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Unable to set display name?


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Hello, im new to the forums, but i need help.  i keep trying to change my display name, but everytime i try, it tells me "Sorry, we could not set your display name, please try again later"  and its been doing this for three days now. i have followed all the right steps to change it. profile- edit display name  and i get the right box for it, but it wont let me.  the grid status says that all systems are operational, so i cant figure out why it wont let me change my name. i didnt find any other troubleshooting pages for this, so i thought i would try my luck here. 

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44 minutes ago, Skyelizzy said:

Hello, im new to the forums, but i need help.  i keep trying to change my display name, but everytime i try, it tells me "Sorry, we could not set your display name, please try again later"  and its been doing this for three days now. i have followed all the right steps to change it. profile- edit display name  and i get the right box for it, but it wont let me.  the grid status says that all systems are operational, so i cant figure out why it wont let me change my name. i didnt find any other troubleshooting pages for this, so i thought i would try my luck here. 

Are you trying to use funky characters - something from a non-standard character set?  A lot of those will not take.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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From the knowledge base on display names...

Allowed characters

Please note that using ansi or 'fancy' text characters may or may not apply your chosen display name correctly, and in some instances will fail to update, leaving your display name unchanged, depending on the type of character used. The standard characters A-Z, 0-9, and the characters listed below are tested and will display correctly. In addition to letters and numbers, you can use the following characters in your display name:

' (apostrophe)

- (hyphen-minus)

. (full stop)

: (colon)

· (middle dot)

֊ ֊  (Armenian hyphen)

 (Hebrew geresh)

״ (Hebrew gershayim)

་ (Tibetan tsheg)

- (hyphen)

’ (right single quotation mark)

‧ (hyphenation point)

= (katakana-hiragana double hyphen)

· (katakana middle dot)

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So a friend of mine found that she no longer HAD a display name just now. She tried to go through the steps to get it back but the links were no longer there in the viewer (for her anyway).   This is nine hours after the OP.   Either things are broken are they are taking away the display names option.   I couldn't find an announcement so came here. :D

That's all I know.   If this was PLANNED you would think that they would have let us know. It is the weekend so maybe just broken. 















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If you have changed your display name within the previous seven days then you will not be given the option to change it again until those seven days have elapsed.

If you change your display name using the website then be aware that the actual display name change seems to take longer to show if you go that route instead of changing via the profile route. I guess the web doohickey has to do more work?

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OK. I read all the info above.  STILL ALL my friends that had display names lost them at the same time (the original post date). They are not back. The in viewer option for display names is still gone and I haven't seen any official announcement about all of this.  


I had one of my friends who lost their name check.  In the back end (where transactions and account settings are) she is still listed as her display name. In the viewer it is her legacy name. This is really messy. I am guessing Rowan's screenshot is of the web profile ?  I haven't been to my web profile in a decade. I doubt a lot of folks even know it is there.  And no one should have to change their name AGAIN because LL messed it up. Some of these folks have had the same display name for many years.   

LL will fix it or not but at the moment it certainly isn't "user friendly".  

 Thanks for the comments. Glad it only effects me in a second hand way. 

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I'm not going so far as to change my display name to test it, but I have the little wrench icon, and when I click it, I get the form for changing my display name. No idea why it would be missing for you and your friends, Chic, but for what it's worth, I'll ask around and see if anyone I know is missing the thingy or has had their display name do anything funny (like disappear) lately.

I like a good mystery as much as the next person, but this sounds like a sucky one. I hate sucky mysteries, so if I can find anything out about it, I'll report back in case it helps.

The OP's post sounds more like the old week-long waiting period thing, but if it's actually something broken, then yeah, we need to make people aware of it so it can get fixed. Hopefully.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Perhaps some people who do vs. don't have the option in the viewer, are using different viewers?

You're right, let them sort their own problems out. Hey guys, disregard anything I said, I might not be using the same viewer as you and all of your friends.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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5 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

You're right, let them sort their own problems out. Hey guys, disregard anything I said, I might not be using the same viewer as you and all of your friends.

I wasn't trying to dismiss your answer, sorry! Just making another suggestion. Maybe I should have just posted without quoting? Sorry again.

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6 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Glad it only effects me in a second hand way. 

When you say it only effects you do you mean that your friends see their own display names just fine but you do not?

If they all do not see them and cannot change them then what viewers are they using? Are they using web profiles in the viewer or "legacy" profiles?

You might want to raise a JIRA with all the details assuming you are using the LL viewer and not a TPV.


UPDATE - are you 100% sure you have "View Display Names" ticked in preferences? If not then you will not see display names and not have the option to change display name.

Edited by Randy Pole
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OK. Thanks for the input. Answering questions all at once. Problem WAS solved -- thanks. 

It shows Legacy Name instead of display name in both Firestorm and Linden viewer. I checked that first to see if it was a viewer issue.

I just meant that "I" don't have a display name.  And I did find the web profile via the viewer (so don't go there) and THERE the display name was shown. 


Both the person that has the Display Name and their friends (in the friends list) see the legacy name. 

I am going to check the "have display names checked thing as that was a good idea although I never changed it. 

And that was it.  There was no check in that box. What is odd is that the folks in my friends list (not me) agreed that their display name wasn't showing for them also.  So by some very ODD coincidence we all lost that check mark?   


I have to admit that I have been having a ton of computer issues with both machines (one is almost brand new) with things disappearing like toolbars within programs and bluetooth constantly resetting to OFF when it always used to stay on.  I find it hard to believe though that the constant Windows updates would take a checkmark off of my viewer LOL.   But NOW if I lose the names on friends list I will know what to look for and fix.   Will pass the info on to the guys in my friends list and they can tell THEIR friends.  SO STRANGE.  Thank you @Randy Pole for the answer.  I guess maybe if I hadn't had all that confirmation I might have figured out it was "my" issue LOL.  Still I never fiddle with my viewer settings.   Geez.  


And yes agree that the OP issue was not "my" issue -- just that the timing was so close.  

Thanks again all. 

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I wasn't trying to dismiss your answer, sorry! Just making another suggestion. Maybe I should have just posted without quoting? Sorry again.

There was totally nothing wrong with your post Love.
People in general do assume to easily that everybody is using Firestorm when they answer these kinds of questions on these forums.
But not everybody loves the pie menu to death.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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2 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

I am going to check the "have display names checked thing as that was a good idea although I never changed it. 

And that was it.  There was no check in that box

I wonder if there's a shortcut for it? I know I've accidently switched things on or off while forgetting the right shortcut for the thing I'm trying to do. Doesn't explain your friends all having the same issue though...


23 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

not everybody loves the pie menu to death.

Well, FS has the option to not use the pie menu for those of us who don't like the pie menu.

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4 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

not everybody loves the pie menu to death.

Not even all Firestorm users. I've long moved over to using the rectangular context menu, as it can display more options at once.

EDIT: Oops, Wesley beat me to it.

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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