then idk I guess when my membership runs out I wont buy lindens or anything becuase Linden Lab as a company sucks.. They are just **bleep** I hate them for not even listening to the residents of their service. 

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is something like this, if you are a japanese business man and want to sell your products in the United States, is not gonna be a smart move the buy some spots in American television running commercials in only japanese.

you want to communicate to your clients about the product, how would you use it, you want to communicate all things you consider necessary to have a good relationship with the customer, and if you have a TOS dictaminating certain behaviour that you expect from them to use your product, you should have that line of communication with them benefiting both, you as a company because they may fill your expectations, and them as clients, because they may make better use of your product as is expected.

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  • 1 year later...

This isn't going to help me with my needs. Let me give you an idea... I myself am in the 93% of literary understanding... that would be literary IQ. And let me tell you, I full well understand the TOS, and according to most of what happens, those who wrote it do not know what they have said.

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Aston Imari wrote:

This isn't going to help me with my needs. Let me give you an idea... I myself am in the 93% of literary understanding... that would be literary IQ. And let me tell you, I full well understand the TOS, and according to most of what happens, those who wrote it do not know what they have said.

Could someone translate this post into English please?

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Charly Muggins wrote:

Aston Imari wrote:

This isn't going to help me with my needs. Let me give you an idea... I myself am in the 93% of literary understanding... that would be literary IQ. And let me tell you, I full well understand the TOS, and according to most of what happens, those who wrote it do not know what they have said.

Could someone translate this post into English please?

I'd be glad to:


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