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Who - aside from users - will benefit from the Mobile Ap

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43 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Perhaps merchants will figure out a way to do like they do now with making accommodations based on whether the purchase originates inworld on the app or outside the app

LL deliberately removed the ability to tell what viewer another user is on.

So the only way you could really do that is jack all your inworld prices 30% and scr*w over all the non mobile customers.

Or plan B, close your inworld store, only sell on the MP, thus reduciing the profits of rentals companies and land sellers, forcing them to quit, which forces foreclosure by LL of all their old rented land, throwing more people onto the streets... Sounds good ? Benefits the SL economy ?

All because *some* people actually think 16 yr old Crapbloxers will spend money in SL. Ever.



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:


Flush out the old crotchedy crabby fuddy duddies and bring in new blood. Crabby fuddy duddies (from SL) helped destroy Sansar... so don't let them help kill SL too.

Yep. We should just ignore the crabby fuddy duddies who want to keep SL all to themselves.



first, try to talk with a little more respect about your fellow residents, there's only one Zalificent. And doesn't need a copy, there can be only one.

Secondly you'r forgetting that bunch, where you'r a part of, but seem to dispice, paid with that little amount that stayed, the wallet for LL all these years, so don't come with the bs the teens have the money. The oldies have money.

As soon your beloved teens see how expensive it is before being a showable, as much possible unique avi, they'll poof like those other 65.000.000.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

All because *some* people actually think 16 yr old Crapbloxers will spend money in SL. Ever.

Why wouldn't they spend money in SL? A statement without any supporting reasoning or justification behind it is a non-argument.

You keep making this claim over and over again like it's true. Also, I stated above, that Robloxers would most likely age-out of Roblox and come to more mature places like Second Life (or they won't).

I've made the argument that they can and would spend money in SL, as they do in every other industry, as is easily researchable, and I already made that point earlier that you refuse to address.

To introduce them to SL in the way they most access these platforms these days, via Mobile, as I also posted.. makes sense for LL to give it a try.

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I totally agree! 

Assuming they spend L$, it will be good for the overall SL economy.

ETA: I have a friend who runs Minecraft servers and says they lose users as they "age out".  SL will be someplace they can "age out" to!


I am curious. I keep seeing this hypothesis, but to me the first hurdle is, how will they even know SL exists? A few find out, try it and like it, and proselytize to their buds? Or people somehow run across it when doing some sort of general search in the mobile app stores?

I personally have not seen any info on SL in like 16 years, other than what I specifically search for. Never any kind of promotion from LL. I got I to SL in the 2007 wave because I kept running across articles about it.

I don’t mean to be sarcastic or challenging here, just am truly curious. I guess LL must have some sort of plan for promotion? Does anyone know what that is?

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

One group of people who will "benefit" from the mobile app are those who occasionally post in the Forums something along the lines of, "When will Second Life get a mobile app?!?".

If nobody else, this should make THEM happy.

I didn't try going to "M" land on the Mobile app yet, to see if I can go to a club and listen to their stream.  (It's not on my bucket list.)


No, likely they will be back complaining about the app. 

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42 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I personally have not seen any info on SL in like 16 years, other than what I specifically search for. Never any kind of promotion from LL. I got I to SL in the 2007 wave because I kept running across articles about it.

I don’t mean to be sarcastic or challenging here, just am truly curious. I guess LL must have some sort of plan for promotion? Does anyone know what that is?

Good point. Same for me I never see any promotion for SL and only found out about it because friends in IMVU mentioned it in the context of a Platform open to adult content. That was back in 2008 and since that time, I have not seen any sort of promotion as opposed to IMVU where I see promotions on other sites in spite of already being a member there. 

I'm not convinced the Lab is actually interested in more people vs existing residents spending more. The mobile app i feel is to add value to SL in general in being more up to date but not so much that it will attract a new crowd. 

That makes it questionable as to whether there really is any benefit to putting the app in the apple store vs just letting people download and use it from the SL site as an alternative for existing residents.

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

That makes it questionable as to whether there really is any benefit to putting the app in the apple store vs just letting people download and use it from the SL site as an alternative for existing residents.

Can't really do that with Apple kit though. As far as I'm aware, outside of Europe Apple users must use Apple's store to install apps on their iPhones/iPads. The developer thus has to jump through all of Apples hoops and fee structure.

There was a recent Eu ruling that Apple must allow apps to be installed from alternative sources, but from a quick look it's not entirely simple for either developers or users. Besides that, the vast majority of potential (or not) users won't even know to look further than the official store. It's not something Apple exactly wants to encourage!

Edited by Rick Nightingale
Lots of silly typos etc... sorry, I have covid and it's scrambling my brain
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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Naive observation:

Won't Mobile users just do whatever they want, in whatever Regions they can access?  For example: run "adult animations".

People on mobile having sex in non-adult regions is going to be a problem. The usual SL attitude towards sex in SL is that other users tell you to do it in your own house or on adult land. Peer pressure is enough to keep it out of non-adult spaces. That escape valve will be absent from mobile, apparently.

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5 minutes ago, animats said:

People on mobile having sex in non-adult regions is going to be a problem. The usual SL attitude towards sex in SL is that other users tell you to do it in your own house or on adult land. Peer pressure is enough to keep it out of non-adult spaces. That escape valve will be absent from mobile, apparently.

But..won't it be "ok" in Moderate regions "behind closed doors" (as always)? Perhaps that is an area where the "more granular ratings" are needed.

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20 minutes ago, Rick Nightingale said:

Can't really do that with Apple kit though. As far as I'm aware, outside of Europe Apple users must use Apple's store to install apps on their iPhones/iPads. The developer thus has to jump through all of Apples hoops and fee structure.

There was a recent Eu ruling that Apple must allow apps to be installed from alternative sources, but from a quick look it's not entirely simple for either developers or users. Besides that, the vast majority of potential (or not) users won't even know to look further than the official store. It's not something Apple exactly wants to encourage!

Apple is doing everything in its power to make it as difficult and expensive as possible for developers to try to sidestep the App Store. They are flouting the EU ruling and daring them to try to stop them.

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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

But..won't it be "ok" in Moderate regions "behind closed doors" (as always)? Perhaps that is an area where the "more granular ratings" are needed.

Furnishing a house in Belli from a phone is going to be tricky.

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15 minutes ago, animats said:
24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

But..won't it be "ok" in Moderate regions "behind closed doors" (as always)? Perhaps that is an area where the "more granular ratings" are needed.

Furnishing a house in Belli from a phone is going to be tricky.

True. I just meant, unless it is "against the rules" for these users, if mobile users are allowed on Moderate, they can have sex on Moderate without "breaking the rules of Moderate".

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I think most teenagers can't even pay for their own phone plans, I don't know how they will become a revenue stream but maybe they'll be the rising tide that raises all boats or something. Not every user in SL pays real money to participate, so maybe some of the potential new users will find ways to be productive or useful in other ways. Even if they don't bring a lot of income, I don't think LL can just ignore them as a potential future customer base, and who knows, maybe some of the work being done to make SL work acceptably on a tablet/smart phone might find its way back to improving performance on older PC hardware.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Yorkie Bardeen said:

I think most teenagers can't even pay for their own phone plans, I don't know how they will become a revenue stream but maybe they'll be the rising tide that raises all boats or something. Not every user in SL pays real money to participate, so maybe some of the potential new users will find ways to be productive or useful in other ways. Even if they don't bring a lot of income, I don't think LL can just ignore them as a potential future customer base, and who knows, maybe some of the work being done to make SL work acceptably on a tablet/smart phone might find its way back to improving performance on older PC hardware.


Wrong. Once again, all through our history as a nations, the movie, gaming, music and clothing industry tell us that teenagers from 10-17 are the biggest consumers of those products more than adults.  Perhaps Adults buy cars and houses, but the other stuff is driven by teenagers.  Are we going to deny and argue this VERY WELL KNOWN FACT now?

Or even ignore the statistics? Here's one, not that I should have to back this up with a random internet source to be validated!

There are 54 million Americans in Generation Z, (aka Generation We / iGeneration). Teen and tween Gen Z kids, ages 10-17, account for $44 billion in discretionary spending each year. According to Forbes, they’re poised to become the largest generation of consumers by 2020, responsible for up to $143 billion of direct spending.

13 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I still would be interested in hearing how the people who think the mobile app will attract new people think these new users will even know SL or the app exist?

The mobile app will attract younger users who primarily use mobile devices now. A quick internet search will educate you on how they use the internet - and related to the conversation, how 60% of Roblox users use mobile to play games and access the platform.

These same  users will age out of Roblox soon, and will be looking for more adult, more advanced platforms to gravitate to - here comes Second Life..

Of course, they have to know it exists... but that's LL job not ours.


Edited by Codex Alpha
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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

The mobile app will attract younger users who primarily use mobile devices now. A quick internet search will educate you on how they use the internet - and related to the conversation, how 60% of Roblox users use mobile to play games and access the platform.

These same  users will age out of Roblox soon, and will be looking for more adult, more advanced platforms to gravitate to - here comes Second Life..

Of course, they have to know it exists... but that's LL job not ours.


I don't understand the point of there being 6 billion potential users if they don't know it exists. People seem to have plenty of opinions about the potential demo for the app, I would have thought they might extend that speculation to how they would find it.

Honestly, IMO, the whole thing is LL's job, not ours, potential markets (which you have addressed many times) as well as how to reach them. It isn't like any of us have any say in whether they make a mobile app or what it is like or anything else. I would just be interested in people's hypothesizing about putting whatever huge, spendy, potential market they think exists together with this app that they are going to stan.

Edited by CaerolleClaudel
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3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

Why wouldn't they spend money in SL? A statement without any supporting reasoning or justification behind it is a non-argument.

KIDS have NO jobs, KIDS have NO money. EVERYTHIING they "spend" comes from their PARENTS.


"Mommy, can I have $99 a year for a premium subscription to a kinky pron simulator, and $230 a month to rent my own virtual land,  and another $100 for a cool avatar, and some clothes, plus the 30 % Awful Mac Tax?"

"No, by the way, you're adopted, pack your bags, we're sending you back to the orphanage."


3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

Also, I stated above, that Robloxers would most likely age-out of Roblox and come to more mature places like Second Life

They haven't for the last 8 yeas. Did you forget that a huge chunk of them use PC's, and have ALREADY aged out of CrapBlox, and didn't come HERE.

3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

or they won't



3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

I've made the argument that they can and would spend money in SL, as they do in every other industry, as is easily researchable, and I already made that point earlier that you refuse to address.

But II did address it. KIDS have NO money of their own, just what they can beg off their parents.

also, be careful of spamming quotes from Forbes, the monthly magazine for Failed Executive  Wannabes, who tend to publish a bucket load of 1 and 2 page "pay some hack per word" disposable inert filler articles.


One classic by way of an example, was a self-labelled "Venture Capitaliist" telling everyone that NFT's were the next big thing, just as everyone else was getting out of that mess, which was doubly laughable because no REAL venture capitalist would EVER tell potential rivals what the next big thing is, if they actually knew, because the whole point of being a venture capitalist is to beg/borrow/steal as much capital as possible and "venture" it on the next big thing so they dominate the market and get most of the profits.


But common sense didn't stop somebody with as shallow an understanding as you, from spamming this forum for months with "But... But... Forbes says", until it became obvious Forbes had lied to them.


3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

To introduce them to SL in the way they most access these platforms these days, via Mobile, as I also posted.. makes sense for LL to give it a try.

Sure it does.

IIntroduce people with no interest in SL, who won't spend the money they don't have, to this platform via a cripple-ware interface that makes just conversing almost impossible, and restricts them from visiiting 1/3rd of the platform, the 1/3rd where most of the fun is.


Brilliant idea.

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3 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

KIDS have NO jobs, KIDS have NO money. EVERYTHIING they "spend" comes from their PARENTS.

I know I am going to regret this, but do teens where you live and have ever lived not get jobs to make money? Esp summer jobs? A lot of kids I have known, maybe even most these days, get jobs to have disposable income. In some cases they have to use that for practical stuff like clothes or saving for college (and even most college students are in their teens or barely out of them).

I pretty much totally disagree that there are millions or tens of millions or whatever of kids excitedly waiting to be able to use SL on their mobiles, but a lot of them do have money. And given that (IIRC) you agree that many parents buy consoles and expensive games for their kids, it seems like whether kids earn money or not, a lot of them do have a steady revenue stream for gaming.

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5 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I know I am going to regret this, but do teens where you live and have ever lived not get jobs to make money?

There are strict laws here about employing kids. It's not a common thing.

Where *I* live, if you see a school age teen spending money, they got it by selling stolen goods, and they are spending it on black market cigarettes and vodka, from a corner shop that doesn't care that selling illegally imported goods is a crime as is selling booze and smokes to kids.

You certainly wouldn't HIRE any of them to do anything, as they would rob you blind.


9 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

And given that (IIRC) you agree that many parents buy consoles and expensive games for their kids, it seems like whether kids earn money or not, a lot of them do have a steady revenue stream for gaming.

"Mommy, can I have $99 a year for a premium subscription to a kinky pron simulator, and $230 a month to rent my own virtual land,  and another $100 for a cool avatar, and some clothes, plus the 30 % Awful Mac Tax?"

"No, by the way, you're adopted, pack your bags, we're sending you back to the orphanage."

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28 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

IIntroduce people with no interest in SL, who won't spend the money they don't have, to this platform via a cripple-ware interface that makes just conversing almost impossible, and restricts them from visiiting 1/3rd of the platform, the 1/3rd where most of the fun is.


Brilliant idea.

What is the problem with Mommy and Daddy's money again? Especially if it is to fund a crippled viewer not able to access the better parts of the Grid? Less noobies for you to punt!

Sounds like a win-win!

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6 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I know I am going to regret this, but do teens where you live and have ever lived not get jobs to make money? Esp summer jobs? A lot of kids I have known, maybe even most these days, get jobs to have disposable income. In some cases they have to use that for practical stuff like clothes or saving for college (and even most college students are in their teens or barely out of them).

I pretty much totally disagree that there are millions or tens of millions or whatever of kids excitedly waiting to be able to use SL on their mobiles, but a lot of them do have money. And given that (IIRC) you agree that many parents buy consoles and expensive games for their kids, it seems like whether kids earn money or not, a lot of them do have a steady revenue stream for gaming.

Can confirm. Plenty of teens in my state get summer jobs or maintain part-time work through the school year. Some places throughout the US (cough Florida cough) are even easing hourly work restrictions for teens 16 and up so they can cram more hours in before school. Outside of the US - probably a bit more rare.

Many do it to help out around the house or just cover their own entertainment expenses or start saving up for college. Some just do it for the flex (I cannot tell you how many fake Louis Vuitton bags I have seeeeeeen...😆). And yeah, with things like gaming and lootboxes and gachas and in-game purchases and things - sure some do swipe the ole credit card and deal with the consequences later, but a lot of kids genuinely do have their own funds and spend whatever they aren't saving for some other purpose. Will they spend it on Second Life - I dunno. Roblox and other stuff - probably.

I know here, you can start working at 14. I didn't get my first job until about 17 (it didn't last, tho) and I was pretty far behind as a result (took longer to get my first car, etc. - other kids had that locked down by senior year).

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I know I am going to regret this, but do teens where you live and have ever lived not get jobs to make money?

Yes, they do ... summer jobs, but that is strict regulated in the amount they can earn, period of job and if you as kid exceed the limitations, you have to pay taxes like any other employed adult person. Plus, where I live, there is a compulsary school attendance till the age of 18 years.

Edited by Dorientje Woller
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