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Unable to List Recent Products in my Marketplace Store


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As the title says, for some reason I'm unable to list any of my RECENT products on the marketplace. I have other items listed and have been able to last month, but suddenly come December I'm unable to. Everything is filled out properly and I've tries from multiple ways. It pops up a message saying "Sorry to keep you waiting! We'll be right back! We've been notified of the issue and will take a look at it shortly."

I talked to a few of my friends and they said that the Marketplace was down for maintenance a few days ago but they are able to List their products fine. I've also tried looking around to see if it has been stated anywhere that the marketplace will be doing maintenance still and I can't. Is anyone else dealing with this or is there something I'm missing here?


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I'm getting the same problem, spoke to 2 friends of mine and they are getting it too, it's not just you :(


Also on every one of my listings old and new I have this -  SL folder name:The folder name failed to load. Refresh the page to try again.

it still lets me list the item but not sure why that error is constantly there, it's been like that for about a week. They do MP maintenance but it's not fixing the issues, just causing more.

Edited by Rhiana Innis
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12 minutes ago, Rhiana Innis said:

I'm getting the same problem, spoke to 2 friends of mine and they are getting it too, it's not just you :(


Also on every one of my listings old and new I have this -  SL folder name:The folder name failed to load. Refresh the page to try again.

it still lets me list the item but not sure why that error is constantly there, it's been like that for about a week. They do MP maintenance but it's not fixing the issues, just causing more.

Thats so weird! I'm not getting that error at all! 😮

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I have been down way over 24 hours now with the same message.  last talked to Kristin Linden Account Specialist Linden Lab 5 hours ago when I filled a ticket. I deleted the listing, and started over tonight,  but got the same message you did when I clicked update from the edit window. I guess its to late for them to respond now but hopefully they will figure out what's going on by morning.

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4 hours ago, Rhiana Innis said:

I'm getting the same problem, spoke to 2 friends of mine and they are getting it too, it's not just you :(


Also on every one of my listings old and new I have this -  SL folder name:The folder name failed to load. Refresh the page to try again.

it still lets me list the item but not sure why that error is constantly there, it's been like that for about a week. They do MP maintenance but it's not fixing the issues, just causing more.

I just started getting that message “folder name failed to load” yesterday 😣

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Hello, I too am having the same error.  Although I have been able to list a few things, the error persists and others cannot list at all.  I opened a support ticket, but all they said was they escalated to a supervisor.  There's been nothing else since.  I encourage all to open a support ticket if you haven't done so already.  The more people open a ticket, the more they will notice it - hopefully that will help.  See thread:  https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/464581-marketplace-upload-folder-not-showing-on-edit-page-next-to-sl-folder-name/


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There appear to be a few MP issues that are showing that error message. 

I added a bunch of items to my cart, but when I went to check out one of them changed to show message "This item is no longer available and has been removed from your cart".  However, it apparently is only partially removed, as when I try to check out I now get the message shown above ('Sorry to keep you waiting... blah-blah-blah").  I've removed every item from my cart and logged out & back in, but the problem item still shows in my cart (without a 'remove' option but with the 'unavailable' message) and I still cannot check out after adding any valid item.

I'm guessing that something is losing its marbles along the path while trying to do various things in the MP, likely all due to the cloud related issues they had previously found.

I've opened a support ticket but who knows how long it will take them to fix it.  In the mean time, I cannot shop the MP with this account.  While I can use an alt to gift items to myself, that is not the desired approach for multiple reasons: 
  1) I cannot gift L$0 cost demos from an alt
  2) I then have to log on with the alt if I ever need a redelivery - and keep track of which products the alt gave me versus the ones I bought myself.




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Hello, this the answer from my support ticket...maybe it help someone
Hello, freddymalhouny Resident
Thank you for the additional information.
The Engineers have found that Product Listings that have non ASCII characters in them are causing the issue. 
If you remove any non ASCII characters from all languages tabs on the listing, you should be able to set the listing to Active without the So Sorry error message being generated. 
The listing should still be set to Active even if the system generates the error message though. 
You can verify this by viewing the Product Listing Sate on the Manage Listings entry for the item on the Marketplace web site. 
Kind Regards,
Dakota Linden
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1 hour ago, freddymalhouny said:
Hello, this the answer from my support ticket...maybe it help someone
Hello, freddymalhouny Resident
Thank you for the additional information.
The Engineers have found that Product Listings that have non ASCII characters in them are causing the issue. 
If you remove any non ASCII characters from all languages tabs on the listing, you should be able to set the listing to Active without the So Sorry error message being generated. 
The listing should still be set to Active even if the system generates the error message though. 
You can verify this by viewing the Product Listing Sate on the Manage Listings entry for the item on the Marketplace web site. 
Kind Regards,
Dakota Linden

what are "non ASCII characters"????

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53 minutes ago, LapisLazuliz said:

what are "non ASCII characters"????

ASCII characters have a numerical value in the range 0 and 127. Extended-ASCII characters are in the range 128-255

ASCII in common usage typically means standard english letters, numerals and punctuation symbols.  A table is here:  https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_html_ascii.asp


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Hello, all.   I asked for an update on my ticket.  This was their reply:  

"We do not yet have an update from the Engineers regarding the issue with the SL Folder Name failing to load. 

As soon as we have an update from them we will update this support ticket. "
I guess we wait.  My issue is NOT related to non-ascii characters.
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I was able to place my product to MP by just clicking in the listing item status from inactive to active, click update, and don't worry about the  "So Sorry to keep you waiting" message. I checked in MP and my product was listed, hope that helps all that are having the same issue:)

Edited by HRHGata Benelli
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/3/2020 at 5:32 PM, freddymalhouny said:
Hello, this the answer from my support ticket...maybe it help someone
Hello, freddymalhouny Resident
Thank you for the additional information.
The Engineers have found that Product Listings that have non ASCII characters in them are causing the issue. 
If you remove any non ASCII characters from all languages tabs on the listing, you should be able to set the listing to Active without the So Sorry error message being generated. 
The listing should still be set to Active even if the system generates the error message though. 
You can verify this by viewing the Product Listing Sate on the Manage Listings entry for the item on the Marketplace web site. 
Kind Regards,
Dakota Linden

I have removed all text from a listing and I still get the same error message.

I have no idea what this means:  "You can verify this by viewing the Product Listing Sate on the Manage Listings entry for the item on the Marketplace web site." 

What am I supposed to look at?   I just type normally using an Apple keyboard, I am not entering any non-ASCII that I would have any way to identify.   

I reported this ages ago. #1629120

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