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Should Info Hubs & General Chat Be Removed from SL?


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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

If I were a noob and got sent to an adult area pretty much right off the bat, I'd never log in again. If I were a noob and my reason(s) for joining SL didn't have anything to do with sex. I mean, I'm not the only one.

Am I? 🤭

/me makes that "eh" hand wobble gesture that indicates "maaaaaaybe" :)


Edited by Seicher Rae
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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

(asking about the Green Lanterns)....Who or what is this?

The Green Lanterns are, depending on who you talk to, a reckless vigilante group who get their kicks out of "policing" Second Life...or a group of helpers dedicated to using Abuse Reports and other legal tools to help people who are being troubled by griefers.

I know several of the GLs and I have been present at some events where they have also...um, been present.  I tend to side with the second group.

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On 7/31/2020 at 12:13 PM, Pussycat Catnap said:

Oh sh** oh crap oh no this can't be.  That guy's name sounds familiar.  I really hope I'm wrong, but I think it might be the guy who a dozen years ago I said no to his IM "hey bb wanna ***********?"  He got real mad and said he was going to save up all his money to buy Second Life just to kick me out.  I never thought he'd really do it.

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Let's talk about the second issue:  Getting rid of Nearby Chat.  This is problematic for several reasons, the first of which is that it won't solve the problem of griefing.  Nearby Chat can be logged, and therefore AR'd.  Voice can not.  There's a reason folks who make YouTube videos of their griefing exploits try to get their victims to go to Voice:  It's not just for having sound for their videos;  It's to make it harder for someone to AR them.

Second, forcing folks to only have Voice for public chat would spoil the SL experience for the hearing impaired.

Third, with no Nearby Chat, people would get flooded with unsolicited IM's even more than they already do.  Also, if folks are only using IM's, you won't get others in the area to jump to your defense if you're griefed, because they won't even know that it is happening.

I'd also like to point out that if this is all from the fact that you find "racy" (your word) conversations offensive (because they are far from "evil" -- again, your word), and not from say hatespeech or actual griefing directed specifically at you, it all depends on the maturity level rating of the land you are on.  If the folks talking aren't violating TOS vis-a-vis the land rating, the responsibility is yours to go someplace else.  If they are violating TOS vis-a-vis the land rating, then it is STILL your responsibility:  File an AR, not a JIRA, then either block them so that you may enjoy your gameplay without having to deal with such people, or simply leave.

Please be aware that responses to AR's do not happen instantaneously.  You don't get a magic button to press that makes people go "poof".

Wait.  I take that back.  The block feature IS a button that, while it doesn't remove the offending party from the area, it immediately solves the problem of having to listen to them -- their WORDS go "poof".

As to your issues with Info Hubs, I'm not seeing the problem with them.  I used to own land adjacent to one, where it was rare that any of the AFK alts and such would ever move or speak.  It was rather annoying, as I'd hoped the proximity of a nearby Info Hub would drive traffic to my art museum.  No such luck.  Same deal any time I've gone to any other Info Hub, except on Zindra.  It's just people standing around like zombies.  Zindra, on the other hand...

Well.  Those are places where the convo is SUPPOSED to be racy.  Complaining about that is like walking into a real life strip club and being upset at all the nakie ladies.

Edited by Rabid Cheetah
me hate typos
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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: Info Hub Behavior has leveled up a few times (noticable positive improvement) with regard to user behavior. Until we all can realize that we all are kind smart people will we never have peace. Balance is good I live at an info hub several of them. With my new friends and people I consider family. 

I have to apologize for being so cruel at times. I was not in a good place. 

I recently listened to an interview with Gene Wilder (you know willy wonka, dr. frankenstein) He only made a hand full of films because he did not like where the industry was going with foul language in movies, he saw a problem. He was so funny and the people he worked with all loved him. He enjoyed writing books. I will read them all. He is a hero of mine along with Walt Disney. 

We are amazing people and may need help maybe with signage with best practices and behavior for socializing and within a this great virtual world.

Mr. Wilder did not like 3D and was another reason he moved away from films. I think he would love this place, people are so creative smart and funny reaching out for purpose. We will all find our purpose eventually. 

Edited by Paulsian
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When I started, I never used these hubs for help.

I would wander and just ask questions to those I met on how to do this or that. Those that I asked were kind enough to walk me through the steps. Never had anyone give me grief. Granted, SL does have a sharp learning curve and for the most part, newbies will have a difficult time learning some basics. If a newbie reads this post, I suggest they make friends and ask questions, inworld or here in the forum.

Sincere responses will go a long way in your travels across the grid. In time, you'll be able to help others.

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I liked infohubs. I think they got a bad rap. They were good to pose in after buying new neko gear! And people would IM you sometimes and you'd find out about new places. It's true there were people who screamed down the mic and pushed others and acted bananas, but you got that in sandboxes and some freebie malls too. 

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On 9/14/2020 at 7:03 AM, Gage Wirefly said:

Seems like most hubs are deserted these days, removing them would be redundant at this point, no?

agree they are historic i think they need direction to other historic official protected places with notecards with direct to educators. with few direction to resources. I got lucky and rant into someone who told me about the ivory tower near bay city. Natoma Region in Lots of talented people self learning and I have them to be very greatful for go pathcutting hollowing out and I forget the other for my favorite object the tarus can make perty jewelry or build castles, try out your ai army. I have some very awesome clients. 

Edited by Paulsian
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