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New and Overwhelmed


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Hi there!

So I just started today and I've been doing some browsing on blogs to find out what I need to know.  One question I do have is if spending actual money will really make second life a lot more fun or whatever.  I mean, this is a free service, right?  Does buying the Linden Dollars really make that much of a difference??


Thank you so much!!

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Since you have doubts about it, I would answer you that there is no hurry or need to spend money,

Most activities you can do in SL are for free, there are a few that requiere smaller investments, like equipment to get involved in certain roleplays.

You can modify your avi, and get free clothes, skin, hair, clothes, etc., just for free.

I would think that spending money is something you do when you reach certain point, that you feel like it is an expense you are willing to pay like the tickets for a movie. For instance, at the point when you found a certain skin or a particular avatar, that's not being given away for free, but it is something you would feel it represents you, and would say more about yourself than your present look.

There might be a point, you feel like you need a place for yourself, and you feel like renting land or a house, but that might be more than buying tickets, because you'll have to pay recurrent fees to support it.

But all those decitions can wait, until you feel you need those things. And might be in years from now. There is people that never bought lindens, and been here for years. There is people that worked to make lindens before ever buying. And there is people that the first thing they did after rezzing was buying L$. It's a very personal choice, and if you have doubts, don't do it.

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thank yo so much for getting back to me! that is definitely reassuring.  also, do you know of somewhere i can go that isn't the tutorial place that won't kick me out when i teleport there....somewhere that lots of newbies go to?

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Hello and welcome to Second Life. At first you must to log in Advanced Mode of Viewer to be albe to teleport in more places. If you are in Basic Mode you can teleport to a variety of preset destinations. You can visit many places using the Destination Guide . For the moment i don't suggest to buy lindens. Spend some days to learn better Second Life. It is no just a game. It is a whole virtual 3D world where you will live a Second Life. After sure you can buy lindens if you consider that is necessary or to start to work and earn lindens. For everything else you need, feel free to ask. Have fun!

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I'd like to offer a different perspective.  There is no fee required to join Second Life but it's far from free!

Second Life is created by us, the residents.  Linden Labs provides the platform (they sell "land") upon which we create the world.  We, the residents, pay for that land and usually allow public access.  So, while you don't pay a fee to Linden Labs to join, the land you visit, the places you go are all paid for by others just like you.  Everything you wear, touch, sit on, interact with, see, hear, is created by us.  Creation of objects often has a cost in the form of uploads of animation data, textures or sounds.

A full region costs someone up to $295 US a month and they offer it to residents to enjoy be it a region to explore, a region that hosts a ballroom to dance at, a club, a combat region or whatever.

Often the funding of that region is made up by the sales of the owners products or the rent income from other merchants that offer their items there.  There are few revenue streams available to people.

Please don't take this as an attempt to lay guilt, like most, I had no intention to spend money here when I joined but I do feel that it's worth a moment to explain how the places that you visit are often funded.  If everyone had the perception that it's "a free service", when those paying shrug and say "stuff it, why should I pay near $300 a month for freeloaders?" and close their region, then there would be no service at all.

Enjoy SL but be aware that others like yourself are paying for the "free" that is provided.  My personal feeling is that there is no need to pay the premium member fee, it gets you very little but buying say $10 to $20 worth of L$ would let you go on a fun shopping spree and buy some very nice things.

Bottom line, if you treat it as entertainment, you'd pay several $'s to go and see a movie or eat out.  What's the difference?

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Welcome to SL!

I don't know if any of the other ones said this, but you should look up NCI (New Citizens Inc). They have groups, instructors, sandboxes, provide classes covering just about evey aspect of SL. Do a search for NCI in the viewer, go to one of their places, talk to people there and join a group or two. Their group chat is often lively and will give you a lot of information. NCI Kuula is a place where you often find a few people.

Most importantly, though; Spend some time getting used to SL before doing anything you might regret. And HAVE FUN!!!!!

- Luc -

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It's OK to get your bearings and make do with free stuff until you figure out what you really want most in Second Life. If you can buy about five real dollars worth of LIndens here on the website you will be able to have some spending money, for shopping, uploads, tips, etc. But it isn't obligatory.

If you've been reading blogs you probably know about the freebie blogs. Those can be a good way to explore the grid, and get the newbie look off your avatar, if that matters to you. 

And if you can never get a job in Second Life or never afford to upload any money, then you will find a thank you IM or note card to sim owners whose sims you enjoy or appreciate goes a long way too.

And it doesn't cost a dime.

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PigwidgeonW wrote:

Hi there!

So I just started today and I've been doing some browsing on blogs to find out what I need to know.  One question I do have is if spending actual money will really make second life a lot more fun or whatever.  I mean, this is a free service, right?  Does buying the Linden Dollars really make that much of a difference??


Thank you so much!!

Hi PigwidgeonW!  (love your name hehe)  Welcome to SL and the Forums.  Oh to be new again.  Hippie thinks way back.  At first, I would say, no need for money.  Learn the ropes, make friends, chat.  Plenty of time later to buy L and get a home and the like.  A good place to get some free stuff is Help People Island.  Great free clothes and stuff.  Do a search on the SL website for Help People Island.  I hope this helps you, and once again, welcome!



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Welcome to the forum and SL!  I might be considered 'old' to you.  I have been a resident for over four years now.  My early experience was one of discovery and making mistakes, most of which were very funny in retrospect.  I did not purchase Lindens for a couple of weeks while I got my bearings and visited many places.  I made some simple clothes from the Textures folder in my Library and I edited my appearance over and over.

There are free services you should explore such as building classes at NCI (just search NCI) that will make your life a bit easier when you have to adjust prim clothing.  You may find that you enjoy building and wish to do more.

Every place you visit in SL is 'owned' by someone:  Linden Lab or a resident.  When you enter homes, unless they are for sale, you are entering a private home of a resident.  Treat private property as you would in RL and you should be fine.

While there are many shops offering freebie items, at some point you may wish to improve the quality of your appearance or find living space.  That is when you should buy Lindens.  Most places where you might find work will not hire someone who has rezzed less than 30 days ago and, even then, you probably need more than a newbie look to get that job.

Search groups to find those who have interests similar to yours.  That can be one way to meet others.

Above all, enjoy your SL!

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You do not have to spend RL money here but, at some point you most likely will not be happy looking and moving like a "freeebie" avatar.  This means you will want to upgrade your avie items, clothing, poses and such.  You may also decide you want a home or to rent/buy a cool piece of land.  Or to give a birthday gift to a friend.  And then there are the gadgets, gismos and toys. 

At this point you can then choose to fund with RL money or earn lindens via a inworld job to support your lifestyle.  You can find a help wanted section here in the forums and also postings via inworld Classifieds which you will find in Search.  As an alternative to a job, I have met people who support their SL lifestyle by entering contests that giveaway lindens.  You will find many of these listed in Search/Events.

Note on freebies, sometimes there are good items, frequently ok items, and many many horrid items...but hey they are FREE.  A better solution imo, are group gifts from some of the better crafters in SL.  These tend to be much higher quality; particuarly for skins, which are one of the most important items for your avatar.  Many of the higher-end groups charge to join; while the fees are modest it it will require spending some linden.

Just like RL you pretty much get what you pay for in SL

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Hey PigwidgeonW!!! Welcome to our world!

In the beginning, you really don't have to buy lindens. As a newb, you have some special priviledges, at least on some objects that are made for newbs. Do a search for Money Trees, or moneytree. These are trees with little dollar bills in them or fruit. If you click on them, they will give you free lindens, from the owner of the tree. Fruit is usually more lindens. Besides money trees for newbs, I also have a couple treasure chest on my sim that give away lindens if you find them and click them.

I'm well over 4 years old in SL now, and I opened my first store by teleporting from tree to tree. I earned more than enough to pay my rent on my store and have money for uploading my first animations.

@Luc - you stole my tag line! jk lol

Have fun!!!!

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PigwidgeonW wrote:

Hi there!

So I just started today and I've been doing some browsing on blogs to find out what I need to know.  One question I do have is if spending actual money will really make second life a lot more fun or whatever.  I mean, this is a free service, right?  Does buying the Linden Dollars really make that much of a difference??


Thank you so much!!

Welcome to Second Life and the forums!

Tons of great advice has already been given in the previous posts. Luc mentioned NCI, which I would also recommend.  Take a look inworld for freebies groups, such as Fabulously Free in SL. Join the group, enjoy the chat, and visit their HQ at Car Wash. It's a good starting point, although after a week or so you might find the sheer volume of chat and group notices is overwhelming, but you will certainly find that you can do a lot without spending any money at all.

Your question, "Does buying the Linden Dollars really make that much of a difference??"  I would have to say it really depends on how you choose to live your Second Life.  Some people seem not to be able to live without owning tons of land or changing their skin and shape on a regular basis, and are shopaholics, but it is much cheaper to be a shopaholic in SL than in RL,and just as satisfying.

I do know of people who have been in Second Life for four years without spending one single cent, and they have enjoyed their time enormously. 

Take your time, it is a big world to explore and to become familiar with.  I'm quite an oldbie now, but still learn something new every day, and the one thing that has remained consistent my whole time in Second Life, is that it's just wise never to rush into anything at all, least of all, parting with hard-earned real life money.  (I am somewhere in the middle, I pay a premium amount every month, have a small parcel of land to call "home", and I enjoy a bit of shopping too.)

Have fun! That's the main thing. And never bow to peer pressure or live beyond your means.

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PigwidgeonW wrote:

Wow you guys have been extremely helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question!! Hopefully I will get the hang of everything soon!

Seriously though, I'm sincerely grateful for all of the advice!

Tutorials on just about everything can be found on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/Secondlife#g/u  And of course ask any questions you have here on the forums.

Take your time, savour every moment, have a long and happy Second Life.


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