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Ejected from Beachwood dance area


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I was Ejected from Beachwood because of The way My avatar looked. The dj who Ejected me said I must change My avatar or be banned. My avatar looks a bit like a spider and according to him I was pushing people around. I didn't even talk to anyone I just kept My self to My self. I feel like I can't be My self in SL if people can discriminate against The way u look and make u feel small. That's how I felt after this event. Im not a troublemaker just someone who wants to have a good time.

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Hi, first of all you must understand that people buy land in SL and do what they want on their land, as long as they don't break the TOS. The land owners can eject anyone, if they decide thay want to eject and ban all with blue eyes who refuse to change to brown eyes, they can. They pay a lot of money to LL for their land, why should they not set their own rules?

It is like in RL, if you have a nice formal party and a stranger in dirty jeans insist of coming in, they can refuse to have him there. Places in SL is private property. If the club has a dress code, they can eject all who don't follow that code. Here it was obviously human avatars only.

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When I first came to Second Life, I was ejected from a role playing sim for having a nonhuman avatar, but all I had done was use normal avatar tools to make my avatar as small as possible and as dark as possible.

Was it fair?


It was fair because somone was paying to administer the land to his own preferences, no matter how clumsily articulated.


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When you visit a sim, you visit someone elses home, in a way you're not just walking into their house but into their brain, their dream, their fantasy.
Everything you see, they build, they paid for, they work hard for to maintain.

So behave like a guest and follow their rules or accept them ejecting you if you don'.


BUT, civilised people should always be polite, no excuse for rudeness.

So whoever does the ejecting, better do it in a nice way.


Also, I was thinking, perhaps you were pushing people around because of the size of your avatar or by bumping into them, so not verbally.

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A lot of people have real problems with spiders and are genuinely afraid of them, even in virtual terms. I`m not greatly surprised that you got kicked out. You were lucky they didnt splat you with a giant newspaper or somesuch.


Spiders, much as some people like them, are high on the list of freak out animals.

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

Thats between the Owner/DJ and you.

No need to post personal problems in the forums.


If OP feels better by venting then let him//her. These are not your forums, or mine or his/hers, if LL decided they don't want this thread they will delete it. Otherwise no need to push a resident away from the forums. If you don't like the thread don't read it, simple. 



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I have a feeling that Anthony is not airing his problem but rather seeking for a justification. Being an Anime, I am often being ridiculed by human avatars for not wanting to be 'normal'. I see no difference between him telling us his issue than a slave asking if it is alright to cheat on her friend's master. .

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Jo Yardley wrote:

When you visit a sim, you visit someone elses home, in a way you're not just walking into their house but into their brain, their dream, their fantasy.

Everything you see, they build, they paid for, they work hard for to maintain.

So behave like a guest and follow their rules or accept them ejecting you if you don'.


BUT, civilised people should always be polite, no excuse for rudeness.

So whoever does the ejecting, better do it in a nice way.


Also, I was thinking, perhaps you were pushing people around because of the size of your avatar or by bumping into them, so not verbally.

Is it a reply for my post or you just confused wanting to reply to Anthony?

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Anthony, I understand when you wish to express 'Your world. Your imagination.'  And, yes, you are completely free to do that.  Free to do that, yes, until you run into someone else's 'rules' and, as in RL, there are standards of behavior one must comply with in some places.  Just like going to dinner at a nice restaurant implies that you dress for the occasion.

I DJ, too, and I recall once when an avatar came in looking like the giant pitcher of 'kool-aid'.  He was large and could not help but collide into others.  He was asked politely to change and refused so we had no recourse but to eject him.

As you experience more of SL and perhaps become a land- or business owner yourself, you may come to understand these things.


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Hi thanks for all the replies. Ive only been a member of SL for a week. I now know more about the rules I didnt before. I wasnt having a go at anyone all I was looking for was an explanation and justification for the action. I didnt understand that there were rules like this. In future I will obey the rules. 

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Don't worry about it.
When you're new to SL you have lots and lots of questions, as you should.

I run a 1920s Berlin historical roleplay sim, we demand people to follow our 1920s Dresscode.
There are lots of warnings, notecards and messages at the entrance at the sim telling people our rules, but we still get people walking in who either don't get them, ignore them or just like to break rules.

And they are not all new to SL, people who have been in SL for ages still get ejected sometimes, often not sure why.

It is part of the SL experience.

The only thing to be upset about if is the person ejecting you is rude, mean, unreasonable or if it is totally unclear why you're ejected or banned.

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i go to clubs populated with adult looking avatars, people turning up as animals or other things just break the reality for me.

in fact i think anyone who dresses non adult and goes to adult clubs tends to be a immature and a show off.

ps (by adult i dont mean sex clubs).

i'm sure there are clubs for spider like avatars, personally i use a shoe...


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Anthony19822011 wrote:

 Hi thanks for all the replies. Ive only been a member of SL for a week. I now know more about the rules I didnt before. I wasnt having a go at anyone all I was looking for was an explanation and justification for the action. I didnt understand that there were rules like this. In future I will obey the rules. 

Belated welcome to Second Life, Anthony!

AS with everyone else (I think) the first few months of SL is about experimenting with yourself and fitting yourself into the crowd. Be a spider if you want and take all the good and bad experiences you get as a lesson in your SL life. Understand that there are people with strong opinions about everything and you wonder why they haven't collapsed and died with heart attack with all the stress they put unto themselves.

In Second Life you can name yourself a human name and be a furry/spider or you can take your name from an animal but have human avatar that behaves like an animal...the possibilities are endless.  

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Anthony this happens everyday in second life, even myself I get sometimes a warning in a club or event because I wear a tail, ears and have cat eyes (I just tell them to FO ..LOLOL!!!) ... anyhow years ago people were banned because they looked tooooo human :matte-motes-dead: *meows*



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Hey there Anthony.

There are all sorts in SL.  Some people are more relaxed than others.  Some groups like to have dress codes and make "exclusive" places and eject anyone that does not "fit in" to whatever they hold as their standard.  The owner of the parcel, or their representatives, can pretty much eject anyone they want from their parcel or sim for any reason or even no reason at all.  

There are other places that welcome all sorts and even value the more unusual avatars.  I've played nonhuman avatars for a long time.  For the most part, I don't run into any problems at all.  If I come across a place where my avie is not welcome, I move on to the next spot and never look back.  Just don't worry about the more "uptight" places.  They are living out their fantasy and I suspect part of that fantasy is being part of the "in crowd" and "exclusive" and all that nonsense.  Whatever floats their boats.  Let them live out their SL as they see fit.  There are plenty of places where you can do the same no matter what you want your avatar to be.

You said elsewhere in this thread that you are new and that you were accused of pushing people around.  Movement in SL can be tricky, especially in crowded venues.  It can be difficult, even for an experienced resident, to navigage a crowded event without bumping into someone.  Add a little lag and it is quite possible that you bumped into a few people without even realizing it.  Some follks are really touchy about this.  I recommend practicing moving around.  Also, keep an eye on the mini-map.  It can take a few seconds for everyone to "appear" on your viewer.  If you TP into a venue and immediately start moving, it is quite possible to ram into as many as a dozen people before you even realize that they are there. (I've done this)

It is not always possible to know beforehand whether or not a "non-standard" avatar will be welcome as you explore.  You will soon find some nice spots where you can find some like-minded folks to hang out with.  Just relax and have fun.  Some people will be jerks, but they are the minority here.  Leave them to their intolerance.  You probably don't want to be around "their kind" anyway.

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if I see this rule in any sl code of conduct "No Furries or fancy avatars, keep it human and realistic please" I have to laugh hard, but ok it is second life I should understand that second life is run by real people and not by cats!

so lets do the same exercise in real life, I just warned my cat a few times that "No Furries or fancy avatars are allowed in real life, just keep it human and extreme realistic please" or he will get banned .....to CAT PARADISE, as usual he didn't listened ......(but hey he got warned ten times) :matte-motes-evil: *meows*

49 Hammer vs. Cat.jpg

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