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New SL-Dedicated Social Media, Blogging, and Photography Platform PrimFeed Opens! What Are Your Impressions?

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47 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

In the forum, hold your mouse over the person's pic in the left column of a post, and a floater pops up. You can ignore the person there.

Thanks. Note, that doesn't work on the Mobile/phone site.

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13 hours ago, Irina Forwzy said:

UX design and overall features that I personally would like changes on.

Have you used this for Feature Requests? https://feedback.primfeed.com/  If you add yours please put a link in your thread, and I'll vote them! 

Edited by BJoyful
added link to feedback (not enough coffee yet)
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Hi everyone,

I appreciate the huge thread, I'm the owner of Primfeed and I will answer as much of questions as possible.


- Most current limitations on Primfeed are to limit the initial cost of operation because while I expected some traffic, I was nowhere imagining that Primfeed would have 10k registered users in less than 48 hours.

- The ToS and Privacy Policy have been co-written with a French lawyer with a master's degree in business law.

- As stated in the Privacy Policy, IPs are not collected, not even for statistics, I have no way to confirm that avatar X is the alt of avatar Y (Which is why, when taking actions / support on the avatar X, I'm requiring to be contacted only through avatar X in Second Life)

- Payment in L$ is totally fine, since all L$ are sold on the LindeX™ Exchange as required by the Linden Lab ToS. Subscriptions paid in L$ for external websites that operate in SL have been around for ages.

- Primfeed is incapable of pulling any of your personal data from your Second Life account, the system will only pull up your in-world picture (which is publicly free, but needs a disclaimer on signup, which I will be adding soon) and name on signup.


- No, your Second Life account is not at risk if you use Primfeed.

- You will be soon able to change your display name on Primfeed.

- Primfeed had a few issues on Firefox, I'm aware of it and will work on it as soon as I can. Meanwhile, you can use Chrome-based browser and it should work just fine.

- To see any content on Primfeed, you must be logged in. However, this is a temporary limit and I will open it to the public this year.

- The feature to mute accounts is coming.

- Seeing the user's ID is not a security risk. If you think so, and you can do more than knowing the ID of the user, please contact me in-world.

- Primfeed is 48 hours old, so yes, the content is not yet settled... You will see many accounts putting their content on the website, and do giveaways, but it will probably fade in the coming days/weeks.

- The moderation team is 7 people, and luckily the content on Primfeed does not need a lot of moderation. 


If you want a bit more info about me and Primfeed, you can read the interview I did with Inara on her blog: https://modemworld.me/2024/06/20/primfeed-a-dedicated-social-platform-for-second-life/


I hope I answered many questions, but please don't hesitate to ask more, and I will answer them.

Edited by Luke Rowley
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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I'm already seeing giveaway spam bleed over into my Twitter timeline. 

Join Primfeed and follow for rules on how to enter this exclusive giveaway for blahblah store credit blahblah.

Maybe it will die down soon. The Spam, I mean.

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13 minutes ago, Luke Rowley said:

Primfeed had a few issues on Firefox, I'm aware of it and will work on it as soon as I can. Meanwhile, you can use Chrome-based browser and it should work just fine.

Please do... Google is trying to rule the browser world with chrome, and is largely succeeding to the significant detriment of everyone whether they currently realise it (or even care) or not.

Edited by Rick Nightingale
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34 minutes ago, Luke Rowley said:

- To see any content on Primfeed, you must be logged in. However, this is a temporary limit and I will open it to the public this year.

I don't think it's great if people are uploading content now in the belief that you have to be an SL resident in order to see it, and suddenly their content is turned visible for everyone outside of SL. Some people may be going to appreciate it, some won't.

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7 minutes ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

It is a literal freaking clone.

But with galleries. I think it's more sort of a mashup of Twitter and Flickr.

The advantage, of course, is that it's an immediately recognizable and comfortable UI for most of us.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But with galleries. I think it's more sort of a mashup of Twitter and Flickr.

The advantage, of course, is that it's an immediately recognizable and comfortable UI for most of us.

It is a literal clone of the UI. Nothing original about it, except less functionality.

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@Luke Rowley -- thanks so much for dropping by the thread and taking the time to talk about the platform! It's appreciated!

I think most of us recognize that this is a work in progress, and that many of the features we now think are missing will eventually be added. Name changes and a block/mute option are definitely a top priority for most people (especially, for safety reasons, the latter).

With regards to the reposting for contests thing -- you may be right that this will die down somewhat, but I suspect it will always be an annoying feature, if merchants are permitted to do it. Maybe an addition to the ToS might be in order? Or a filter that removes reposts? I'm not sure, admittedly, how much of an issue this will be going forward, but it's certainly a problem right now.

Again, thank you!

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1 minute ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

It is a literal clone of the UI. Nothing original about it, except less functionality.

And how long have you been working for Elon, Cris?


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1 minute ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

Oh please, I am the last person to praise him. I loathe him. I am just not a fan of straight up plagiarizing something.

Yes, dahling, I was being facetious. You're not someone I'd imagine as a Space Daddy fan.

I take your point.

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4 hours ago, Luke Rowley said:

Hi everyone,

I appreciate the huge thread, I'm the owner of Primfeed and I will answer as much of questions as possible.


- Most current limitations on Primfeed are to limit the initial cost of operation because while I expected some traffic, I was nowhere imagining that Primfeed would have 10k registered users in less than 48 hours.

- The ToS and Privacy Policy have been co-written with a French lawyer with a master's degree in business law.

- As stated in the Privacy Policy, IPs are not collected, not even for statistics, I have no way to confirm that avatar X is the alt of avatar Y (Which is why, when taking actions / support on the avatar X, I'm requiring to be contacted only through avatar X in Second Life)

- Payment in L$ is totally fine, since all L$ are sold on the LindeX™ Exchange as required by the Linden Lab ToS. Subscriptions paid in L$ for external websites that operate in SL have been around for ages.

- Primfeed is incapable of pulling any of your personal data from your Second Life account, the system will only pull up your in-world picture (which is publicly free, but needs a disclaimer on signup, which I will be adding soon) and name on signup.


- No, your Second Life account is not at risk if you use Primfeed.

- You will be soon able to change your display name on Primfeed.

- Primfeed had a few issues on Firefox, I'm aware of it and will work on it as soon as I can. Meanwhile, you can use Chrome-based browser and it should work just fine.

- To see any content on Primfeed, you must be logged in. However, this is a temporary limit and I will open it to the public this year.

- The feature to mute accounts is coming.

- Seeing the user's ID is not a security risk. If you think so, and you can do more than knowing the ID of the user, please contact me in-world.

- Primfeed is 48 hours old, so yes, the content is not yet settled... You will see many accounts putting their content on the website, and do giveaways, but it will probably fade in the coming days/weeks.

- The moderation team is 7 people, and luckily the content on Primfeed does not need a lot of moderation. 


If you want a bit more info about me and Primfeed, you can read the interview I did with Inara on her blog: https://modemworld.me/2024/06/20/primfeed-a-dedicated-social-platform-for-second-life/


I hope I answered many questions, but please don't hesitate to ask more, and I will answer them.

"trust me , guyz"...ha. No.

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4 hours ago, Luke Rowley said:

- The ToS and Privacy Policy have been co-written with a French lawyer with a master's degree in business law.

Termination of accounts requires contacting you, personally, inside Second Life (an entirely different walled garden). what happens if someone is banned or suspended from SL.

There is no mention of the GDPR or DMCA. Do you handle requests for either ? Do they also have to be submitted to you, personally, via Second Life.

4 hours ago, Luke Rowley said:

As stated in the Privacy Policy, IPs are not collected, not even for statistics, I have no way to confirm that avatar X is the alt of avatar Y

You have web server logs. You have IP addresses. They are collected. This is how web server logs work.

4 hours ago, Luke Rowley said:

Payment in L$ is totally fine, since all L$ are sold on the LindeX™ Exchange as required by the Linden Lab ToS. Subscriptions paid in L$ for external websites that operate in SL have been around for ages.

L$ can only be sold on the Lindex. This changes nothing.

The ToS does not permit L$ to be used to pay for external services or subscriptions related to SL or otherwise, the ToS is explicit about what L$ are and can be used for.

5 hours ago, Luke Rowley said:


Don't lets users freely choose  passwords if this is a risk.

They will do it anyway.

You have a lot of valid SL user names and passwords.


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A workaround for filtering out posts in the primfeed.com feed is it to use a browser addon like Violentmonkey and hide what you don't wanna see using a script.

Chrome addon: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/violentmonkey/jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag

I'm not a pro at this and there are surely more efficient ways to script this (please feel free) but my script works for me. It filters out various "giveaway" variations. Where I can't identify the giveaway post by text (because they only have an image) I have started adding store names. This will also filter out posts that just contain any variation of "follow" even if not associated with a giveaway, but I gladly accept this if I can get a cleaner feed. If you use a script like this, you'll have to update it constantly, but to me it's well worth it.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        primfeed.com feed cleanup
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://*.primfeed.com/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0
// @author      -
// @description cleanup the feed
// @require     https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.js
// ==/UserScript==

$(document).ready(function() {
  window.setInterval(clean, 500); //run clean() every 500ms

//hide posts that contain specific words
function clean()
  $("div:icontains('give away')").closest(".c-dhzjXW-iiOrNGT-css").hide();

//helper method to compare words case insensitive
jQuery.expr[':'].icontains = function(a, i, m) {
  return jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase()
      .indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0;



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Well I made an account... really surprised that I didn't even need to give an email. A code was sent in chat to log in initially.  Not sure when I'll actually use it but really liking that it's tied directly to second life and I don't need to mess with other social media.  

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5 hours ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

Someone on Reddit who was going on and on about how incredible Primfeed is and that it is not a clone of Twitter caused me to bring the receipts. It is a literal freaking clone.

Untitled design.png

To be fair though, Twitter's UX isn't original even to twitter 100%.  I've dealth with Egifter and Cxone and the UX of having the menu on the left side of the screen is about the same in a large set of websites and for some reason they are in love with that font type.

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