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What's going on in here?

Ima Rang

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Orfeu Miles wrote:

Actually I have found a novel use for these care bears...you have to take your prim knife...and create orifices in the usual places. :matte-motes-evil-grin:


Hello Orfeu
Did you happen to see Orpheus Island in your travels?
Just heaven!

I only ever got the one bear in SL and it was damaged in transit it seems
I don't think I'll be getting another any time soon :matte-motes-crying:


Oh Hi Maryanne

I am sailing up the Queensland coast next week to Cairns... Port Douglas...but Alas the ship doesnt stop at that beautiful Island.


I Love that picture...it looks like an object of worship to some cargo cult.

I bet his name is something like..."Him Big Fella...belong in the sky...makes Prince Phillip return to the Island".

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Actually Prince of Wales Island IS one to take a look at apparently. I have never been there. (tip of cape york). But it is a fave with all the lads I knew to legally hunt deer with huge crossbow. I mean the ones where the bow bit is about 5 foot wide. Poor deer don't stand a chance :( Alternatively Fitzroy Island is just lovely for a day trip and a relaxing snorkel. As opposed to Green Island which is terribly expensive and totally overrun by tourists. Well, that's how it used to be anyway :)

Go to Crystal Cascades, ("Crystals" as it's known locally), when you are in Cairns and go with some of the folk from the boat :) Teeny little fish nibble your skin in the main pool and I could never stop laughing at that. Especially combined with the constant bubbles. Crystals is just paradise and used to be rarely busy then. Make sure to lock the car though! Or even if there is a band playing on a sunday at the Mountain View Hotel just south. I used to love it there as you would meet nice people from the world over.

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What's going on in here?

Oldbies banned themselves, unnatural attachment, Welcome back, Butter, salt bacon, Polly wants a cracker, LWL, Hitsquad, Stepford residents, Watch this youtube video, Flames!  Let's Get It On!, RIC'ing posts, Welcome back - missed you, Censored, Stand together, Over-moderation, Reminiscing about the old days, Boobies, Loss of creativity, The beginnings of tolerance, Posts pulled, Yay the post is back, Community, The SLF is better than the GD.  No it's not., Where's the substance?, It is LL's forum, not ours, A visit to the insane asylum, Ah, mindless trolling, There must be order, Please come and join us, We brought this on ourselves, Should we stay or should we go now?  (yes, you can start singing), Newbies vs. oldbies  or  us vs. them, Hatefest!, Moderators are people too, To prevent discourse you should phrase your opinion this way, Net nanny, Tired of youtube videos, Mods!  Please tell us why?  We need enlightenment, We accept all personalities, Lighten up, Politics, Another lesson on forum manners, The glossy, sanitized version aka disneyfication, Reclaim the forums, Rinse, wring and repeat, Hi, Hello, /me waves, Have you hugged your asshole today?, Here, have a care bear, MWH, sailing, bubbles and toe-nibbling fish...

 Whew!  /me looks at the summary and again at the title of the thread.  I can not find anything off topic, everything appears to be in order and we are temporarily united in our differences.  Someone may need to create a wave...  Rock the boat...  Throw a wrench in the works...  Please...



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Canoro Philipp wrote:

why so much discomfort against peace?

i know, some people would love to have all countries at war against each other and most of humanity dying in concentration camps.

those people cant stand a group of friends getting along fine.

Inorite ??

Those people are evrywhere.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

YAY!!! I'm so very proud to have been quoted word for word in a thread summery... thank you.

...Dres (I lost my wrench in the vast abyss)

(the vast abyss is a euphemism)

*coughs*  Ahem, Dres.  Sounds like you have been doing it just a bit much recently. 

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

What's going on in here?

Oldbies banned themselves, unnatural attachment, Welcome back, Butter, salt bacon, Polly wants a cracker, LWL, Hitsquad, Stepford residents, Watch this youtube video, Flames!  Let's Get It On!, RIC'ing posts, Welcome back - missed you, Censored, Stand together, Over-moderation, Reminiscing about the old days, Boobies, Loss of creativity, The beginnings of tolerance, Posts pulled, Yay the post is back, Community, The SLF is better than the GD.  No it's not., Where's the substance?, It is LL's forum, not ours, A visit to the insane asylum, Ah, mindless trolling, There must be order, Please come and join us, We brought this on ourselves, Should we stay or should we go now?  (yes, you can start singing), Newbies vs. oldbies  or  us vs. them, Hatefest!, Moderators are people too, To prevent discourse you should phrase your opinion this way, Net nanny, Tired of youtube videos, Mods!  Please tell us why?  We need enlightenment, We accept all personalities, Lighten up, Politics, Another lesson on forum manners, The glossy, sanitized version aka disneyfication, Reclaim the forums, Rinse, wring and repeat, Hi, Hello, /me waves, Have you hugged your asshole today?, Here, have a care bear, MWH, sailing, bubbles and toe-nibbling fish...

 Whew!  /me looks at the summary and again at the title of the thread.  I can not find anything off topic, everything appears to be in order and we are temporarily united in our differences.  Someone may need to create a wave...  Rock the boat...  Throw a wrench in the works...  Please...


 That is the cutest ass hug I have ever seen.


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A sense of community there was, but whether it was a healthy, constructive, welcoming and open one is another matter altogether. It used to be a rather exclusive playground for a few prolific posters (and I count myself in that category), now it appears to be used by more people, although perhaps in a less intensive way. Maybe that’s due to the higher number of topic categories that posts have to be spread over or maybe the people using the forum nowadays have better things to do with their time than post umpteen messages to an Internet forum every day.

The sensation is, I’d agree, that the threads seem a little less "meaty" – but some of the old threads were meaty simply because they were the scene of feuds and smear campaigns. I was told many a time that people love watching car-wrecks, as an explanation for the popularity of some horrific threads – I’m going to guess (don’t look at the forums enough these days to truly know) that there are less car-wreck threads than before. I can’t honestly say I’d feel nostalgic about that. Also you have to factor into the equation that there’s a limit to what can be truly unique, novel and innovative. I’m sure I read somewhere that most literature is based on or is a spin-off of themes tackled by Shakespeare.  

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

A sense of community there was, but whether it was a healthy, constructive, welcoming and open one is another matter altogether. It used to be a rather exclusive playground for a few prolific posters (and I count myself in that category), now it appears to be used by more people, although perhaps in a less intensive way. Maybe that’s due to the higher number of topic categories that posts have to be spread over or maybe the people using the forum nowadays have better things to do with their time than post umpteen messages to an Internet forum every day.

The sensation is, I’d agree, that the threads seem a little less "meaty" – but some of the old threads were meaty simply because they were the scene of feuds and smear campaigns. I was told many a time that people love watching car-wrecks, as an explanation for the popularity of some horrific threads – I’m going to guess (don’t look at the forums enough these days to truly know) that there are less car-wreck threads than before. I can’t honestly say I’d feel nostalgic about that. Also you have to factor into the equation that there’s a limit to what can be truly unique, novel and innovative. I’m sure I read somewhere that most literature is based on or is a spin-off of themes tackled by Shakespeare.  

Good points, Carole.

I recall before I ever started posting here that  you, Pep, and Scylla were probably the only posters that I followed regularly while lurking.  You gave good thread :)  I felt like I knew you before I engaged in active posting. The forum, perhaps because it felt more compact, for lack of a better word, it was easier to find your favs and follow along. It was a far cry easier to understand what all the fuss was about when a fuss did break out than it is now.     It was not always welcoming, constructive, healthy or creative, but sometimes it was.  Sometimes it felt worthwhile.  I liked seeing the names roll up in my email in the morning.  It alway ensured a few laughs before the work day or while in between flights.   The  Community Mailer that pops up in email now, as opposed to the replying posters name..well even it feels impersonal and somehow, cumbersome.  I can't really assign it to anything.  Perhaps it was the timing and as the Fall and Winter approach more people will find a spot in the SLF and start posting again. 



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Ima Rang wrote:

  Perhaps it was the timing and as the Fall and Winter approach more people will find a spot in the SLF and start posting again.  

Many have found a spot on SLF and many older people post.  We have new voices and new lurkers as well as older people posting and having fun.     

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Ima Rang wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

A sense of community there was, but whether it was a healthy, constructive, welcoming and open one is another matter altogether. It used to be a rather exclusive playground for a few prolific posters (and I count myself in that category), now it appears to be used by more people, although perhaps in a less intensive way. Maybe that’s due to the higher number of topic categories that posts have to be spread over or maybe the people using the forum nowadays have better things to do with their time than post umpteen messages to an Internet forum every day.

The sensation is, I’d agree, that the threads seem a little less "meaty" – but some of the old threads were meaty simply because they were the scene of feuds and smear campaigns. I was told many a time that people love watching car-wrecks, as an explanation for the popularity of some horrific threads – I’m going to guess (don’t look at the forums enough these days to truly know) that there are less car-wreck threads than before. I can’t honestly say I’d feel nostalgic about that. Also you have to factor into the equation that there’s a limit to what can be truly unique, novel and innovative. I’m sure I read somewhere that most literature is based on or is a spin-off of themes tackled by Shakespeare.  

Good points, Carole.

I recall before I ever started posting here that  you, Pep, and Scylla were probably the only posters that I followed regularly while lurking.  You gave good thread
  I felt like I knew you before I engaged in active posting. The forum, perhaps because it felt more compact, for lack of a better word, it was easier to find your favs and follow along. It was a far cry easier to understand what all the fuss was about when a fuss did break out than it is now.     It was not always welcoming, constructive, healthy or creative, but sometimes it was.  Sometimes it felt worthwhile.  I liked seeing the names roll up in my email in the morning.  It alway ensured a few laughs before the work day or while in between flights.   The  Community Mailer that pops up in email now, as opposed to the replying posters name..well even it feels impersonal and somehow, cumbersome.  I can't really assign it to anything.  Perhaps it was the timing and as the Fall and Winter approach more people will find a spot in the SLF and start posting again. 



I gave good thread? I don't mean to sound boastful, but this isn't the first time I've been told that. :smileyhappy:

Yes, the old forums produced some amusing streams of writing, but it has to be said that in order to accomplish the continuity of exchange and mutual knowledge necessary to keep the flow..erm...flowing...you do have to have a limited number of participants and their contributions have to be regular and frequent. Hand on heart, as fun as forum writing can be, I wouldn't wish on anybody such constant and continual commitment as it would necessarily mean they had way too much time on their hands and little else to absorb them. Everyone can have "slow" periods in their life (due to sickness, unemployment), or socially poor periods (working abroad, having just moved house) or even just contemplative periods when you're happier to spend time on your own (when you have "stuff" to think over). But I could not possibly wish that the same group of people spends many hours a day, day after day, year after year, batting messages back and forward on an Internet forum. That would be cruel. (would it be cruel of me to suggest that some of the nastiess was caused by this very fact - that some contributors were going through rotten phases of their lives and were using the forums to take their anger out on faceless, distant strangers who couldn't track them down and punch them on the nose?).

Having said all that, there were indeed some exhilirating exchanges which produced some excellent, funny and clever collaborative pieces of writing. I will admit to being a tad nostalgic about them.

I'm no angel, Ima - I can have my off days like everyone else, obviously - but I truly attempted (sometimes failing) to be civil and friendly and polite, whatever was said. Sometimes it was hard, though and although I want to thank you for your kind words, I have to say that I wasn't always proud of my incapacity to step back and NOT respond at all, which would have been the truly noble thing to do, since you can never know what demons your forum antagonist is having to face in his real-life.



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Venus Petrov wrote:

/me waves to Carole

Nice to see you post!

Hey there, Venus. Nice to be posting, albeit en passant. I have to admit to not having had time to read the whole thread so I've probably written stuff others have already said. However, I would point out that I've been extremely brief - for me, anyway!



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