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@Linden Labs About Sopa

amarock Amat

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Sopa is a bill that does a lot of things questionable about copyright laws, that merchants and such in SL, already have DMCA for, I believe it would be a greater hinder and increases both merchant, and second lives costs of operating and managing, as you would have to increase your legal issues, and policing nearly everything loaded in world.

I would please ask as a merchant, who uses this as his only form to pay for college books, as a student who is trying to get a degree in computer programming and network security, to please fight against this ,and join the support of others of your business peers that fight against this horrid bill. It's not much but, please make some sort of public comment against it, before it forces us all to go out of business.

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amarock Amat wrote:

It's not much but, please make some sort of public comment against it, before it forces us all to go out of business.

I don't see how this forces us all to go out of business. You agreed to a TOS that does not allow you to upload content when you are not the IP right holder or have permission to do so from the IP right holder.

When your business depends on content that violates the TOS you created a problem for yourself, with or without sopa.

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How it is now LL is protected, just like youtube from just hosting it, but not endorsing...with this new law, it would make folks like youtube, willful accomplices and allowing an action to happen, and gives the USA goverment full rights to mute a DNS of a website or server.

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SL like Youtubes and many others would have to close to remove all copyright materials and wait for a review to prove it has removed all of the material if ordered to do so by the government, this could take months or even years depending on the quantity of material.

However right now the responsibility of of filing a cease and desist order or suing for use of copyrights is up to the individual holding the copyright not the government since many willfully allow their copyrighted materials to be use by others as a form of free promotion to be seen by the main stream public faster, this freedom will be removed if this law passes.

Then again, this could all be avoided if SL moved to Canada which would be cheaper.

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Oh I see... maybe that is behind why Rod is talking about a creators account for Linden Realms. And why you have to be verified to be able to upload mesh. I guess we will soon see a creators account for other uploads as well, they are working towards making it impossible to upload anonymously.

Freecilla Kuhn wrote:

However right now the responsibility of of filing a cease and desist order or suing for use of copyrights is up to the individual holding the copyright not the government since many willfully allow their copyrighted materials to be use by others as a form of free promotion to be seen by the main stream public faster, this freedom will be removed if this law passes.

So you are basicly telling me, that I as copyright holder of my own stuff can no longer allow people to do with my creations what they want. I just don't believe it. It is my copyright, when I want to give permission to people to copy, distribute or make derivative works I'm free to do so. Then there is simply no infringment, because I give permission.

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No a Owners right stays the same, it is the distrubuting networks, like Second Life, Youtube, Facbook, reddit, that would be put under way to much undue stress for mearly linking or being used to link towards 10% issues. At the same time allows the us to blacklist any website, with no legel warrent.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Oh I see... maybe that is behind why Rod is talking about a creators account for Linden Realms. And why you have to be verified to be able to upload mesh. I guess we will soon see a creators account for other uploads as well, they are working towards making it impossible to upload anonymously.

Freecilla Kuhn wrote:

However right now the responsibility of of filing a cease and desist order or suing for use of copyrights is up to the individual holding the copyright not the government since many willfully allow their copyrighted materials to be use by others as a form of free promotion to be seen by the main stream public faster, this freedom will be removed if this law passes.

So you are basicly telling me, that I as copyright holder of my own stuff can no longer allow people to do with my creations what they want. I just don't believe it. It is my copyright, when I want to give permission to people to copy, distribute or make
derivative works I'm free to do so. Then there is simply no infringment, because I give permission.

here is an example..say someone from the NFL saw someone selling nfl jersey's  with the NFL logo on them on the market place that did not have permission to do so..

these people from the NFL complain or file where ever they have to file and get an investigation going about their content they own..

the site gets shut down and investigated right away..so basically everyone would be out of business on the marketplace until the investigation was over..if they include SL grid as part of that as well..then include the grid being shut down until the investigation would be over with as well..

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Oh, my god.  If SOPA passes, internet sharing sites based in the US will have to shut down for a while until all copyrighted material is eliminated.  Don't know how long that may be, but I strongly suggest that, if you have received full-perm items in your inventory and it is uncertain if they are copyrighted material, DELETE THEM IMMEDIATELY.  If you really want to get something for free, take advantage of limited time freebies while they exist.  There are tons of places where you can pick up authorized freebies.

YouTube probably has billions of videos on their server.  If they contained copyrighted material (whether it be full TV shows or music), chances are that YouTube would hire more people for a short period in an effort to order a deletion on such material.  They could even retrieve a list of recording artists and TV show and movie titles, and the owners could add a filter that would possibly allow the owners to key in the show title/movie title/recording artist and song title, and automatically delete them if they match those key words.

I have a feeling that, if SOPA passes into law, those users will probably decide to delete their accounts out of grave fear, and their videos will go with it as well.  I know, I had a handful of Card Sharks episodes on YouTube, but since I couldn't delete them individually, I felt I had no choice other than to delete my account.  I currently have an alternate account on YouTube.

While it will suck that I won't be able to download anything on any American site again (if the bill passes into law), I realize that, if it will help boost the dire US economy, I am all for it.

Again, I STRONGLY urge all of you to search your inventory for full-perm items or items that you suspect could be full-perm.  If you are uncertain if they are full-perm, DELETE THEM ANYWAYS.  That may save SL any trouble in having to go through millions or billions of non-authorized items and SL may be down for a small period of time, if any.

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amarock Amat wrote:

How it is now LL is protected, just like youtube from just hosting it, but not endorsing...with this new law, it would make folks like youtube, willful accomplices and allowing an action to happen, and gives the USA goverment full rights to mute a DNS of a website or server.

yes thats right. they will be wilful if they continue with current practices that may become illegal. but thats the thing. they wont continue with those practices. companies like linden and google and yahoo and facebook whatevers are law abiding companies. they will obey the law whatever it is

so linden and google and yahoo and facebook whatevers are not going offline. not ever

they dont need or even want the headache that ripped content gives them even now. their business models are built on legitimate content not illegitimate content. there is more legit legal content on the interwebz now than even google knows what to do with. sl as well. is so much legitimate content and stuff in sl even the freebie hunters getting picky

if every copy of every ripped content disappeared off the interwebz, what do u think would happen. what would change for those companies and their users. a big fat nothing thats what

be business as usual for them and for their over a billion legit users and customers

 edit: except for the DNS bit. the house chairman announce they going to look again at that part. the objection to that is coming from the ISPs and router companies. their concern is the costs for them in technically doing that and the committee agree to rexamine that part in that light


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16 wrote:

they dont need or even want the headache that ripped content gives them even now. their business models are built on legitimate content not illegitimate content. there is more legit legal content on the interwebz now than even google knows what to do with. sl as well. is so much legitimate content and stuff in sl even the freebie hunters getting picky

if every copy of every ripped content disappeared off the interwebz, what do u think would happen. what would change for those companies and their users. a big fat nothing thats what

be business as usual for them and for their over a billion legit users and customers


Second Life, YouTube and Facebook are all based on user generated content, if sites like that have to close down because a user uploaded infringing content, then those sites will cease to exist as user generated content sites.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

16 wrote:

they dont need or even want the headache that ripped content gives them even now. their business models are built on legitimate content not illegitimate content. there is more legit legal content on the interwebz now than even google knows what to do with. sl as well. is so much legitimate content and stuff in sl even the freebie hunters getting picky

if every copy of every ripped content disappeared off the interwebz, what do u think would happen. what would change for those companies and their users. a big fat nothing thats what

be business as usual for them and for their over a billion legit users and customers


Second Life, YouTube and Facebook are all based on user generated content, if sites like that have to close down because a user uploaded infringing content, then those sites will cease to exist as user generated content sites.

exactly..linden lab and those other companies are not the problem..it would be the  users uploading stuff and getting caught that would create the problem and investigations....


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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Second Life, YouTube and Facebook are all based on user generated content, if sites like that have to close down because a user uploaded infringing content, then those sites will cease to exist as user generated content sites.

yes thats right as well

the assumption is tho that sites like secondlife, youtube and facebook wont change the way they operate as they do now. they will if there is enough user generated content legitimately made and uploaded for them to continue to make a profit. am suggesting that there is, way more than we know what to do with already, and every day heaps more keeps piling and piling up. ppl like to make stuff, need to even. is what humans do. has always been our way

sl is a good example of a ugc site that has an abundance of legit content for it to continue. same youtube. that may not have been the case in the early days of youtube, or sl even, but is certainly the case now. i just think the abundance of legit ugc available today been a little bit overlooked in all this debate


also i think is another point been overlooked. at the moment, companies like linden and google/youtube are very cautious about how they handle ip infringements and ppl who offend in that way, bc of the way that the dmca is constructed. the host companies are ultra cautious bc of their own liabilty if they take any unilateral action of their own against infringers without a formal complaint from an ip holder

sopa like provisions give the hosting companies more legal  powers to move against infringers using their services. these kinda laws actual impel them to do that or be liable themselves if they do not

so thats what i mean as well. if is a sopa like law passed then linden google facebook etc will change the way they operate. these companies going to harden up on infringers and they going to swing the banhammer on user infringers way more than they been doing up to now

that is going to affect us as users. will make us think more carefully about the stuff we do upload to sl, utube facebook ect. is a change for some of us is this. for others not so much





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if it were to work that way it would be nice..but i don't think the problem is how we read it..the problem is gonna come when it gets abused and opens other doors..

we saw what happened in the napster days..now give them a criminal law that they can throw people in jail for just a bit of DNA in something and it's a bigger problem..

and the way america is ..it will get abused..people and corps run the fine thin edge  of almost going beyond to push the limits of the law on both sides of laws to benefit them..

they will on this one as well..

i hope they are still amending the crap out of it like they were  in the first set of meetings..it may end up being totally different before it's over..

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Despite the methane obama spews he has not threatened veto therefore SOPA will pass as the mighty gas bubble it is.


Vote out all stupid old people and never allow any more stupid old idiots back in congress. Voting out the stupid old people is the only way to save and rebuild the USA. Get rid of old decrepit scum like reid and pelosi. Vote the old people out. They have no clue what a computer is much less comprehending the internet.



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Ann Otoole wrote:

Despite the methane obama spews he has not threatened veto therefore SOPA will pass as the mighty gas bubble it is.


Vote out all stupid old people and never allow any more stupid old idiots back in congress. Voting out the stupid old people is the only way to save and rebuild the USA. Get rid of old decrepit scum like reid and pelosi. Vote the old people out. They have no clue what a computer is much less comprehending the internet.



agrees..95% of them have no idea what they are voting on..half of them can't hardly even talk..just a bunch of umm ummm ummm ohh ohh..

time to put them out to pasture so they can fade away..like a horse that just doesn't come back that one day at feeding time..

seriously..out with the old in with the updated LOL

i freaking hate seeing these old farts bringing in that 1950's old asss norman rockwell crap that doesn't exist anywhere and never did for that matter..it was bullcrap then and even more bullcrap if they think we are believing it now days..

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i hope they are still amending the crap out of it like they were  in the first set of meetings..it may end up being totally different before it's over..

the committee already respond to the DNS thing and going to relook at that part. president obama has made a statement about what he thinks should be in any bill. mr lamar says that he pleased with what the president said and he welcome his input

like we chat about the other day, this kinda laws quite important for everyone for all kinds of reasons. so everyone keeps chatting and discussing, and arguing sometimes, til end up with something that most ppl can live with

sopa as is current written not going to pass i dont think, now that the president weigh in. but there will be a law sooner or later that will regulate some things stronger than they are now. what those thingss are and their penalties, if any, and why, be the focus i think

is the why i  think that more important in these kinda debates. like why do we need that law. why do we need that regulation. why do we need that kinda penalty. is always end up better legislation that way i think, if can ask and answer those kinda questions  

even if sopa is total withdrawn, is that other bill that need debating as well


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Imagine if they passed a law that made the postal service, and the phone company - criminally responsible for -EVERYTHING- people sent in the mail or said on the phone...


That's what SOPA does to the internet.


Would you be willing to be a mail service or a phone company in an environment like that?


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Ann Otoole wrote:

Vote out all stupid old people and never allow any more stupid old idiots back in congress. Voting out the stupid old people is the only way to save and rebuild the USA. Get rid of old decrepit scum like reid and pelosi. Vote the old people out. They have no clue what a computer is much less comprehending the internet.

As crazy as Ann sounds, that's really kinda right...

People having no clue about technology are a problem.

But convincing folks of that won't be easy. However, when all of the USA logs on to check email and finds somebody shut off the lights, all heck will break loose.

Even if SOPA passes, I don't expect it to survive. I don't see anything wrong with it courts wise though - but when the lolcats gets pulled offline, people will suddenly realize something wrong happened in the way they refuse to realize when they see economic injustice, wars based on personal family vendettas, and the destruction of the planet to get better hairspray...


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Imagine if they passed a law that made the postal service, and the phone company - criminally responsible for -EVERYTHING- people sent in the mail or said on the phone...


That's what SOPA does to the internet.


Would you be willing to be a mail service or a phone company in an environment like that?


thats not actually in the biil. thats something Markham Erickson been promoting. when he is asked to be specific about his claim he says well no the bill doesnt actually say that, but it might happen. when is put to him but it might happen now already he not have anything to say about that. bc yes it does happen now when there is a criminal investigation, same with wiretapping and mail opening


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