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What Would You Like to Remove From Second Life Permanently?

Prokofy Neva

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1 hour ago, Toothless Draegonne said:

Seriously, just because you own a parcel of actual real land doesn't mean you get to fire a Bofors at every airliner that flies over. Same deal on the Madlands.

In RL, the Ciivil aviation authorities set MINIMUM altitudes for flying over places, to reduce noise pollution etc., nobody wants their chimney blasted off the roof by the sonic boom shockwave of some over-entitled jerk who bought an old jet fighter and likes to scream over peoples houses 20 feet off the roof tiles.

If some body griefs you with a plane in RL, you can report the jerk to the aviation authority, with the number on the side of the plane, and THEY PULL HIS PILOTS LICIENCE, and ground the trash.


In SL, the official overflight height for parcels from which you have been banned is... 5km. Feel free to trespass ABOVE that height.


1 hour ago, Toothless Draegonne said:

People who don't get that the Madlands is a shared space with all that this implies

Wanting to share MY space implies you are willing to PAY half the tier. But you are not.

Same old same old, the battle cry of the over0-entitled.


"What's mine is mine and what's YOUR'S is MINE too!"


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35 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

In RL, the Ciivil aviation authorities set MINIMUM altitudes for flying over places, to reduce noise pollution etc., nobody wants their chimney blasted off the roof by the sonic boom shockwave of some over-entitled jerk who bought an old jet fighter and likes to scream over peoples houses 20 feet off the roof tiles.

I'm sure the SL Air Force works closely with the SL Navy, SL Coast Guard, and other made-up RP groups to ensure the air, land, and sea are safe for everyone. Right? Lol

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Zero second bans are a bad solution to a problem that never needed to be one in the first place. So, so many ways to go about it that don't involve a "break and yeet" bandaid that immediately turns people antagonistic. Especially official solutions could and should do so much better.

You're telling me LL couldn't implement invisible walls that prevent trespass to begin with? Or a fallback system that places an avatar back at the last safe position they were allowed to be in? Or a system that drops them at the nearest public Rez point so they can get back on track? Maybe actually fix how forced teleports and sim crossings just break core components of SL? Or place the avatars nearby, outside the banline and maybe let them one time re-rez only their vehicle if they were on one within a leeway period. Can still timeout people if they hit the barrier again.

There's a near infinite amount of ways this all would become a total non issue, with land owners never having to deal with it and explorers not getting the nuclear castle doctrine blasted into their face over a random moment of lag or jank. Nope. Gotta be break and yeet, so residents can claw into each other.


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2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

simply a reminder of basic truths really

Your OPINION does NOT qualify as "basic truths", just ass an opinion, that most people do not share.


2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

I think the adult side of SL has done far more damage over the years than good

Your opinion, many disagree.


2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

who knows how much better and busier it might be here

Nobody, non-fact based idle speculation.


2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

if people hadn't been driven away by it

Again, non fact based idle speculation.


2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

I've managed 18 years in SL without needing to resort to 'adult content'

Apparently it didn't drive you away, which pretty much negates your previous attempts at having a point.


2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

If you wouldn't do or say it in front of your grandmother.

Apparently you are so unaware of SL's demographics, that you fail to understand that many if not most, of those "filthy adult content using people" are in fact, grandmothers.


2 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Maybe it's just a cultural thing.

You've stated previously that you're a Brit. Wanting to outlaw sex is NOT a British Cultural thing.

It is however, utterly laughable, which is why people laugh when you say it.

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13 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

All you have to do is ask.

The reason is I got sick and tired of over-entitled jerks demanding rights they don't have over who comes and goes on MY land, and complaining that I build on my land.

Complaining that the ground level build makes MY land unusable for THEIR off road motor sports, complaining that MY house on a platform kilometres up, interferes with them pretending to be airline pilots in MY airspace, demanding that II waste MY spare prims, putting up THEIR air traffic beacons.

People who THINK they have a right to trespass in my SL home and insult me into the bargain, get the security orbs foot broken off in their ASS.

What you do on land you pay for is your business. What I do on land I pay for is MY business.

What or who you choose to allow on your land is of no interest to me nor of ANY relevance.


Thank you for admitting that the home invaders are NOT "nice people". They make NO effort to accommodate my want and need for some privacy in my SL home, when building or scripting, or unpacking my shopping, or sorting my inventory, or taking a snapshot or two, or just chilling with some people I ACTUALLY know and ACTUALLY invited, rather than being harassed by random over-entitled nomadic anti-privacy griefer filth.



I agree with you about a parcel owner's rights, and think it unfair to characterise people who want some peace and privacy as 'not nice'.  It startles me greatly when I come home and find someone there or someone just appears in my house uninvited, and startlement is not what I come to SL for.   My parcels are open, and the only avatars getting banned are resource-sucking bots, but I do prefer people to behave considerately.

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9 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

official solutions could and should do so much better.

Breaking your foot off in a trespassers ass IS an official solution.


9 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

You're telling me LL couldn't implement invisible walls that prevent trespass to begin with?

They did, they are called banlines. Problem is they only go up 50 m, on the assumption that EVERYBODY lives on the ground, and were put in place back when the MAXIMUM height you could reach was 768 m, and that needed a scripted assist.


11 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Maybe actually fix how forced teleports and sim crossings just break core components of SL?

Forced teleports do not "break" core components of SL, they ARE a core component of SL, go to any LL damage enabled parcel, get shot, "die" and forced teleport back home.


13 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

maybe let them one time re-rez only their...

...self replicating griefer prim in revenge for being denied entry to private property.



17 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

explorers not getting the nuclear castle doctrine blasted into their face

It's not "nuclear castle doctrine", it is quite simply, that they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to "explore" private property against the property owners wishes, and consistently refuse to understand this.


20 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

a random moment of lag or jank

Publishing a map for aviators that plots a route through somebody's living room is not "random lag or jank", nor is intruding almost 30 m into somebody's parcel. These people do it deliberately. some of them claim they have a RIGHT to intrude. They are of course, wrong, as are you.


23 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Nope. Gotta be break and yeet punt kick and ban the intruders, so the parcel residents can claw into each other habitual home invading criminals.

Fixed that for you.


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm sure the SL Air Force works closely with the SL Navy, SL Coast Guard

I suspect there's little affection between the SL Navy and the SL CG... the former probably look down on the latter for having dinky little patrol boats and rescue choppers, instead of 1/2 scale model aircraft carriers, and FU-69 Strike Fghters.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm sure the SL Air Force works closely with the SL Navy, SL Coast Guard, and other made-up RP groups to ensure the air, land, and sea are safe for everyone. Right? Lol

Hmm, has anyone noticed something missing in the RP section? :/

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9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Under 16s aren't the only ones, however, who are served by G rated sims. There are lots of adults who, for whatever reason (and no, I'm not one of them) don't want to be exposed to nudity, racy language, etc. Why are they any less deserving of their "own" areas than those who want Adult?

The answer to this, surely, is the same as what one might give to someone protesting about activities in an A rated area.

Don't go there, then.

Ironically G owners ignore the G rules all the time, they have sex beds and other sex furniture, but its up in a skybox, so they think  its okey.

G demands such a vanilla experience, that in theory, even swearing could get you reported.

Anyone wanting a G experience shouldn't even join SL, its really not for them

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9 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Suppose I make a rule that there's no nudity allowed on a Zindra parcel of mine. I can ban anybody who doesn't comply because it's my parcel and I can do as I like. Can't AR anybody but still I can make it arbitrarily intolerant of folks who dare go skinny-dipping off my dock.

I could do that, but it would make visiting my little corner of Zindra pretty unpredictable for nudists. Zindra landowners don't often have such rules. Why not? Because: why own Adult land if you're going to impose G-rated rules. That's why there's G-rated land.

I.e., that's why there's G-rated land.

Got a lm to your place?

There's  clubs on adult where nudity by the customer isn't allowed. I guess they don't want to cut in on the strippers tips. Why tip to get someone naked when all the customers are naked anyway?

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
added a line
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1 hour ago, ValKalAstra said:

Zero second bans are a bad solution to a problem that never needed to be one in the first place. So, so many ways to go about it that don't involve a "break and yeet" bandaid that immediately turns people antagonistic. Especially official solutions could and should do so much better.

You're telling me LL couldn't implement invisible walls that prevent trespass to begin with? Or a fallback system that places an avatar back at the last safe position they were allowed to be in? Or a system that drops them at the nearest public Rez point so they can get back on track? Maybe actually fix how forced teleports and sim crossings just break core components of SL? Or place the avatars nearby, outside the banline and maybe let them one time re-rez only their vehicle if they were on one within a leeway period. Can still timeout people if they hit the barrier again.

There's a near infinite amount of ways this all would become a total non issue, with land owners never having to deal with it and explorers not getting the nuclear castle doctrine blasted into their face over a random moment of lag or jank. Nope. Gotta be break and yeet, so residents can claw into each other.


I have invisible walls in my second life, its called "turn off ban lines".

So, I think everyone adjacent to a public road/channel should set ban lines, and everyone using those routes, should turn them off in their viewer, works on both sides doesn't it?

I really recommend everyone do that, then you hit a ban line, you bounce back, you aren't tped anywhere

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7 hours ago, Lysistrata Szapira said:

The "love juice" thing reminded me of something I wish would be banned.

People getting spanked and making orgasmic sounds in shopping areas, especially the ones that sound like they're children.

Now if they do it once or twice, fine.  But it seems like these people have them on auto-repeat.  Nobody wants to listen to that while shopping. I have muted/blocked so many people for doing this.  I also tend to get annoyed with the cigarette lighter sound. As often as it repeats, these people must be chain-smoking so much they'll be dead next week if they were in RL. 

I hate pregnant tummy talkers. We don't wanna hear about the brat growing in your belly.

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10 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Anyone wanting a G experience shouldn't even join SL, its really not for them

I'm not sure if you're just being provocative but in any case I disagree.  The G regions are available and used, and, while some people flout the rules just because they haven't been caught yet, as far as I have seen floutings mostly aren't public.  Of course if I see one I'll report it but that hasn't happened for a few years, not since I found a parcel with adult-rated animations sitting right next to an innocent shop.  I thought that a particularly horrible  thing to do, and it was removed.  There are G-rated private regions as well, which proves a demand.  Raglan for one wouldn't be what it is if that changed.

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19 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I hate pregnant tummy talkers. We don't wanna hear about the brat growing in your belly.

Talking private parts too. One of my earliest memories in Second Life was renting an apartment in a G-rated area, and the girlie in the flat below mine had a talking cl i toris. I was more amused than offended by it, but I didn't see the need for it to talk at all. 

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm sure the SL Air Force works closely with the SL Navy, SL Coast Guard, and other made-up RP groups to ensure the air, land, and sea are safe for everyone. Right? Lol

The SL Coast Guard seems to actually patrol the waterways to remove obstructions. I know this because every couple years they get a new recruit who discovers the rickety old pontoon ferry I made when KFM was brand new, shuttling between the dock below the "DJ's Landing" ONSR stop and a little VRC snowlands outpost.

I can see how this looks like the very thing of which the SLCG should rid the grid: Not only does it encroach on the Governor's waterway, it's made of prims and therefore probably griefer debris. But so far I've been able to talk the Coast Guardians out of reporting my abuse—AFAIK anyway.

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Hello everyone)  roleplaying games with slaves, alts capabilities (they should have forehead marks like in the demo), and voodoo (as strange as it is - because it's impossible to get help and feedback) and everything. nothing annoys me anymore. Voodoo - VOTE - must be banned - it's vile when you want to thank the owner of the land, and you are suddenly banned for someone's leftist accounts, which you accessed at the request of others. paying money for the Internet, setting up a computer, spending time and receiving shame and discrimination for it is vile, this is just my personal opinion.


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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The people are real -- we aren't NPCs inhabiting your "game."

What we do, the connections we make, the interactions in which we engage, the experiences we have, and the memories we retain, are all "real."

Or perhaps you'd like to upload a full and unexpurgated copy of all of your chat transcripts for us to peruse?

After all, they're not "real," right?

I can assure you that you wouldn't find much there of interest, mostly because I rarely see friends online to talk to now; most of my chat logs are either vendor spam, or configuration text responses from interactive items on my build. 

That's one of the downsides of being a mature experienced player, most of the people you knew 'back in the day' are either dead now, or have been scared off of the game by griefers, idiots and those engaging in unsavoury activities.  There isn't much about socially any more for people like me.


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29 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

I can assure you that you wouldn't find much there of interest, mostly because I rarely see friends online to talk to now; most of my chat logs are either vendor spam, or configuration text responses from interactive items on my build. 

That's one of the downsides of being a mature experienced player, most of the people you knew 'back in the day' are either dead now, or have been scared off of the game by griefers, idiots and those engaging in unsavoury activities.  There isn't much about socially any more for people like me.


Idea: You can make new friends! And, you'll find less unsavory activities in G-Rated regions.

I propose we remove complaining from Second Life, in cases where the people complaining can just "go somewhere new", take their own advice, etc.

Make Second Life Beautiful, remove a Grump today!

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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Idea: You can make new friends! And, you'll find less unsavory activities in G-Rated regions.

I propose we remove complaining from Second Life, in cases where the people complaining can just "go somewhere new", take their own advice, etc.

Make Second Life Beautiful, remove a Grump today!

You know, it's always strange how things are dismissed like this as if my point of view has no value, and by extension how people who don't follow the crowd but stand up for what they believe also have no value.

You never realise how much power your words can have, and how much damage you can do to someone you don't know.  I hope you never find out just how much.

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2 hours ago, Enola2017 said:

 voodoo (as strange as it is - because it's impossible to get help and feedback) and everything. nothing annoys me anymore. Voodoo - VOTE - must be banned - it's vile

Yes, LL needs to sort out these witchdoctors 🐔🩸👿

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