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SL Counseling


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I could say asking for a friend but no one would believe that.

Does anyone know of a counseling service in SL?  Marriage counseling preferred but depression issues too.  They kind of go hand in hand in my experience. I'm sure other people have asked this before.  

let me add, I know we can search for counseling services in world but I would like to know if anyone has had any good experiences with any of these places rather.  Otherwise it's like picking at random.


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I'm trying to talk her into seeing someone RL but anything would be better than doing nothing.  

I did see a place that says they have RL certs.  Mostly what I want is to be sure she sees someone that is not role playing and get her comfortable enough to seek RL help.

I have been to couples counseling before.  It is actually enjoyable once you get started.  She is so depressed, closed off and angry it is hard for her to do anything :(


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a issue with counselling in SL (and others places online) is that often people touting their services have as their qualification, an attendance certificate for a 2-day Trauma Therapy seminar run by some 2 dollar shop. (which is the buzz these days - Trauma Therapist). Also often these people attended the seminar because they too have issues that they are working thru themselves. And they believe they can help you because they know how you feel

should you find an actual clinical professional in SL, then that clinician will immediately do whatever is necessary to put you in contact with an actual RL clinician where you live in RL 

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3 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

should you find an actual clinical professional in SL, then that clinician will immediately do whatever is necessary to put you in contact with an actual RL clinician where you live in RL

That's the goal right there.

I pointed in the direction she needs to go.  The rest is up to her now.

I know better than to get involved in other people's drama and I know you can't help everyone but sometimes I still gotta try.

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Mollymews is quite correct, but that doesn't tell the whole story.

"Counselors" in Second Life are roleplaying.  There are no exceptions to this statement!  That does not mean that all counselors are fake, though.  They may be:

  • Complete fakes, just pretending to be a counselor/therapist/psychiatrist.  Many of these may cause harm.
    • They may be sincere, but they don't know what they are doing
    • They may intentionally cause harm.  Making confidences public, for example, or giving advice that they know, or hope, will cause even more distress.
  • Someone who has tried, and failed, to be a professional counselor in RL.  These may have partial training or credentials
  • People who DO have Real Life credentials.  If they are honest, they will do as Molly said, and get you in touch with a RL professional.  But some may try to treat you via SL.  This is both unwise and unethical.

From the counselor's point of view, the situation is almost as bad.

  • The client may be roleplaying.  A lot of people in SL pretend to be mentally or emotionally disturbed in order to garner attention and sympathy, or for the perverse joy of causing others concern and distress.
  • Even if the client has a real issue, they can lie about it much easier in SL.
  • Communication barriers imposed by lack of body language and intonation make diagnosis and treatment very difficult.

This is why all forms of emotional turmoil on the internet are lumped together by most of us as "Drama"...and avoided.

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51 minutes ago, ValorWhit said:

Does anyone know of a counseling service in SL?  Marriage counseling preferred but depression issues too.

Happened yesterday, that one of my workmates told me in tears about her failed marriage and other issues, not even trying to hide the bruises on her arm.
I gave her the number and email address of a professional association who deals with these things and offered her my couch in my living room, should she ever need it.
Never would send her into a "game" to get help.

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Don't go there. No legitimate, competent counsellor would do this in SL. They'd guide you to a proper RL service and that's it. Best you can do is do some web research for legitimate services in the relevant RL area, if it's face to face you want. If not, there are web-based services if you prefer to communicate by writing. But don't look for an SL av to give you SL guidance on your RL trauma/mental health/relationship issues. 

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10 hours ago, ValorWhit said:

That's the goal right there.

I pointed in the direction she needs to go.  The rest is up to her now.

I know better than to get involved in other people's drama and I know you can't help everyone but sometimes I still gotta try.

is good that you want to help.  And I think the best we can do is just keep encouraging people to obtain RL professional help

what can make it hard for us sometimes is that the person (even after we tell them to seek professional help) wants to continue treating us as if we are their clinician/counsellor/therapist because we are their friend. We have to dissuade them from this, by telling them straight up: Do not expect me to have an answer or even a response for what ails you, talk to the clinician about these things. And then change the topic of the conversation

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Professional as they are trained to handle the scenario or situation properly.  In sl we can't really tell whether they are qualified or not.  It is better to seek help in rl other alternatives will be sharing with some sl friends, rant about it.  If he/she needs that, SL people are not going to bring the problem to rl.  It provide an outlet for u to release stress.  If that works for her.

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So, My husband and i met on SL. Both had bad previous marriages. We are both very chill and empathic people. He has always been the "counselor" in the kitchen, and me before i became disabled i had been in the medical field for 15 years. With a personality, personal experience and passion towards psychology. I am not saying we are professionals by any means, but we are a couple of peeps that are open to talking and helping in any friendly way. I (we) know some great coping and communication skills. 

Just reaching out as a someone who understands, best of luck on your search and if you ever want to talk just give me a IM. 

~ Fire 

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I mean, if you wanna trust friends or family on SL for issues with venting and advice, that's completely fine.
I would not recommend going to a "therapy service" on SL unless they could have credentials from IRL?
Anyways, here's a few resources that are provided online - Dr. on Demand & BetterHelp. Check those out!

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society  at times has put the scarlet letter on the word mental why i refer to it as   emotional help ,,,, .Depending on the age of the person and gender there are so many things in play,,,,  chemicals in the body that changes minute to minute  and if female not just pms but dealing with PRE Menopause  ,, the hormones can be a blessing or a not nice friend at times . Also early  stages of  physical disease at time can present with bouts of depression  and they are finding that true with a lot of cancers and inflamitory diseases. SO go to a GOOD dr  who will listen run test to make sure phyically ok   it could be as simple a thyroid getting out of wack ,,,,  and medication for the most part is to help the seriton levels ,,, and diet play and important part in health on evey level . Prayes hugs and positive thoughs for this to be a sucessful journey for your friend  hugs ....

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