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adopt me? .. no, really.


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hi all..

so ive been on SL for a year now.. I have maybe 7 people.. on my friend list, and only 1 I tend to talk to, ..


Ive had a bad day as well today, tried to help a friend move from a system av to a mesh av, got this person a bunch of good quality gifts, and was told my attempt was ugly and looked like a dogs arse..so.. Im kinda sitting here licking my wounds, and ive taken to the board to vent a little bit... and maybe this was the final push I needed to reach out to others..

Ive been feeling kinda lonely.., I have a nice meshed out bom (bomb) av, boathouse, I guess the last thing I thought I would even be doing is reaching out..

I am not the up and go personality.. so clubs or meeting lots of people is a no for me. I like one on one, or a small group.. maybe about 4 people would be nice.. I do enjoy looking around some of the editors picks in second life places, ..events are kinda boring to me, i dont like paying full price for stuff, I would much rather the saturday sales or access sale. 

and I admit, I have a habit of getting jealous when I read peoples profiles and see that they have family, sisters, brothers, muma, ect.. coz I think deep down I kinda want a family sorta thing.. I like the nurtured looked after feeling and having people around ..that.. want me around.. 

I enjoy beaches.. and I enjoy laying around doing nothing >_< .. but with some nice scenery. 


- shopping sales

- hanging on beaches

- skyboxes!

- lounging at home

- exploring some of second lifes editors picks


- furry/animal avies

- scifi/comic stuff

- laggy areas


other info:

28 rt

yes I do have discord

female rt


heres just a shot i took of me at home, coz I know some people want to see what the avie looks like





Edited by xBaeBeex
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We sound very similar. I do have a sister on Sl and we spend quite a bit of time together but she’s also a social butterfly where I’m not. She has met lots of people and I’m a little awkward when it comes to meeting people and keeping in touch. I am making more of an effort to reach out by venturing out on my own when she has a date or something with one of her friends. I would like to have some friends of my own.

I’m very reserved and like small groups too. I’ve also grown tired of the party scene. I’m 8 years old so I’ve done most of it. I’ve been looking for more engaging events to no avail... but I like finding cool places to hang and take pics. I’m not inworld at the moment but I would love to chat. Shoot me a message.


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I don't do the discord thing, but I would love to be your friend, I love to explore and shop and have Sl adventures. I also have full mesh avi though i havent yet figure out the BOM thing, which has resulted in me running around Sl without any tattoos for a few months. I keep meaning to figure it out but there is always something more fun to do. If you want to see my avi there are some pictures in the what do you look like today thread.

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Hi there! I'm 9 years old and have yet to make any real connection with friends. I was off for a couples years and now that I'm back on, everything has changed. I have no idea what the mesh is and struggling how to figure it out. But it's a good excuse to go shopping. I like small groups and kinda feel like the whole party scene is over rated. When I do go out to dance, the lag is atrocious and no one talks. I like exploring and decorating my home. Hanging out at the house, movies on the tv inworld, AO shopping and hair shopping, art galleries, driving and riding motorcycles. 



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ello everyone !

Violani, your av doesnt look too bad! .. hit me up in a message if you want to talk avs and getting meshed out.. im still burned at what a friend said to me after i helped her, so im a little cautious now helping others.. but you sound nice 

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Sounds like there's a bunch of us who feel similarly and are looking for the same thing! Friends we can hang out with at times, without pressure to be mega-social and stuff.

If it's ok with everyone I'm going to add you all and create a group maybe?

Interests: shopping, bargain hunting, events, quizzes, games, RP, discovering news sims, meeting new people, making new friends, learning new things.

I come on at irregular times depending on RL commitments, but usually grab an hour or two in the morning and/or evening.


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Been in SL for a while now, just over 13 years, i find myself alone most of the time. You will find me either working on clothes, tatts or redecorating my home. Over and over. Its one of the few things i truly enjoy doing. Buy a new house, pick up the old one and decorate.  Currently ts a castle, complete with a dungeon and caves. Feel free to shoot me an IM for a tour or just to chat. 

@Violani if you do get meshed up, hit my store for some freebies and drop me an IM for a free outfit. I'm always willing to help. 

@PixieGirrrrl I would be interested in joining that group as well. If you would be ok with that. 


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On 4/11/2020 at 10:32 PM, xBaeBeex said:


hi all..

so ive been on SL for a year now.. I have maybe 7 people.. on my friend list, and only 1 I tend to talk to, ..


Ive had a bad day as well today, tried to help a friend move from a system av to a mesh av, got this person a bunch of good quality gifts, and was told my attempt was ugly and looked like a dogs arse..so.. Im kinda sitting here licking my wounds, and ive taken to the board to vent a little bit... and maybe this was the final push I needed to reach out to others..

Ive been feeling kinda lonely.., I have a nice meshed out bom (bomb) av, boathouse, I guess the last thing I thought I would even be doing is reaching out..

I am not the up and go personality.. so clubs or meeting lots of people is a no for me. I like one on one, or a small group.. maybe about 4 people would be nice.. I do enjoy looking around some of the editors picks in second life places, ..events are kinda boring to me, i dont like paying full price for stuff, I would much rather the saturday sales or access sale. 

and I admit, I have a habit of getting jealous when I read peoples profiles and see that they have family, sisters, brothers, muma, ect.. coz I think deep down I kinda want a family sorta thing.. I like the nurtured looked after feeling and having people around ..that.. want me around.. 

I enjoy beaches.. and I enjoy laying around doing nothing >_< .. but with some nice scenery. 


- shopping sales

- hanging on beaches

- skyboxes!

- lounging at home

- exploring some of second lifes editors picks


- furry/animal avies

- scifi/comic stuff

- laggy areas


other info:

28 rt

yes I do have discord

female rt


heres just a shot i took of me at home, coz I know some people want to see what the avie looks like





I can't believe that your friend said that about your effort to help her :( I would be hurt too! 

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I can't believe that your friend said that about your effort to help her :( I would be hurt too! 

yeah hun, it felt like i got kicked in the guts.. so you know what I did? i made a spare account for myself, and everything i picked up for her, i also picked up for myself..and i have a nice looking alt account that I can appreciate, since i didn't get any from her. .. 

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3 hours ago, xBaeBeex said:

yeah hun, it felt like i got kicked in the guts.. so you know what I did? i made a spare account for myself, and everything i picked up for her, i also picked up for myself..and i have a nice looking alt account that I can appreciate, since i didn't get any from her. .. 

I think that says more about her than about you.

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On 4/18/2020 at 8:11 PM, xBaeBeex said:

yeah hun, it felt like i got kicked in the guts.. so you know what I did? i made a spare account for myself, and everything i picked up for her, i also picked up for myself..and i have a nice looking alt account that I can appreciate, since i didn't get any from her. .. 

I am glad you made the best of it.. still tho.. you deserve a hug! *hugs*

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On 4/18/2020 at 7:44 AM, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Been in SL for a while now, just over 13 years, i find myself alone most of the time. You will find me either working on clothes, tatts or redecorating my home. Over and over. Its one of the few things i truly enjoy doing. Buy a new house, pick up the old one and decorate.  Currently ts a castle, complete with a dungeon and caves. Feel free to shoot me an IM for a tour or just to chat. 

@Violani if you do get meshed up, hit my store for some freebies and drop me an IM for a free outfit. I'm always willing to help. 

@PixieGirrrrl I would be interested in joining that group as well. If you would be ok with that. 


don't forget you old friends though!


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