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Meeroos: Are they really so expensive?

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Hello to all. Yesterday a friend invited me to her place to show me her Meeroos. I can admit that they are so cute and beautiful. She has about 40. When i asked how much cost a meeroo she replied that prices start from 20-25L$ for the cheapest ones up to 100-500L$ for the better ones. Nothing strange so far. After she continues saying that there are some very special meeroos which people can purchase in auctions for 100,000L$ - 300,000L$ !!! I got impressed! Is it true? 1,200 US Dollars for a meeroo? :smileysurprised:

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LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

Hello to all. Yesterday a friend invited me to her place to show me her Meeroos. I can admit that they are so cute and beautiful. She has about 40. When i asked how much cost a meeroo she replied that prices start from 20-25L$ for the cheapest ones up to 100-500L$ for the better ones. Nothing strange so far. After she continues saying that there are some very special meeroos which people can purchase in auctions for 100,000L$ - 300,000L$ !!! I got impressed! Is it true? 1,200 US Dollars for a meeroo? :smileysurprised:

yup Love .... if the coat or trait is rare some breedables can become very expensive .... I sold once an Amaretto horse for 150.000 l$ .... :matte-motes-silly: *meows*

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Funny, isn't it, the prices you see some meeroo nests for sale at. I think the most expensive one I've run into was 30,000, but I know some go for much more. I do wonder who pays that. I wonder why, even more, but whatever floats your boat I guess. Some traits and colours are more in demand than others, because of a perceived rarity value, and I suspect that the makers feed this situation by occasionally releasing new coats. Breeders then rush to have new nests for sale before the market is re-flooded.

I have a small family of them, and once paid 170 for a koi...to me that was a luxury, a bit of variety. I'm happy with my common mongrel meeroos which cost nothing, and I'm sure they are just as affectionate as the rare ones. They breed like rats anyway once you've bought a few, and will eat you out of house and home if you don't chop a few heads occasionally.

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If say you spend 100,000 L for a rare Meeroo......how does one ever recover such an investment? Will that rare breed have a better chance of producing more rare Meeroos? I'm just tyring to get my head round spending a 6-figure amount for an animated animal.

What makes that rare breed valuable........should you sell it on for a higher amount?

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Goodness knows....I can't get my head around it either, despite enjoying having a few meeroos in the garden to pat. I'm assuming that someone, at least once has had a decent return on their investment, otherwise nobody would expect to. I do listen (a few minutes at a time) to the group chat, and know that people are really into it, and that many breeders do expect to profit, or at least cover costs. Some express frustration that they can't profit, others suggest a different story. There are people in SL also with seemingly huge swathes of knowledge about what is what, and how to cross things to make other things, and how to get extra fluffy bits on their babies...and I can tell that they really enjoy it. I just don't have headspace for it on that level, as my braincells get used up in other equally-incomprehensible areas, haha.



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Breedables may not be expensive to buy the common ones but the ongoing cost of food and tiers for land for them is, imho.  Breedables may be popular at first and some people make a lot of money, then everyone jumps on the bandwagon breeding them and the market floods and and prices drop.

I look at them more as a passing fad than anything.   Most people I know were into the horses for a while, but have since gotten out and sold all theirs because they got bored with them and the market dropped out.  I'm sure there will be a core group that stays in, but meeroos rule now.  Eventually the 'next big thing' will come out and people will all flock to that leaving meeroos in the dust.

Anyone that pays huge amounts for a breedable no matter how rare needs to have their head examined in my opinion.  I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that someone will pay 100K for a animal and thousands for food, but balk about paying 1K for a house to live in and spends hours looking for freebie clothes and things to avoid spending anything on that.  But to each his own.

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Tiffy Vella wrote:

It costs a smidgeon under $L1000 to have a "meeroo" turned into a "meepet"...ie, have some code added to its scripts that allows it to live with no food.  I personally baulk at that.

And if this thread is right, that still doesn't stop the creator from 'killing off' your Meroo:


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I dare not comment.

I hope that is succinct enough.


Edited to add that I get fun from meeroos..I have two dryads that I'd like to always have as pets...but I see the business as having it's eye on the prize.

If I pay for a thing, I like it to be bought.

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meeroos like almost any other video game is licensed content...you in fact are not buying a meeroo but the right to use that content...meeroos get a little weird though because you can resell the right to use that content ie a specific bred meeroo...so yes they can take the roos away from you if you violate thier TOS because you dont actualy own the roo..


I look at SL breedables as a kind of gambleing game, easy to make money when they start but as they market staurates value goes down...hopefully they will release new content soon as promised and there will be a new bubble in the game to exploit for profit

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Blue Voix wrote:

meeroos like almost any other video game is licensed content...you in fact are not buying a meeroo but the right to use that content...meeroos get a little weird though because you can resell the right to use that content ie a specific bred meeroo...so yes they can take the roos away from you if you violate thier TOS because you dont actualy own the roo..


I look at SL breedables as a kind of gambleing game, easy to make money when they start but as they market staurates value goes down...hopefully they will release new content soon as promised and there will be a new bubble in the game to exploit for profit

actually users of sl are already granted a non exclusive license when they buy any content in this service..it's a user content license which is licensing  user content..

this is the agreement all sellers agree to if they wish to use this service to make their content accessable to the users of second life..

it doesn't matter what their TOS or their license says if it oversteps  the agreement they made to make accessable and sell their stuff on this grid or market place..

just because a tos somewhere else says one thing..it doesn't hold water if they are under another TOS to gain access to that crowd of customers unless it is within the TOS of the service they are using..

and if they are not following the license agreement they agreed to grant users in this service then it doesn't hold either and they would be breaking the TOS..

a license is nothing more than guidlines to use thier stuff.. if they agree to give any other license in order to sell their stuff..then users would be under those guidelines if they differ from the guidelines the creator may ask outside of  that service..

if section 7 of the TOS says they cannot delete stuff from other accounts then they can't no matter what they say outside of  second life services..

if people are buying direct from their site and then  having a service turned on in second life..then that may be different..but if the stores and places are setup to sell this stuff in second life..

then SL TOS Trumps   Meeroo TOS




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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


You can always become your meeroo if you're tried of working the little pets.



oh that picture is amazing ..it reminds me that i was wanting to look into the cool viewer..

i can't get shadows and other really good things working on this computer..so until then i'm gona see if i can get some nice shots out of that viewer..

only one more month and i'm gonna be taking pictures like crazy with my new system..i hope thye will look as good as yours do =)

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

Waits for the nocturnals to come out then all the other meeroos will go in the dumper too.

Sounds like another Cash grab ....what's so special about these nocturnal versions?..They can see  in the dark....they stay up during the SL night cycle? Not exactly "to die-for" special features to warrant killing the current market for Meeroos.

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No one has really answered the question of how one recoups an investment from purchasing a 100k Meeroo.

Simple: find a greater fool before the bubble bursts.

I suppose that the larger the outlay, the more pressure to find that fool quickly because there are plenty of other ways to get return on the investment.  And yeah, in the case of breedables, they're not hatching any diamonds, so it's pure speculation. (The one twist being that, as breedables, they'll hatch something, and very rarely that something has speculative value of its own.  Which amounts to the same thing, of course, but it makes the phenomenon a bit more like tulip mania than the beanie baby fad.)

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