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A Healthy Debate: Avatar Regulations with loopholes Category: Anime Avatars

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16 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Have you ever seen Asian women? Like RL Asian women? My neighbor is 37 and looks of an age with my 18 year old daughter.  She and her sister could easily walk into any High School and fit in perfectly with looks just judged by how old they appear. Young looking faces does not a child make. Its not even remotely against the ToS to look young. Its what you say and how you act that matters.

If you look and talk like a little kid and engage in adult activities, then yes you should be reported. Just looking young isnt an issue. The OP is trying to cause a stir that has been hashed out a hundred times. 


Can we get this locked please? Its a stupid argument that has gone far from the OP into a discussion of what anime is good. 

maybe just not follow the post ? pretty sure there is a option for it. and its a forum if you want to complain go to a LL admin though pretty sure you will get a auto response system. lol low key not hating on the team just bad practices. 

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24 minutes ago, DemonicSage said:

maybe just not follow the post ? pretty sure there is a option for it. and its a forum if you want to complain go to a LL admin though pretty sure you will get a auto response system. lol low key not hating on the team just bad practices. 

Or, conversely, you could NOT start a thread about a topic that has been over hashed a thousand times. 

And no, i wouldn't get an auto response. I could just report it for going off topic and it would be reviewed. You should really know how forums work before assuming how they actually work. 

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46 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

However, if you mean the heads are from Lelutka, Catwa, AK's adult line, LOGO, etc., and the skin is say, Velour, then that is not exactly a "child's" face. Best case scenario, it's a youthful-looking face made with a fully adult product.

I'm pretty sure they are adult made heads.  What shape makers do with them once they are bought is not a creator's problem, nor is any content made by any SL creator if the offender chooses to abuse such content and use said content in porn that is against the TOS.  

I already said just search Milan shape and one can see there are child faces made for that head. 

And, yes @Drake1 Nightfire I've seen real Asian woman.  

Here's a whole bunch here:   


However, again, I am not sure it is against the TOS to make a weird avatar and wear it in one's home.  I said if sims decide it looks like a child's face with a woman's body and don't want it there, that is up to each sim what they want to do.  Each land owner has the power.

Also, I wouldn't report anything unless I saw something going on with adult activities inworld.  

SL Marketplace is like Ebay's Marketplace.  There are questionable things selling on Ebay, but I would not report them.  

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13 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:

The vast majority of anime is probably hentai or loli - highly sexualized, and it's making a lot of money for SL in shapes, clothing, blah, blah, as is highly sexualized Kawaii (however one spells that).  The non-sexualized anime is probably a small group in comparison.  So, with the title of the thread, what do you think people are going to think?  


this pretty much describes all of SL. There is a lot of smexy, but not all of us immerse ourselves only in that. As with everything here, you'll find what you go looking for.

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24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Please post pictures of actual (acceptable) anime avatars. It will greatly enhance the discussion and provide education.

Acceptable in terms of looking adult? I can only describe what I mean by adult-looking anime, and a good example of that would be Raven Bell heads/hairdos. Like so:

Luna Hair @ NEO JAPAN


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1 hour ago, Akane Nacht said:

Acceptable in terms of looking adult?

Not going against community guidelines, etc. The thread is about anime AVATARS! And I noticed there are very few pictures of actual Second Life anime style avatars. So, most of the discussion is not really supported by examples.

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Not going against community guidelines, etc. The thread is about anime AVATARS! And I noticed there are very few pictures of actual Second Life anime style avatars. So, most of the discussion is not really supported by examples.

None of them in SL go against community standards per se which is what the OP was questioning.  What is against the rules is what you do with that avatar and, depending on the region owner, where you go.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

None of them in SL go against community standards per se which is what the OP was questioning.  What is against the rules is what you do with that avatar and, depending on the region owner, where you go.

Ok! Darn, it would have made the thread more..visual! Plus, pictures of actual avatars would help debunk all the "all Second Life anime avatars are [hentai]", etc.

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4 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:

Acceptable in terms of looking adult? I can only describe what I mean by adult-looking anime, and a good example of that would be Raven Bell heads/hairdos. Like so:

Luna Hair @ NEO JAPAN


That's a beautiful avatar and photograph including the lighting on the face.  Definitely adult, almost looks 18 exact.  I didn't know these heads and hairs existed.  



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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

"all Second Life anime avatars are [hentai]"

As far as hentai, it's there on MP.  Just search anime avatars and scroll through all the pictures as some sellers try to hide pictures - they open after you click one of the photos.   I'll send you a link in an IM.  

What the community wants to do with pictures that are hentai on MP, I don't know?  I don't know what the TOS says about pictures.  The TOS says sexual action of child avatars is not allowed nor for them to be near a bed.  

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Out of curiosity, I just took a quick peek through the Milan shape listings on the MP. All 6+ pages (there were 11, but some veered off to other heads near the end), and only came away with the idea that I should buy that head at some point. It looks really flexible and I bet it'd work really well on a fantasy avatar. Probably not ideal for an anime avie, though. I didn't see anyone trying to make that kind of head with it. Just standard human shapes, and a few fantasy avatars.

But honestly, I didn't see anything off with those shapes. Maybe the MP search issues are giving me wonky listings, but products on most pages did specify the shape was for Milan.

As for photos, there are some really creative anime avatars on Flickr. I still haven't started working on my own yet because I'm slacking, for one, and for two, a whole different head went on sale for Skin Fair and I'm busy trying to convince myself not to buy that one. I have like...5 heads in my "to buy" list. This is ridiculous. 😄

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On 3/9/2023 at 1:16 AM, Sammy Huntsman said:

No they are referring to what is called a lolicon and I get the feeling the OP is an anti. Which is their right, but I mean loli is a body type not a freakin child. But yeah I mean as long as they are following TOS and the owners discretion. I don't see a problem with that. 

Lolicon is “little girl”. It’s not a body type but literally anime revolving around children. Let’s not pretend that it’s innocent when anyone could google it and figure out what that “genre” entails.

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38 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I should buy that head at some point. It looks really flexible and I bet it'd work really well on a fantasy avatar. Probably not ideal for an anime avie, though. I didn't see anyone trying to make that kind of head with it. Just standard human shapes, and a few fantasy avatars.

The child-faced/adult body shapes, imo, are not exactly anime as they don't have the big eyes but the hentai aspect of anime is probably what inspired the half child/half woman avatar.  

As far as being that, it's not against the terms of TOS to look a particular way as we've said in this thread.  It's what one does or where one wants to go that could present a problem.

As far as Milan, yes very cute head.  I have on my to buy list also but would not look that young as some of those shapes and skin combos do when searching 'Milan Shape' on MP because I like to go places so wouldn't want any drama there.  

As far as anime in general, one saying it looks this age and another saying it looks that age, we've been there and done that on SL forum too many times.   So, I don't want to go there.  

But, the anime style avi's that @Akane Nacht shows above definitely looks adult age to me but still many clubs might not allow that particular avi in even if it is adult.  I've been mostly human-looking elves before, and some clubs say no because it ruins immersion for the real life atmosphere they are attempting to re-create in SL.  


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26 minutes ago, PookieTM said:

Lolicon is “little girl”. It’s not a body type but literally anime revolving around children. Let’s not pretend that it’s innocent when anyone could google it and figure out what that “genre” entails.

Some people may need more explanation.

There's nothing wrong with "little girls" or "little girl avatars" - the connection is that "Loli" refers to Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, in which the "little girl" was seductive / sexualized. So basically, "Loli" is referencing Lolita.



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17 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

The child-faced/adult body shapes, imo, are not exactly anime as they don't have the big eyes but the hentai aspect of anime is probably what inspired the half child/half woman avatar.  

As far as being that, it's not against the terms of TOS to look a particular way as we've said in this thread.  It's what one does or where one wants to go that could present a problem.

As far as Milan, yes very cute head.  I have on my to buy list also but would not look that young as some of those shapes and skin combos do when searching 'Milan Shape' on MP because I like to go places so wouldn't want any drama there. 

I didn't see anything like that on the marketplace. If you mean the Evo X head, everything I saw listed looked 20s-mid 30s without add-ons, which is about standard for the Lel line. 

Prim and Gaia lean younger, perhaps, and Gaia would make a great anime head (she already looks a bit like a certain Final Fantasy character), but Milan and all the shapes I saw look fairly average to me.

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13 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I didn't see anything like that on the marketplace. If you mean the Evo X head, everything I saw listed looked 20s-mid 30s without add-ons, which is about standard for the Lel line. 

Prim and Gaia lean younger, perhaps, and Gaia would make a great anime head (she already looks a bit like a certain Final Fantasy character), but Milan and all the shapes I saw look fairly average to me.

Some of the shapes looked 5-12 to me, so here we go it looked that age to me, it looks that age to you.

Thus, it becomes meaningless.

But, as far as reporting what might be questionable stuff on MP or the TOS as the OP has a tag for TOS breaking..  First of all, in good years (perhaps not now because of war) 15,000 new items have been said by some to be listed a day on SL MP.   Even take Ebay, in good years, probably 50,000 new items are listed a day.  Who has time to "police" all that on any Marketplace?  This is why I don't get involved in reporting things. It's too much time and some of it is seen differently by different people, and the items may not even involve actions but rather they are suggestive.  

As far as the OP and why they have a tag that says "tos breaking" is not fully understood by me and many in this thread regarding "anime".  The OP needs to explain themselves fully, or if their OP is perhaps trying to say they have seen some questionable items, it's up to them to report it if they feel that's what they need to do.  Anime avatars, in and of themselves, are not against the TOS.  

Edited by EliseAnne85
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As someone who used an anime avatar, lemme weigh in.

So, I see it as nothing other than an avatar that looks the way I want it to look and represents my own interest in Japanese animation, that’s it. Iv never once looked at any anime avatar and thought “errmahgurd is a TOS violation”. It’s an anime avatar, people like anime, so people want to create anime avatars. You shouldn’t read too much into it, unless you see something that warrants investigation and at that point report it to LL. There’s a whole community of anime lovers that you are tarring with a very nasty brush here and that isn’t acceptable. The fact you focused on this makes me more worried about you than any friend I have that likes using an anime avatar.

When you say about questionable creators, I know who you are referring to and Iv seen the supposed video that’s floated around. And, given it’s not even that persons main account, nor a known associated alt and the only evidence people give is “their voice sounds similar”. It’s woolly evidence at best. You should be careful what accusations you levy around as, that person could be completely innocent, or not. I have yet to see solid evidence to the contrary, but wouldn’t want to say one way or the other. But, I wouldn’t outright accuse them as that kind of thing CAN ruin an innocent persons life.

Food for thought.

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On 3/7/2023 at 11:23 AM, Bree Giffen said:

I think it has something to do with anime faces/heads looking very young and childlike. Having an anime head on any kind of body regardless of size and shape or outfit will automatically make it seem like an underage avatar. I don’t see how that could be a loophole. Perhaps an anime face instead of a more realistic child face to get around an age restriction is the issue? 

Child like avatars are not banned though. So not at all sure why there is an issue at all. 

hell I’ve seen adult avatars dressing like little girls and there profile is full of sexual innuendos…. but they are adult and I guess that’s ok I guess…



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11 minutes ago, SpiritSparrow Skydancer said:

hell I’ve seen adult avatars dressing like little girls and there profile is full of sexual innuendos…. but they are adult and I guess that’s ok I guess…

I actually think that might be an ACTUAL violation of TOS, someone will correct me if im wrong. Child avatars are allowed in SL and even on adult sims,, but engaging in any adult activity is strictly forbidden. If I saw someone with a child av and their profile was full of sexual related things, I would probably report it to be on the safe side.

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On 3/10/2023 at 10:29 AM, EliseAnne85 said:

And, to the OP< it's not LL's rules about sexualized children in adult acts, it's America's rules,

It should be every nation's rules. Yes it is also ll's rules though.

What kind of nation would have no rules at all regarding the sexualization of children or representations of child-like beings? Certainly not a nation I would think is a good one. They should all have rules. It's rally weird to think some believe there shouldn't be any rules about it. I'd question the sanity and moral compass of that person, to be honest. 

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