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Group Invitation spam is what I am starting to hate. Repeat transmissions to everyone on my region. Sexual content being advertised thru group invite spam on a G rated region, and when you tell them to stop it they say this cheesy  thing like " You don't have to accept it" Why Do I have to decline the smut advertising? I shouldn't have to. Nor should my guests.

It is just the same as sitting down to eat dinner and some ass calls you on the phone telemarketing trying to sell you some piece of crap LOL.

That's my peeve

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Mass TP's to some location.

Messages that pop up in local from shops...every...time...I ..log...on

Spam in group chats (meaning, the author writes something that has nothing to do with the group).

Replicated spam OPs in the forum

'Welcome' messages that pop up when I enter a shop and follow me around while I am there.  A quick way of getting me to LEAVE.

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One of the newest forms I've encountered, Friend Conferencing ( when Group Chat and notices have been disabled).

I get this from friends who are DJ's ( alot of my friends DJ, I know shocking huh) generally, and they decide that since I am not going to get thier particular spam of the day, they will circumvent the the opt out of notices option and conference everyone in their list. Gee aint that swell of them.

Ofcourse I reply in kind with either Mute, or the 'Defriend Axe' :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

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Have a landmark...

Have a notecard...

Join our group...

Can I display your profile pic...

Can I change your windlight settings?....

By the time I'm done working my way through the door spam, I'm no longer interested in visiting where ever it is I've just landed. I don't know why so many people think it's a good idea to throw all of these obstacles between them and my money.

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Mylar wrote:

Have a landmark...

Have a notecard...

Join our group...

Can I display your profile pic...

Can I change your windlight settings?....

By the time I'm done working my way through the door spam, I'm no longer interested in visiting where ever it is I've just landed. I don't know why so many people think it's a good idea to throw all of these obstacles between them and my money.

Yea, this^^^ :(

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Repeated requests in groups for "company," usually using the same wording (and grammatical/spelling errors) every time. At least vary the wording or something! It's boring and repetitive.

Similar requests in multiple groups at the same time. Really? You're not even going to wait for a response from one ad before trying another? Also boring and repetitive.

Advertising in groups in which advertising is not permitted and/or for something that has nothing to do with the group, be it a store or an event. (Had the owner of one of my groups do this the other day. Someone called him on it, and his response was that since he owns the group, he can do whatever he wants. I immediately pressed the "leave group" button.) I didn't join the group to hear about your store or your completely unrelated club event. It disrupts any ongoing conversation, and clogs up my chat.

Random friend requests. I don't know you; I don't need you on my friend list. Would you go up to a person on the stree you'd never met before and ask for their phone number before saying a single word otherwise?

One person using multiple or repeated gestures in local chat. Clogs up local, the voice used in gestures is usually obnoxious, and I've heard gestures contribute to lag.

And finally, constant messages from groups about events. I don't mind every now and then, but I joined a couple groups that sent out a notice EVERY HOUR. "Come to our event!" "Event is halfway through, don't miss it!" "Event ended, but this one is starting; come join us!" etc. I would log in to a full inbox every day from these notices, which meant I didn't recieve information I might have needed because my messages were capped.

Rant end. ^_^


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to me the worst is from users that i don't have on my friends list or am in any group of..

it's spam from people that i may have went and spent money on their items and now seem to feel they can freaking spam me everyday or everytime they make some crap i will never buy again because of their stupid messed up logic that spamming someone that has given them money is a sure way to the money..

*catches her breath* that is all

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Mylar wrote:

Have a landmark...

Have a notecard...

Join our group...

Can I display your profile pic...

Can I change your windlight settings?....

By the time I'm done working my way through the door spam, I'm no longer interested in visiting where ever it is I've just landed. I don't know why so many people think it's a good idea to throw all of these obstacles between them and my money.

This, absolutely.  If I want a landmark, I'm smart enough to know how to get one. 

What could I possibly need to know as soon as I walk into a shop that merits stuffing yet another notecard into my inventory that I won't ever read?  The exception to that is possibly a RP sim where there are rules of conduct, but even that can be done in a less intrusive way. 

Join your group?  Don't you think I have enough useless groups in my list as it is, and why would I even join a group for a place I know absolutely nothing about?  Do I look like an idiot? (Don't answer that... lol.)

The problem with these three things is that they actually do work, otherwise it wouldn't be so widespread.

The last one I took care of by setting my viewer to automatically accept the windlight setting upon arrival, because I realized that I usually always accept it anyway, so why not? 

I only wish I could do the same with the profile pic thing.  But with that, I don't blame the person that has one of those profile pic display things, I blame the people that complained about their profile pics being displayed in the first place (you never use to have to ask permission). 

I mean, come on, your profile pic is public anyway... why would you get all bent out of shape because someone wants to slap it up on a board for everyone to see?  Thanks for forcing me to click one more thing within the barrage of drop down menus I get inundated with on a daily basis, simply because you have to find yet another ridiculous thing to complain about.  Good work.

Alright... end of rant... but you started this... lol.


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The notecard one is particularly annoying. I always reject the door spam, but sometimes I'll check a place out and decide I *want* the notecard. But at that point there's no way to get it. I'll walk around the greeter, TP out then back in again, but no notecard.

One place I TP'd into I got a flood of spam....and there was a lucky board with an M on it and little time left. So I clicked the board. I tried to be very careful about going through the flood of dialogs, but somehow ended up with a landmark and no goodies :(

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Mylar wrote:

Have a landmark...

Have a notecard...

Join our group...

Can I display your profile pic...

Can I change your windlight settings?....

By the time I'm done working my way through the door spam, I'm no longer interested in visiting where ever it is I've just landed. I don't know why so many people think it's a good idea to throw all of these obstacles between them and my money.

agreed  100%

Add to that the automated chat spam, "If you like our location please add to your favorites," and "Please Donate to My SIM Fund," etc. every five minutes scrolling across my screen.

In the course of an hour at a live music event recently the same hostess sent me an uninvited group invite 6 times.  Funny thing is that I already WAS (note, was) a member of the group.  Could you be any more annoying?

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ALL door spam gets ingored by me gggrrrrr... if they have rules mixed in with it, too bad, I don't see them.

Group Notices are ok because I joined that group to be updated but if you do a Notice don't follow it with a group chat saying same thing too... have some respect for your groupies hahahahah groupies.

Incorrect spelling of hahaha replace with Hawaii.... hahahahaa


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