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New Linden Homes land page coming!

Nika Talaj

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I can't shake the feeling that this preview is a pretty early mockup that's being shown just as sort of a promise that the land page will be reworked, not as a preview of what it will actually be.  Maybe no-ones meant to be looking it over very carefully.

Hopefully!  At least to my eye ... if this is actually what they'll be doing, it could be worse than what we now have.  So, fingers crossed the actual product will have evolved from this "preview".

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I actually wonder what % of Plus members even bother buying mainland.

Since it's the only kind of land they are allowed to get, they're either doing that, not using their tier at all, or donating it to a group.

If they're not using it - they're paying a lot for a tiny 150L stipend.

It's a new account type - and the primary benefit is that 512m.

Edited by UnilWay SpiritWeaver
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The old styles are still listed, though are pushed to the end (unlike on the preview). The only thing after them are not available styles. Having to keep clicking those mini pages is not fun as predicted. I really wish there was a "see all" option at least. I'm unsure how the order works outside of that, as it's not based on number available or anything like that (chalets appear to have the most available and aren't first).

I do like that you can see how many are available for each theme. Click on the house type to see the stats. For most, it doesn't matter much, but it means you can see when a theme only has one left.

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I LOVE that you can see how many parcels are available for each theme.  I only wish it was one click less to see it (i.e. I wish that count were on the theme choice tiles).

I, too, cannot guess how the themes are ordered.  It would be nice if they were in the order of average availability over the last day or so (most available Belli first, etc.) - then I'd be happy with the exact count remaining where it is.

1 hour ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Oh just saw the new page. Is that the teaser for the 2048's on the last page? just one option

It's not a teaser, the Ranch theme (all of which are 2048 parcels) has been released, they're just all occupied at the moment.  Possibly LL will build more of them soon.

Btw, if you have a link to the old land page, it's still there as of this writing.

I wonder if they're restricting claiming first generation LHs to a single continent?  I believe each continent has all First Generation themes.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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So I now have to scroll down past the bumpf above the fold, then click through to another page to see if there are any Vics or Trads available, and then yet another page to actually claim one. I get why they've done that -- it will encourage takeup of the less popular themes on the front page -- but it looks expressly designed to deter GoH players, which given the amount of income they generate seems short-sighted.

(As does clinging on to the older homes, but I stopped trying to make sense of LL's business decisions some years ago, so whatever.)

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Also, refreshing page 2 of the list just flat out doesn't work for me in Firefox; I get told the page isn't redirecting properly. So if I want to see if any Vics have been freed up within the last five minutes, it's back to scrolling down past the ads for a feature I've already bought, past the themes I've already decided I don't want, back down to the link to page 2.

I know they hated it when everyone was hammering them with auto-refresh, but this seems an extreme solution to a problem they'd actually already solved.

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54 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:


I wonder if they're restricting claiming first generation LHs to a single continent?  I believe each continent has all First Generation themes.

The numbers available for each home are on the large side, so I'm guessing not?

I'm not even going to get into how, according to this new interface, skyboxes are now apparently allowed on those continents, but only if they're below 2000m. 🙄

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1 hour ago, Sparkle Bunny said:

skyboxes are now apparently allowed on those continents, but only if they're below 2000m. 🙄

HAHAHA  I believe you have found a BUG!  It says that for the Belli homes too, although the covenant link (obviously) has it right. 


Skyboxes are allowed on the Bellisseria continent above 2000 meters. Skyboxes are not allowed for first-generation Linden Homes.

I have no idea what Linden should be notified; I'm too busy doomscrolling to file a Jira.  Maybe @Abnor Mole will know. 

ETA: oh, and refreshing pages worked for me on both Chrome and Firefox.  Disappointingly, tho, each page wastes space by displaying the full banner (complete with your current home), as well as the What Next items.  Surely all that need only be displayed on page 1?

I do like that, once you select a Belli theme, it gives you a link (actually, 2 links) to the relevant parcel in the BelliDemo region.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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Have they changed how many tries you can have per day since the new layout?

A friend is trying for a stilt on pier home and still had two tries left in the 24 hour period but it's not letting her choose again saying 'The agent has acquired a Linden Home too recently.'

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I played around with it on my phone this morning and found the site incredibly easy to use and informative. It also appears to update regularly. When I first checked it, it listed five Tradtional homes available, zero Victorians, and zero Stilt Homes on Water. About an hour later, it showed four Traditional, three Victorians, and one Stilt on Water. This is huge and an absolute game-changer for people seeking a specific home style. The only thing it's missing is the location of the specific home, which is probably intentional, given that choosing an exact parcel is locked behind Premium Plus.

One complaint: I find it very odd that while all of the second generation home models are listed grouped together by style, the fist generation homes have each model listed separately. Not only does it create a lot of clutter in the listings, it makes the ugly 2010-style homes more prominent to new folks than the more modern styles. There's 13 entries for all of the various second gen styles, but 23 entries for the first gen styles. I get that first gen parcels are locked to the home style on it but showing so many of them, especially when Patch has said they're planning to phase out first gen homes in the near future, doesn't make sense. They should make a grouped page for each style of first gens and show the models as sub-headings under it when you click through.

Given how scarce many of the newer models are, I really hope that the move to getting rid of first gen homes is coming soon. It would be nice to free up those unused sims for stock of something that people want to live in.

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1 hour ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

Given how scarce many of the newer models are, I really hope that the move to getting rid of first gen homes is coming soon. It would be nice to free up those unused sims for stock of something that people want to live in.

The way this new page has been designed does make it look like they're sticking around. If they wanted to deter people from claiming them they could easily have kept them out of the main list, providing a link to a sub-list or the old version for those who really want them; but no, they seem happy to promote them over, say, ranches. It's really odd.

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8 hours ago, Shali Manx said:

Have they changed how many tries you can have per day since the new layout?

A friend is trying for a stilt on pier home and still had two tries left in the 24 hour period but it's not letting her choose again saying 'The agent has acquired a Linden Home too recently.'

I don't have any hoppers at the moment, so I can't say.  However, given what they've said in the past, if they DO change the number of tries, it will be to increase them, not decrease them.

Note that the 24-hour timeout is applied separately to each home you abandon - it is not 5 tries per calendar day.  SO, if your friend last abandoned a home at 3PM, and abandoned another one earlier at 1PM, she would get one try at 1PM, and another at 3PM.  Your teleport history can help you remember when exactly you abandoned homes.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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After looking at that (hopefully very preliminary) mock-up for 10 minutes, I have a ton of feedback as someone who is a VP of UX Design for a global company, and has spent the past three decades designing. Honestly though, after getting slapped for making previous UX/UI suggestions, I'm just shutting up and shrugging shoulders at this point.

Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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