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This is my first post and first time using the forums. This subject is a little (or a lot) off of topic! But I couldn't find the appropiate place to put this so this was my closest guess.

Does anyone here like to communicate with your SL friends via something else rather than SL? Example; Facebook.

I think it is okay to add people from SL on Facebook, as long as you make another whole account for that purpose only; SL friends. So that way you can keep in touch when you're not playing and still discuss SL and just chat to make friends. So that way also, you can keep whatever information private you want, that you don't want people from SL or the internet anywhere, to know.

I made a new Facebook account yesterday. It's for my SL friends only. c: Feel free to add me, anyone who reads this.

(I also made a new email account too, for SL purposes only). My email is olivia.penelope@yahoo.com.

Here's a wee bit of info about me, just in case you consider adding me. I'm Sam, 18, pregnant with my baby girl Olivia, and I love talking to people from SL. lol c:

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Facebook accounts for virtually, non-real, fictive persons are forbidden by the Facebook terms of service...

Anyway: I'm not interested in private data striptease on Facebook to produce myself as an imporant person and show everyone how cool I am. Neither I'm interested in getting datamined by Zuckerberg and friends and get my data sold to whoever bids most - this also applies for my fictive SL life.

Facebook was crap, is crap and will ever be crap!

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Ahhh... To be young and trusting... it is a wonderful thing!

I, myself have not created an SL Facebook account just because I don't have a real need for it. I do have an active RL Facebook account that I use to communicate with old friends and family since I am living far away from home. Seeing active status updates from my family and friends kinda gives me the assurance that everything is 'OKAY' back home. 

Other than that, I have not much use for Facebook. I was at one point a Restaurant City addict, but I grew out of it. I got tired of playing Farmville because there were so many wandering cows and black pigs that came to my farm and none of my friends willing to admit it belongs to them!

Now, some people absolutely hate Facebook for a reason of their own (and I can assure you some of them will be replying to you soon). I don't.

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I understand what everyone is saying. I just enjoy talking to people because in RL most of my friends dropped me when they found out I was pregnant. Plus my doctor told me to stay in bed. So I'm on the internet a lot, and I thought it would just be nice to talk to people and have somewhat of a social life.

Anyone who doesn't like this post, that's fine, it's understandable. I just thought it might be kind of neat to have friends all over the world, I suppose. It's different.

Sorry if this post offends anyone. It wasn't intended for that at all.

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as noted, you may find a lot of hate being directed towards facebook, some of it legit, some not.

there's a good chance the people that like or tolerate it will contact you and you'll make some new friends, so don't take any negative response here in this forum personally. that said, you won't see me there, and I'll spare you having to listen to why =)

I will say that new avenue are hopefully opening up (I have one in development myself) that will allow greater interconnection to the web from SL, and while I hadn't considered it before, perhaps even completely outside of SL. (my own efforts are nothing as expansive as facebook though)

best of luck and congrats on the baby.

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Instead of opening a Facebok account, it would be easier for all of us if you simply published your personal and financial details in this forum. Please provide all relevant credit card information, including the name on the card and security PIN.

Addresses and phone numbers of everyone you have ever known would be appreciates as would your home address and the dates you intend to go on vacation. I realize this is an onerous task and, for that reason, you may prefer to publish your personal details in a single, central, global and easily accessible location such as Facebook, but it would be a courtesy to those of us reading your post to have first chance to know everything about your RL.

PS. If you have ever done anything in your life you consider embarrassing or could be misunderstood in such a way as to reflect badly on you, please underline and bold.

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I have been disappointed with facebook like forever & as it keeps "updating" and "improving".... well each time the use of it only gets more annoying :matte-motes-angry:

It's just this huge horribly designed website. why oh why did it ever get so big :matte-motes-crying:

It's terrible how facebook sells off all our data to companies & no proper privacy control still...

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SamSweetheart wrote:

Sorry if this post offends anyone. It wasn't intended for that at all.


It was not offensive at all.  It was just a question.  If the title were "Twitter" instead you may have gotten a different reaction.  I know there are several people who have been on Twitter for a couple of years and it has only grown in popularity over time.


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I failed to see which part of your post is offensive... people in this forums gets ticked off just by almost everything. Some only need to have one word (or more) as a 'trigger' and they'll snap. I'll give you some hints...

Second Life Viewer 2 (and onwards...)
Linden Labs (and anyone with the last name Linden)
Talking Tummy
Child Avatar
Forum Ranks

I think the list can go on... and I will say here that is is very mature and respectful of you to apologize even if there is nothing to apologize for.

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Willow Danube wrote:

Some only need to have one word (or more) as a 'trigger' and they'll snap. I'll give you some hints...


Linden Labs


Labs?  There is only one Lab.  The name is Linden Lab.  Singular there is no "S" now get it right!  There can be only one.


ummm .... sorry about that ....

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I use the Yahoo instant messenger to keep in touch with my SL friends. Unlike Facebook, Yahoo does not spy on me, it doesn't track my browsing habits, and it doesn't require me to sign up with my RL name. And even if I do, Yahoo won't share this information with every yahoo on the internet. Plus, Yahoo IM wasn't developed by some antisocial kid with the emotional range of a sea cucumber and the business ethics of a tapeworm.

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Willow Danube wrote:

Some only need to have one word (or more) as a 'trigger' and they'll snap. I'll give you some hints...


Linden Labs


Labs?  There is only one Lab.  The name is Linden Lab.  Singular there is no "S" now get it right!  There can be only one.


ummm .... sorry about that ....

Oh and I forgot the spell checkerer people... hahahaha...

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A mature and reasonable question; oh and a tip never apologize to the negative responses on these forums that's the nature of the beast. Read, pick and decide based on your mind.

Facebook I stay away from there as negative press is all over the net wrt it's practices, so for me it's a no go.

Since you seem to be bed ridden for now I think you might find Twitter an interesting place to meet people from SL. There is a very strong presences of in world people flinging all kinds of information about the grid back and forth. I have found that I can keep more current with SL through Twitter than on the grid itself. It is also a great way to meet and make friends that carries over to the SL world. Twitter is light weight easy to use (for some) and doesn't require the login process with SL.

Then there are the chat program like with Yahoo and Gmail.

My method is to tweet a friend and then to move to chat or log in to SL to meet them. It works for me.

What ever you decide try them all then pick what you prefer.

Welcome to the forums:)

@Willow you need to add twitter to your list, LOL



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That reminds me of a Facebook Teenager I met in Church. Afterward, I learned she was a Child Avi living in the Red Zone with a Vampire, a Fury and a Linden Moderator. Jesus, was I surprised! Yet while each of them had a different Religion (she being a devout Christian), they agreed that Forum Ranks were Wasted on a Newbie ESL'er who, having had too many prunes for lunch, was racking up points discussing her Talking Tummy in three different threads. I, on the other hand, was curious to know whether my friend was a Slave to Viewer 2, but the conversation switched to Merchants and whether money was really Breedable in Second Life.

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Deltalngo probably just made 1,000 enemies with that post!


People forget the biggest privacy setting that was invented since the spoken language came to be - sealed lips.

Sealed Lips is a program where if you don't want toe world to possibly know, don't say it to begin with.


Yeah it is funny with facebook, it seems people are finally figuring out that FB is bad news and now wanting their privacy back, So Mark Zuckerberg's plan kind of screwed up didn't it?


Also, isn't twitter kind of taking over as the flavor of the year for sheep to follow? I mean at one time it was AOL, the yahoo, and then myspace kindaasorta got big, then facebook, but now it seems twitter is the latest.

IN all these things, I don't spread my SL life over anything, SL is SL. My avatar does not need her own facebook. I spoil the little b**** rotten, but she is NOT getting a facebook, twitter, myspace, RSS feed, or whatever the latest sheep site is.

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