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Take a word leave a word (game)


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11 hours ago, CheriColette said:

And you didnt have to play the video to see that. 


Precisely.  There are reasons many don't play videos (ummm, like in a working office?) Therefor is it disingenuous and *lazy* that the poster could be so botthered as to type the two words they intend immediately above the video. So I stand my by statement and will continue to practice it.

Edited by Alyona Su
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Regarding my purported laziness, I understand that YouTube videos are sometimes blocked from playing outside my location, but the title of the song should still be visible. Have any of you found one of my links to be missing the intended two words?

ETA: I found an unplayable video in the "Listening" thread, but it still showed the song title before I attempted to play it. I've presumed this was standard behavior, but if some of my links don't play the song AND don't display the title, I'll have to change my ways.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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On 5/2/2019 at 7:20 AM, Alyona Su said:

London Bridge

PROTIP to all you lazy YouTube embedders: not everyone can or will play your video - so I go with what I can SEE since you're just too lazy to actually type it up. If I don;t see anything then I'll presume it's a free-for-all.

PROTIP: It's redundant to write the obvious response. No one is expected to play these videos. As a matter of fact, I have listened to a few of the resulting videos, so please, don't be talking for everyone. They are there for simple fun and continuation of the chain, nothing more.

If you have to leave your sense of humor at the office clock, then I suggest you find a better environment to fund your level of living.

With that said...


Edited by Jerilynn Lemon
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