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Reasons why I should get a free Region

Knowl Paine

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  • I asked first
  • I don't have one
  • Educational purposes
  • Bragging rights
  • Nobody is currently using it
  • I need privacy (some of my builds are embarrassing)
  • The prims miss me
  • I'm low maintenance
  • I can make stuff


If Given a free Region; would you want it?

What would you do with it?

Can you think of any reasons why you should get a free Region?




"If I do not humor myself; who else will?" Someone said that, maybe it was me; either way, it's all hearsay.  








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Isn't there a program to support the arts, whereupon you can submit an application and get a region for five months for free for deserving applicants? 

I suppose if I had a free region, I would start a commune. Something like the ecovillage at Dancing Rabbit (see http://www.dancingrabbit.org/), with a few modifications. The main change would be communal marriages with a love-in scheduled bi-monthly. Monogamy is sooooo last century.


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Knowl Paine wrote:

If Given a free Region; would you want it?

What would you do with it?

Can you think of any reasons why you should get a free Region?


I would accept a region if it was offered.  Do I deserve one?  Probably not, but it would be fun to have an area big enough to really play in.  I wouldn't have to pick up my toys, I could spend a few months building the perfect forest, then wipe it out and spend a few months building the perfect desert or city or alien planet.  Would this free land come with a private tutor to teach me all the tips and tricks I would need to know? 

Why should I get one? 

  • Just because I want to learn and create - even if I know I will destroy it and start over again.
  • I don't have one either and many are not being used by anyone anyway
  • I agree with the privacy part - not everyone needs to witness my learning curve
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if i were given a free region i'd set aside a few personal prims parcel off part of the sim so it has around 500-1000 prims for myself then i'd make the rest of the sim 'free' land for anyone to use up to a max of 200prims each i'd rezz some super low prim tower blocks i have so people have the choice of living in a flat or they could rezz their own building then on the 1st of every month i'd wipe the sim clean of all but my own prims and people would have to come back and re-rezz everything

i most likely don't deserve a sim but thats what i'd do with it

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I have 123716945984534859831 ideas for sims, all historical, all educational.

So yes, I'd take a free region, 1920s Berlin is just the beginning.

And as knowing your past is essential in undersranding the present and foreseeing the future, history education is perhaps one of the most important kinds of personal development.

Reason enough for you all to give me free regions and every single Linden you can find in the sock under your bed ;)

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I enjoy learning about history. A great deal of knowledge is yet to be revealed; history's hidden past :smileysurprised:

The recipient of the non-existent region, would in eccense be providing a communal service for the Residents of SL. SL's feng shui could be enhanced by adding a carefree Resident whose duty is to adorn his or her self about the region and enjoy it. This will contribute positively.

I'm going way out on a limb because that's what it will take to make this turkey fly. lol :smileyvery-happy: 

I'm just as worthy as the next person, and the next person is as worth as I.

I don't expect a free region but it's fun to explore the possibility, I have enjoyed reading the responses. :matte-motes-grin:



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I've been giving this thread a lot of thought.

If I was given a free region (and I believe there was a competition a couple of year's ago, run by LL, and someone did actually win a region, free for a whole year, but in this moment I can't remember any more details of who won it, or what they did with it), I would do what I partly want to do in real life, but am currently not able to ...

... kidnap Knowl and have him build me some hen houses.  I would fill my sim with lots of chooks, and flowers, and fluffy bunnies and rainbows.  I also want a lighthouse at the edge of the sim, with some chalk cliffs and small blue butterflies, just like they have on the Sussex chalk downs. 

Not much to ask for is it? I'm not high maintenance.

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Walks to the rostrum smiling and looks into the camera... o.0  .. *lilcough...

"If I were given a free region I would invite all the homeless, all the griefers, all the stalkers and all the copy bot people to come and live there in gridwide peace & harmony.

Because all the homeless.. well they don't.. erm they used to have homes, but umm... had to sell them.. and the griefers homes, well they all got griefed.. and the stalkers haven't quite gotten their homes yet... and the copy bot people's homes all look sort of the same ^.^

Then we could all work on the economy to make it feel much better.

Thank you" :matte-motes-big-grin: OH! and all the newd people could come too ...


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Right now many could use a HUD with the areas provided, make a network based sender and use the present rez areas for folks to rez stuff and make a challange, showcase thier builds and so on. Most don't. I don't, because I can't build so quick and do NOT focus on mainland driving as much, because sim border crosses crash to much...so, I see no need for a wonderful cross grid adventure in a vehicle...one in which you can win stuff, simply find locations to drive to and hang out with friends and explore in general the mainland area. Just to many crashes, stuff doesn't load fast enough and so on....SL streams a whole bunch and this is an issue because is ='s slow for fast moving vehicles. Quicker than laoding a level, right? Well, if you only loaded 30% of the level and left it all grey...uh, actually the level would load faster! Because it is on your harddrive. So, SL is hard to do this with. Teleporting is the most popular form, exploring can be tough without links. Hence the creation of the distination guide and so on. No need for vehicles, so...I do not bother!

OTher than that.....um, racing sims exist. Many have more than one track. Other than that...Um, rocket boosted plane racing is fun to me....but with keyboard? Hhhm....If I worked on stuff for another game I might port some stuff to SL. But really, I see no point unless I am really wanting the challange. I think I remember an air race sim...it was not so busy. That doesn't mean a whole bunch in some ways, but really....16 acres to fly on? It is a bit tough, but there is always the option of inverting the course to race up and down and you have runs up to a few thousand meters! But, still issues with border crashes and no interest. NPC might be fun, I can see many levels build with level build kits that one can buy. So, you can sort of chain them or anarchaicly just list them and have a random button. People can leave comments on a site complaining about impossible 'levels' and give each other tips and hook up for fun in multi-player mode quests. Quests could span several sims, if not hundreds, in a free form type of game....Meroos eat you heart out! Grid wide gaming that totally can encompass animals that live AND they can be part of a world...they might even be huntable till extinction and so on...fun stuff!

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