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  1. A friend of mine has the same problem with Nuko AO and the creator has not responded. Are you sure this is a creator issue? It was working fine, according to my friend, just a day or so ago, and suddenly is not. Wouldn't that be a server issue that has broken something that previously worked fine?
  2. Thank you, Abnor. I honestly had no idea how it all worked. Great info. Keep up all the awesome work. And... Merry Christmas
  3. I hope this is the right place to suggest this. It would be cool to have a space theme. Like no land at all. Just space (sky) with starfield and space homes. A view of the milky way, the moon, and earth below would be so cool. Homes at different levels (heights) - round with windows all around and central rooms for privacy. Anyway, that's my suggestion.
  4. I had the exact same issue. It took many tries to get things to list. I still haven't had a response on the ticket I opened.
  5. Hello, all. I asked for an update on my ticket. This was their reply: "We do not yet have an update from the Engineers regarding the issue with the SL Folder Name failing to load. As soon as we have an update from them we will update this support ticket. " I guess we wait. My issue is NOT related to non-ascii characters.
  6. Hello, all. I asked for an update on my ticket. This was their reply: "We do not yet have an update from the Engineers regarding the issue with the SL Folder Name failing to load. As soon as we have an update from them we will update this support ticket. " I guess we wait.
  7. I've found another forum topic on this issue and a related: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/465002-unable-to-list-recent-products-in-my-marketplace-store/
  8. Hello, I too am having the same error. Although I have been able to list a few things, the error persists and others cannot list at all. I opened a support ticket, but all they said was they escalated to a supervisor. There's been nothing else since. I encourage all to open a support ticket if you haven't done so already. The more people open a ticket, the more they will notice it - hopefully that will help. See thread: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/464581-marketplace-upload-folder-not-showing-on-edit-page-next-to-sl-folder-name/
  9. Thank you, Hope. The link you provided is for this thread. I'll search the forum to see if I can find any other threads for this issue and link them here. If you spot any other threads, please let us know!
  10. Hi, tasae. It seems there are quite a few having the same issue. Mine seems to have improved and I was able to list even though I have that same error. If you haven't already done so, please open a support ticket and make note of this thread. I also suggest following this topic so you can receive updates when someone posts. Best of luck, and please let us know if you get any replies. So far, I have not heard back from my ticket after they said it would be escalated. Luhkey.
  11. Although I was able to finally upload my items, the error still appeared on the screen. It's as though the system is now ignoring the error and letting my items list. Are you able to list the item?
  12. Hello, everyone. I've been able to upload gacha items to the market successfully without going through all the stuff I mentioned in my last post. They must have done something to resolve this, although I've not heard anything on it as yet. Please feel free to report your own progress here if you wish.
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