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Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!

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I went to Starbucks inside Target yesterday & found I could get a small cup of hot chocolate if I bought a Grande size of something else on Saturdays & Sundays. Pet Delight: Drinking a warm cup of chocolate and a hot cup of Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai Latte while watching people walk by outside. I was also happy to buy the last stretchy headband that was exactly like the one I'd lost and to buy decent earphones for my phone for $ 10 at Best Buy.

Another Pet Delight: Having a dream early this morning with a gorgeous landscape, sky and river with a natural swimming pool in it.

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5 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

Oh...I would like to do that actually 😀 Maybe I'll squat on somebody's houseboat and pretend to be a resident!

Well, if you want driving practice in Bellisseria, a houseboat is not your best option.  Here is the LM to the home of one of my alts ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trampledon/133/20/23 ) and if you send me (privately) your actual SL name, I can add you to the permissions in the house and you can squat as long as you like, I think.  Or, you can just visit and use the car rezzer out in front of the house.  😊

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We did not have turkey this past Thanksgiving, but were starting to run out in the freezer, so we decided to have turkey for Christmas dinner.  Well, the next 2 days are supposed to suck, weather-wise, and my husband smokes the turkeys, so we are having our Christmas feast today.  The smoker crisps up the skin to hold most of the juices in, so even the white meat ends up being juicy.  I don't even like oven baked turkeys anymore.



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This week's delights were quite surprising and unexpected. The first one is seeing the thread still going, I appreciate all of your delights, immensely! No matter how big or small, a delight is a delight and I'm glad they're here!

My second delight is something I received as a gift three years ago. It's a very special ornament. It is engraved with a name, a date, and has the heartbeat recording of a little life that never got to be. I've never hung that ornament up. In fact, I've only taken it out of the box three times since I got it. I did not appreciate it when I got it, probably for obvious reasons.  I've never been adult enough to deal with the weight it carries since then, either. I'm still not, I might never be, but I decided I would try. So I did. It stayed on my tree for three days and I listened to it a couple of times before it got packed back away.

It doesn't sound like much, but that's a whole lot of progress I wasn't expecting from myself. That's the delight part, I'm delighted I managed, even if my reaction is still anger. I'm also delighted that I've put it away. I have a whole year to decide if I want to take it back out again. 

I'm not very good with the holidays. I shut completely down until the winter break is over, which is what I'm going to do. I just wanted to read others' delights and figured I'd share one while I'm here.

I hope everyone has a good week, whether you celebrate holidays or not. If you're celebrating for New Year, please be safe, make good choices, and enjoy your celebrations! If you're not, have a good week anyway, just because you should! 

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My recent delight was paying for someone's shopping the day before Christmas Eve.

I noticed the girl behind me, probably a student, digging for her purse in her backpack and coming up blank. It was just a few things, so I offered to pay as a random Christmas gift from/for a atranger. She found some coins in her pocket then and wanted to give me at least those, but I waved it off and disappeared, a gift is a gift is a gift.

I love seeing and doing such small kind gestures, especially in situations, where many people are in a hurry and stressed, some even hostile and just centered on themselves getting everything done for "the perfect Christmas", despite the season should foster the opposite, and such an opportunity doesn't present itself too often, so it's an affordable delight, and most probably for everyone involved, giver, reveiver, watchers, so, multiple delight effect, too :)

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On 12/16/2023 at 4:14 PM, Marigold Devin said:

The person(s) who decided to break into my brother's garage overnight not only left in disgust at there being nothing worth stealing in there but they also left behind a drill they'd obviously stolen from elsewhere. 

Hot chocolate and Baileys go well together.

Bubble bath awaits. Cheers me dears!

This reminds me of the friend of a friend who startled a couple of youths who had broken into his home, and upon their hasty exit discovered that they had left their haul of stuff they had stolen from other homes the same night behind.

The neighbors got their power tools back, but the pound of weed was "never recovered", so to speak. Heh-heh.

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Pet Delight: Instead of working on music or my reflection probe experiments, I spent the day mostly working on scripting for my Basic-to-LSL parser.

Today I worked on "Error Handling"!

ON ERROR GOTO [label], ON ERROR GOTO 0 (disable error handler), ON ERROR RESUME NEXT, RAISERROR, ASSERT, RESUME [label], RESUME (next), Error Handlers, and..



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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet Delight: Instead of working on music or my reflection probe experiments, I spent the day mostly working on scripting for my Basic-to-LSL parser.

Today I worked on "Error Handling"!

ON ERROR GOTO [label], ON ERROR GOTO 0 (disable error handler), ON ERROR RESUME NEXT, RAISERROR, ASSERT, RESUME [label], RESUME (next), Error Handlers, and..


If I understood any of that, I am sure I would be very impressed!!

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