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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I was wondering why Pantone was trending. I haven't clicked on it yet in my pre-caffeinated state.

I used to work in design (print) a million years ago. Losing access to Pantone could be a major problem for some companies and designers.

Adobe's shenanigans in general is honestly why I ditched the entire operation (for personal use - probably can't avoid using it if you're hired on in-house somewhere), and swapped first to open source, then buy once packages. If I ever do get back into the field on a freelance basis, I'll take my chances with those programs (and I adooore the entire Affinity suite it's so gooood). Zero shot I'd ever give Adobe my money.

Subscription-based software (and colors?!?) is a MAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE PEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of this.

What I don't know is if it affects colours that were not actually pulled from the library, but rather just happen to use the same RGB or hex value. I'm assuming not, but I guess we'll find out! I have an old version of PS, non-subscription, so it shouldn't impact me anyway?

Lots of people on Twitter are giving Affinity a shout out because of this, btw. I wish Gimp wasn't such a pain to use.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

All of this.

What I don't know is if it affects colours that were not actually pulled from the library, but rather just happen to use the same RGB or hex value. I'm assuming not, but I guess we'll find out! I have an old version of PS, non-subscription, so it shouldn't impact me anyway?

Lots of people on Twitter are giving Affinity a shout out because of this, btw. I wish Gimp wasn't such a pain to use.

It's been so long since I've worked with print and colors and all that mess, to be honest. I have no idea if non-sub versions of PS would be affected by the change. I don't know if Pantone has info about the changes on their website, but it may be worth peeking. The primary problem, though, is most companies and designers would likely be on one of those stoopit subscription plans (or using contractors on one of those plans), so they'll definitely be feeling it. It'll be a mess sorting that out. Big yikes.

Oh and re: Affinity - girl...girl....get the demos. Try that ish out. It's FANTASTIC. Just wait for a sale if you decide to buy. I got Affinity Photo (Photoshop equivalent), Designer (Illustrator equivalent), and Publisher (In-Design equivalent) for $25 each during sales. The add-ons (brushes, fonts, effects, etc.) in the Affinity Store also go on sale. There are only a handful of limitations I've come across so far - like not having a good way to create "editable/fillabe form" PDFs. That's been a feature request for a long time. But they do listen to the community, so....hopefully soon(tm). 

Adding another peeve which is actually the same peeve, just shorter - Adobe. 😒

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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What I don't know is if it affects colours that were not actually pulled from the library, but rather just happen to use the same RGB or hex value. I'm assuming not, but I guess we'll find out!

I'm also assuming not but haven't managed to find many clear explanations as to which files are affected by the changes.  Google did turn up one fairly informative discussion on the subject (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33369951), the top comment of which sounds knowledgeable enough (for what little that's worth on the internet)


This is not about the colors, FYI. This is about someone referencing a specific Pantone product as a spot color. And the automatic conversion from that spot color name to the regular RGB / CMYK color values is now gone. But if you embedded the actual RGB/CMYK values into your file, then it'll still open just fine and display those colors just fine.

Edit: Also, converting from Pantone to regular RGB/CMYK is a lot more lossy than one would think. If I reference a Pantone product, that pretty much covers all properties of the printed surface, including things like reflectivity angles, fluorescence and phosphorescence. A cheap xRite will already measure reflectivity in 13 wavelength bands. And then it'll average those 13 characteristics into 3 RGB numbers. Professional color measurement tools can have hundreds of properties per ink type, thereby making reduction to 3 values even more lossy.

If I give you RGB, that merely specifies the color at direct reflection under normal light. If I give you a Pantone ID, you also now how it'll look from the side or under UV light. RGB specifies an averaged wavelength mixture, Pantone specifies a chemical ink mixture.

Edit2: You know these car paints that have fresnel reflections, meaning they appear to have a different color of you look at them from a different angle? That's an excellent example of a case where you need to specify a specific ink type like Pantone, because the RGB value changes based on the viewing angle.


26 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I have an old version of PS, non-subscription, so it shouldn't impact me anyway?

I managed to grab a license for CS6 just before they abandoned perpetual licensing so am in the same position, I'm guessing that if you disable automatic updates then the changes won't impact you at all.

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59 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes. We live in a culture where a company can "own" a colour. And make you pay to use it.

33 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What I don't know is if it affects colours that were not actually pulled from the library, but rather just happen to use the same RGB or hex value. I'm assuming not, but I guess we'll find out! I have an old version of PS, non-subscription, so it shouldn't impact me anyway?

Pantone is a color matching standard, they don't own any colors and no colors have been removed from Adobe.

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24 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Pantone is a color matching standard, they don't own any colors and no colors have been removed from Adobe.

Technically true. But the technicality isn't going to matter much if you've been using these libraries, and parts of your documents are now rendered black instead of Pantone 19-4052.

The quote provided by @Fluffy Sharkfin above is useful -- it sounds as though this will only impact colours with "spot channels" that link them to the Pantone libraries. But we'll see.

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37 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

I managed to grab a license for CS6 just before they abandoned perpetual licensing so am in the same position, I'm guessing that if you disable automatic updates then the changes won't impact you at all.

I've got CS5, and I haven't seen it update in forever. But good idea to turn that feature off.

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Peeve: So, there has been an explosion of people gratuitously posting racist smear words -- attacking Jews, blacks, and trans people in particular -- in the 24 hours since Elon took over Twitter. They appear to believe that Musk is going to let them do it because "free speech."

I think they're wrong.

In the meantime, though, it's really ugly.

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Peeve: So, there has been an explosion of people gratuitously posting racist smear words -- attacking Jews, blacks, and trans people in particular -- in the 24 hours since Elon took over Twitter. They appear to believe that Musk is going to let them do it because "free speech."

I think they're wrong.

In the meantime, though, it's really ugly.

Advertisers are going to loooooove this! 😏

Peeve: There's too much news in general today and none of it is fun! My home feed is a wreck. Crazy news mixed with delicious chicken parm recipes. What even? Hmpf.

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Just now, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Advertisers are going to loooooove this! 😏

That's why it's not going to happen. There will be a mass exodus of advertisers if the site becomes a free-for-all and a haven for hate speech.

1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Peeve: There's too much news in general today and none of it is fun! My home feed is a wreck. Crazy news mixed with delicious chicken parm recipes. What even? Hmpf.

There's been some good news! Mexico has legalized same-sex marriages! And Scotland's new Gender Recognition Act, making it easier for trans people to legally change their gender, has passed its first hurdle. Also, the protests in Iran are still going strong.

And, um, chicken parm will always make things seem a bit better.

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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Had a dream that I moved someplace and only figured out later that the "extra rooms" were other people's apartments! Was glad after I woke up that it was just a dream, and I "own" my RL home.  Just realized the dream could have been conflating RL and SL - as I have not "rented" for years, or lived in an apartment "ever". (Just college dorms, condos, and college "apartments".)

I think dreams of houses can sometimes represent our Self. They can also represent our view of our Home or lack thereof.

How did you feel about these other rooms? I think each person is the best interpreter of their own dreams, but how you feel and what things remind you of can be your guide to interpreting their meaning for you.

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1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think dreams of houses can sometimes represent our Self. They can also represent our view of our Home or lack thereof.

How did you feel about these other rooms? I think each person is the best interpreter of their own dreams, but how you feel and what things remind you of can be your guide to interpreting their meaning for you.

That's complicated. 

In this type of dream, normally I would have a "primary" room and the rest were for exploring.  In some, I am "in a new place" (heaven? homeless? just acquired a property?) and exploring the strange building with all the rooms which naturally, I think are "mine" even though they always have other people's items that have been left (furniture, personal items, clothing, etc.).  So it is either like buying a "home someone left", or inheriting one, perhaps squatting in one. Ambiguous but usually "exciting" to explore.

Thanks for asking!


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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

That's why it's not going to happen. There will be a mass exodus of advertisers if the site becomes a free-for-all and a haven for hate speech.

Yup, they've already threatened such. I'm just sipping tea and watching from the sidelines. I only read over there and use the site pretty much as a news (and recipe!) aggregator, so if it collapses into a steaming heap, well, there's always Reddit and Pinterest. 


6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There's been some good news! Mexico has legalized same-sex marriages! And Scotland's new Gender Recognition Act, making it easier for trans people to legally change their gender, has passed its first hurdle. Also, the protests in Iran are still going strong.

Okay, I need to follow even more sites/blogs/media outlets apparently! I have not seen ANY good news on my feed today, grrrr. There's another peeve. That's all very great news and surely would've cheered me up hours ago!


7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And, um, chicken parm will always make things seem a bit better.


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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That's complicated. 

In this type of dream, normally I would have a "primary" room and the rest were for exploring.  In some, I am "in a new place" (heaven? homeless? just acquired a property?) and exploring the strange building with all the rooms which naturally, I think are "mine" even though they always have other people's items that have been left (furniture, personal items, clothing, etc.).  So it is either like buying a "home someone left", or inheriting one, perhaps squatting in one. Ambiguous but usually "exciting" to explore.

Thanks for asking!


Since it's your dream, created from your own mind, everything is actually yours.

When I'm lucid dreaming, I use this justification to take stuff without paying for it. 😉

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18 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Since it's your dream, created from your own mind, everything is actually yours.

When I'm lucid dreaming, I use this justification to take stuff without paying for it. 😉

So, those who "catch" me and "tut-tut" are just a reflection of my own shame!

Cool, shame is fun sometimes.

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12 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

This is one of the big problems with living with other people, especially housemates. Someone gets irritated with someone else's stuff and then takes it upon themself to move it to a location that's less bothersome for them, but more bothersome to the person who owns it or who wants to use it.

Yeah, except nobody bothers with using any of it, they just go ah, this is where it ended up, and then leave it laying out to be ruined again.

A kitchen piled up with clothes nobody wears, junk they found on the sidewalk and kept because they felt like it but have no intention of doing anything with, piles of tangled wire that keep being shoved into corners and cabinets that are supposed to hold all the stuff that's scattered all over because the cabinets are full of junk... well, hopefully someone gets the idea, and realizes I'm not taking people's prized and cherished items and keeping them from using them.

It's all clutter, the kind of clutter hoarders wallow in, but nobody else can use for anything. So, I need to be able to move around in the kitchen and find things so I can feed these people who never pick up the trash they throw on the floor or flush the toilet or put their dirty dishes in the sink, and I make space to put things away that actually get used.

And when the teenager gets bored and starts dragging all of the broken bikes out yet again and leaves them in the yard, scatters all of my tools in the dirt and leaves them there, and then starts sorting through the piles of unused-for-several-years crap that's in the shed because there's no room on the kitchen table for 500 pounds of clutter, yeah, I might be a tad justified in being peeved.

Everyone here has their own space, and could keep their treasured items there. Keeping the common areas clean and clutter-free is my job. It's why I have a place to stay. The shed is the designated place for anything that doesn't go in someone's room, or in the common areas.

I'm not just stupidly throwing people's heirlooms and cherished photographs and hobbies in a pile somewhere, it's crap. Crap that nobody will throw away, because people are warped like that, and encrust themselves in garbage for comfort.

Do you cherish old grocery sacks, pants with poop in them that nobody washed for three years, broken shoes, pliers that are rusted shut and can't be opened, and chairs with only three out of four legs still on them? If you do, you might be a hoarder.

It goes in the shed because that's where it belongs. The shed would be empty, and the house would be full of junk, otherwise. I'm doing what I'm supposed to.

If that makes me the "bad guy", oh well. Bad Pheeby, bad! House is clean, bad! Shed things go in shed, bad! Hoarders can't whine because at least their stuff is still intact, and they know where it is, because I was nice enough not to throw it all out, bad! Bad Pheeby!

New PEEVE: When people who have no idea what my living conditions are like talk about me like I'm an unfeeling idiot, because they assume that everyone's lives are the same, and everyone's clutter they deal with is somehow valuable, and I just don't get that.

EDIT: And no, I'm not tagging anyone personally, and no, it's not so serious I froth at the mouth about it (though being dramatic about it helps reduce it to ridiculosity, and makes it all easier to bear). You just kinda have to be in my situation to understand my situation, is all.

Extra Peeve: When I take a single evening off from cleaning the kitchen, and let someone else do the cooking for the evening, and in the morning the kitchen looks like someone blew up a henhouse. And then scraped it all around to make sure it was thoroughly mixed. And then wet it all down so it could stink in the morning.

In SL.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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56 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:


Yeah, sorry, I have that effect sometimes. To your credit, you handled seeing all of it with remarkable aplomb. Thank you for being you. ^-^ And thanks to this thread for being here, it really helps to be able to drop PeeveBombs sometimes. I do try to keep it all in here, so as to make myself more bearable for others, I swear~! ^-^;

Edited by PheebyKatz
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27 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Twitter's loss may be SL's gain!

(For those who don't know, Rick Wilson is one of the founders of The Lincoln Project.)

I am slightly disturbed that he knows what Second Life is, and now I'm thinking about all of the other...colorful...government and government-adjacent personalities who might know about it. Or...be in it. 😳

Oh gawd...the mind reels. Now that's really a peeve. 😵


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14 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I am slightly disturbed that he knows what Second Life is, and now I'm thinking about all of the other...colorful...government and government-adjacent personalities who might know about it. Or...be in it. 😳

Oh gawd...the mind reels. Now that's really a peeve. 😵


I might, just possibly, have trolled him a bit.


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