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Mainstream failure of SL & Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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2 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean how many people come to SL to do the basic necessities of life, Eat Sleep, bathroom shower. This idea is kinda farfetched. If I wanted to play a survival game, I would just play the dozens I already have. 

I know I am quoting myself, but this also takes away from free choice and free expression. If you are basically forced by LL to live out an actual life. It would make SL boring, no one wants to come on to take a crap in SL. Especially after they took a crap in RL. I don't want SL to turn into a survival-oriented platform nor do I want to see SL just about BDSM and sex. I love SL just the way it is. It is fine if you don't. But stop trying to say SL would be better if those two things were just it. 

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2 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Which demographics are those Sammy .. 

Come on .. pick one and lets explore that.

I mean the explorers, the builders, the shoppers, the many communities like vamps and other groups. How about no, I just want SL to be the way it is right now. I think myself and many others love the way it currently is.

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Just now, Silent Mistwalker said:

I don't want SL to turn into The Sims. I want The Sims to turn into SL and add some space exploration and colonization. Taking care of physical needs is optional. Sounds like a huge sandbox doesn't it. It would be if it existed.

I just want an SL where you get the freedom to do what you want, and be what you want. That would be the best sandbox ever. 

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Just now, Coffee Pancake said:

I'm not, but sex (!) is a big hook that gets people in the door and keeps them focused. 

SL is really hard, and really low in rewards early on.

I've been at this over 17 years now. Everyone I have ever known here (save about 3 people) kept coming back for the sex (or the promise of sex) and happen to find something they enjoy more .. like building or scripting or running a shop or clubbing.

It's also an easy sell. What can I do in SL? You can work in a club! .. oh .. um .. well that's actually prostitution most of the time, so bad example 😂 (from the Lindens own published book on Second Life from way back when .. yes I own that too).

Its very fair to say sex (or the promise of sex) keeps the lights on, and has always kept the lights on. Even after people decide it's not for them and they get into _________. 


First, *your* experience of SL is not universal. Your SL is different from mine, or Scylla's, or Sammy's, or whoever's because guess what? We're different people with different experiences and different interests. Just because it's true for you (and may I remind you, you are simply one individual in a big sample size) doesn't mean it's true for others. If that's your only experience with your friends on SL in 17 years, you probably need to expand your circle.  

Second, SL already has a reputation for being "a sex game," as I'm sure you already know. That's part of the reason that people disdain SL residents to the point of making us the butt of jokes on tv shows. Did it ever occur to you that LL isn't "leaning into" advertising sex because they want people to see that there are many other things in here to do? 

Third, I've been following this thread from the get go, and all the cherry picking, gaslighting, and moving the goal posts you're doing is really making me laugh. You contradict yourself and when you're called out on it, you say that you're not. I don't understand this strange obsession with sex that's been going on for two, maybe three threads now. What's up with that?



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Just now, Sammy Huntsman said:

I just want an SL where you get the freedom to do what you want, and be what you want. That would be the best sandbox ever. 

And we are back full circle to SL being that creative platform so many vehemently deny. SL has always been the largest sandbox on the internet. It just doesn't have any space that can be explored and "planets" or "moons" to settle so I make do. 

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13 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean how many people come to SL to do the basic necessities of life, Eat Sleep, bathroom shower. This idea is kinda farfetched. If I wanted to play a survival game, I would just play the dozens I already have. 

The people like me who enjoy those systems maybe? Good for you that you choose to do those things elsewhere. Some people like doing them here-and it's okay that they do. 

I don't enjoy some of the other things people do but that doesn't mean I think those things should go away. Sl caters to just about everyone i some way-or we wouldn't be here. My comment was based on an if scenario. IF ll chose to put such a system in place-it would be used by those who enjoy it and not used by those who do not. It's really just that simple. 

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Just now, Silent Mistwalker said:

And we are back full circle to SL being that creative platform so many vehemently deny. SL has always been the largest sandbox on the internet. It just doesn't have any space that can be explored and "planets" or "moons" to settle so I make do. 

That is why I said that, SL is perfect just the way it is right now. There is no need to drastically change it, turn it into a defacto survival game or a defacto sex/BDSM platform. 

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2 minutes ago, Caeruleiae said:

The people like me who enjoy those systems maybe? Good for you that you choose to do those things elsewhere. Some people like doing them here-and it's okay that they do. 

I don't enjoy some of the other things people do but that doesn't mean I think those things should go away. Sl caters to just about everyone i some way-or we wouldn't be here. My comment was based on an if scenario. IF ll chose to put such a system in place-it would be used by those who enjoy it and not used by those who do not. It's really just that simple. 

Oh I know it does cater to people like yourself, I have nothing wrong with you playing your SL how you want. But I don't think that the whole survival aspect, needs to be a part of the viewer. Users have created perfect systems for that reason. 

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Just now, Sammy Huntsman said:

That is why I said that, SL is perfect just the way it is right now. There is no need to drastically change it, turn it into a defacto survival game or a defacto sex/BDSM platform. 

Well, it's not perfect but perfection doesn't really exist. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

Sabrina pretty much nailed it.

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The whole point of SL can be summed up in the original tag line: Your World, Your Imagination. SL's demographic is people who have imagination, and who want to see their imagination made manifest on a virtual platform. Whether your imagination leans towards playing house, flying planes, being a mermaid, or having 24/7 BDSM sex, or whatever else you can think of--within the bounds of the TOS--then have at it. Knock yourself out. Just don't force other people who aren't here for your reasons to play the game your way.

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Just now, Sammy Huntsman said:

Oh I know it does cater to people like yourself, I have nothing wrong with you playing your SL how you want. But I don't think that the whole survival aspect, needs to be a part of the viewer. Users have created perfect systems for that reason. 

Again-I said it was an if scenario. Please look back at the comments I was replying to. I did not say it needed to be part of the viewer-simply that as a suggestion which has been made countless times to ll over the years-IF they put it in.

There are actually quite a lot of people who engage in those kinds of activities and among the things ll could incorporate into the viewer-again should they CHOOSE to-it would do well because the groundwork for it has already been put into place and interest already exists. 

It's no different than anything else ll can-or does-add to the viewer.

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4 minutes ago, Caeruleiae said:

The people like me who enjoy those systems maybe? Good for you that you choose to do those things elsewhere. Some people like doing them here-and it's okay that they do. 

I don't enjoy some of the other things people do but that doesn't mean I think those things should go away. Sl caters to just about everyone i some way-or we wouldn't be here. My comment was based on an if scenario. IF ll chose to put such a system in place-it would be used by those who enjoy it and not used by those who do not. It's really just that simple. 

No one is saying the SLex should go away. Not one single person has even remotely hinted at such a thing. People really need to stop putting words into other people's mouths.

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4 minutes ago, Caeruleiae said:

Again-I said it was an if scenario. Please look back at the comments I was replying to. I did not say it needed to be part of the viewer-simply that as a suggestion which has been made countless times to ll over the years-IF they put it in.

There are actually quite a lot of people who engage in those kinds of activities and among the things ll could incorporate into the viewer-again should they CHOOSE to-it would do well because the groundwork for it has already been put into place and interest already exists. 

It's no different than anything else ll can-or does-add to the viewer.

I am not saying SLex or even needs systems need to disappear. I just feel like if you were to add that to the viewer, that would essentially make SL a defacto survival game, with peaceful. So you play SL how you usually play it and then non peaceful, where there are survival aspects for your avatar to even maintain itself in SL.  We don't need to make SL another more complex Minecraft. 

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

Doesn't SL.already have that damage thingie integrated into the viewer?   It already is and has been a survival game for some people.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I mean yea sure, but you need to turn that on in region or parcel settings. I don't remember. I was more meaning a needs system, like the user made ones that are in SL, being implemented into SL. That would make it more of a defacto survival game. 

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Just now, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean the explorers, the builders, the shoppers, the many communities like vamps and other groups. How about no, I just want SL to be the way it is right now. I think myself and many others love the way it currently is.

Vampires - Super popular long term culture for SL. A bit campy now and the gamification of blood didn't help. Why did people come to SL to be Vampire and why did LL add vamp avatars - The success of Twilight and True Blood.

Wait a minute .. SOOKIE !! this is sex again isn't it. 😂


Building as a draw ins't a thing anymore, if people are good with blender and want an outlet they can earn solid money pumping out content for the sims and VRChat. Recently had someone doing just ask that asking if SL could make them $60K US a year .. people weren't sure. That's not the same as building once here.


Shopping .. needs a purpose. No one comes to SL just to spend money. There has to be some purpose. If you look at the kinds of clothing that sells ... well, we sure do like our beach wear, lingerie and latex and .. gdmmit.


Exploring is a thing, and I tend to discount it as a viable draw, LL have had "explore" on the website for two decades straight for all the good it's done. Exploring is a think people get into once here, and even then it's very conditional and quite limited in scope.

2 minutes ago, SabrinaCooke said:

The whole point of SL can be summed up in the original tag line: Your World, Your Imagination. SL's demographic is people who have imagination, and who want to see their imagination made manifest on a virtual platform. Whether your imagination leans towards playing house, flying planes, being a mermaid, or having 24/7 BDSM sex, or whatever else you can think of--within the bounds of the TOS--then have at it. Knock yourself out. Just don't force other people who aren't here for your reasons to play the game your way.

That the point though.

Everything people find to do in SL is secondary.

WHY would you want to be a mermaid here. Do you know how few mermaids there actually are in SL? Have you been to mermaid locations and found them populated by ghosts .. and wait .. underwater fishy sex, luring men in boats, why does .. oh right, it's SL, so of course that's a thing. Don't be naive.

If someone wants to fly planes, they go play a flight simulator first. People who have gotten into SL find they can fly planes and then elect to do that here. There are not the same proposition at all. You can't get someone looking for Flight Simulator to come to SL and be happy with what we can offer.

I'm not forcing anyone do anything. But people here think that by mentioning something SL is broadly known for somehow burns us to the ground.

2 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I am not saying SLex or even needs systems need to disappear. I just feel like if you were to add that to the viewer, that would essentially make SL a defacto survival game,

We can't add survival mechanics. SL can't support them from a technical perspective. No one is saying we should.

We have been saying .. that such mechanics are commonly used in games to help players become established.

SL needs to do better at helping people become established.

Punching trees and zombies is out and stupid. I would have thought that would have been obvious.


SO .. what can we do to help people, with the very small window between sign-up and sod-this.

Dead realistic. We have probably 4 hours absolute tops to get someone from "huh" to "I get it".


This is why sex features  .. because it's quick and easy and is the hook proven to work for most people. People can get that .. and then they will get everything else later in their own time.

The last person I mentored from "zero" to "Reborn Doux LeLutka and a dress" took 6 sessions and 12 hours. That's insane. 





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3 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean yea sure, but you need to turn that on in region or parcel settings. I don't remember. I was more meaning a needs system, like the user made ones that are in SL, being implemented into SL. That would make it more of a defacto survival game. 

Only if you "turn it on" would it be one.  Just like the current system, it's a choice.  It's actually one of the few good.ideas in this entire debacle.

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