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Problems with the region Leera

Fiona Nova

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I quit my house at Bellisseria - Leera today. My parcel and theĀ region is not habitable since 2 days, you couldn't even change your outfit or use Huds (Maitreya, AOs) for example.

Too bad that my ticket remained unanswered!Ā šŸ˜ 

When I got a new LH it was the same as before. Only the house was no longer there, the parcel was empty. ;)

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Leera seems fine today.Ā  Statistics panel looks good, time dilation 1.00, physics and script times look fine.Ā  6 seconds spare time when I was there.

The statistics panel is our friend when trying to figure out whether to stay in a region.Ā  Well worth the time to learn your way around it.

Personally, I've never understood why Top Scripts and Top Colliders aren't available to everyone, at least on your own parcel.Ā  Maybe fewer people would leave their physics-enabled animals bumbling around their houses barking and mewing while they're not even inworld.Ā  Put those puppies to sleep, people, please!

Very nice coastline there, btw, elevated trads with stairs from coast road up to sidewalks.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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2 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

Personally, I've never understood why Top Scripts and Top Colliders aren't available to everyone, at least on your own parcel.Ā  Maybe fewer people would leave their physics-enabled animals bumbling around their houses barking and mewing while they're not even inworld.Ā  Put those puppies to sleep, people, please!

It's been my experience that when people find out their stuff is causing an issue they react with "you don't pay my sub" and "linden labs should fix this".

If you tell them it's not technically possible to fix, they just need to stop doing or using bad things; they just get madder and more blamey...

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