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Land issues?


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When I'm trying to buy land I get this error The error I get is " there has been an error while fetcvhing land buying information. The loggin server couldnt verify itself via SSL. If you continue to receive this error, please go to the Support section of the Secondlife.com web site and report the prolem." 

Anyone else?



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18 minutes ago, Destiny91 said:

When I'm trying to buy land I get this error The error I get is " there has been an error while fetcvhing land buying information. The loggin server couldnt verify itself via SSL. If you continue to receive this error, please go to the Support section of the Secondlife.com web site and report the prolem." 

Anyone else?



Someone in the answers section is getting a similar error when trying to purchase Lindens through the viewer.  File a ticket so they know there's a probliem

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Someone in the answers section is getting a similar error when trying to purchase Lindens through the viewer.  File a ticket so they know there's a probliem

Yes, I get this repeatedly. I re-log after clearing cache, I make sure that I am wearing the correct group tag and have tier in that group that I want to buy the group for, or if I am merely selling it to myself to move its group, that I watch all the boxes so as not to tier up.

Why can't it verify itself? I'll vouch for it. But that won't help you, so you'll need to file a ticket.

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19 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

The grid status had nothing about it for a long time.  I'm surprised more.people didn't come here to mention it.

Residents that purchase lindens through the viewer don't know this forum exists, or that they are paying extra for an instant buy.

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4 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Residents that purchase lindens through the viewer don't know this forum exists, or that they are paying extra for an instant buy.

The biggest expense for them is the transaction fee.  Any time that you buy L$, you will be charged a 7.50% transaction fee with a minimum of US$ 1.49 and a maximum of US$ 9.99 per transaction, regardless of the size of the purchase.  So, if you bought L$500 (about $2 US), you would pay $2.00 PLUS a $1.49 fee = $3.49. That means 43% of your charges will be for the fee.  That's why it's silly to buy small amounts of L$ at a time, as you almost always do if you are buying L$ through the viewer.  If you buy, say, L$10,000  (about $40 US) through the LindeX, you would pay $3.00 in fees (0.075 x $40).  The fees would only be 6.9% of your total cost.

tl, dr;   Where you buy the L$ (through the viewer or through your dashboard) is not important. The amount of L$ that you buy is, and most people who buy L$ through their viewer are buying small amounts at a time.  They are paying way more in fees than they ought to.

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I almost always buy through the viewer and I certainly know where the forums are at.  I also purchase in larger quantities now with the fee increase.  Ive never purchased anything other than an instant buy regardless.  The few dollars I would save negates the time I might wait.  Ususally I'm purchasing because I've seen some things I like and don't care to wait.  I'm sure a lot of people do that.  Even before I was on the forums, I knew enough to check grid status or at least my dashboard first if I was encountering some issue.  Not that grid status is on top of things as with the last issue and why it's important to file tickets.


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31 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

tl, dr;   Where you buy the L$ (through the viewer or through your dashboard) is not important

Yes it is, since you can only do a Market order (instant buy) through the viewer, which was my only point.  You save money with a Limit Buy through the web dashboard.

 I said nothing about the quantity bought, I have written about that weeks ago when they raised the Buy fees.

If you set your Buy Limit properly your order will be executed in about one minute.

People who don't understand you can save dollars with a Limit Buy, and also make small Buys thru the dashboard (paying even more in fees plus the spread) are not the typical resident that regularly posts on this forum.  There are exceptions of course, as this thread has shown.


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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6 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Yes it is, since you can only do a Market order (instant buy) through the viewer, which was my only point.  You save money with a Limit Buy through the web dashboard.

I don't think we are disagreeing, except maybe about which factor is most significant here.  The advantage you get by using the Limit Buy option is important but doesn't amount to a lot of money until you are buying more than a few thousand L$ at a time. It doesn't make much sense to use Limit Buy for a small purchase.  You and I agree that transaction fees amount to a serious proportion of the total cost when you buy small amounts of L$ at a time so, again, it doesn't make sense to buy just a few L$.  If you are buying through the viewer, chances are pretty good that you are getting hit both ways, because most people who buy that way need cash for a small purchase.  So, I think we both agree that they would be much better off if they bought larger amounts of L$ directly from their dashboard, using the Limit Buy option.

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5 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Residents that purchase lindens through the viewer don't know this forum exists, or that they are paying extra for an instant buy.

Well, I buy Lindens through the viewer, I do know this forum exists, I know that I'm paying extra for an instant buy.
I do so, because that is what I need: an instant buy. 

I mostly pay with Lindens coming from my MP shop. Most of the time that is sufficient.
Sometimes not. I wait as long as possible if I get the needed L$ out of sales, if not I buy instantly.
And when I do, I buy plenty to keep fees reasonable.

I guess there are more people around who do the same.


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15 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I don't think we are disagreeing, except maybe about which factor is most significant here

Yep, I was actually answering Rowan, who wondered why more didn't come here when the Buy L$ button was broken.  It's because most Residents don't even know this forum exists.  The Buy Limit helps if you are paying a private land company for a couple sims, and they ask to be paid in Lindens, which would be around 120,000 $L/month for two 30K LI regions. In which case paying direct in dollars thru Paypal or a credit card would make more sense.

If you asked the typical In-World Resident who Ebbe Altberg was, they would not know.  Try Ebbe Linden and they would only think, must be a Linden.  Ask who the CEO of LL was since 2014 and they might guess, Governor Linden?   You get the point, this forum group is all about LL and SL, while the typical Resident is more worried why he sinks in his chair when sitting. :)

Edited by Jaylinbridges
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LOL - Ok Everyone who uses the Instant Buy option please respond to my comment!

It is still not clear why you cannot wait a minute or two and save a few dollars.  Were you being robbed at gunpoint, and they gave you 30 seconds to cough it up or they shoot?


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1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

LOL - Ok Everyone who uses the Instant Buy option please respond to my comment!

It is still not clear why you cannot wait a minute or two and save a few dollars.  Were you being robbed at gunpoint, and they gave you 30 seconds to cough it up or they shoot?


If I buy 10,000 L$ and I want to make 2 USD by using limit buy over instant buy, LL gives an estimated time to fill of  2 days.
That sounds a bit different than the 30 seconds you are talking about.

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21 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

On a 10000L purchase in the viewer, the difference is less than $2.  I normally don't buy more than that at one time which lasts a couple months.

You are excused :)   I spend 3 hours in the Linden games to collect 100 $L, or 40 cents. So $2 USD is 500 $L,  or 15 hrs of my time!   I do have two businesses in SL that pays my 3000 $L/week expenses with enough extra to cash in, so I never have to buy Lindens.  But if I didn't have two businesses to pay my expenses, an extra $2 USD would count!


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12 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

If I buy 10,000 L$ and I want to make 2 USD by using limit buy over instant buy, LL gives an estimated time to fill of  2 days.
That sounds a bit different than the 30 seconds you are talking about.

All you need to do is place your Limit price 1 linden above the market and it goes in a couple minutes.  To save $2 you might need to up your Buy to 20,000 $L, I am not going to run the numbers for you again. I did that already in other threads.

I ran a commodity trading business for 10 years - possibly I know something about this


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When 1 linden above the market price LL still estimates a 2 day fill.

Yes, I have very little experience with the Lindex, but I know the difference between 30 seconds and 1 or 2 days.

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16 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

All you need to do is place your Limit price 1 linden above the market and it goes in a couple minutes. 


3 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

When 1 linden above the market price LL still estimates a 2 day fill.

The reality is somewhere between those two.  I can't remember the last time I bought L$, but I sell them each month to cover the land fees on my region. I always use the Limit Sell option, and set a rate that is L$1/USD above the market. The LindeX usually estimates that it will take two days to fill.  In practice, it often fills within an hour.  It has sometimes taken as much as two days. That's the nature of estimates and currency exchanges. Knowing that, I usually place my order at least 4 days before the land fees are due.  If I were buying instead of selling, I would follow the same logic. 

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Screenshot from the buy page. The top number on the list at the time of screenshot is L$250/UD$1.00

If you want money almost immediately you make offer for L$249 if you want to wait a little then L$250 (You have to wait through L$26,703,184 worth of linden requests ahead of you) anything higher L$251 252 253 254 etc... expect to wait a long time.

Edited by Malin Sabra
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Point blank: If you miss the Community section on the Dashboard and the fact that it has a section clearly labeled for the forum .... Well, there's nothing at all nice I can finish that wish.

As for the Lindex and Limit Vs Instant Buy? Used it a grand total of once while undercutting the Exchange Rate as some have suggested. Guess what? It took quite a while to fill.

Edited by Solar Legion
Minor spelling correction
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9 hours ago, Malin Sabra said:

If you want money almost immediately you make offer for L$249 if you want to wait a little then L$250

Malin explained it.  Almost immediately means from 10 seconds up to 5 mins, depending on the time of day, day of month and and the Dollar amount to be bought or sold.  A large order usually takes longer because the typical SL customer buys in smaller amounts, so it takes more transactions to fill your order. 

But in any case it is essentially immediate.  Everyone of you that claim you tried it "once" and had to wait days, simply did it wrong.  When you place an order above the market it MUST be executed first, before everyone else waiting at a higher price.  This is automatic, a simple computer exchange program as used in thousands of real-time markets throughout the world.  The only time you might have to wait a few minutes longer would be if some other smart resident also placed an order at your price, before you.  It is always First In First Out (FIFO) for these automated trade systems.

Since you can see the orders outstanding before you enter your Limit order, you can always pick a price where there is no one waiting.  The reason you don't see any orders at 249 in Malin's real-time table, is all of those orders were already filled, and they are working on the much larger group at 250.

Here is one of my Sell Limit orders being filled back in March 2021.  I placed the order at 18:04:00.  The first fill was at 18:04:07, 7 seconds later.  The final fill to complete my order was at 18:05:19.  Total time from placing order to a complete fill, for a $262 USD order was 1 min and 19 seconds!  Place a smaller order and you would wait less time.




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