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43 minutes ago, Honey Puddles said:

When they post, it's usually in a blind panic.. "My account has been banned, LL keeps closing my support tickets, I have lost everything and everyone dear to me, please help". These don't read like *****posts.. they read like desperation. They find a subreddit and think "maybe someone from LL will see it there" or "maybe someone there knows what I can do to get my life, home, family, and/or business back".

One thing they all have in common.. they claim their avatars weren't children. Most of them claim their avatars were femboys.. and will opine endlessly about 'being a realistic height'.

Rarely do any of them say "I never do anything sexual" but they always say "My avatar isn't even a child"

I know a couple of people that had their account permabanned for carnal knowledge of a child.

They swear that they didnt do it, that someone hacked their account and used it to do the deed.

Im thinking riiiiigh 😂

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2 minutes ago, Wincil said:

Tbh from from what I have heard the grids largest population demographics are millennials and Genz Most of them are well aware of anime. These fourm boomers mostly live in a bubble.

I suspect that you're right in your assumption that the average age of participants of these forums is older than the average age of SL residents as a whole, but it's probably best to avoid any generalisations such as "all forum users are like this..." or "all child avatars do this...".  It works both ways after all.

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5 minutes ago, Madi Melodious said:

I read this and snorted my coffee.  It brought to mind a bunch of pint size, but adorable, avatars lighting up blow torches.  

Like Maddy's blowtorch! 

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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

If you right click on the SLurl that shows up in chat with that HUD, you can show on map which does show the maturity level of the region so probably something child-presenting avatars should be aware of and do going forward

Yeah. For anyone who roleplays a child, start checking your links very carefully before TPing to stores. Plenty of times I find myself on Adult land when TPing around during the weekend and weekday sales. I barely ever notice it, so I can't offer a list of shops to watch out for in particular, but it does happen from time to time.

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37 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I had an idiot im me after 4 years just the other day  just so he could attack and insult me. I told him congrats, you just made todays blog post, then i blocked him. I posted the im, plus his profile picture, along with an insulting comment.

Thirty minutes later their alt imed me demanding i remove the post or they were gonna AR me for disclosing chat logs without their permission plus sharing their personal information (I guess their log in name) I said go for it, the blog is outside of second life or any Linden website, they wont do anything. 

then I blocked the alt and added their rant to the blog post.

It was a good day 😂

Did you get a letter yet to require your attendance at a re-education camp as a result of his AR?


          Placemarker for Bright Haired Blondes being re-educated image

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17 minutes ago, Madi Melodious said:

My alt an her partner have 2 rules and I think the second rule should go in to full effect for child avatars.

  1. Real Life comes first.
  2. Never log off nude.

The second one came about when my alt login region was off line and she was dumped into a "safezone", naked.  It was originally meant as a joke, but now, not so funny.

getting dumped in a safezone on login is half the fun of logging out nude.

Ummmm there arent any safezones on G sims are there?


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5 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

I suspect that you're right in your assumption that the average age of participants of these forums is older than the average age of SL residents as a whole, but it's probably best to avoid any generalisations such as "all forum users are like this..." or "all child avatars do this...".  It works both ways after all.

Then again I didn't say stuff like "all fourm users are like this..." or "all child avatars do this...".

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9 minutes ago, Wincil said:

Tbh from from what I have heard the grids largest population demographics are millennials and Genz Most of them are well aware of anime. These fourm boomers mostly live in a bubble.

I beg your pardon. Most of us Forum regulars have indeed "heard" of Anime. (I am more into manga myself, anime is a very crude art forum compared to manga. The original stories for most anime were manga, etc. etc.)

Some of us may just disagree on whether someone's avatar "looks young" or not. Whether or not a character is based on an anime style, if it looks young, it looks young.  Being based on an anime style does not get that avatar a "free pass".  Arguments to the contrary are very silly.

I suspect some of the "Boomers" on here have even heard of anime.  I'm GenX and tend to stick to anime from the early 2000's. 


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Posted (edited)

The thing I don't understand is why doesn't Linden Lab just go into Second Life and ask the opinions of all that play there, incentivize a meeting and give people a reason to come, allow them to give their personal opinion, and the opinion of newcomers and how they can make newcomers feel safer and more welcome

And there is Twitter, many Second Life users use twitter now, though i hate twitter, those who are actually always inside of twitter do use that. As their opinion.

Soft follows a lot of the creators that some people dislike in this forum, have Soft ask their opinion or something instead of just following a forum post that doesn't even have a lot of people in it.

Everyone already agrees with the child avatar and the modesty and the safety of child avatar, but the fact that if GenZ and Millennials are the active users, as a whole, (as someone said) then they should go look to see what is the normal in aesthetics and looks and what people want changed and how to make second life better for everyone.

Edited by Starberry Passion
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1 minute ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Did you get a letter yet to require your attendance at a re-education camp as a result of his AR?


          Placemarker for Bright Haired Blondes being re-educated image

he can AR me, but it will not be acted on. I didnt break the TOS

My hair is platinum blonde, it’s not my fault platinum is so shiny 😂

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So, some of us adorable little avatars are having issues with the new tos because some of us make us feel like it makes us second class citizens on public moderate land.   An in a way it does because it puts the proof of burden on the child avatar to prove their innocence if a naked adults show up on moderate land.  I know that is now how the tos meant it to be but that is how it comes across.  I think the following language should be put in the new tos, in more tos like language of course.

  • In the presents of a child avatar on public moderate land, such as the Blake, all Adults must be clothed. 

This removes the burden of proof on the child avatar and will also prevent fake abuse reports, thus making LL job easier too.  

Now I can already here some of the protest starting from the gallon size avatars out there.   I will remind you that you have a entire continent and hundreds of sims to run naked in.  This is all we have now.  


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52 minutes ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:

You miss the meaning. If one teleports into any region for any reason. Not lures. 
just visiting events or destinations.

I'm not understanding?

If I had a child avatar (I don't, just me and a cat, and the rest of TWI's animals) and I TPed to a Moderate region to an event that did not in any way in the description suggest there'd be nudity and I stumble into a burning man style pagan nudist dance, I go "Oopsie" and leave.

There is no way that I'd get into trouble for that because even if someone saw me appear for the brief 5–10 seconds I did and reported me, Linden would also see: a) event wasn't listed as a nude event, and b) arrived after it started, and c) stayed fore less than 15 seconds and left.

Tell me, does anyone honestly think I'd get into trouble for that?

Look before you leap, use your best judgement, and if something weird like that happened, the kid avatar is not in the wrong and won't be punished. If anyone says to me, "Yes they will cause against ToS!!!" then I've got nothing for you because you're just being stubborn and not using your common sense.

Or did I just rant a bit there without understanding the issue?

(And haven't we already figured out that shopping in a Moderate region or at an event that might have naked skin posters or overtly sexualized clothing posters at a vendors booth is not going to get you into trouble because your experience is shopping not looking to be sexy? Or is that one of the things that needs clarifying still and not in the FAQ?)

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3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

require your attendance at a re-education camp

I think you're trying to be "funny", at least I hope so.  

By "re-education", I think was meant, they'll send you info that points out the relevant TOS  (who knows, and maybe some FAQ's).  

The idea of making a bunch of griefers, trolls, peeping Toms, and "willy-waggers" actually attend an "online class" ("camp"), presumably together, is ludicrous.  That is why I assume you are kidding.

I guess we'll find out when a unicorn "got the email!" user responds.


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4 minutes ago, Madi Melodious said:

In the presents of a child avatar on public moderate land, such as the Blake, all Adults must be clothed. 

Seems somewhat arbitrary, the way I read the above. 

May as well change it to be "everyone must be clothed on all 'public' Moderate land".  That would be more clear.

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I beg your pardon. Most of us Forum regulars have indeed "heard" of Anime. (I am more into manga myself, anime is a very crude art forum compared to manga. The original stories for most anime were manga, etc. etc.)

Some of us may just disagree on whether someone's avatar "looks young" or not. Whether or not a character is based on an anime style, if it looks young, it looks young. Being based on an anime style does not get that avatar a  "free pass".  Arguments to the contrary are very silly.

I suspect some of the "Boomers" on here have even heard of anime.  I'm GenX and tend to stick to anime from the early 2000's. 


Someones avatar Being based on an anime style does not get that avatar "free pass" seens kinda silly and not everyone is gen x and sticks with anime from the 2000's looking youthful doesn't always equates to a child and anime is fictional some people don't seen to get that.

Edited by Wincil
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23 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

I'm going to assume from that stream of images that you're asking what happens when you accidentally teleport to an A rated region.  The simple answer is you teleport away again.

And. if you're worried about inadvertently teleporting to an Adult region, keep your preferences for "Show Me Content" set to the default G and M.  Then, if you try to TP to an Adult area, a warning will pop up telling you you need to reset your preferences and try again.   At that point you can, if you wish, switch to another body (one of library ones, like the zombie or werewolf, maybe), adjust your preferences, and try again.  

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I have no problem following the new rules. I wasn't breaking the old ones. I just wish it would clear up a lot of the knee-jerk reactions the ones that DON'T read the TOS and just listen to the stuff people tell them.


I watch a lot, a LOT of court stuff on youtube, you get these people that someone says, "If you say you're a soverign citizen, or indiginious you'll get out of any criminal charge," so the peole come to court say all the sounds that the person directed at them. While on the surface they sound like actual words, they're actually nonsense.


I used to visit a sim. It started out as Moderate, but people were like, "Yooooh, people are having sex in the motels, you should make this place adult." So to cover their butts, the owners made the sim Adult. Still followed all the M rated rules, no public nudity, keep your 'adult stuff' behind closed doors. As a SL kid, as long as I followed the rules I was fine. I never cammed in, if someone came up with their compensation showing I would get away from them. Things were great, I had a lot of friends. We'd hang out, watch people race their cars and everything was fine. Now the new ToS comes out and while I am sad I have to leave what was basically my home or change to something I don't want to be. So I left the sim.


Now I am looking for a new place, a M rated sim I can RP my little vampire story, but I arrive on M rated sims, read their rules and its like, "Because of the fact we allow adult activities, SL kids are not allowed." Its like there's this soft ban on actual mature sims because people believe either you have to be toddler oriented (G rated) or XXX rated (A) to cover your butt, there's no middle ground.


I fall into a strange place as a SL kid. I'm not interested in 'family roleplay,' and I don't care what people do behind closed doors. So I feel a little like I'm without a country, not really wanted anywhere right now.


Again, I am ALL for protecting SL kids from sickos, if I need a modesty pannel fine, I wear coverings already it doesn't change much for me (As long as I can wear my ballet uniform without them showing). I just wish people would take the time to be more educated about the rules because it feels like SL was already small and its getting even more small.


(( That said any sim that'll allow a vampire kid that not toddlercore, let me know! ))

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In regards to getting a letter regarding being AR'ed. I had an alt that apparently a parcel neighbor didnt' like the tall rock wall around the parcel and bits of it crossed the jagged areas near the LL roadway. I did get the letter. Alt also got a 3 day suspension. 

I own General rated land mostly. It is near a newbie friendly location. It's died down now some I suspect due to the new changes set up to educate newbies. I can't tell you how many times I have had to AR and ban from my parcels the nude with gentials showing from them. They would hang out under the water and prey on the newbies. I'm pretty sure the majority of those that I ar'ed did get banned from SL because most never returned. The main one that did, was coming back with different alts. All of which never came back. 

So yeah, on a General rated region, nudity should be ar'ed.

On moderate rated land, in the Child Avatar FAQ which has to do with shopping and such on moderate regions it clearly states: It may be best to create an outfit with a non-human or non-child human persona to run errands such as shopping, such as any of the default Second Life avatars, robots, et cetera.

If people start ar'ing naked avatars that are on Moderate regions, those people are at risk of filing unnecessary ar's and too many of such can cause them to be the target of a letter and possible suspension. 

For those worried about being tp'ed to Adult regions, if they are a child avatar, just set you preferences to General,Moderate only. You will not then be accidentally tp'ed into an Adult region.


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2 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

(And haven't we already figured out that shopping in a Moderate region or at an event that might have naked skin posters or overtly sexualized clothing posters at a vendors booth is not going to get you into trouble because your experience is shopping not looking to be sexy? Or is that one of the things that needs clarifying still and not in the FAQ?)

Slight change on that.



The thing is, if you're browsing from Seraphim, you'll have to be very careful clicking on the links there to make sure that cute ad for that cheesecake isn't taking you to a store located on an Adult parcel. Maybe even a Moderate parcel. Who knows now. 

Just check your links before going, is all, or maybe create a dedicated shopping avatar.

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2 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

And. if you're worried about inadvertently teleporting to an Adult region, keep your preferences for "Show Me Content" set to the default G and M.  Then, if you try to TP to an Adult area, a warning will pop up telling you you need to reset your preferences and try again.   At that point you can, if you wish, switch to another body (one of library ones, like the zombie or werewolf, maybe), adjust your preferences, and try again.  

Thanks, this comes up in the thread occasionally, but it is pretty obvious not everyone is seeing that message!

I hope that LL puts it in the official messaging.


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2 minutes ago, Indy Melody said:

If people start ar'ing naked avatars that are on Moderate regions, those people are at risk of filing unnecessary ar's and too many of such can cause them to be the target of a letter and possible suspension. 


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11 minutes ago, Starberry Passion said:

The thing I don't understand is why doesn't Linden Lab just go into Second Life and ask the opinions of all that play there, incentivize a meeting and give people a reason to come


1. You can't fit 45,000 people in one region

2. LL operate on PST, and that's the middle of the night for over half the user base.

3. If they could get 45,000 in one region, you wouldn't be able to hear your self think over the babble off 45,000 voices all talking at once.

4. A tiny insignificant minority isn't worth the hassle to them.



Hope that helps clear up your confusion.



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7 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

And. if you're worried about inadvertently teleporting to an Adult region, keep your preferences for "Show Me Content" set to the default G and M.  Then, if you try to TP to an Adult area, a warning will pop up telling you you need to reset your preferences and try again.   At that point you can, if you wish, switch to another body (one of library ones, like the zombie or werewolf, maybe), adjust your preferences, and try again.  

In fact, anyone wearing a child avatar should do this as a matter of course. If you have the option to show "A" rated content you'll automatically be teleported to an "Adult" safe hub if your region is unavailable.

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6 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Just check your links before going, is all, or maybe create a dedicated shopping avatar.

Or, if you're feeling extra kind to your fellow shoppers, just wear a full body alpha layer to help improve everyones FPS (including yours)!

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Starberry Passion said:

if GenZ and Millennials are the active users, as a whole, (as someone said)

Somebody who has proven very unreliable in everything they have said.

32 minutes ago, Starberry Passion said:

they should go look to see what is the normal in aesthetics and looks



32 minutes ago, Starberry Passion said:

how to make second life better for everyone

The Needs of the Many outweigh the Needs of the Few.

They did this, that's why they are cracking down on the AR Clickbait's ability to go where they will make trouble.

Tiny minority. VS Everyone else.


Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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