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Everything posted by ProKarola

  1. Wola thank you so much β™₯️😘😘
  2. Yes. I want do cute skin. Like Asian girl or someting
  3. Hello. Can send me shop where i can buy skins for Genus head gift 001? I want have nice skin and i dont know where i can get skins for it.
  4. Hello. Last time i did write here that did banned me in voodoo HUD but i did fix and been all ok. But today i did open game and show me that i'm Disabled. And how i can fix IT? I did do nothing i did only open game and show me IT.
  5. I understand. Ok. Hahaha I will not risk it because it is a waste of my and my friend's account
  6. Hello. Can i use two accounts on one pc in same time but another Vieverals? My friend want that i will use his account to lindes at this time when he cant use pc. And i can use two accounts at another vievers on pc. Dont will block my game?
  7. Hello. Last time been promo Catwa HD PRO Queen. And i got this head. But idk how use it πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. I did want do skin with new head and i did add it. But skin on head dont want work. It is skin what Been with head. But my head is still white and dont have skin. How can i work it? Help me please πŸ₯ΊπŸ™ and how i can use base under hair ? Im sorry for my English but i'm from another country
  8. I understand. But did block all my voodoo HUD. And i cant go another place
  9. Oh. Where i can got this group? How it have name group?
  10. Hello. I need help. Im here new and i did find game voodoo HUD. I did Play and get me out from room and im voodoo HUD write" you're banned".How i can fix IT? 😭😭😭 Help me please
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