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How Does Your SL Look Today?

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Also, if you know a good, cheap lawyer . . .

   Good? No.

   Cheap? Nah.

   A lawyer? Not as such ..

   .. But for a fair compensation, I'll Wikihow my way to your courtroom victory! 

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Also, if you know a good, cheap lawyer

I can find you someone who is a good lawyer, someone who is a cheap lawyer, or someone who is good and cheap. All three together isn't going to happen.

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5 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

I can find you someone who is a good lawyer, someone who is a cheap lawyer, or someone who is good and cheap. All three together isn't going to happen.

This is always the problem, isn't it?

I mean, I'm cheap but not very good, for instance.

Or wait . . . is it the other way around?

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Playing around with my freight ship, mostly just moving stuff around, changing the control panel, resizing the engines and so on.  At the moment I am appreciating the welcome hub from above.



I want to add a kitchenette, and a small bathroom eventually, and perhaps fix the scripting for sitting on the freighter so that I can swap seats when I desire, and perhaps have a custom rezzer.  I'm not sure if I want to put that much work into it yet though.  

I think it would be neat to have a hologram that could rez though, and wander about the ship doing maintenance or sitting in the pilot seat.  I wonder how difficult it would be to have an animesh hologram rez from the ship, it would be a lot of work for me I know through trial and error I could eventually get it to work but it would probably take me days to figure out how.  I would only be able to really use it in sandboxes, so I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort.   Eventually, I will get an actual gaming computer, and the one I am on now could host a GPT chatbot that could be used for NPCs for free which would be kind of neat.


Mostly just fiddling around on my ship and daydreaming 🙃 

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2 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

A little bird told me there is going to be a Fantasy build at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds in September and one of the themes he mentioned was Sci-Fi so I have been running around finding related costumes and getting excited to see the build!

I would love a Sci-Fi setting, but something with a bit of grit like cyberpunk.  I would like to see less yard, more high rise buildings, lots of neon lights, use of PBR.  I don't think it would be popular though, my own desire would be to have apartment building style homes, where we could select the model, most of it would be faux but we could have the apartment on whatever floor of the building we desire, and use the roof as we would a yard.  Along the neighborhoods we could have clubs, various stores, anything that would keep it in theme.

Something just different, a urban environment rather than something like Horizon.  Something that does not have large yards, or the traditional style homes with fences, shrubbery, etc.  

Edited by Istelathis
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Now I'm curious. Does anyone else here use shared environment as their main visual setting?

I always use that unless I'm setting up a posed shot,  which is almost never.  I want to see the environment as it is, not how it looks best to my eyes. I asked a number of people inworld today, and they all said the same. Ranging in SL age from 2 to 16. All with nice, polished AV's, so I wouldn't be asking anyone who hasn't put effort into SL. 

 I had two exceptions who always used midday to see better for building and helping. Most didn't know there were a large number of different windlight options. Or even knew what windlight was.

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13 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Now I'm curious. Does anyone else here use shared environment as their main visual setting?

Always, unless I'm building, or seeing how something looks that I've just uploaded and textured. Then it's Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim all the way.

I do usually keep a lot of "atmospheric" and other visual settings turned off, just because laptop, but as far as the environmental settings, yeah. Shared environment. Especially if I'm out exploring, or visiting someone else's sim that they want to show off.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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18 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Now I'm curious. Does anyone else here use shared environment as their main visual setting?

I'm constantly shifting mine around, usually I will check out what the shared environment looks like and then change it later on.  It depends on the setting and my mood, usually the shared environment is kind of dull and boring when I am wandering around on the mainland's roads so I will change it.



I like the second one more, I like a bit of fog, the rainbow is nice as well.  I prefer a dream like environment, over having clear skies.  I often like to use DOF as well.  Sometimes I want something a little darker, especially if I am driving, I like having my headlights on illuminating the road ahead of me as I drive around.  

I wish our viewer could generate rain for us, I would often have that on as well if it were an option.  

Edited by Istelathis
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9 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I'm constantly shifting mine around, usually I will check out what the shared environment looks like and then change it later on.  It depends on the setting and my mood, usually the shared environment is kind of dull and boring when I am wandering around on the mainland's roads so I will change it.



I like the second one more, I like a bit of fog, the rainbow is nice as well.  I prefer a dream like environment, over having clear skies.  I often like to use DOF as well.  Sometimes I want something a little darker, especially if I am driving, I like having my headlights on illuminating the road ahead of me as I drive around.  


See, if it's to make otherwise uninteresting or unexciting places look awesome, then I'm down. But I do try to let myself see a place the way its creator intended, at least when I'm seeing it for the first time.

My home sim is very dark, so when I build or work on things, I like to turn the lights on. But sometimes I forget that I'm seeing everything in bright daylight while everyone else sees the place as it was intended. So, I try to make a habit of keeping my settings on shared environment when I'm not working on stuff, so at least I'm sort of on the same page with visitors.

Besides, it's fun jumping out at people from the shadows, and I can only do that if I know where the shadows are. XD

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Driving around the mainland again.


Here is a shot taken from atop of a building , there were "non human investigation" cars parked there with strobing blue lights, which I found pretty interesting. The building they were on is selling some nice looking vehicles, although I was more interested in the story behind these vehicles, if it were a men in black kind of RP.  

Across from the street looks like a promising outlet, for now it is mostly empty though.  Something is coming soon, at least that is what the sign says 🙂


A view from my default camera angle from this vehicle, DOF turned on and I'm using Narcon's Ghost for the sky setting.  I like driving like this, because the default sky setting while driving, while much more clear, will often just lead to seeing a lot of gray textures off in the distance, as I come up to them.  The blur from DOF gives an illusion of speed, even though I am not moving very quickly, also I like seeing the lights from the distance as well and having the scene slowly come to life as I get closer, it adds a bit of mystery to it all which I find more immersive.

I would prefer mouselook, but for this vehicle mouselook turns into steering which is really funky and I haven't found a way to turn it off.  



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4 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Now I'm curious. Does anyone else here use shared environment as their main visual setting?

I always use that unless I'm setting up a posed shot,  which is almost never.  I want to see the environment as it is, not how it looks best to my eyes. I asked a number of people inworld today, and they all said the same. Ranging in SL age from 2 to 16. All with nice, polished AV's, so I wouldn't be asking anyone who hasn't put effort into SL. 

 I had two exceptions who always used midday to see better for building and helping. Most didn't know there were a large number of different windlight options. Or even knew what windlight was.

I always use the shared environment as my main visual setting, at least for the first few minutes of arriving anywhere, but if I find the lighting depresses me, or photos I want to save don't look quite right to me, then I fiddle around with the windlight settings until I'm happiest. 

I've said before on different threads that we could all take a photo of the same place or person, and every single photo would be different, because of the lighting we prefer, or the angle, or perspective generally. 

I have favourite windlight settings too, but love to scroll through them all from time to time. And sometimes just the basic ones in the camera feature can make for an interesting final result (Toy Camera or Blown Highlights have come out well for me in the past). 

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I always thought SL was a safe place crime wise.
But look at this: Someone stole my windows from my new Belli home.    🦀
Maybe this should have been in the peeve thread.



Are there SL glass insurances?

Edited by Sid Nagy
If one wants to become a writer, first thing to practice is editting ones text.
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4 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

I have favourite windlight settings too, but love to scroll through them all from time to time. And sometimes just the basic ones in the camera feature can make for an interesting final result (Toy Camera or Blown Highlights have come out well for me in the past). 

I need to thank you because I had never noticed that the camera has built-in filters!  Thank you!  🙏

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4 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

I need to thank you because I had never noticed that the camera has built-in filters!  Thank you!  🙏

We're all learning something new every day. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
The person behind Marigold's avatar cannot fart to order :/
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8 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Now I'm curious. Does anyone else here use shared environment as their main visual setting?

I always use that unless I'm setting up a posed shot,  which is almost never.  I want to see the environment as it is, not how it looks best to my eyes. I asked a number of people inworld today, and they all said the same. Ranging in SL age from 2 to 16. All with nice, polished AV's, so I wouldn't be asking anyone who hasn't put effort into SL. 

 I had two exceptions who always used midday to see better for building and helping. Most didn't know there were a large number of different windlight options. Or even knew what windlight was.

I don't use default lighting because it is awful.  I'll turn on shared environment to see if someone is using a fun custom EEP, but my default setting is Nam's or Neutral to make avatars look their best.  If I want a night setting, I'll choose it.  If I want foggy, I'll choose it. If I am taking a photo, I'll find something that fits my mood.

I do not use the Default lighting unless I am in Fantisseria the glow is on.

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I use Shared Environment when the creator of that environment is including specific settings as part of their creation -- not to use it in some cases would be like viewing a 1st life painting and changing the colors on it or altering it in ways the creator did not intend. Often Shared Environment will actually change the colors or mood of a sim, so if the creator intended that I'll participate.

Otherwise, just shopping or visiting parcels, no....I use noon settings.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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