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Two accounts on one pc.


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Hello. Can i use two accounts on one pc in same time but another Vieverals? My friend want that i will use his account to lindes at this time when he cant use pc. And i can use two accounts at another vievers on pc. Dont will block my game?

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39 minutes ago, ProKarola said:

Hello. Can i use two accounts on one pc in same time but another Vieverals? My friend want that i will use his account to lindes at this time when he cant use pc. And i can use two accounts at another vievers on pc. Dont will block my game?

Technically you can have as many instances of viewers open (the same viewer is all you need) as your computer can handle without crashing.   I can't exactly understand what you are trying to do but logging in "for" your friend so that "they" can earn lindens somehow is are REALLY BAD IDEA.   Especially since you have announced your intent (if that was the intent) to do so. 


I suggest letting your friend earn his own lindens.   Your friend for sure could be in trouble.  That really is pretty dishonest.  

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Welcome to Second Life forums, ProKarola. 

While you can log in on one PC with multiple accounts, you are not permitted to log in with another person's account, and your friend should not really be allowing you to do that. 

Go into menu options at the top of your viewer's screen:

Select "Preferences", then "Advanced" and from the options click on "Allow Multiple Viewers". Please note that logging in with more than one avatar at a time will put a strain onto your computer and may mean slow performance for each avatar logged in.


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36 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Witamy na forach Second Life, ProKarola. 

Chociaż możesz zalogować się na jednym komputerze z wieloma kontami, nie możesz logować się na konto innej osoby, a Twój znajomy nie powinien naprawdę na to pozwalać. 

Przejdź do opcji menu u góry ekranu przeglądarki:

Wybierz „Preferencje”, następnie „Zaawansowane” i w opcjach kliknij „Zezwalaj na wiele przeglądarek”. Pamiętaj, że logowanie się za pomocą więcej niż jednego awatara naraz obciąży Twój komputer i może oznaczać spowolnienie działania każdego zalogowanego awatara.


Oh i see. Thank you so much

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1 hour ago, Marigold Devin said:

While you can log in on one PC with multiple accounts, you are not permitted to log in with another person's account

While that certainly has been true in the past, agreed -- it was changed some years ago to read something like "you are in charge of keeping all your login information secure".   Back during that time of change I had someone wanting me to do some machinima for them using their account not mine.  I didn't do the job, but I spent a long time researching. 


I just went through the TOS again. Granted it goes on forever, but I couldn't find anything any longer that specifically states you may not log into another account. There are MANY MANY shared accounts with creators that are partners -- and even managers. This wouldn't be possible if that old rule was still in affect.  


So if someone know where that old "you cannot log into an account that isn't yours" clause is, I would certainly be interested. 


Just trying to keep things straight. Rules change over time.   



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4 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Chociaż z pewnością było to prawdą w przeszłości, zgodziliśmy się - kilka lat temu zmieniono to, aby przeczytać coś w rodzaju „Ty odpowiadasz za bezpieczeństwo wszystkich swoich danych logowania”. W tamtym okresie miałem kogoś, kto chciał, żebym zrobił dla nich jakieś machinimy, używając ich konta, a nie mojego. Nie wykonałem tej pracy, ale spędziłem dużo czasu na badaniach. 


Właśnie ponownie przejrzałem TOS. To prawda, że trwa to wiecznie, ale nie mogłem już znaleźć niczego, co konkretnie stwierdza, że nie możesz zalogować się na inne konto. Jest WIELE kont współdzielonych z twórcami, którzy są partnerami - a nawet menedżerami. Nie byłoby to możliwe, gdyby ta stara zasada nadal obowiązywała.  


Więc jeśli ktoś wie, gdzie jest ta stara klauzula „nie możesz zalogować się na konto, które nie jest twoje”, z pewnością byłbym zainteresowany. 


Po prostu staram się wszystko uporządkować. Zasady zmieniają się w czasie.   



I understand. Ok. Hahaha I will not risk it because it is a waste of my and my friend's account :)

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1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

just went through the TOS again. Granted it goes on forever, but I couldn't find anything any longer that specifically states you may not log into another account. There are MANY MANY shared accounts with creators that are partners -- and even managers. This wouldn't be possible if that old rule was still in affect.  

I really doubt any such rule as "you are not permitted to log into another person's account" ever existed.  Probably some techno-nerd who's life experiences end when they turn off their computer screen wrote that, or the self appointed SL police spread it around.

You can give your password out to anyone you TRUST.  It's up to you to know who you trust, but probably your RL wife, or a 10 year long SL partner might qualify.  SL is not liable for any damage you incur by letting a friend use your account. 

Long ago when I was a sim admin for a property company, I would find newbie residents who rented a parcel and bought a new house, but had no clue how to rezz it so it was aligned to the grid and did not overlap parcel boundaries.  Or deed the radio to the land.  The only way to help them was to log into their account and set their house and radio up for them.   Trying to train them could take days, and most were already overwhelmed just trying to walk in a straight line.  (And before someone says it, asking them to give us Edit rights was also beyond their abilities at the time.) They had to trust the company admins to help them.  If they rezzed the house at 23 degrees off the grid with 10 meters overlapping their neighbors, and refused help - we just returned their land fee and objects, and  kicked them off the land.  We did suggest they change their password after we were finished - in fact we insisted, since they were not our trusted friends.





Edited by Jaylinbridges
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1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

While that certainly has been true in the past, agreed -- it was changed some years ago to read something like "you are in charge of keeping all your login information secure".   Back during that time of change I had someone wanting me to do some machinima for them using their account not mine.  I didn't do the job, but I spent a long time researching. 


I just went through the TOS again. Granted it goes on forever, but I couldn't find anything any longer that specifically states you may not log into another account. There are MANY MANY shared accounts with creators that are partners -- and even managers. This wouldn't be possible if that old rule was still in affect.  


So if someone know where that old "you cannot log into an account that isn't yours" clause is, I would certainly be interested. 


Just trying to keep things straight. Rules change over time.   




I also cannot find anything in the TOS that specifically says you cannot give someone else access to your account -- only stuff about you being responsible for what is done.

However, Dakota does say it is against the TOS in this post that is only about 1.5 yrs ago:


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You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party (including, for the avoidance of doubt, permitting another individual to access your Account) without the prior written consent of Linden Lab.


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14 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:


Except on that wiki page:



If you actually click on that "Terms of Service" link, it sends you to the Second Life TOS:  
https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions   and on that page, there is no 4.1 or 4.2

If you go to the Linden Lab TOS, https://www.lindenlab.com/tos then the 4.1 and 4.2 sections are found.


However, while the wiki page has all of that stuff about transferring or assigning your account, a bit lower where there are a few added comments, it says:
"Should you give another person access to your account, you do so at your own risk; that is, if you permit someone to access your account, you are responsible for what that individual does while using your account."

Which would imply that letting someone else use your account is not actually against the rules.


Lots of ambiguity IMO about the true "rules"

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If you actually click on that "Terms of Service" link, it sends you to the Second Life TOS:  
https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions   and on that page, there is no 4.1 or 4.2

If you go to the Linden Lab TOS, https://www.lindenlab.com/tos then the 4.1 and 4.2 sections are found.

Correct. But that is exactly why I linked the correct page separately in my post.

2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

However, while the wiki page has all of that stuff about transferring or assigning your account, a bit lower where there are a few added comments, it says:
"Should you give another person access to your account, you do so at your own risk; that is, if you permit someone to access your account, you are responsible for what that individual does while using your account."

Which would imply that letting someone else use your account is not actually against the rules.

Lots of ambiguity IMO about the true "rules"

Also correct. It seems to be one of those "we'll state it as a rule and enforce it if it becomes a problem" deals we have with most things in the TOS.

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There indeed WAS an explicit rule  -- possibly more than a decade ago as I just realized when getting files together to move to my NEW SMOKING COMPUTER COMING FRIDAY -- mesh has been on the grid for a decade now. 


But WAY back then and hence why plenty of old folks still think it is true, there were specific rules about not letting ANYONE use your account for any purpose.  One gal almost lost her account when she let her real life brother log on trying to fix something she had messed up. After about a week she got her account back.   All in the archives "somewhere".  


So MANY of us were very careful at that time. I have never even giving build rights to anyone but my alts.   Then things changed as they do.

Also I never trust ANYTHING on the SL wiki any longer. It has been so wrong and so not updated for so very MANY years, it is pretty worthless. We see that all the time with new folks asking questions because of what the wiki said (which might have been correct five years before but not since).  


So thank @LittleMe Jewell for checking too. 


That line about selling accounts has always been in there (at least as long as I have been here).  It was in reference to some other game (World of Warcraft maybe) where folks got big inventories and then sold their characters.  


EDIT: You CAN transfer your account to someone when you die  but you have to go through channels to do that.  

Some of us (maybe 1 percent) actually DO read the TOS now and then LOL. 


Edited by Chic Aeon
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I expressly raised a ticket to request permission to share a dedicated alt between two individuals for the purpose of maintaining a unified branding presence in a store.

I contacted the lab because the TOS expressly states "without prior permission". 

I requested that permission and was told I could not have it! So even if you want to do it, and you ask nicely, and have a fully legitimate reason for doing so, it still gets declined. They did say that it was my risk, or something to that effect, so when I asked if they could confirm that this would (assuming no abuse took place) not result in any of the accounts being banned. I got no guarantee of that. 

Needless to say, the plans went no further.

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34 minutes ago, Beq Janus said:

I expressly raised a ticket to request permission to share a dedicated alt between two individuals for the purpose of maintaining a unified branding presence in a store.

I contacted the lab because the TOS expressly states "without prior permission". 

I requested that permission and was told I could not have it! So even if you want to do it, and you ask nicely, and have a fully legitimate reason for doing so, it still gets declined. They did say that it was my risk, or something to that effect, so when I asked if they could confirm that this would (assuming no abuse took place) not result in any of the accounts being banned. I got no guarantee of that. 

Needless to say, the plans went no further.

Well big thanks for posting that. Once again the rules are obviously not enforced.  They weren't enforced in Sansar either or perhaps that was a "grandfathered company" so it didn't count (very confusing).  


Personally I am good at following rules. But the rules need to be STATED and preferably ENFORCED or really what is the point of having the rules (insert sigh here). 


A minute or two later in a flash of memory (maybe).


OHHHHHH.   A bit of deja vu here.  I have a feeling you told this story on a thread I was on long ago?  WHEN did this ticket take place?  -- that would be a very important part of the "answer" because as stated  in the conversation above and pretty much agreed on  it WAS very much against the TOS a decade or so ago.   Not really sure on the exact date that the clause was taken out and when companies started making "store alts".   



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On 3/31/2021 at 2:50 AM, Chic Aeon said:

EDIT: You CAN transfer your account to someone when you die  but you have to go through channels to do that.  

Some of us (maybe 1 percent) actually DO read the TOS now and then LOL. 


I hope it, should have been transfer your account to someone before you die  😲 - or does SL have some secret transcendental functions? 😂

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23 minutes ago, Rachel1206 said:

I hope it, should have been transfer your account to someone before you die  😲 - or does SL have some secret transcendental functions? 😂

You cannot transfer BEFORE you die, you can only set things up to transfer AFTER your death as in a will.  I am guessing you really understood that. 

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15 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

You cannot transfer BEFORE you die, you can only set things up to transfer AFTER your death as in a will.  I am guessing you really understood that. 

Was joking. OK, got it,

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21 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

OHHHHHH.   A bit of deja vu here.  I have a feeling you told this story on a thread I was on long ago?  WHEN did this ticket take place?  -- that would be a very important part of the "answer" because as stated  in the conversation above and pretty much agreed on  it WAS very much against the TOS a decade or so ago.   Not really sure on the exact date that the clause was taken out and when companies started making "store alts".   

Hmm not me, though I don't doubt there are similar stories to mine, it is not an unusual request.

This was just a few months ago. Liz and I were thinking of a collaborative place where we might dust off old items we'd built and maybe new stuff we worked on. For now that is back on hold as we can't find a sensible way to make it work within the rules.

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On 3/30/2021 at 8:18 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

However, while the wiki page has all of that stuff about transferring or assigning your account, a bit lower where there are a few added comments, it says:
"Should you give another person access to your account, you do so at your own risk; that is, if you permit someone to access your account, you are responsible for what that individual does while using your account."

Which would imply that letting someone else use your account is not actually against the rules.

I'm not a lawyer but if I try to think like one, I'd read that to mean that not only is it against the rules, but anybody doing it assumes all liability for anything that might happen as a result.

As an imaginary lawyer, though, I'd suppose the whole reason for the rule is to make sure the Lab could never be held liable for anything going wrong. (And I'd also bet an assistant copied the whole section as boilerplate.)

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Apparently it "is" against the rules "if you ask" . See Beq's post above. But like so very many "SL rules" it falls into the not  policed bin.  Personally I don't see much use for rules if a significant percentage of the population breaks them daily and nothing is ever done.   


STILL a very bad idea to share your account however you read the "legalities".  Even though you could argue that it isn't stated in any clear manner in the TOS or connected polices, "their platform - their power".  You account is certainly safer to err on the side of caution.  

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Logging into to someone else's account, with their full approval (written if necessary) to provide temporary help that would be possible in NO OTHER WAY, should be allowed.  This is none of SL's business.  If there is an agreement between the parties, then it does not break any reasonable civil or criminal laws, and rigid "rules" that are not enforceable or reasonable must be ignored or challenged.. I can think of so many examples where residents would not be able to log in to SL at all, if there was no one to help them.  But what does SL care about the sick, the disabled, the aged, the confused, their parents, their grandparents, anyone but themselves?

Fortunately helping a trusted friend or partner is commonplace every day in SL, despite the "company rules".  



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1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

 This is none of SL's business.

oh yes it is .. but if this is your real opinion you also give others access to your bank account?... social security?  ... because it's from the same level.
There is a financial system tied to SL, and they have to keep rules about that.

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3 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

oh yes it is .. but if this is your real opinion you also give others access to your bank account?... social security?  ... because it's from the same level.
There is a financial system tied to SL, and they have to keep rules about that.

I think it goes beyond just that. Not allowing account sharing is the norm across any industry.

But even in just LL's domain, you're not allowed to sell or "give away" your account. Allowing account sharing would open a lot of loopholes for that, making it much harder to prove whether accounts are being sold or "borrowed" or "collaborated."

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32 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

I think it goes beyond just that. Not allowing account sharing is the norm across any industry.

Joint accounts, rights of survivor, etc. are common in RL.  These are private accounts, and SL should have a legal procedure to allow access to another account IF both parties agree.  Account sharing is the norm among married couples, partners, trusted friends etc.  This is not about giving a stranger your account information, bank info or soc security number, and is not even a relative argument. 

Yes, if your partner dies in RL, and there was a RL legal agreement before that allowed you access to their possessions such as a Will, then SL must obey civil law.  But if your partner or family member gave you their password in SL so you could clean matters up in their account, then SL says that is illegal.  You should not have to die to give access to a partner's account. 

In any case it's a moot point - since sharing an account for a business or personal reason is not unusual in SL.  When a rule is too rigid with no exceptions, then "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is the norm, which is what the TOS comments later admit.

My partner often forgets her own password, and manages to lose it in Chrome too.  When she trys to get it sent again by asking SL support, they ask her things she cannot remember, so they treat her like a criminal, and she gives up.  So she asks me to send her her password - 100 times easier than losing her account.  

I guess the TOS would call that criminal.  Ignore bad rules!  The world is full of them




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On 4/2/2021 at 9:19 AM, Jaylinbridges said:

My partner often forgets her own password, and manages to lose it in Chrome too.  When she trys to get it sent again by asking SL support, they ask her things she cannot remember, so they treat her like a criminal, and she gives up.  So she asks me to send her her password - 100 times easier than losing her account.  

I know a little about the history of password use, and people still say "Don't write your password down!" without realising the context that come from.

It was advice for the sort of office worker who would write their password on a post-it note and stick it to their monitor. No security at all.

I have a notebook which I keep in a safe place. The computer-based password managers have some use, but how safe are they? This avoids the computer-world risks. And it may be a worthwhile solution in the example you give. Perhaps the key point is who is in control. It's not a third-party solution.

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