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Dr. Sir Alazarin Mondrian Mobius, OFG

I had the great privilege and pleasure of being joined by our Principal Investigator, Dr. Sir Alazarin Mondrian Mobius OFG*. Hopefully I captured his good side here, as requested.

* Order of the Flaming Gullet

It was very enlightening to consult with the good doctor on the nature of the measurements his apparatus was taking, so far in a purely passive arrangement, as well as the scientific principles behind his unique instruments.One must of course consider the comfort and best interests of the hapless subject, who is unable to provide the slightest guidance on whatever discomfort our investigations might be causing her.

There were a number of readings of a puzzling nature that we both felt warranted further investigation. There are, I feel quite confident in saying, a number of possible benefits to virtual medicine that may be realized if we can determine the root cause behind some of the observed phenomenon, should they prove consistent and reproducible.

It must be noted that such in-depth research might require a more... active... engagement with the subject, and the building of additional novel, and dare I say intrusive, investigatory tools. I personally am very keen to continue my discussions with Dr. Mobius, as they were quite wide-ranging and seemed like they could continue without ever reaching an end.

Under discussion... and a dome.

As you can see, our subject is completely impassive and unresponsive to the investigators discussing her fate only a few meters away.

Alas, other duties demand my attention at the moment - but I assure you, good reader, that I intend to continue following the doctor's important research in this exciting new field!

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

Darius there's nothing in her profile that would suggest that she's a scripted agent. If anything her profile looks almost too 'normal'.

Oh, she fits a pattern. The movie star group tag, the profile's random camwhore photo and profile text style, and the ground sit on Linden owned land. even the first name that starts in 'b', are common for the roadside scourgebots. The only big variance is that she is on abandoned land and not protected.

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I took the opportunity to call in upon our mysterious visitor and noticed some signs of life. However this may not be sentient life as we know it but rather the sort of life one might associate with decomposition. Note that one of her legs has disappeared and that the other leg has moved possibly as a result of late-onset rigor mortis.


Lost avatar-03.jpg

It would appear that the cushion I so graciously proffered this lady avatar has done her no good whatsoever.

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I know the gubment is all about cutting expenditures and whatnot these days, but they funded treadmills for lobsters, so ... Do you suppose we could get a gubment grant to study and document the decay rate and putrefaction particulars of an Avatar?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

[...] the idea that it shouldn't be using sim resources if it's a bot is a non-starter, because it's allowed to. [...]

actually I find the idea of idle avatars sitting around on region, camping out on abandoned or linden parlces, eating up resources on a consistent basis, whether they're bots or not to be abusive of resources. they can do so anywhere, so there's no point in them bogging down a particular region, and frankly as a user of the region they're a nuisance in more ways than one.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

I know the gubment is all about cutting expenditures and whatnot these days, but they funded treadmills for lobsters, so ... Do you suppose we could get a gubment grant to study and document the decay rate and putrefaction particulars of an Avatar?

Why, that sounds like a smashing idea, Darius! I'm filing the paperwork as we speak.

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Void Singer wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

[...] the idea that it shouldn't be using sim resources if it's a bot is a non-starter, because it's allowed to. [...]

actually I find the idea of idle avatars sitting around on region, camping out on abandoned or linden parlces, eating up resources on a consistent basis, whether they're bots or not to be abusive of resources. they can do so anywhere, so there's no point in them bogging down a particular region, and frankly as a user of the region they're a nuisance in more ways than one.

All avatars use some resources and all avatars are allowed - bots and manned. Whether or not the useage constitures "abuse" is another matter. One avatar, as in this case, isn't an abuse in my book.

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Void Singer wrote:

actually I find the idea of idle avatars sitting around on region, camping out on abandoned or linden parlces, eating up resources on a consistent basis, whether they're bots or not to be abusive of resources. they can do so anywhere, so there's no point in them bogging down a particular region, and frankly as a user of the region they're a nuisance in more ways than one.

All avatars use some resources and all avatars are allowed to - bots and manned. Whether or not the useage constitutes "abuse" is another matter. One avatar, as in this case, isn't an abuse in my book.

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I visited the mystery av. I swear that she was standing right before I TP'd in, because she was in the process of sitting down and crossing her legs as I turned to look at her.

It appears that she is steaming in that thing.


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om Piers wrote:

... I swear that she was standing right before I TP'd in, because she was in the process of sitting down and crossing her legs as I turned to look at her...

Om, so you've noticed that as well. She does seem to have a life of her own. It's as if she was thinking of walking away or something and then changed her mind.

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Oh, she fits a pattern...

 Do tell. Please enlighten me.

...even the first name that starts in 'b', are common for the roadside scourgebots...


Correct about the first name. You must know alot more about her ilk.

When we inspect their attachments -- I think this information is easiest to see in V2, in the sidebar display -- we can see that they all are using the same group named 'traffic injection'. It will be easy enough to learn the different things those bots are for from there.

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The "sat down as I looked" behavior is a side-effect of how animations are handled by your viewer. As you "look" for the first time, the animation plays from the start thus you see her standing first then sitting down. It's barely noticeable for looping animations with short lead-in actions, but for animations that have a long lead-in action before they loop it's quite obvious.

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

Our captive zombie bot's missing leg has miraculously regrown itself.

Think of what this could mean to the quality of life for all the paraplegic and wheelchair-bound WW2 Online veterans stuck on their 512s in Jessie and elsewhere around the mainland. Not to mention -- does this kind of regenerative capacity have any effect in the face of the heretofore mysterious processes at work in the undead?

Clearly we're going to have to step up our investigations -- there's too much at stake to let this opportunity slip through our fingers!

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