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Maitreya or eBody Reborn??


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6 minutes ago, Walelu Summerwind said:

Prostitute style, lol  .. back on the good old days we used to call it *****-wear😁 and now I’m really tempted to get the reborn body!

There used to be a store (or 10) called s.lutwear.  Whor.e Mansion had some great furs, too!

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38 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Well that explains why they're so cheap, then. They aged well, though. They don't look new or anything, but they don't seem as old as they are.

I actually forgot they sold jewelry, too. That would explain why the rings are so nice, lol. Not sure if you're familiar with them, but I grabbed the Dhalia flower set and the Space set for super cheap. They're kinda cute! 

OMG, I've never been inworld to Pure Poison.  But, they've never been cheap on MP when I was buying because I'd know that for sure!  I love the Dhalia ring set too.  I know it well.   But, I paid this price for it on MP.  


To the OP, I think we all will make some mistakes when we are trying to make an avatar.  We just have to start somewhere and then eventually it builds and it all starts to fall into place.  We are just beginning to get a sense of what we like.  Making decisions for a body.  Well, if you like both, it's a tough decision.  

Edited by EliseAnne85
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On 1/13/2023 at 6:40 PM, SorachaNicEoghain said:

The clothing for Reborn is.....unfortunate. (prostitute style). No! I mean reborn. Seriously? I must be looking in the wrong places

Lol. I used to think this as well until I actually bought the eBody and started looking for clothing that fit my personal style. There's plenty out there if you know where to look.

This girl shows off a lot of couture fashion looks with Reborn:

ByteDreams SLade

I guess I'll have to post some high fashion looks with my Reborn body because I personally don't do the "whore" look in SL, but to each their own.

Edited by Destiny Marques
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10 hours ago, JeromFranzic said:

A cheaper route to the Maitreya shape would be to score a Lucybody Atenea from the in world MM raffle for free. Fully BoMming it will cost L$250, with the BoM applier box. I think you can use older applier skins with Atenea if BoM isnt used, haven't tried it though as I went straight for the BoM pack shortly after I won mine from the raffle in mid 2021.

(I got a Maitreya later that year, in October. Still keep the Atenea as backup.)

If they have the money to pay for Maitreya, recommending this body is a waste of time.

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Well that explains why they're so cheap, then. They aged well, though. They don't look new or anything, but they don't seem as old as they are.

Well, they never were on MP.  I think they have some interesting design elements for the sandals as well as most of those BDSM German style boots are classic and well done.  Sexy but not way over the top.  I've used them in photos many, many times and paid a lot.  But, being a creator too leaves me no time for price comparisons and inworld shopping..  Though I've done inworld shopping I've come up pretty much empty-handed for group gifts and freebies.  I like what I like and time is limited for creators.  MP is the place for me.  But, I paid more sheeeeeesh.

Your life sounds more fun.  

When I was first making my first mesh avatar, it was a nightmare.  I went threw three heads before I really got what I wanted that felt like me.  Deciding on bodies, I think is a nightmare.

Is there a method to the madness, guidelines one could follow when deciding, or is it just jump right in and start with the one you may think you like the best.  Problem for me oft times is I cannot decide and then I get frustrated and then I just buy one.  But, we also learn this way too.  I wasn't out that much money until I finally found a bit of me, meaning what felt comfortable to me.  

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1 hour ago, EliseAnne85 said:

OMG, I've never been inworld to Pure Poison.  But, they've never been cheap on MP when I was buying because I'd know that for sure!  I love the Dhalia ring set too.  I know it well.   But, I paid this price for it on MP.  


Girrrrrrrrrrl. 199L? Nu uh. I paid somewhere in the vicinity of 5L-10L for those nails/rings ages ago. I didn't even know they had a marketplace store, to be honest. I so rarely shop on the MP or even look at it, unless I need something that's no longer being sold in-world anymore. And unfortunately, because of fees, prices on the MP are usually higher and big, major discount sales aren't always applied to that stuff.

Anyhoo, they had a sale a long time ago where everything was heavily discounted. That's when I found the nails/rings. The discount shoe outlet is still there and always priced at 19L or whatever it is, the last I checked. 


35 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Is there a method to the madness, guidelines one could follow when deciding, or is it just jump right in and start with the one you may think you like the best.  Problem for me oft times is I cannot decide and then I get frustrated and then I just buy one.  But, we also learn this way too.  I wasn't out that much money until I finally found a bit of me, meaning what felt comfortable to me.  

I'm probably the wrong one to be answering this as my method is "grab everything free/on sale and style a bunch of avatars with it later," but when trying to find a new head or body, just grab demos for everything you think you'd like and play with them extensively. Create original shapes, try different skins and outfits and makeup on them, etc. I don't have one actual me. I have...I dunno...a few dozen mes right now. Maitreya is the only female constant since it's the easiest for me to shop for, and Legacy Male is the only male constant as it's the easiest male body for me to shape (until CZ Slim gets more clothes, that is). Heads and skins, though? I change those daily. Or hourly. Sometimes minutely.

For the OP, the decision shouldn't be too hard as the bodies aren't too similar. It's kind of a pain to decide between similar bodies, though, like Maitreya vs. Legacy vs. Gen X Classic. That's when the wardrobe is going to matter more.

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12 hours ago, JeromFranzic said:

True. The chicken leg effect is partly why I chose to make my Atenea and Maitreya avis shorter than six feet, at the 5.5 mark... sometimes shorter. :) I don't see much of it and when I do wear sexier outfits, well then... I hear oohs and aahs occasionally. And sometimes... other stuff I won't mention here. 😎

(I am a six footer when I sport the Kaya head, though.)

The thing that happens to me because I am small is, that's when the crunching happens.. You can really only notice the crunch when looking from the side or profile view of the body.. if you go right where the legs and butt meet,  you can see it..Then also if you are smaller you can see it in the waist, there is like a sharp edge.. you can really only see it at certain angle, but when i seen it I could never unsee it.. hehehe  It takes stretching the torso to kind of get rid of it, but then  you end up with more butt crunch and bit of an odd looking body..

It may be because of my overall height  as well that causes all the crunching.. I think I'm around 1.66m the last time I looked.. so that could be a lot of why it does these things.

The most times i can really see the waist and butt crunchis is mostly during stands in my AO's.. but it doesn't take much for it to happen, just a slight shift from upright to a little hip leaning and they start up..

I took a couple of shots of what's happening to mine. These are really slight move from standing  straight up..Really light AO stands.

This is the one showing the waist.. you can see just above the chain.


This one is the butt where the legs meet. it looks like the legs push up on the cheeks and kind of dimple into the cheek..



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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15 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

The eBody is modifiable, so that's a big plus especially in the long term.

I love the fact that I can make a realistic looking pear-shape with it, since that is my RL body type.

A quick shot of the pear-shaped avi that I'm currently working on using the Reborn body. Mind you, her breasts look larger from the front because of the juicy boob mod I'm wearing, but if I turn to the side, they are quite small. I only wear them with certain tops, otherwise I leave them off.


Kristen no eye patch 10_061.jpg

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10 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

For the OP, the decision shouldn't be too hard as the bodies aren't too similar. It's kind of a pain to decide between similar bodies, though, like Maitreya vs. Legacy vs. Gen X Classic. That's when the wardrobe is going to matter more.

I think it's always the wardrobe will matter, but it's more than that, Maitreya just has more variety of everything. 

I was going to get a new body for BF sale in November, tried demos, couldn't decide at all.  I said I will wait until some time in 2023 because saving 10 dollars won't make or break me except inflation is pretty horrible in rl right now.  Inflation may have peaked, when is it going back down though....?

To the OP, how to decide, maybe write out the positives of each and see which one has more positives in your own opinion.  

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14 hours ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

If they have the money to pay for Maitreya, recommending this body is a waste of time.

I would have to agree.. It's more of a good starter body, but it's not made as well as Maitreya.. It really looks more like it was built inside of Maitreya than anything.. The little things that show up on maitreya seem a little more pronounced on the Lucy..

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On 1/13/2023 at 6:09 PM, SVEKA said:

What is the best body?  I'm back from a short break in SL... and notice most new things ate eBody, eBody, eBody everywhere.

Is Maitreya outdated? Is more product being made for eBody Reborn?

Is there another body?

Before I upgrade my avi.... curious what the community thoughts are.

Nobody else seems to have asked this but, best body for what? Everybody has their own idea of what the best body is but everybody also has their own things they like to do in SL, so chances are they're right, the body they have is the best one for doing their thing.

If you want to hang a lot of beautiful clothes on your body and have access to lots of high quality, well-rigged fashions from the best designers, not just now but for the past 8 years or so, then it's hard to beat Maitreya Lara.

If the unclothed (or mostly unclothed, e.g. bikini, lingerie) appearance of your body is important to you, and your desired body type is outside a fairly narrow range of slender/petite, then it's pretty easy to beat Maitreya Lara (though in fairness the development of deformers has done a lot to even the playing field here, so it's not entirely either/or). If Reborn's butt is too big for you in this regard, I suggest looking at Legacy. Some nerds will get upset about triangles; I consider this a bonus.

If you are interested in adult activities and the animations that accompany them, and you don't want it to look like your pelvis is trying to eject itself from your body in certain poses (typically ankles to earlobes, if you get my drift), you'd be wise to take demo versions of the bodies you're interested in to someplace you can test these out because, boy howdy, some of them do much better than others at this.

On 1/13/2023 at 7:41 PM, Han Held said:

I was having this conversation inworld; it seems (from where I sit) that Maitreya is the standard more or less, but my friends were saying good things about the Legacy body, and that it has a decent amount of clothing available for it.

I'm switching from Tonic (RIP) to Maitreya and considering Legacy when I have funds. I haven't begun looking into it yet, though.

Hey fellow Tonic refugee! I wound up going to Legacy when it became clear that Prima was DOA. I felt it was the closest to the Tonic Curvy in terms of 1) butt and 2) movement/animation. I picked mine up during the Halloween sale for half price, so I definitely recommend keeping an eye on Legacy sales. I'd grab a demo and see if you like it, I suspect Legacy Perky will do well for a Tonic Fine replacement. I just could not accept the Maitreya Buns of Steel after looking at my lovely, soft Tonic behind for so long.

That said, you are going to hate the Legacy HUD and complexity. Everything that was easy with Tonic is hard with Legacy, whether it's switching on BoM or doing your nails or fiddling with alpha cuts. It is, without a doubt, the worst HUD for a body. I honestly don't know why they insist on making it so bad but you can tell someone there is very attached to the idea that using the HUD should be a nightmare. Fortunately, you don't need it a lot. In fact, the latest release includes new chat commands for some of the HUD functions. Let's hope we get more of that.

Edited by Ezbeharra
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8 hours ago, Ezbeharra said:

Nobody else seems to have asked this but, best body for what? Everybody has their own idea of what the best body is but everybody also has their own things they like to do in SL, so chances are they're right, the body they have is the best one for doing their thing.

If you want to hang a lot of beautiful clothes on your body and have access to lots of high quality, well-rigged fashions from the best designers, not just now but for the past 8 years or so, then it's hard to beat Maitreya Lara.

If the unclothed (or mostly unclothed, e.g. bikini, lingerie) appearance of your body is important to you, and your desired body type is outside a fairly narrow range of slender/petite, then it's pretty easy to beat Maitreya Lara (though in fairness the development of deformers has done a lot to even the playing field here, so it's not entirely either/or). If Reborn's butt is too big for you in this regard, I suggest looking at Legacy. Some nerds will get upset about triangles; I consider this a bonus.

If you are interested in adult activities and the animations that accompany them, and you don't want it to look like your pelvis is trying to eject itself from your body in certain poses (typically ankles to earlobes, if you get my drift), you'd be wise to take demo versions of the bodies you're interested in to someplace you can test these out because, boy howdy, some of them do much better than others at this.

I believe they asked about which of the two bodies had more things made for it, Ebody Reborn or Maitreya and then They were asked what they were looking for in a body, pretty much right away..

There is no doubt that those are the two top trending bodies over the others at the moment and having more things currently being made for them..

Then asked if there was another body.. I could have said legacy which is the next one down, but  why? It's starting to lose ground compared to the other two and cost  like 2k more than the other two..

If I was going recommend the best body on the market, by best I mean, The best proportioned, most updated, comes with more stuff than any other body on the market built into it, as well as a full wardrobe and mesh heads and more.. I would have said Kalhene Erika.. But it's lacking in what they were asking about in a body.. Content being made for it..

The OP hasn't really came back to the thread to get more feed back from them, so I guess it's kind of turned into a conversation more or less.. hehehe


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On 1/14/2023 at 5:09 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

About the only problem I have with the LucyBody that I can think of after it is converted to BOM is, there are no hand animations that it comes with.. I'm sure AO's can take care of that part though..


Belleza bodies (at least the old ones, I don't know if they fixed it in GenX) have the same issue. Both Lucybody and Belleza have poses, but no animations. This means you're subject to the splayed fingers bug every time you teleport. You won't see it yourself but everyone seeing YOU for the first time will see it, until you manually change the pose yourself.

I get around it by wearing the hud from Kalhene Erika body and using theirs, because they are really nice animations (other body huds animations don't work on different bodies for some reason, but Kalhene does).  It's probably not worth buying Erika just for this reason though. There are standalone hand animators on the MP, but I couldn't say how good they are. I did buy one for L$99 and it was disappointing; the animations looked cheap and un-natural.

The other issue I have with Lucybody is that it has the same problem as Maitreya with the "choppy" un-smooth mesh that causes lumps and bumps with certain animations. And also the limited range of third party addons for nail polish. I did buy the applier kit at one point (L$300 or 350) to make my own, but the latest update to the body broke it and they don't work any more.

Pure Poison shoes - I think I have them all, at least all the ones that have ever been sold at L$10.  I really like the range of flat shoes and sandals. Flats that aren't sneakers are hard to find and it's nice that PP has so many of them.  AFAIK most are Maitreya and Slink sizes only, they might fit Reborn and Erika (which are close enough to Maitreya size) and I think Tonic uses Slink, but they won't fit anything else.

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11 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

Belleza bodies (at least the old ones, I don't know if they fixed it in GenX) have the same issue. Both Lucybody and Belleza have poses, but no animations. This means you're subject to the splayed fingers bug every time you teleport. You won't see it yourself but everyone seeing YOU for the first time will see it, until you manually change the pose yourself.

I get around it by wearing the hud from Kalhene Erika body and using theirs, because they are really nice animations (other body huds animations don't work on different bodies for some reason, but Kalhene does).  It's probably not worth buying Erika just for this reason though. There are standalone hand animators on the MP, but I couldn't say how good they are. I did buy one for L$99 and it was disappointing; the animations looked cheap and un-natural.

The other issue I have with Lucybody is that it has the same problem as Maitreya with the "choppy" un-smooth mesh that causes lumps and bumps with certain animations. And also the limited range of third party addons for nail polish. I did buy the applier kit at one point (L$300 or 350) to make my own, but the latest update to the body broke it and they don't work any more.

Pure Poison shoes - I think I have them all, at least all the ones that have ever been sold at L$10.  I really like the range of flat shoes and sandals. Flats that aren't sneakers are hard to find and it's nice that PP has so many of them.  AFAIK most are Maitreya and Slink sizes only, they might fit Reborn and Erika (which are close enough to Maitreya size) and I think Tonic uses Slink, but they won't fit anything else.

Ya, I really noticed the the same things with Lucy body that I noticed on Maitreya.. Actually they seem a bit more pronounced than the ones on Maitreya.. I swear it  just feels like they put a body inside Maitreya and built it from inside there.. hehehehe

That would explain the thinner legs and more pronounced crunch and sharp edges. But then, I never made a mesh body, so i don't know how they do it really hehehe

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18 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya, I really noticed the the same things with Lucy body that I noticed on Maitreya.. Actually they seem a bit more pronounced than the ones on Maitreya.. I swear it  just feels like they put a body inside Maitreya and built it from inside there.. hehehehe

That would explain the thinner legs and more pronounced crunch and sharp edges. But then, I never made a mesh body, so i don't know how they do it really hehehe

yeah I think they didnt even use a Maitreya dev kit, I think they just did it by trial and error to fit just inside the Maitreya body itself, flaws included. The waist in particular is noticeably narrower, so some high-waisted pants leave a gap, but other areas have no gap.

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3 hours ago, Maitimo said:

And also the limited range of third party addons for nail polish. I did buy the applier kit at one point (L$300 or 350) to make my own, but the latest update to the body broke it and they don't work any more.

Get around this easily by wearing mesh nails rigged for Maitreya. I currently have my Lucybody alt in Ascendant, but she also fits everything else I've demo'd - RAWR, e.Marie, and Alme. StunnerOriginals may also fit - I can't remember if I tried those or not. I didn't try Veechi or Cazimi yet, either. But all of those stores are in weekend sales and/or have group gifts, if you're in them. Just demo first.

The same applies for rings - not had any trouble fitting her into Maitreya-fit ring sets - yet.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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18 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Get around this easily by wearing mesh nails rigged for Maitreya. I currently have my Lucybody alt in Ascendant, but she also fits everything else I've demo'd - RAWR, e.Marie, and Alme. StunnerOriginals may also fit - I can't remember if I tried those or not. I didn't try Veechi or Cazimi yet, either. But all of those stores are in weekend sales and/or have group gifts, if you're in them. Just demo first.

This is honestly no worse than what every Legacy owner has to live with. Cazimi has been a life saver for me.

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I just happened to find a nice set of rings in The Warehouse, and it was no Maitreya size included - but Reborn.

I buy many things, and I am so lazy, I assume it is a Maitreya in all who also has female size.

Rigged for the following bodies:

Belleza Jake


Cryptid Warren's Grasp

Legacy M

Legacy F

I had no idea what the third one was. I took a minute to google, and it is new slender hands that only fit Jake for now. Interesting.

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Both my girls have switched to Reborn and it's not been too difficult to find normal clothing that doesn't look like it belongs in a sex club. I've got some nice longer-length dresses from Hilly Haalan and Belle Epoque, and there are nice pants outfits in many places. I don't look at the big shopping events but I do chase the weekend sales and have found some nice stuff in all sorts of places. Addams is worth checking every weekend. 

I buy full-perm templates too, because they're usually cheaper than commercial fatpacks, and while technically one of my alts has a MP store for these, I'm kinda too lazy to set up demos and listings, so I'm basically just making things for my alts to wear. >.<

Edited by Lewis Luminos
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1 hour ago, Randy Pole said:

I'd honestly say that there is no best body be it male, female or other lifeforms.

There are definite differences between different bodies in terms of the quality of the mesh, optimisation and functionality.

Best choice for an individual is subjective, but you can absolutely compare and rate bodies for quality of manufacture.

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Really if it wasn't for the colossal posterior on the ebody I'd have switched, if only because it's moddable. It seems like it's set to overtake Legacy as the second biggest body to me. Basically, try a demo first to see if you like the shape and if you do then go for that.

Granted Maitreya has an insanely large back catalog of neat clothes, particularly all the "scene" stuff. You know, the stuff that makes you feel like a cool teenager in the 2000s. Nobody makes that for new bodies :P

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