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Warm wishes to frozen SL users

Bree Giffen

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My basement carbon monoxide detector went off at 2AM (-22F at the time) because the exhaust flue for my water heater had frozen, causing cold air to pour down the chimney into the water heater, which had frost on top of it. When working correctly, exhaust gases from the water heater flow up and out the chimney. I turned off the gas and went back to bed. After breakfast, I jammed an old blow dryer into the exhaust vent and let it warm the chimney for a couple hours. Things are working now, but they'll freeze up again when I stop using hot water and the heater takes a rest. So I'll turn off the gas before bed and repeat the process again tomorrow. This is a minor annoyance compared to what some people are going through. It's at times like this that I truly appreciate having a warm safe place to live.

I did go out for a walk in the woods, because that's what Wisconsinites do in weather like this. The crunch of snow sounds different at these temperatures and distant sounds carry much further than usual because there's a temperature inversion reflecting them back towards the ground. The moment I stepped into my garage, I could hear things were different.

I didn't even bother getting out my cross country skies, it's too cold to make the slippery layer of water as the skis compress the snow. I just enjoyed the crunch of the snow under my boots as I walked out to get the mail and then down to the lake to see what bizarre ice formations had formed overnight.

Thanks for the warm wishes, Bree. I too extend them to anyone enduring this cold snap.

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I'm In the south and they are saying it might get down to 5 degrees tonight..

That's still nothing to me since I still know what windy city cold feels like..The people down here are getting anti exposure gear on.. Heck if it gets close to 50 degrees everyone breaks out their insulated Carharts.. hehehehe

50 is t-shirt weather to me..

I miss the crunchy snow or the snow you could walk on top of..We need a good 3 ft of snow to hit down here at one time,then a really good cold to come in so it doesn't melt before 9:00 AM



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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It was -26 when I got up this morning, but it clawed its way up to -14 by mid-afternoon.  Now that the sun has gone back down again, it's -18, headed for what they say will be -30 tonight.  With wind chill, they said last night felt like -50.  In this part of the world, people who really gripe about winter usually head south when they retire.  The rest of us treat this as a clothing challenge. It's not the season to be a fashionista. I have on four layers, except on my feet, where I have two pairs of heavy socks and my insulated boots when I go outside.  I'm not toasty when I go out to walk around, but I'm not truly cold either.  It's just a pretty winter day -- crunchy too, as Maddy says.  I don't have her water heater issue, thank goodness, so I will just pull the down comforter under my chin tonight and sleep well.

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Speaking of comforters or covers..I love when it gets to the point that I can put the fleece blankets on the bed..they feel so comfy and cuddly and cozy..

It's really hard to get out of bed when those are out.. they are like zillions of tiny little fingers giving a warm body massage..hehehehe

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2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

It was -26 when I got up this morning, but it clawed its way up to -14 by mid-afternoon.  Now that the sun has gone back down again, it's -18, headed for what they say will be -30 tonight.  With wind chill, they said last night felt like -50.  In this part of the world, people who really gripe about winter usually head south when they retire.  The rest of us treat this as a clothing challenge. It's not the season to be a fashionista. I have on four layers, except on my feet, where I have two pairs of heavy socks and my insulated boots when I go outside.  I'm not toasty when I go out to walk around, but I'm not truly cold either.  It's just a pretty winter day -- crunchy too, as Maddy says.  I don't have her water heater issue, thank goodness, so I will just pull the down comforter under my chin tonight and sleep well.

It's funny you should mention fashion. I just watched the evening news, featuring a 'live' report from earlier this afternoon out of Washington DC. Now, it's only forecast to be -2 F in DC tonight which is not even a patch on you guys in the Upper Midwest, but still. ANYTHING below freezing is cold. The guy was wearing a partially unbuttoned lightweight coat over a shirt and tie, no gloves, no hat! I'm sorry but that's just not how it's done. I did spend my one winter in the Twin Cities and I know how you folks dress when it's cold.

I can only assume they had one of those giant outdoor heaters like you see along the sidelines in football games sitting next to the camera (which might explain why there was no snow on the street behind him). I mean, they wouldn't shoot it indoors and dub the street scene in as a backdrop. Would they?


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It really is a clothing challenge more than anything else.  I always look forward to winter because I love wearing bulky sweaters and turtlenecks.  If I'm dressed properly, I don't care what temperature it is outside. (Well, OK, -30 is overdoing it a little.)   As Maddy said somewhere else in this thread, though, I get really uncomfortable in August, because I'm faced with an impossible clothing challenge.  Even if I could run around outside buck naked, I'd still be uncomfortable.  All I can do is stay indoors and whimper.  I would be miserable in Southern California.

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2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

It really is a clothing challenge more than anything else.  I always look forward to winter because I love wearing bulky sweaters and turtlenecks.  If I'm dressed properly, I don't care what temperature it is outside. (Well, OK, -30 is overdoing it a little.)   As Maddy said somewhere else in this thread, though, I get really uncomfortable in August, because I'm faced with an impossible clothing challenge.  Even if I could run around outside buck naked, I'd still be uncomfortable.  All I can do is stay indoors and whimper.  I would be miserable in Southern California.

Maybe not, depending. Anywhere west of the Coast Ranges is considered nice weather by most people. If you get into the Central Valley it's hotter than blazes and fairly humid with it, but anyplace within reach of the coast is fine. I've linked a comparison between Madison, WI and Los Angeles (which is by no means the best weather to be had along the coast).


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Yes, I take that back, partly. I spent a rather nice summer in Pasadena in my teens.  I remember it as quite bearable.  I have also spend summer months in the Bay area, which is far from being hot.  And yes, I have spent s few ghastly days in the Central Valley.  Still, it's hard to beat an August day in the north woods here in the upper midwest (well, except for the mosquitos).

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16 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Yes, I take that back, partly. I spent a rather nice summer in Pasadena in my teens.  I remember it as quite bearable.  I have also spend summer months in the Bay area, which is far from being hot.  And yes, I have spent s few ghastly days in the Central Valley.  Still, it's hard to beat an August day in the north woods here in the upper midwest (well, except for the mosquitos).

I spent my first ten years (as opposed to my teen years) in Pasadena. Our branch of the family moved north after that, and the trend continues.

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19 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

As Maddy said somewhere else in this thread, though, I get really uncomfortable in August, because I'm faced with an impossible clothing challenge.

It is impossible. I have vitiligo and I've had two melanomas removed. So, I try to keep the sun off my skin as much as possible. I don't step out of the house without a big, floppy hat, and I always wear long sleeves. When the thermometer climbs into the 80s, I must either wade into the lake, or hide indoors. Even the Miata doesn't offer relief until nearly sundown. Yet, I've taken the Miata out with the top down in temperatures as low as zero, and found it quite comfy.

Dressing for winter isn't a challenge, it's fun.

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On 1/30/2019 at 9:04 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

Below zero is only really bad when there is a wind  really..

We had one year where we hit like -5 here..  I was like,this doesn't even feel like a real -5 you get up in chicago..

Wind is what really makes it bad,for me anyways..

This is true. I live in the upper midwest and during the polar vortex we had windchills close to -70, it was no fun but we survived. It can be -10 degrees with sunshine and no wind and it doesn't feel bad at all. I will take a nice, calm -10 degree day over a 10 above zero day with wind anyday. 

Edited by MMB Jameson
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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

That's too hot for good snow.  At 32, you'll get that wet, heavy stuff.  We got 5 inches of neat, powdery snow at -5 last week.

Tell that to the Coast Range and the Cascades. xD

I live right next to the Coast Range on the east side of it. In Oregon. ;)

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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