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Too many complaints!


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9 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Don't make me fetch the riding cr-- Right, never mind.


Oops my mistake, I thought that's what you meant with Typefaces...

I did proper research now and understand what a Typeface really is!


Edited by Zeta Vandyke
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a) Yes I´m still alive^^

c) btt:
I have literally NO patience for people recently , none, nada, niente, aber mal sowas von GARKEINE,  none left^^ so the following points annoy me:
- reading more than 3 posts about one topic anywhere within one scroll (FB has been harsh on my nerves recently xD)
- people post before they read (there are 5 posts on exactly the same "problem"  just right infront of your eyes... kicking your pupils with their tiny thread-thread-feet)
- they´re the only ones with that problem (nope you´re not!)
'->  you are to swallow each and every rant and complaint or you´re the itch with the B or worse...
- Patience must be a song (it actually is) and/or a dish that tastes super bitter....
- nobody´s ever content with anything anymore and on top of that everything must be for free and they personally have to profit from it - preferably financially
- whenever there´s news there´s a huge panic and drama over nothing
- random people say things and are taken for granted and as the to go for source instead of doing research and only trusting the very original post by the people releasing the "problem of the minute" (recently: LL with Tilia)
- they´re perfect and never make mistakes - everyone who has flaws will be torn into the swamps!!!!
- if you try to make friends either here or on FB they all want to receive IMs instantly, you to write them, nobody ever decides to either write you or join activities (as the breakfast which I link in so many posts ) or group chats... it´s a real pain...
- what´s everybody´s passion with effin Photoshop and picture editing? GAH XD pics are only considered good if they are photoshopped and edited till we all throw up - and then some more XD HELL NO!!! Windlights, angles, quality items, compositions of sceneries, projectors, emitters - that´s GOTTA be enough ^^ To put in text and little signs for vendors - ok, fair enough, but other than that leave  the picture alone^^

... I think that´s it for now XD laters and stuffs^^

Edited by Akasha Sternberg
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1 hour ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

nobody ever decides [...] join activities (as the breakfast which I link in so many posts )

Holding an event at 9am SLT is too early for a Sunday. 

All too often people forget that some of us actually do live in the same time zone as SLT. Not saying that you have, just that some don't stop to think about that.

I thought about suggesting moving it up to 10am but then it would be more of a brunch than a breakfast.

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1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Holding an event at 9am SLT is too early for a Sunday. 

All too often people forget that some of us actually do live in the same time zone as SLT. Not saying that you have, just that some don't stop to think about that.

I thought about suggesting moving it up to 10am but then it would be more of a brunch than a breakfast.

that wouldn´t help those "who never see anyone cos it´s all on SLT" - 10 am would be 7pm for me... there are enough events at SLT  :P Moving it - well you´re the first one I´ve read that´s asking for that^^ Plus there´s early birds and all that :P

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8 minutes ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

that wouldn´t help those "who never see anyone cos it´s all on SLT" - 10 am would be 7pm for me... there are enough events at SLT  :P Moving it - well you´re the first one I´ve read that´s asking for that^^ Plus there´s early birds and all that :P

I don't ever see anyone because everyone else isn't on SLT and I am:(

I only thought the grass was greener on the SLT side when I moved from CST.

I wasn't asking though. I thought about suggesting but knew the answer would be no, as it always is. No matter. I'll just go back to not going to events because they're always held at times that are not good for me. *shrugs* It's kind of pathetic really since I came to SL so I wouldn't be alone so much and I end up being alone all the time in SL. The sad thing is, I'm the only one that cares.

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The timezone thing for Europe means that most things kick off in the evening, when I just can't be in world. Breakfast Club is 4pm here so I can do that, but I otherwise struggle to hook up in world with forum people.
I missed the Alt party and other recent gatherings for this reason.
Just how it is......
Edited by BelindaN
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2 hours ago, BelindaN said:
The timezone thing for Europe means that most things kick off in the evening, when I just can't be in world. Breakfast Club is 4pm here so I can do that, but I otherwise struggle to hook up in world with forum people.
I missed the Alt party and other recent gatherings for this reason.
Just how it is......

   Not sure what happened there with that tiny font and dark text (which makes it very hard to read with dark mode on the forum!) - but yeah, I'm in the same boat. Breakfast I can attend (although by that time of day I've usually already made myself busy one way or another), most other things happens a few hours before I'm supposed to get up in the morning.

   We should totally try to put more European-timed stuff on the schedule! Just need to find someone to plan it and all that... ... Looks around for @Zeta Vandyke with a vague grin.

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5 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Not sure what happened there with that tiny font and dark text (which makes it very hard to read with dark mode on the forum!) - but yeah, I'm in the same boat. Breakfast I can attend (although by that time of day I've usually already made myself busy one way or another), most other things happens a few hours before I'm supposed to get up in the morning.

   We should totally try to put more European-timed stuff on the schedule! Just need to find someone to plan it and all that... ... Looks around for @Zeta Vandyke with a vague grin.

Yeah no, not me. I'm way to chaotic. That would be breakfast at complete random times, and probably spent in a coffeeshop 😛

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1 hour ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

Yeah no, not me. I'm way to chaotic. That would be breakfast at complete random times, and probably spent in a coffeeshop 😛

Planned events never seem to work for me either. "When I'm in the mood" o'clock is hard to nail down. 

The only things i can successfully attend are like SL16B - 24/7 exhibits and activities. Just have year long events like that and I'm good! 

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Lately I've seen maybe two thread/topics that were positive in nature and dozens of complaints. That doesn't include the hundreds of complaints posted separately in other threads. That means people are actually more driven to complain than share anything good; they want to whine and feel entitled to it. They need acknowledgement of pain, either real slights or imagined, past or present, and they need for them to be rectified. Immediately. Individually. Immeasurably. Just don't ignore them or more complaining ensues. 😑

I refer to psychology and the popular belief that as a species we are hardwired to focus on, and remember, negativity more than we are positive. Watch the NEWS headlines sometimes; the good news stories are relegated to later pages since shock and misery and sensationalism sells and grabs our attention.

People need to be right. Or to be noticed or recognised. Or to have the last word. Or to be praised above someone else, or be praised or acknowledged just for joining in. Or be given or paid what they feel they are owed. Everyone's entitled to something nowadays. There is no self-sacrifice anymore. No empathy or compassion; no considering others' feelings above your own, or putting yourself in anothers' shoes without any benefit to yourself, no doing good for the sake of doing good (or saying good in this instance) without prompting. There has to be a reward or incentive at the end. Some people still do these things, but they're no longer common traits or held in high regard. As a society, as a species we'd rather just win. Regardless the argument. Regardless the cost.

This erosion of core values and sense of community in the real world and the virtual one is just one more thing to complain about... which if you read this far you'll find I just did, naturally. 😒

Edited by RaeLeeH
Forgot a word. Blame old age and senility.
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