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Just now, Seicher Rae said:
22 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Frequently you announce those you've blocked, sometimes implicating me.  You lie...   LOL

No, you stupid c***, I do not lie. I have also frequently announced that the blocking is fallible. Often when I refresh a page, it will show someone who I have blocked. If I refresh again, it goes away. I can also selectively unblock a post. I can see if someone I follow quotes you. All sorts of ways I can see your words, as you and anyone knows.You ARE on my block list and were the FIRST one there. I think you are a troll, a moron, and have zero of interest to say. My not reading 99% of your words have not affected my reading continuity of this forum. You are irrelevant and yet one of the great, gaping, puss-filled sores of this place. I did happen to see that you spoke directly to me, and were wrong, about something that was very hurtful to me. So again

Calm down, dear.  I don't want you to have one of your anger fits.

BTW...saying I am one of the great, gaping, puss-filled sores of this place is a bit ad hominem...



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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The Bellisserria covenant has been update to say:

Activities and/or displaying items that could be construed by Linden Lab as political campaigning is not permitted in Bellisseria.

So no political signs at your Bellisseria home.

Hmmm...I've had signs up on both my homes for a long time..

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Well I hate to leave this warm and lovely place, but I found a podcast I must drift off to sleep listening to on NPR, about authoritarianism and why the GOP supports it:


* Always keep ahold of a sodden hanky lest anger control your life...

Edited by Luna Bliss
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It ain't ad hominem if it is true, and everything I said was true. You spouting your usual know-nothing BS and being told "you are wrong and you do not know what you are talking about" is not a debate. And you are so far off topic, as usual, and bring up a personal conflict that has no place on the forum, and you are making this into a personal squabble, also which has no place.

You aren't worth my time or energy, and it is quite obvious you are specifically trolling me to get a rise, because you literally get off on causing that sort of thing, getting threads closed, whatever.



talk to the hand.gif

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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Seriously Drake, the world is more connected than you understand, economically especially.  I'm not going to bother to explain it to you. Do your own effing homework.

I have done my homework. Hence why I want you to show how you think it is otherwise.

Lets take the GFC in 2008 it didn't even make Australia's economy bat an eyelid. What did make Australia fall into recession was a simple virus. 29 years of recession free, no affect at all from any American influence (dot com crash, 9/11, GFC, even the 2020 covid crash) it was a lockdown to control a pandemic that caused a recession.

Many American's think like you do, that America has all this influence when if fact they don't. The same way many American's still believe that they won WW2 for the world when this wasn't the case at all. They helped but were not the sole reason for winning.

5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

All of them hope to high hell he gets voted out, because, yes... what the USA does can and does affect the world. Trade policies, political connections, who we help, who we don't, yada. To say otherwise is just ... myopic and wrong.

Of course politics could affect the world. I don't deny that, however an election to vote a President in wont change the world one iota as Luna claims. Countries have their own political connections independent of America as well as trade policies. For example the trade dispute between America and China didn't affect any other country except those two. In fact it helped some countries in being able to offer products to both countries for better prices.

Who you help also doesn't really matter at a presidential election point of view. Your president still has obligations to get the senate to approve any such acts on other countries, both helping or not helping. That is why the senate is there, checks and balances. What would concern the rest of the world more would be if your senate becomes unstable not a presidential election. 

Do I think trump should go, yes. Do I think Biden is better, No. When it all comes down to it, the last president that actually affected the world was 20 years ago.

As far as Trump goes, none of his actions have had an affect on the world as a whole to date. He has shown not to be war hungry and has relatively only affected America.

5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Are we irrelevant? Not yet. November could very well spell how much closer we get to being so.

America's influence has waned dramatically over the years as the rest of the world has gotten tired of is war hungry nature and constant poking at bears that should just be left alone.

However, a lot more annoyance has come from not politics but your business practices. Not paying taxes to countries, killing of businesses that would have survived or such things as copyright etc being stolen etc.

If anything your business practices have far more affect on the world than any President.

I would even go as far to say that China has more of an impact on the world right now than any single country.

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43 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Is there discussion in Canada what just might spread north should the US devolve into utter chaos? Are there fears?

Yes, there have been some fairly well-publicized discussions at the federal and provincial levels here about the possible implications of various scenarios that might result from the election. What was concluded has not, of course, been made public.

Other nations, particularly in the EU, have also been, I gather, preparing for different outcomes. It would be insane not to have contingency plans, but more so for Canadians because we are so intimately tied to the US economically, culturally, and socially.

To quote the father of the current PM in a 1968 speech to the Washington Press Club, "Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."

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9 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

For example the trade dispute between America and China didn't affect any other country except those two. In fact it helped some countries in being able to offer products to both countries for better prices.

I disagree with most of what you said, and I refuse to be lumped in with the troll you also quoted. If you don't think who sits in our POTUS's chair matters to things like diplomacy, detente, trade, yada, well... nothing I can say will change your mind. Please note what I quoted from you above. First you state that it has NO affect, and then you say it HELPED SOME COUNTRIES. You can't have both.

Who is POTUS matters internationally. How much and in what way varies from country to country and topic to topic, but to simply dismiss it as irrelevant is just... incorrect.

ETA: And this is also veering off OP topic.

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31 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Gonna be peaceful without you, Seicher.  Byby.


I mean, I get why people do this. I do. But at some point they as individuals and society collectively do actually need to do the hard work of either talking to one another or surrendering and holding their peace. I have been consistently disturbed by this entire solution to dealing with disagreement. I have yet to see it resolve a single thing in the long run, but it does dissociate the world, sometimes with incredibly harmful results. So far I haven't seen more than someone double-posting a new music video I had just shared because, I assume, they had ignored me, and the fact we posted that video means we're probably allies, but someone fed them this poison meme that they should ignore to solve any discomfort they may feel within, and now they're isolating themselves from potential friends and allies. Who thought this brilliant darkness up? Is this how the Tower of Babel fell, too? I can contemplate that as this person commits faux pas and don't even know it because of their inability to deal with realpolitik. There's some kind of symmetry there, but to be honest, I don't think it's worth the risk to ever ignore someone. Just tell them why they're wrong and how with no further intent than to inform them of how they've failed to consider the pluralistic aspects of our world.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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39 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I have a lot of Canadian and European friends, and recently even was close to someone from Egypt. All of them hate Trump, all of them are well versed in our politics (more so that our own citizens are, and waaaaaaaay more than Americans are about any politics not their own). All of them hope to high hell he gets voted out, because, yes... what the USA does can and does affect the world. Trade policies, political connections, who we help, who we don't, yada. To say otherwise is just ... myopic and wrong.

Yes. Even ignoring the impact of the US economy on the rest of the world, there is the impact of Trump's isolationism, and the number of international agreements that he has either torn up or seriously damaged.


The current administration "America First" policy has left an enormous power vacuum in the world. If the US doesn't step back in, they're going to find China occupying that leadership role. And that would be good for no one -- except the Chinese.

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I'm so sorry if you are offended by the message to vote for those of us in the US. LL is a US company and it's employees could be greatly affected by the outcome of the coming election. They aren't saying whom to vote for, just encouraging people to exercise one of their rights and some would argue duties. If you are that offended, try some Butthurt Ointment and see if that helps.

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5 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

I mean, I get why people do this. But at some point they as individuals and society collectively do actually need to do the hard work of either talking to one another. I have been consistently disturbed by this entire solution to dealing with disagreement. I have yet to see it resolve a single thing in the long run, but it does dissociate the world, sometimes with incredibly harmful results. So far I haven't seen more than someone double-posting a new music video I had just shared because, I assume, they had ignored me. And now they're committing faux pas and don't even know it because of their inability to deal with realpolitik, so there's some kind of symmetry there, but tbh, I don't think it's worth the risk to ever ignore someone. Just tell them why they're wrong and how with no further intent than to inform them of how they've failed to consider the pluralistic aspects of their world.

/me blinks

No. Really. It is NOT necessary to hear the blather of every single person, especially in the Forum. Last I saw, I'm not sitting in the UN or something here. And guess what, sometimes the smarter, more peaceful, kindest thing IS to disengage. Not everyone is playing with a full deck, not everyone has pure motives. Trolls exist.

It is hardly a faux pas to double post a music video. Yeesh, and it has nothing to do with realpolitik. That is a rather exaggerated view of things.

The "risk" to ignore someone? What risk? What do I have to risk by ignoring the blatherings of someone who is irrelevant to me, is a troll, is wrong, is... ? What? I'm going to miss a word of wisdom? I'll live with that knowledge.

So, tell them they are wrong?

You are wrong.

It is up to the individual to use, or not use, the tools of this forum as they see fit. Doing so is not some sort of moral failure or moral superlative.

Failing to see the pluralistic aspects of their world? LoL... and guess what? Blocking someone IS recognizing an option, and if you are as all encompassing as you seem to want to project yourself to be, you can't have it both ways.


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5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

It is hardly a faux pas to double post a music video. Yeesh, and it has nothing to do with realpolitik. That is a rather exaggerated view of things


Do it on one of my threads and I'm going to AR you, not ignore you. So please don't try that.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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14 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Do it on one of my threads and I'm going to AR you, not ignore you.

WTF are you on about?

Do what on one of your threads? Post a video that's already been posted? Under what guideline are you going to do that AR?

News flash: People rarely go back to see what has been posted in a music thread. I've had songs reposted several times after I have done that, and I *know* the people doing that do NOT have *me* on mute. I suspect that very few people really look all that carefully at music threads, the humor thread (several repeats there) etc.

I'm thinking: Get over yourself.

To my knowledge, these last few posts are the first in which I've ever engaged you. /me nods head... Yeah, that was a good call on my part, to not doing it before.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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13 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

WTF are you on about?

Do what on one of your threads? Post a video that's already been posted? Under what guideline are you going to do that AR?

News flash: People rarely go back to see what has been posted in a music thread. I've had songs reposted several times after I have done that, and I *know* the people doing that do NOT have *me* on mute. I suspect that very few people really look all that carefully at music thread, the humor thread (several repeats there) etc.

I'm thinking: Get over yourself.

WTF are you on about?

Do what on something you've poured a great deal of energy and care into. It becomes a space like a home, doesn't it? And so if someone strolls in and posts the exact same video a post or two below where you posted it, it's funny because it shows they're oblivious to what's going on in the thread, but if it's a result of an ignore, it takes on a willful aspect. They made a decision and now that decision is creating negative consequence for you and the people around you and none for them, and what can you say to them? Literally nothing. They can just come through and stomp on you and everything you are doing and it's game over. And it's like, obviously that's a huge zero-day social exploit inherent to the scenario I just described. And nobody realizes that leaving a huge problem in a community filled with people who are both brilliant and utterly compassionless, someone's going to 'gamify' this in all sorts of ways to create harm that sails miles above the pay grade of any moderator brought to bear on someone's distress.

I'm just saying, it seems like one of those potentially unintended consequences worth contemplating further. It really should be an option of extremity and last resort for the sake of everyone in the long run.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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2 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I disagree with most of what you said, and I refuse to be lumped in with the troll you also quoted. If you don't think who sits in our POTUS's chair matters to things like diplomacy, detente, trade, yada, well... nothing I can say will change your mind. Please note what I quoted from you above. First you state that it has NO affect, and then you say it HELPED SOME COUNTRIES. You can't have both.

I am not lumping you with Luna. She has whacked ideas and doesn't understand anything about the world as a whole.

Firstly as I mentioned many of any Presidents policies etc have to go through your senate for approval. This is irrefutable. Checks and Balances. Also whilst any President can initiate an executive order, then next president can remove it, especially if it us unfavourable. Any decision to leave 'x' policy or treaty can easily be reversed by the next president.

Secondly, when Luna was talking about the President affecting the world I take that as negatively, its all she seems to think about. Influencing would in my books be akin to President Bush, completely upsetting the balance of power in the middle east whereby numerous new terrorist organisations grew out of it as well as forcing many countries in that region to go into civil war.

Whilst yes the trade war did influence insofar as other countries benefited from it, suggesting that the world needs to be concerned about who is your head of state and giving him higher preference is just silly. All heads of state have influence equally. Take Brexit, it has benefited some countries and not benefited others. Should we therefore be concerned if Boris gets into power next term? I'm sure brits would love to think it does but it doesn't.

Same applies to Putin, he is arguably the competitor to America's President however when he seized power this year for another 16 odd years no one cared. Despite the fact his arsenal of weapons can obliterate the world 100's of times over.

Look at the near trade war between Australia and China, it resulted in the same outcome as trumps trade war whereby other countries are benefitting from it and Australia isn't.

There are many influences politically by all heads of state and governments, thinking the world needs to be concerned who is president of one country over another is just silly especially given they are subject to other laws limiting what they can and cant do and that they are in for a specific term whereby after the next can just reimplement thins taken away.

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3 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

WTF are you on about?

Do what on something you've poured a great deal of energy and care into. It becomes a space like a home, doesn't it? And so if someone strolls in and posts the exact same video a post or two below where you posted it, it's funny because it shows they're oblivious to what's going on in the thread, but if it's a result of an ignore, it takes on a willful aspect. They made a decision and now that decision is creation negative consequence for you and none for them, and what can you to them? Literally nothing. They can just come through and stomp on you and everything your doing and it's game over. And it's like, obviously that's a huge zero-day social exploit inherent to the scenario I just described. And nobody realizes that leaving a huge problem in a community filled with people who are both brilliant and utterly compassionless, someone's going to 'gamify' this in all sorts of ways to create harm that sails miles above the pay grade of any moderator brought to bear on someone's distress.

I'm just saying, it seems like one of those potentially unintended consequences worth contemplating further. It really should be an option of extremity and last resort for the sake of everyone in the long run.


Just... Wow.

And this is about someone posting a Youtube, music video that is a duplicate of one that is already posted, in one subforum of a SL forum?

Poured energy and care into posting a music video? Like home? Creating negative consequences?




I can't even...




I honestly think I just got hit with TMI.




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1 minute ago, Seicher Rae said:


Just... Wow.

And this is about someone posting a Youtube, music video that is a duplicate of one that is already posted, in one subforum of a SL forum?

Poured energy and care into posting a music video? Like home? Creating negative consequences?

LoL. WUT? Wow. I can't even... Seriously? Seriously!?! Wow. I honestly think I just got hit with TMI.

And that's the thing. Nobody credible says that everyone is going to experience the world like that, obviously it isn't so, as we see. But you have to appreciate that people's experiences are different than your own and if something being done creates harm for even a small class of those people, and your first instinct is to mock them, isn't that troublesome for the long-term progress in a civilization, be it virtual or material.

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