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If Second Life had achievements... (Just for fun.)

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Just something I thought was funny to start a topic about, sorry if it already exists, tried checking it but couldn't find any. Anyway, this is not a feature suggestion as Achievements would simply not work with Second Life in my opinion. This is just for fun. Idea is just to come up with funny Achievements that are related to Second Life.

Few examples to get you warmed up. ;)

Houston, we have some lag! - Get disconnected due to serious lag.

Primitive Primitives - Hit someone with a physical cube. (Imagine all newbies throwing prims at each other. :D )

Filty rich - Buy an item that is an Object with a price of L$25,000 or more.

Don't you have something else to do? - Stay logged in for more than 4 hours.

Sleep? - Stay logged in for more than 12 hours.

Dream-land can wait - Stay logged in for more than 24 hours.

I got a 'Second' Life anyway - Fall all the way from 1000 meters high uninterrupted by flying or fall-slowing attachments.

Hippo's! - Use the hidden Hippo's command.

Garage sale - Sell an item.

Webshop - Sell an item on the Marketplace.

Can't think of any more, hope you guys do, try and make them funny. ;)

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Man/Woman/Cat on the moon - manually fly up to a height of 2 million meters

Car crash - Crash a vehicle to hard that it will get stuck inside another prim

Physics implosion - have your vehicle randomly explode when crossing a sim border

Outer Space - Get yourself orbited to negative 2 billion meters

Bargain hunter - buy a freebie

Shopaholic - purchase 1000 items

Home sweet home - own some land

Simlord - own a sim

Lots of RAM - Get an SL viewer to consume 3gb or more RAM without crashing

Sleepless in SL - stay online 36 hours

Friendly - add a friend

Bankster - Reach an account balance of 1 million L$

All meshed up - Upload a mesh model

Full house - Survive in a sim with 99 other avatars

Crash test dummy - Crash 1000 times

Painter - upload a texture


Many possiblities :matte-motes-agape:

 It might help with those lousy rentention rates as well *pokes a Linden*


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Asset Hogster - Have an Inventory of 20K

Wardrobe Meister - Have an inventory of 40K

Fetch me a Kitchen Sink! - Have an inventory of 80K

Edward Boxhands - Wear a shopping bag instead of opening it

Dual personaility - Create an alt

Personality Disorder - Forget the password of at least 2 alts

Two Faced - Texture everything else as well as the face you meant

Grab Your Balls - Have your first dance

Prophet - Predict the impending demise of SL


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Real Slim Shady - change your display name and confuse your friends

Hermit Crab - walk around with a house on your head

Shoe-booty - suffer the wandering attachments bug

The Streak - be naked in a public place without realising it until someone sends you a photo

Moonwalk - cross an enitre sim floating backwards due to lag

Shutterbug - take 1000 snapshots

You're So Vain... - take 1000 snapshots of yourself

They Broke it, Now it Sucks! - become disatisfied with a new viewer

Tonight Matthew, I'm Going to Be... - create/wear an avatar of a famous person or character

Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut - buy an expensive outfit just to win a tiny prize in a costume competition

Alcock & Brown Award - fly the length or breadth of a continent without losing your vehicle

Lewis & Clark Award - walk the length or breadth of a continent without losing your mind




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Sy Beck wrote:

Assest Hogster - Have an Inventory of 20K

Wardrobe Meister - Have an inventory of 40K

Fetch me a Kitchen Sink! - Have an inventory of 80K

Edward Boxhands - Wear a shopping bag instead of opening it

Dual personaility - Create an alt

Personality Disorder - Forget the password of at least 2 alts

Two Faced - Texture everything else as well as the face you meant

Grab Your Balls - Have your first dance

Prophet - Predict the impending demise of SL


This one just about cracked me up!  And you know we've ALL won THAT award!  /me laughs his head off! :smileyvery-happy:

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Losing my mind - Your avie doubles over unexpectedly in a public place

Hair today,  more tomorrow - Purchase 500 hairs

Water baby - log in to an empty water sim to load your inventory

Waterlogged baby - do the above 20 times

Pop the prim - TP somewhere and have a prim mysteriously disappear

Eve of destruction - accidently delete a part or all of your home

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Venus Petrov wrote:

...Eve of destruction - accidently delete a part or all of your home

I did that...




...to my rental home...








... within a couple of days *facepalm*


My landlady was very nice about it though, and eventually locked the build for my own good.

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Ruth Babe - Rez inworld Ruthed

Good Grief! -TP Home/Orbit a griefer

Mega-Dim - Rez sim wide prim on a 512 plot

Duck a l'Orange - Walk around with no AO and default skin for a day

Rubbernecker - Rubberband yourself for at least 1 minute

IM Stupid! - Put a TOS Disclaimer in your profile

Pet Cemetary - Invest in a breedables scheme


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Once More, With Feeling: request a region reboot

I fart in your general direction: AR someone

It's Only A Flesh Wound: sit on a prim to stop push attacks

I'll Bite Your Kneecaps Off: set your home location in a damage enabled parcel

Back To Basics: use the character test

Cooking Lessons: use rebake

That Wasn't There Before...: run into a build before it rezzes

Always look on the Bright Side of Life: use for for daylight setting

Paint it black: use the force midnight setting

Children should be seen, not heard: Mute someoone

Call Waiting: usey busy mode

What's This Button Do: accidentaly tick physics after unlinking a build

I Cast Thee Out, Unclean Thing: use eject

Minor Glyph Of Protetection: use ban

Major Glyph Of Protection: ban someone from an entire region or estate

Walk Like An Egyptian: buy your first AO

Blah blah blah: use voice

Slumming: use a web profile feed to send someone a message while offline

Hide and seek: Turn off map find for a contact

Limited Invisibility: turn of show online status for a contact

Me, Myself, and I: log in simultaneously with multiple avatars

I Am God Here: own a region

Power Underwhelming: go premium

Padawan Learner: Ask 5 (SL related) questions on the forums

Studious: use the wiki to find information

Jedi Knight: answer 5 questions (correctly) on the forums

Teachers Assitant: Edit a wiki article

Professor: Write a wiki article

I Can Haz Cheezburger?: post an image on the forums

Geek Speak: post code on the forums

And Don't Come Back: get hardware banned from SL

Inventor: Create a prim that is NOT a cube

Mad Scientist: Create your own script

Saturday Night Fever: use a dance ball

The Life You Save...: Help out a newbie

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Oh! Oh!:

The 70's Are Not Dead: Wear bling

Retro Child: Wear bling at more than one attachment (left and right ears for earrings do not count)

We Have to Stop Meeting Like This: TP into a sim and flail on top of a complete stranger's head for at least a minute

White Cane: Walk quickly after arriving in a sim, before things are rezzed, and plow through at least one person

Freight train: Plow through at least three people on a sim without acknowledgement

Second Look: Be unable to stop yourself from plowing through another avatar, that you see, then rubber band back through them.

I Have Powers: Walk through at least three walls during an uncontrolled walk through a sim.


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Sock it to Me - create an alt to use in the forum as a supporter of your views at all costs

Color me Blue - hop on a blue ball

Color me Pink - hop on a pink ball

Color me Confused - hop on the wrong ball

Take THAT Prim! - Use Edit LInked to modify a selected prim

Render thee gone - derender someone

Render my world - derender water, trees, sky, etc at will

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The coffee I had this morning is finally starting to wake me up:

Virtual Birth Control: In that special moment try out a new attachment, gadget, animation and not be able to figure out how it works so that after 10 minutes of "try this!" you both collapse into a pile of hopeless laughter and decide to go catch a live music show instead.

Seemed Like a Good Idea At The Time: Do the above with BDSM equipment and RLV.

Get It Off Me!: Play with a collar and RLV, have no idea how it works, get hopelessly stuck and have to restart SL, deactivate RLV, remove the collar and go catch a live music show instead.


These are hypothetical, right? Not necessarily having ever happened to the poster? Right? Making them up.

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Message in a bottle:  Crash while driving your car across a sim crossing then having the vehicle autoreturned to you from a location three sims away from where you crashed

Broken bottle:  Make an attempt to find that lost vehicle only to find several vehicles lost by others to forever hang over land with no autoreturn set.

Be an old fart:  Complain about something new and vow to never use it  (And I have to confess to this one)

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Some really awesome ones, really nice! :) Especially love the ones based on general embarrassing things which we all have done once. :P So here's some more:

Lil' Explorer - Lag-walk all the way off a sim.

Cat got your tongue - Have Voice fail to connect in-world.

(Not trying to poke the Lindens, honest!) Hoggin'! - Run out of video memory and receive the Low Memory error message.

(For the Unreal Tournament 2004 fans.) Holy ****! - Max out the graphics settings except for Anti-Aliasing. (Explanation: In UT2k4 you heard the announcer say: "Holy ****!" when you maxed out the graphics settings.)

Handy - 'Accidentally' attach a purchased item to your right hand instead of rezzing it.

Recycler - Restore an item from your Trash Folder.

The big clean up - Go from 10,000 items or more in your Inventory to 5,000 or less.

I like to express myself - Create a Gesture.

Poser - Upload an Animation.

This... This is my BOOM-stick! - Wear a weapon that does damage.

Road-rage! - Drive a land vehicle and hit someone.

Inspectin' me knees - Have the infamous 'torso upside down' animation bug.

"Friendly greetings!" - Chat with Torley Linden.

Viewer support - Chat with Runitai Linden.

Take a step on the wild side! - Wear a Furry Avatar.

Tear in the space-time continuum - Get send to a different sim other than the destination sim on log in.

Black hole - Get disconnected due to the sim you're in going offline.

Didn't you get the memo? - Teleport away too late and get disconnected due to a region restart.

Space cadet - Use a SpaceNavigator in Second Life.

Stick of Joy - Use a Joystick in Second Life. (Other than the Spacenavigator.)

And that's it for now... *Cracks her fingers.*

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Prankster Rookie: Banned from a parcel for pranking as a Bible preaching werewolf in a nun's costume in a busy Zindra sim

Pransker Intermediate: Because words spreads fast, I was banned in several other Adult parcels

Pranskter Advance: Banned by LL for walking around in Zindra with a profile saying, "I'm here to spy on my RL cheating husband. Don't you think I don't know about it. You will hear from my lawyer very soon". I only survived two days with that account.



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Willow Danube wrote:

Pranskter Advance: Banned by LL for walking around in Zindra with a profile saying, "I'm here to spy on my RL cheating husband. Don't you think I don't know about it. You will hear from my lawyer very soon". I only survived two days with that account.


LoL and huh?

Why did THAT get you banned? What part of TOS was that violating? You didn't disclose any RL info. You could have been RPing an angry wife. 

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Willow Danube wrote:

Oh that sentences did not just finished there. I might have had added "I hacked into your account.." somewhere along the lines. But the point here is that, I got banned not because guilty people feeling righteous about me breaking the TOS... hehehehe...

SOME people just have no sense of humor.


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