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I guess I'll just wait...


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Over the past 3 days I have been clicking to refresh the page to no avail. 3 times it came up with a houseboat available and 3 times I clicked it only to get the message that some combination was wrong or something, then it was no longer available. I have no idea what the message was trying to tell me, i assumed that by the time I clicked to accept it, someone else had beat me to it. For the past 24 hours when pressing refresh, no houseboats or new houses.. 

I feel so stupid, I dont even see the point in what im doing.. I guess its like I feel like Im paying for something but not getting it.. Ill just wait, its not really a big deal, maybe once all the newness wears off in a few months there will be places available, i dont know.. but for now, its not worth it clicking refresh time and time again like some idiot. 

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15 minutes ago, Cahtias said:

 but for now, its not worth it clicking refresh time and time again like some idiot. 

it never been worth, it's a stupid tip somebody gave and some, to many, people took it serious.
If you see the average of 2 or at most 3 people A DAY got a available home, you would know your chances. Your luck by clicking once a day would be of the same chance on getting one. (= < 0%)

Edited by Fox Wijaya
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Hi - I was one of you for a month until this last release then I lucked out and got a houseboat, do not feel its for nothing. You will get a house or a houseboat eventually. I quote what Patch Linden said after this last release

" We know they will go very quickly, but as time goes on we will get more out, and hopefully faster.
Our next focus will be to bring more Traditional Homes plus more Houseboats in another smaller launch while working in parallel to a larger launch and an exciting new theme. 
As usual, stay tuned here for more updates! "

also here is the link ot his update post


while you wait, spend time in Bellisseria, explore the neighborhods and get to know the residents, come visit me if you like. IM me in world Mira Fleming (Quiet Mirabella )

I know it is seems suckie..but you will get your home in the end ❤️

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I got premium, after years of not finding it worthwhile, just to join the new community & have a great houseboat.  Well, I'm one of the waiters, so be it.  But I don't feel cheated, I think the premium sub is worth it now, I do see the extra 300L weekly &  we do get access to special areas (gotta check that out).  Living on the mainland now, & I have lots of fun landscaping & decorations, but I'm surrounded by banlines so can't roam, & a neighbor has a sky platform right over her house!  So even if the Bellissaria plot I eventually get is smaller, it'll be so much more comfortable.  

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4 hours ago, Quiet Mirabella said:

Hi - I was one of you for a month until this last release then I lucked out and got a houseboat, do not feel its for nothing. You will get a house or a houseboat eventually.

Glad you were able to get a houseboat this time around!  

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What worry me is that, when the "new theme" area of homes comes out, all the old people gonna see it as shiny and try to take that too. We needs some sort of waiting list or the usual suspects just gonna keep taking all the homes over and over.

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6 minutes ago, Chronometria said:

What worry me is that, when the "new theme" area of homes comes out, all the old people gonna see it as shiny and try to take that too. We needs some sort of waiting list or the usual suspects just gonna keep taking all the homes over and over.

Not worry they won't! Even if one has (payd for!!) three or four premium alts they can hold as many houses or boats or whatsoever. If you want a new one you have to abandon one you have. Only with alts you abandon the least attractive - and keep one or two others.

It is like climbing a ladder - you let go with ONE hand to reach higher - held by the other hand and two feet. ;)



Edited by Leora Jacobus
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9 minutes ago, Chronometria said:

What worry me is that, when the "new theme" area of homes comes out, all the old people gonna see it as shiny and try to take that too. We needs some sort of waiting list or the usual suspects just gonna keep taking all the homes over and over.

I've been saying the exact same thing about the need for a waiting list... I realize the idea to some folks about waiting is somehow repulsive but hell waiting lines work at amusement parks... what if instead at the local popular theme park at the ride everyone wanted to be on if they just had everyone standing around in a big cluster and every time an available car came in they got on a bullhorn and shouted "AVAILABLE CAR JUMP IN" 

Just even thinking about that is ridiculous the chaos of people jumping over each other to try to get on board... As its rolling away people on the car saying oh dont worry there will be another car and you will get a turn... except you dont... some of the very same people get off the car and join the crowd again to get on another car...

This is why amusement parks have those long twisty lines... you know you will eventually get to the front of the line, you wont have to compete or fight to get a seat and you might just make some friends in the line while you wait...

I am PRO-waiting list

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I don't see why people want a waiting list, aside from it being different from what's done now.

If they open a waiting list, it's first come first served to get on the list. That should be enough right there to make it not worth considering.  But wait, there's more...

Maybe you are slow to get on the list, and your position on the list puts you at about a 6 month wait. You are locked in to that.  Who is to say that an hour from now you would not hit refresh and be offered a home? Well, with a waiting list - that could not happen.

When new homes are released, they go to the people at the top of the list. How long do they have to claim them?  An hour? A day? A month? How long does that house sit waiting to be accepted? Meanwhile, everybody waits...

What if you want to change homes? You probably can't join the waiting list while you still own a home, so you have to abandon, and wait... You can eventually come back, when your name comes up again.

There is no logic or reason that can justify a waiting list as a solution to any perceived problem with the allocation of houses because all it does is shift the "issue" so instead of the problem happening at release, it happens at sign-up time.  The only possible benefit might be that all those houses sitting there waiting to be claimed or declined will be empty, so they will create less lag.

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6 hours ago, Chronometria said:

What worry me is that, when the "new theme" area of homes comes out, all the old people gonna see it as shiny and try to take that too. We needs some sort of waiting list or the usual suspects just gonna keep taking all the homes over and over.


That is honestly not my worry (after all, ppl got excellent homes/houseboats right now; they're unlikely to give those up en masse for next shiny). Besides, should they be 'taking all the homes over and over,' then this invariably means they're abandoning their old homes. :) The universe has a rewarding way of balancing itself out that way.

MY worry, though, is that, indeed, as announced, they will make a (much?) smaller houseboat batch for the next round (as if there were even enough, this time *pout*). A girl can always hope, of course, but that will likely mean my chances of getting a houseboat got even slimmer. But, as a fave space Captain of mine once said, "I've never known hope when it wasn't on a diet." LOL. So, I'll take 'slim', and will just keep hoping for the best.

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