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Event En-flation/Event Overload!

Trinity Blakewell

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Ever since the late winter of 2020 while we were all stuck at home due to COVID, it seems like there have been more and more shopping events added to SL.  As an example, on July 18, the following events opened: The Inithium Event, The Liaison Collective, and Sense. In addition there were the weekly sales, with 35L Sunday, Secret Sale Sunday, and So Kawai Sunday being one day events on that day, and several other weekend sales holding over through Sunday. On Saturday July 17 the following opened: The Man Cave, Tres Chic, and Summer Camp, in addition to the following weekly events opening that day: The Saturday Sale, Happy Weekend, 30L Saturday, Wanderlust Weekend, Mix Weekend, and EBento Weekend. That is 15 shopping events over just Saturday and Sunday. I may have even missed a few. 

While the quantity of events has apparently increased, the quality of many events has been such that I have jumped in and jumped out without purchasing anything. Now, I admit that I am rather picky. My standards for clothes and hair tend to fall on the "it better be photo-realistic or close to it" side with few exceptions. 

A few observations as to event "red flags" I've been seeing more and more of recently:

  1. Poor level of detail on clothing textures. I've noticed a lot of unknown or new brands recently where the designers apparently believe that if they use neon colors, bright prints, and sexy styles, that buyers will overlook the lack of detail to the clothing. Maybe people are buying it. I'm not. See, there are a LOT of brands in SL that use pre-made full perm mesh for clothing. Even some big brands. A lot of the newbies do. This is why when you go to some events, you will see the same dress style sold with different details by different brands. And I don't fault the designers for doing that, as creating in 3D is complicated, and having someone create a custom mesh for you can be expensive. On the other hand, if you're using pre-made mesh, than the textures are what sets your garment apart. Quite frankly, if you don't have skill in creating textures for clothing, or haven't hired someone with skills to do it for you, I'm not sure why you are in this business in SL. 
  2. Along those same lines, poor image quality at event booths. It's not rocket science to learn to take a decent picture in SL. If someone hasn't even bothered to create quality images to sell their products, it stands to reason that the rest of the product quality would be lacking as well.
  3. A high number of unfamiliar brands. The event may have had difficulty attracting more established brands. If the brand is unfamiliar to you, always get a demo before buying!
  4. Many shape vendors at the event. Shapes are the easiest thing a user can create in SL, and many events limit the number of shape vendors, or don't include them period. So if you see a lot of shape vendors at an event, it could be that the event is having trouble getting participation by vendors.
  5. Lots of empty booths. At what point does SL have event saturation? I know a few events that seem to have been on life support for quite a while.

So what about you? Have you been on event overload recently? What are the events that pull you in every month? What have you been noticing regarding the multitude of shopping events?

Edited by Trinity1776
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The amount of shopping events are incredibly overwhelming at this point. Ironically I find myself buying even less from them as the things I like are just not there. Not to mention quality on some things out there..no. Also repeat items(clothing mainly) don't help.

I don't mind seeing unfamiliar brands. I love seeing new stuff.. then you get that one newer event that is suppose to help those people and it's filled with brands that are known and have been around for years. Makes no sense.

All-in-all I can safely say these shopping events are boring me as of late. Saves me money, though.

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I've also been buying less at events and have gone back to buying directly from inworld/mp stores. There's only a few select events I will check out but even they have been a let down lately. It's almost always the same generic designs, there's nothing really new. People seem to not be taking chances and going with what sells well. It's sad.

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As a creator, I have a few events I participate in on a regular basis.  I keep getting note cards inviting me to join new events.  I always go check out the event to see what is being shown and I am always pretty unimpressed with what I see.  A lot of what was described earlier.  I do not join those events.  Perhaps I should,  might bring some quality and diversity to them lol.   I have been making clothing in SL for over 15 years (yes I started with system clothing).  It looks to me like folks who want to have a sim, but can't afford it,  have taken to offering stores, and events to cover the costs of their land.  But yes indeed it has become overwhelming.  That is mainly why I continue to participate in only the few I have been.  (namely all the Evil Bunny Productions Events, they have been around for many years and are well established).  But as with all things, over time..  quality will prevail,  and those that don't cut it will disappear eventually.

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2 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

I've noticed a lot of unknown or new brands recently where the designers apparently believe that if they use neon colors, bright prints, and sexy styles, that buyers will overlook the lack of detail to the clothing.

This right here irritates me to no end.  I went to CakeDay Event and the majority of stores were brands I'd never heard of and had clothing such as you described.  It's a large event, too.  I understand not everyone is a top level creator but who buys all this stuff in neon colors?  

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6 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:


  1. Many shape vendors at the event. Shapes are the easiest thing a user can create in SL, and many events limit the number of shape vendors, or don't include them period. So if you see a lot of shape vendors at an event, it could be that the event is having trouble getting participation by vendors.

Shapes, and tattoos using images stolen from the internet. Events are full of those. It's interesting that some of these events that are so fussy about not taking designers who use full perm templates have no issue with those tattoo makers who are completely unoriginal in their work.

I can't even keep up with the weekend sales these days, let alone every other event that is running alongside them. Speaking of weekend sales, it must be getting harder and harder for stores to compete with those for sales. You can buy a ton of stuff for 50 to 75L every weekend, and if you've filled out your wardrobe with clothes, shoes and hair from the weekend sales, do you really need to be shopping at main stores and other events? Anyway, I'm glad I sell niche products.


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2 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

it must be getting harder and harder for stores to compete with those for sales.

I assure you it is!  But being a long term creator,  I can always hope that those who do stumble across an event with my stuff in it, or stumble across my store, that they will see the difference in quality, and return, perhaps even become fans and pass the word.  Seems all we can hope for in light of the other stuff going on out there.

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I blog fashion and I not only have zero time to shop, and when I do shop I see way too much same old same old. :( Life is like that, even RL. I blog for some really fabulous creators and I keep my blogging circle small. Too many shopping events .


5. Lots of empty booths. At what point does SL have event saturation? I know a few events that seem to have been on life support for quite a while.

I think sometimes designers/creators have themselves burned out taking on more events then is manageable. It may also cost them more to be in the event than they make from an event.

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4 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

Just out of curiosity, Tazzie, what would be the downside for a designer to participate of those sales? I'm wondering why you haven't tried it out?

A couple of reasons;  the cost of paying for a spot adds up fast and can become more than you could ever recover, so it is a risk to begin with.  Secondly, the items being displayed are usually not that interesting or that well done in terms of quality and are being sold at ridiculously low prices,  I can't sell my items at those low prices so my things would not fit in with the others.  I take a LOT of time with texturing and detail, in many cases creating an outfit rather than slapping a few textures on just one item.  For me I cannot just do a half assed job and try to sell it.  It is a matter of pride in creating something from a blank canvas.  So, those are a few reasons why I don't try out some of those new events.  I will go and check them out before turning them down,  but I haven't found one yet that I feel would benefit me.

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I agree with all of these observations. I’ve been making clothing since 2009 but Ive slowed down considerably in the past few years. Occasionally I log in and check out events and I’m disappointed with what I’m seeing. The same mesh template used over and over again with a stolen texture slapped on it, or just solid color added. No attention paid to details. Poor vendor pictures. I have outfits purchased ten years ago that far exceed in terms of quality and originality. 

Of course there are still talented and original designers out there who create beautiful work. But there seems to be a large population of people who just want to call themselves designers but don’t have the skills or just want to make quick lindens. 

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I don’t mind going to all the events. I’m mean…it’s something to do. I think a lot of creators are fairly new and getting their legs as far as getting their workflow together. But since there are so many events, I’m finding myself bypassing a lot more items than I used to at one event, then going to another event and doing the same thing. So in the end, I’m just going to more events and spending less at one event, but not necessarily spending the same amount. It’s gotten so that I’m not spending all of my weekly upload which is a good thing.

Another thing is: There’s so many creators now, they’re making the same thing. When times were good, I used to joke around “How many leggings and rompers do I need?” Well it’s still like that, plus creators are making the same styled clothing too. 

Let’s be real though. SL has always drawn its fashion from online stores like Fashion Nova, Shein, etc. For those that don’t know, they’re cheap online knock off stores, where you can get a haul for $50. If you went on one of those sites right now, I guarantee you’ll see something that is at an event.

Also summer kind of sucks for shopping. It’s mostly going to be bikinis, shorts and tshirts…rompers. Which goes back to, how many outfits like that do you need? Autumn and Winter the items get a little better, because the clothing gets more diverse.

I said all that to say, yes there are more events and the quality has gone down a little. In the long run, it means there’s more creators, which is a good thing because a few of them will get better over time.

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7 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

it means there’s more creators, which is a good thing because a few of them will get better over time.

That depends entirely what they are in it for.  If it is to make a quick buck then no, cause they likely don't have any interest in creativity or quality.. and they will keep knocking inferior stuff out for cheap prices for as long as they are benefiting.  If folks would stop buying that stuff, you would see these folks dropping out.  Perhaps there are a very small few who are in it for the creativity and challenge, and they likely will get better with time and practice.

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53 minutes ago, Tazzie Tuque said:

That depends entirely what they are in it for. 

Yes, but I find it best not to assume if you don’t know them personally. Personally, I have talked to some creators and have discovered they are in fact new and don’t know certain things. I’ve also talked to some popular creators that also….don’t know certain things. I’ve also seen some newer creators improve a great deal in the last couple of years.

57 minutes ago, Tazzie Tuque said: If folks would stop buying that stuff, you would see these folks dropping out.  Perhaps there are a very small few who are in it for the creativity and challenge, and they likely will get better with time and practice.

Yes, that was also my point. If you can look at it and tell it’s inferior, you most likely aren’t going to buy it right? Same goes for just about everybody else. Or if you get burned by a creator and they won’t or can’t fix what you’re asking them to, you’re going to stop buying things from them right? So the creators who are trying to improve will. The ones that aren’t will eventually stop. It happens all the time.

My point was, before creating mesh in SL was a closely guarded secret. People wouldn’t share how to do certain things. Then people started putting up tutorials and more and more people started giving it a shot. We’re seeing the effects of that now, because there are many, many more creators than there used to be.

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2 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

So I popped into a huge event, and there were few creators whose name I even recognized. I teleported out with...one demo. 

But I did find an excellent example of the things we have been discussing here. Brand and any mention of the event have been cropped out.


And it's even a gatcha?  No thanks.

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7 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

So I popped into a huge event, and there were few creators whose name I even recognized. I teleported out with...one demo. 

But I did find an excellent example of the things we have been discussing here. Brand and any mention of the event have been cropped out.


Beauty Event isn't a top tier event or even a huge event; at no point will anyone have any trouble getting into that event. It's a second tier event mainly for newer creators and that's the one lower quality item in the entire event. Everything else there looks just fine.

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10 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

So I popped into a huge event, and there were few creators whose name I even recognized. I teleported out with...one demo. 

But I did find an excellent example of the things we have been discussing here. Brand and any mention of the event have been cropped out.


Wow, how could anyone think that is worth selling/buying?

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It is huge, in terms of size. Not in terms of significance. Large in size not to the extent of a fair or anything, but larger than Fameshed or Collabor88 and many other events. Myabe smaller than Uber.

I would respectfully disagree that all the rest of the stuff there was "just fine" - if so I would have done more that grabbed one demo, I would have purchased some things. While the example was clearly the worst thing there, there was a lot of clothing items that lacked detail to the textures, had poor images, etc.


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39 minutes ago, Trinity1776 said:

It is huge, in terms of size. Not in terms of significance. Large in size not to the extent of a fair or anything, but larger than Fameshed or Collabor88 and many other events. Myabe smaller than Uber.

Maybe I misunderstood you. From your framing when you said “I just came from a huge event” I interpreted it as “I just came from a top tier event.” Because of the jist of the entire topic. There’s a reason not as many people shop at a second tier event, regardless of the size of the event.

39 minutes ago, Trinity1776 said:

I would respectfully disagree that all the rest of the stuff there was "just fine" - if so I would have done more that grabbed one demo, I would have purchased some things. While the example was clearly the worst thing there, there was a lot of clothing items that lacked detail to the textures, had poor images, etc.

That’s fine. I’m just playing devils advocate here. Sure, the items might not be to your taste, but again, using your example: In a second tier event you should probably be expecting those things, along with template items. If that’s how you feel about it, you should probably avoid second tier events. In my opinion, you could possibly miss out on one or two items that are worth your time. The beauty of a site like seraphim is that you can preview what is there before you even TP there and know exactly what is there.

I just don’t see the big deal. There have always been lower quality items in second life, since back in the days before events and people were shopping at mega malls. The fact that there are more second tier events is a good thing. To me, it says that there are more people making a run at creating, which is good for everybody.

Do you remember Addams first item? I do. It was a cheerleader top that had a color change hud. It would easily be at home in a second tier event. You can still find it somewhere in their store. Regardless of how you feel about the store or their style, they’ve come a long way since then.

One of the creators at Beauty event that is making items that “isn’t just fine” could very well be the next Addams.

Edited by Janet Voxel
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Glad to clarify...and considering that some of the events I named in the original post were not top tier, I wasn't just considering top tier events. I understand the point you are making about experience.  

As I mentioned, I don't personally have an issue with folks using pre-made mesh as that's a whole additional skill set. I don't like to see claims of "exclusive" when two booths down, another vendor has the same dress with a slightly different texture...but it's up to the event organizer to set the rules.

Some of these second-tier/newbie brands have been around for a while now (maybe a year or so) and they are still releasing flat clothes with little to no detail. Which makes me wonder if folks are buying it, and the designers are not looking to improve their skills.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/21/2021 at 12:36 PM, Janet Voxel said:


Another thing is: There’s so many creators now, they’re making the same thing. When times were good, I used to joke around “How many leggings and rompers do I need?” Well it’s still like that, plus creators are making the same styled clothing too. 

Let’s be real though. SL has always drawn its fashion from online stores like Fashion Nova, Shein, etc. For those that don’t know, they’re cheap online knock off stores, where you can get a haul for $50. If you went on one of those sites right now, I guarantee you’ll see something that is at an event.

Also summer kind of sucks for shopping. It’s mostly going to be bikinis, shorts and tshirts…rompers. Which goes back to, how many outfits like that do you need? Autumn and Winter the items get a little better, because the clothing gets more diverse.


I sometimes say that certain retailers in SL are basically the same store because their items are so similar.  One ruffled top with detached sleeves from one creator and a very similar or the exact same top from another.  To put it more directly, several retailers are trying to be Blueberry....Scandalize...I'm lookin at you.

And as for the fast fashion stores, many SL avatars look like the models on those fast fashion websites.  The tans, the hair, the makeup, the accessories.


As for how many bikini's, rompers, and flirty dresses summer dresses with ruffles I need?   All of them.

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It is so true, that you will see the same styles in several different locations,  or sometimes even at the same event.  But the quality is not always the same.  I look for creative texture use to make something different.  For me the same basic style, can look very unique if the texturing is unique.  Or if that blouse you see everywhere, is incorporated into a whole outfit, that makes it different too.  I recall one event where I saw the same style presented by several creators (probably from a purchased template) all but one were plain colours only and pretty cheap,  but one had added really attractive textures on a texture hud, for a really reasonable price with added jeans to go with it.  Given the choice which one would you go for?  the plain cheap one or the one incorporated with jeans, great textures and a hud?  Sadly a lot of folks go for the cheap rather than the quality.

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